Sorry :(

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This isn't an update and I'm really sorry. Some stuff has been going on in my life and that's why I have been writing and updating so much because I have been trying to hard to occupy myself but I have been told I can't keep mugging it off I need to deal with my issues and personal problem so I might not be updating for a couple of days which might not seem to bad to some but for some reason it breaks my heart and makes me feel like I'm letting some of you guys down. Please be patient with me. I will update I soon I promise. I have a camping trip this wednesday and I hope to be able to update before then but if not....well I guess I'm apologizing in advance. And also because I can't sleep I am putting my mind to rest from writing and attempting to make a trailer for my story and I hope that's okay with you guys it probably won't be very good....I mean I might not ever upload it but any I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I love you all more than you know xoxoxoxoxoxox

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