TDS Oneshots - Love in the Air

By Italais

31.5K 352 1.5K

Hello! ๐Ÿ˜ Shipping book ๐Ÿ˜ณ Welcome to my silly oneshot book full of ships, nsfw, and plenty of love! I gladl... More

โœจWelcome Reader! Requests & Feedback here โœจ
๐ŸŒ™ Lunar Servant x Solar Servant โ˜€๏ธ
๐ŸŒ™ Lunar Servant x Solar Servant โ˜€๏ธ -Part 2
๐Ÿ”ง Engineer x Accelerator โšก๏ธ
๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿš” Titan Discord got Leaked ๐Ÿš”๐Ÿšจ
[NSFW] ๐Ÿ”ž Penumbras x Umbra ๐Ÿ”ž
๐ŸŽƒ Lord Sinister x Frost Spirit โ„๏ธ
๐Ÿ—ก๐ŸŒŸ Gold Titans Grand Return ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ—ก
[Request] ๐ŸŒ™ Penumbras x Frost Spirit โ„๏ธ
โœ๏ธ โœจ Writing Tips โœจ โœ๏ธ
โ˜€๏ธ Umbra Turns into a Child โ˜€๏ธ
๐Ÿ’ซ ๐Ÿ”ž NSFW Chapter Sneek Peaks ๐Ÿ”ž ๐Ÿ’ซ
[NSFW] ๐Ÿ”ž Solar x Lunar Servant ๐Ÿ”ž
[Request] ๐Ÿ‘‘ Fallen King x Void Reaver ๐Ÿ’œ
[NSFW] ๐Ÿ”ž โ„๏ธ Frost Spirit x Penumbras ๐Ÿ”ž ๐ŸŒ™
[April Fools] ๐Ÿ”ž ๐Ÿฅต Solar Eclipse Orgy ๐Ÿ”ž ๐Ÿฅต
๐Ÿ”ฅ โ‡๏ธ Raider Boss' Grand Return โ‡๏ธ ๐Ÿ”ฅ
โœ๏ธ โœจ How To Write Fights โœ๏ธ โœจ
๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ‘‘ Umbra x Penumbras ๐ŸŒ™ ๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿช„ Void Caster x Narrator ๐Ÿ“š
๐Ÿงน (Maid!) Penumbras x (Sick!) Umbra ๐ŸŒค๏ธ
๐Ÿ™ i need your help please (writers block) ๐Ÿ˜”
[Spicy] ๐ŸŒ™ Penumbras x Lunar Servant ๐Ÿฉต
โš”๏ธ Little Warriors Lullaby ๐ŸŽต (Gladiator & Swordmaster)
๐ŸŽƒ Jaxe x Swamp Monster ๐Ÿ„
๐Ÿฅณ 10k Reads?! HOLY SHIT๐ŸŽ‰
A\N: I have returned bitches! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
๐Ÿ‘‘ ๐ต๐‘’๐“‰๐“‡๐’ถ๐“Ž๐’ถ๐“ || (Fem!) Fallen Queen x (Tower!) Reader โšœ๏ธ
๐Ÿ–ค Fallen Queen x Reader HCs! ๐Ÿซถ
๐Ÿค Ducky Rebellion || Commander & Scout ๐Ÿช–
๐Ÿ”ฎ Void Caster x Narrator (Lunar Overture) ๐ŸŽญ
[NSFW] ๐Ÿ”ž Umbra x Frost Spirit x Penumbras ๐Ÿ”ž (20k Special)
๐ŸŽ„ Elf Rebellion ๐Ÿ’ฃ
๐Ÿ–ฒ๏ธ TDS Groupchat: Boss Edition ๐Ÿ›œ
โœจ Indomitable Tower Spirit || Umbra x (Tower!) Reader ๐ŸŒž

๐Ÿ’• Valentines Special ๐Ÿ’•

891 9 32
By Italais

Welcome to the Valentines Special! 13 Ships were cut from the story, scroll to the bottom to see the list of cancelled ships.

Valentine's Day is a wonderful day to some, dreadful to others. Let's begin, shall we?


🌘 Eclipse Commander x Eclipse Scout 🌒
- Orginal

Eclipse Commander shuffled her stack of Paper and continued filing out boring old paperwork. She knew Commander was a Hardass but Jesus Christ, This was probably two weeks worth of work stacked into one!

She rubbed her Temples really hard. Her eyes hurt like shit from working for the past...wait what time was it anyway?

She looked to the clock "5:39". She's been working for the past 6 fucking hours. She gave up. She put her head on her desk and covered her head with her cap.

She didn't notice the Doorknob in her office turning. The door opened and someone walked in. Eclipse Commander jumped up and grabbed her Mauser C96, pointing it at the intruder.

"Woah Commander! Calm down, it's me Scout!" The intruder shouted, jumping back

The "intruder" was Eclipse Scout who had a pink box decorated with hearts in his hand. He had his Sleezy Hat with beautiful purple suit.

Eclipse Commander realized her mistake and put her gun back down on her desk. "Sorry Kid, but learn to knock next time."

"Com, you alright? You're never this jumpy. Did something happen?" Eclipse Scout looked concerned

"Sorry Scout, but Commander assigned us all this paperwork that I've been doing for the past few hours."

Eclipse Scout looked pitifully at Eclipse Commander. "Sorry about that, I know Commander is a Jackass but I never knew he was this Vindictive!"

Eclipse Commander lightly scoffed at Eclipse Scouts comment. She looked at Eclipse Scout and asked "What's with the Suit and Box, Kid?"

Eclipse Scout got a little red and scratched the back of his head. "Oh, uhhh..."

Eclipse Commander grew evermore suspicious "Spill the beans, Kid."

"Uh, I was hoping to ask you a Question..." Scout awkwardly said

"Knock yourself out Scout, anything beats Paperwork." She said as she leaned back in her chair and put her legs on her desk.

"I was wondering if, you had a Valentine for Today...?" Eclipse Scout got really red

"Hah! Do I have a Valentine? Of course not! I've been hurt too many times by this stupid Holiday to care anymore." Eclipse Commander took her legs off her desk and spun around in her chair.

"Hurt? What happened?!" Scout got worried, did someone hurt her?

"Yeah Kid, same story every year. Guy asks me out, I say Yes, we go out, I give him everything, he gives me nothing, I'm left Heartbroken aaaand Repeat." Eclipse Commander turned her chair away from Scout to hide her tears, the Wounds were still fresh.

"Y-You we're Heartbroken?" Scout mumbled

"Yep. It hurt a lot. First few times I cried my Heart out, then I grew desensitized to it. Eventually, I just avoided any relationships." Commander answered

Eclipse Commander grew silent and put her fist over her mouth. All those Heartbreaks came back to her. Each one left a Scar on her Heart. She made sure Scout was behind her incase she cried.

Scout got scared. Really scared. He wasn't afraid of getting rejected, he was afraid that she would accept and he would break her heart just like the others.

At this moment he made a promise to himself. He promised to never break her heart. He would give her all the love he could!

His confidence overcame his Fear and he decided to shoot his shot. He stepped forward and spoke. "Well, I promise I won't break your Heart."

Eclipse Commander stopped grieving and turned her head, but still kept hidden behind the Chair. "Wha-?"

"Com, will you be my Valentine? Ever since we first met during the Rotfield Raid I've really liked you! I promise I won't ever break your heart or hurt you."

Scout continued on. "I noticed you were always excited for Cinnamon Rolls in the Cafeteria so I baked you some..."

Eclipse Commander was absolutely silent. Scout couldn't see her face and got extremely worried. Did he weird her out? Did he remind her of the bad times?

His assumptions were wrong though. Eclipse Commander was silent because she was trying to stop herself from crying tears of joy. No one had ever given her a gift. Especially a Well-thought out one.

Scout broke the silence "Com, are you alright-"

Eclipse Commander spun her chair around, charged at Scout and hugged him. She held in tightly and practically cried into his chest. Scout wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

"Scout, no one had ever cared enough to get me such a wonderful gift!" Eclipse Commander Was overjoyed.

"So...are you going to be my Valentine?"

Eclipse Commander lifted her face off of Scouts chest and smiled. "I will!"

Muffled shouts of excitement came through the door. Eclipse Mortar and Vampire Hunter were celebrating (not realizing they were ruining the moment)

"Er- Who are t-" Eclipse Com looked confused as hell.

"Ignore it, it's probably nothing. Now are you gonna eat these, because they're getting colder by the second!" Eclipse Scout chuckled

"Hell yeah! Put 'em on my desk." Eclipse Com turned around and sat back down

Scout obliged and put the box on her desk. He didn't even sit down and when Eclipse Commander nearly ate half the fucking box. "Jesus!" Scout exclaimed

Eclipse Commander tried defending herself but her mouth was full. *muffled* "What?! These are delicious."

Scout chuckled and grabbed one. The two talked and laughed about the latest news and fun little stories from their past.


☀️ Solar Servant x Lunar Servant 🌙
- Orginal (idk if Dogeny requested this as a separate chapter or valentines ship)

Lunar raced around the Kitchen trying to multi-task. It was hard enough cooking for the Army, but cooking multiple meals the same time? Not even she could do that.

She reached towards the Frying pan, shaking the contents inside while she checked the oven and opened the Fridge. This was incredibly stressful for a Workaholic like her.

Solar tightened his Bow-tie and prepared to enter the Kitchen. Jaxe told him that Lunar was in here. He had been searching for nearly an hour to ask her a special question.

He walked into the Kitchen and he was appalled. It looked like it was ransacked. It was so noisy inside there, half a dozen appliances were on and making sound. "Uhh, Luna?"

Lunar didn't even pay him any mind. She was so caught up in her work that she couldn't even hear him. Solar walked up and tapped her shoulder. "Lunar you there?"

"Oh! Sorry Solar. What's g-" Lunar stopped mid-sentence and admired his beautiful suit. It looked specially Tailored with custom imprints. "Woah, nice suit!"

At the same time, Solar was admiring her dress. It was an Grey dress paired with wonderful earrings. "Could say the same about your Dress, looks incredible on you!"

"T-Thanks!" Lunar took her gaze off once she heard the Microwave beep. She went to open it as Solar asked her a very special question. "Hey L-Luna, would you be my Valentine...?"

"Aww, Solar. You already know my answer! I will always choose you." Luna put her free hand on his cheek and rubbed it.

"So, I was hoping we could go out? I know a-" Solar got caught off.

"Sorry, I would love to but, the Queen has me cooking Her and Penumbras's meals for their stupid dinner date." She said while rolling her eyes

Solar looked a bit sad. He had been planning this one out for a really long time. Suddenly, he had an amazing idea! "Could I help?"

Lunar looked stunned. "Really? You want to do this boring job?"

"Of course! I don't care if it's boring or stupid, as long as I'm spending time with who really matters. You!" Solar replied

Lunar's heart nearly melted. "Awe, you're so sweet!"

"What can I do first?" Solar said, ready to help out.

"You could start by cutting the Vegetables. I need them done soon for the Stew." She said as she put the 2nd tray into the Oven.

Solar wasted no time and got right to chopping. He was appalled when he saw how much shit he needed to chop.

"Jesus, why do they need this much food??" Solar exclaimed

Lunar Replied "Beats me. I take orders, not question them. I'd prefer to keep my Head connected to my Shoulders and not enrage the Queen."

"Ugh, who cares what the Queen and her Bitchboy thinks?" Solar grunted

"Woah, don't get carried away. What if the Queen heard you say that? Or Penumbras?"

"Who cares what the Simpman thinks? And the Queen? She's a grey sprinkle on a cupcake!" Solar protested

Lunar snorted and tried to hold in her laugh. "Solar, stop it! They're our friends!"

"Yeah, our 'friend' is a bitch to the Queen. I'm not being mean, I'm just describing them." Solar defended his ramblings

Lunar couldn't hold in her laugh. She was losing her shit at Solar's insults.

Abruptly, she heard the Kitchen Door open. Her soul left her body once she saw who it was. She tried to tell Solar to stop but she couldn't form any coherent words.

"B-B-Be-y-y S-Solar!"

"What Lunar? You sound like the Queen when she sees Gold Titan!" Solar started laughing

Lunar finally got a sentence out. "S-Solar, behind you!"

Solar turned around and felt his heart stop beating. He stepped back and failed to contain his fear. He trembled violently as the Figure behind him stepped forward.

By now, Solar was next to Lunar. He tried reaching for his Axe for protection, but the Large, Imposing figure grabbed his Axe before him and threw it straight at the two of them.

The Axe was thrown with enough force to cut cleanly through one of Solar's horns. The severed Horn piece fell off his head and hit the floor.

The Two tried to escape but they were cornered. They crashed into the Fridge sending the vases mounted on top into the ground. They shattered and glass shards went all over the room.

The two were trapped. They both got as close as they could to the wall, but it wouldn't matter. Their deaths were certain- No, inevitable.

Solar and Lunar were on the Kitchen Floor as their life flashed before their eyes. They huddled with each other. Perhaps they will receive a swift death?

Solar couldn't believe they were about to die because he couldn't shut his stupid mouth. This was all his fault! If he was about to die, he was going to make sure that Luna knew how much he loved her.

"Luna listen! If we're going to die I want you to know I love you! I've loved you ever since we first met!" Solar was practically crying

"I love you too Sunshine! My heart always belongs to you! I'll love you until the last Star burns out! It was an honor to be with you..." Lunar repleid

The Two hugged each other and closed their eyes and prepared for their fate. They waited for the Queen to kill them both but instead, Umbra simply said "...Uh, w-what the fuck?"

The Servants opened their eyes and looked extremely confused. They turned their gaze to their Queen, who had a weird expression in her face.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Umbra bewilderedly asked

"A-Aren't you going to kill us? You didn't hear what Solar said about you and Penumbras?" Lunar looked puzzled

"Kill you? No, why the hell would I kill my best servants over Shit-talk?" Umbra asked the two of them

"Wait, but you cut my horn off!" Solar exclaimed

Umbra nearly facepalmed "Use your 7 braincells Solar. You are a Titan! You can easily regenerate that in 30 Minutes, I was just trying to scare you!"

Lunar & Solar both said "Ohhhh"

Umbra continued on. "I literally came in here to ask you guys to put less salt in the food."

"Sorry, my bad." Lunar replied

Both Servants looked relieved that they weren't going to get decapitated.

Umbra giggled a little "I had no clue you guys were a thing! You guys look so cute curled up together."

(Glass Shattering sound effect)

Lunar and Solar immediately got off each other and stood up. They were madly blushing.

"Oh- uhhh..." Lunar tried to think of an excuse

"T-T-Thing? We aren't D-Dating!" Solar stuttered out

"Err- Y-Yeah! What Sunshine- I MEAN SOLAR SAID!" Lunar covered her mouth

"Aww, and you guys have pet-names for each other? How adorable! You guys are so cute with each other, it makes my heart melt!"

Solar and Lunar were madly blushing and tried to think of an excuse. They remained silent as Umbra adored them.

"Wow, Look at your matching clothes too! Why didn't you tell me before?" Umbra just couldn't resist complimenting them

"Oh. My. GOD!" Umbra shouted


Umbra ran out to drag Penumbras in there. The two servants realized that maybe death was a better alternative than being absolutely embarrassed. The Knights would probably make fun of them for the next few weeks.

It was awkwardly silent. "Sorry Luna, that was my fault."

"Hey, don't knock yourself out. It's our fault!" Lunar went to hold his hand and comfort her lover


👑 Fallen King x Molten Boss 🔥


The Castle was loud as usual, but the Throne Room was particularly loud. Sounds of Yelling and screaming echoed throughout the chamber.

"You're replacing me, with a Minecraft ripoff?!" Templar yelled

"Nothing personal, just a business decision." Fallen calmly replied

"Fuck you! We literally have the same HP. I'll see your rot for this!" Templar yelled at the King before stomping to the door.

Molten was about to open the Throne room doors when they flew open. Templar knocked into him and didn't even apologize. Molten felt his blood boil. He nearly entered his rage mode.

"Sir, Sir! Calm down. remember? You need to focus on asking him not getting into fights." His Molten Titan warned him

He realized that he shouldn't burn his only good suit. In fact, the only suit that didn't catch in fire when he put it on. He let out a sigh, realigned his bow tie and entered the throne room.

Fallen King sat in his throne and when he saw Molten in a Tuxedo, he laughed uncontrollably. Even the Fallen Guardian in the room couldn't help but chuckle. Molten looked pretty mad.

Once Fallen King recovered from his laughing fit, he asked a question that he already knew the answer to. "What brings you here, Molten?" He said sarcastically

Molten was dead silent. He didn't know a good way to shoot his shot. He stood still as his Molten Titan and Fallen King waited for him.

Fallen King leaned closer. "Well? I'm waiting!"

"You already know why I'm here..." he mumbled

"Oh my! I'm afraid I forgot why you're here. Could you remind me?" Fallen half-assingly said

Molten scratched his arm and looked to the ground "I was wondering if you're busy today...?"

"Hmm? I can't hear you, mind if you speak up, Dearest?" Fallen King smirked

Was Fallen purposely trying to make him embarrassed? Or was he actually deaf? Most likely the first one.

"I was-" Molten got interrupted

"Speak louder please. I can't-" Fallen sarcastically said again


The Molten Titan tried to comfort his boss as Fallen King laughed. "Thank you, Sweetie. Why yes, I am free tonight, thank you for asking."

Molten blushed a little and looked down. Fallen King arose from his Throne and walked to Molten and put his finger on his chin, raising it to his face.

"Mon Petit Scoria, do you have any plans for us tonight?" Fallen asked

"Uhh- I didn't think I would get this far...?" Molten shrugged

"I expected nothing less from you!" Fallen laughed

"H-Hey! Shut the fuck up!" Molten hissed

"Woah! Easy there Coulee. I already arranged the Servants to prepare dinner. Afterwards, we have the Castle Ballroom all to ourselves for the night! Now, might we go along, Dearest?" Fallen extended his arm for Molten.

Molten wrapped both his arms around it and walked along with Fallen to the Dining Room. Why the hell did he fell in love this asshole? This really handsome asshole?


☢️ Toxic Gunner x Slasher 🔪

"Cmon Slasher, give him your best pickup line!" Gladiator excitingly said while pushing Slasher forward

"Yeah bro, worst he can say is No!" Sledger exclaimed

"Yeah, very supportive Sledger!" Slasher yelled back

"You got this! I believe in you." Gladiator pushed him again

"Fine! Fine! I'll go for it." Slasher argued back

Gladiator and Sledger looked excited as Slasher approached Toxic Gunner. They kept their distance but were close enough to hear Toxic Gunners response.

Slasher was afraid. He was afraid Toxic Gunner would not only say no, but harass him for the rest of his life. He got really nervous. Toxic Gunner was known to be the meanest tower in the base. It was already in his name.

Slasher was right behind Toxic Gunner. He was afraid to even move. He trembled while reaching out to tap Toxic Gunners shoulder.

Once his finger made contact with his shoulder, Toxic Gunner turned around quickly and looked at Slasher. He towered over Slasher and awaited what he had to say.

Shredder decided to shoot his shot and go for it. The worst he can say is no, right?

"Hey, are you a fortnite battlepass? Cuz I want to grind you all night!" Slasher said aloud.




Everyone was completely silent. Slasher stared into Toxic Gunners mask as his friends facepalmed

"Did he weird him out? Did he fuck it up? Please don't let toxic gunner reject him." He thought to himself

Abruptly, Toxic Gunner started laughing his ass off. He gripped his chest and held into a table. He was losing his shit.

Slasher felt devastated. His crush was laughing at him like he was some kind of Jester. His friends tried to approach him.

Suddenly, Toxic Gunner took of his mask and gave him a warm smile. "That was one of the best pick up lines I've ever heard!"

"R-Really...?" Slasher gasped

"Hell yeah! That was really funny. You down to do something?" Toxic gunner chuckled

"Oh- Yeah!" Slasher was absolutely excited

"Nice! It's probably too late to get a reservation..." Toxic mumbled

"Uh, want to just hangout?" Slasher offered

"Sure, why not! We can play Xbox in my room." Toxic exclaimed

Slasher was really excited. Restronaunts suck compared to Xbox with your crush.

Toxic Gunner offered his hand to Slasher. Slasher immediately gripped his hand and the two walked to Toxic's room.

As the two went down the hall, Gladiator was getting pissed.

"Oh come on! If I used that on a Girl I'll probably get Peppersprayed!" Gladiator grunted

"I think it's your face and not the pickup line, Glad." Sledger tried to comfort his friend.


⚕️ Medic x Militant 🪖
- Requested by @Dogeny

   Militant eyes slowly opened. His head pounded. His eyes felt heavy and he couldn't feel his left leg. He scratched his head and tried sitting up. Once he was halfway up, the IV bag in his wrist came off, igniting an alarm.

   Militant was startled. He started taking off more tubes when abruptly, his crush ran in. It was Medic.

   "Hey! Don't take those things off." Medic yelled out

   "Huh- Wha-?" Militant muttered

   "Don't take those tubes off. That's the only reason you aren't unconscious." Medic explained

   "Oh! My bad. Sorry, I just got scared by the alarms and stuff-"

   Medic let out a scary laugh. "Oh don't worry! I put those alarms in, incase some idiot, like you, tried to take them off. Nothing to be scared of!"

   "Oh that ma- HEY! IM NOT AN IDIOT!"

   "Not an idiot? Hm let's check why you're in here for a broken leg!" Medic said sarcastically

   Medic scrolled through her clipboard before finding what she was looking for. "Ah! It says here you 'Blew up the half the armory while attempting to stock grenades'. Sounds pretty idiotic to me."

   "It's not my fault! Demo got wasted and pulled one of the pins!" Militant tried defending himself

   "Yeah, Demo is a drunken looney, I'll give you that."

   Medic asked Militant a question. "Why are you working on Valentine's Day anyway? Shouldn't you be with someone?"

   "If I had someone, I wouldn't be in the Medbay with a shrapnel wounds!" Militant growled

   "Nice! That's good for me. Well uh, bad for you, good for me." Medic corrected herself

   "Uh, why is that a good thing for you that I'm single?" Militant nervously asked

   "I like you. I love when you come in for dumb injuries and lay on the Cot. Your squirming has a charm to it." Medic laughed

   Militant blushed, but also got scared. "Oh! I like you too, but that sounds a little crazy..."

   Medic giggled "Yup! That's what the Base Psychologist said after reviewing me."

   "But wait, we don't have a Base Psychologist." Militant bewilderedly said

  "Not anymore..." Medic smirked

   Militant got really nervous.

   "Aww, your face! I love it!" Medic chuckled

   Medic sat down on Militants bed and held his hand. "I'm not busy, and you aren't walking anywhere for at-least another two weeks, want to hear some stories?"

   Militant blushed and said "S-Sure!"

   "Nice, want to hear the time a patient here was found with their spinal cord missing?"

   "Woah! That sounds crazy! What happened?" Militant was hooked

   "Funny story! So Commander was doing his daily inspections when he went in the Medbay. He found a Soldier with blood all over his bed. Commander slowly walked over, flipped the man over and BAM, HIS SPINE WAS GONE!"

   "Holy shit! What happened after that?" Militant asked

   "Agh, that's how I lost my medical license!" Medic laughed

   Militant realized what it meant. He got really scared. "Y-You won't take my spine, right...?"

   Medic giggled "No way! You are far too cute for that."

   Suddenly, Medic got a beep on her pager. "Oh, looks like I got to go. See you later Dear!"

   As she walked away, Militant never knew a lady could be so beautiful, and extremely scary at the same time. Maybe be lonely is better than losing your spine...?

End of special

Why was this special so short? Well...
Scrapped Ships:
• Templar x SCT
- time constraints

• Jaxe x Swamp Monster
- Made into its own chapter

• Fallen Guardian x Molten Titan
- development cut halfway - scroll below this to see the draft

• Engineer x Accelerator
- lost motivation - scroll below this to see the draft

• Rocketeer x Demoman
- time constraints

• Umbra x Penumbras
- once again, time constraints

• Commander x (undecided)
- idk if I should have made him gay or not

• dj x (undecided)
- I don't know if I should make these two gay or not

• Eclipse Ranger x Gun Gale
- Time constraints & rewrites

• Slasher x Gladiator
- changed last minute to toxic gunner x slasher

• Frost Spirit x Lord Sinister
- no ideas on what to do with them

• Pyro x Freezer
- no ideas on what to do with them

• Fallen Hero x 24Karat
- I had an idea but a previous story fucked it up

• Jaxe x Scout

• Void Castor x (undecided)
- I decided that she was too obscure of a TDS character to belong here

• Gold Titan x Jack'O Bot
- moved to its own chapter

• Cowboy x Crookboss
- no idea on how to initiate & they were needed in the AU and couldn't be a couple

• Sledger x Toxic Gunner
- I proofread it and didn't like it

• Paintballer x Shotgunner
- They we're supposed to be friends in my AU so it would be werid for them to be here/no scenario ideas

• Speedy x Normal
- I'm afraid of people who ship this and I felt too intimidated to write it

• Skeleton x Normal
- No scenario ideas

Everyone listed above WAS WRITTEN BUT SCRAPPED ^^^

A shit ton of stuff ik
Below are Fallen Guardian x Molten Titan and Engineer x Accelerator drafts

🛠 Engineer x Accelerator ⚡️draft:

   Engineer worked tiredly to finish her invention. This had taken her an entire week to complete, but the look on Accels face will be worth it!

   She wiped the Oil off her face and admired her work of art. The endless hours she spent on this have shown itself.

   Before her stood a Sentry decorated in Pink Metal. It had Ribbons with Hearts all over it. She was so proud of herself, she couldn't wait to see accels reaction-

   "Hey Engi, what's up?" A voice came from behind her

   She nearly jumped from being so scared. She grabbed her gun and pointed it straight at the doorway.

   "WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! ITS ME ACCEL, PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Accel screamed out

   Engi put her gun down "Oh, sorry Accel."

   "It's fine. Hey, what's that thing next to you?" Accel asked

   "Oh right! Accel, I made this for you! Watch this." Engi said while grabbing a remote

    She clicked a red button on the control and stepped back. Accel curiously watched the contraption, awaiting on its next action.

   The Sentry walked up to Accel and began to vibrate. One of its hatches opened and a heart shaped box appeared.

   Suddenly, the machine began to smoke up and the engine sputtered. It collapsed on the floor and the motor shot out its last embers. The Sentry tried standing back up but fell on the ground.

   Engi watched in horror. She ran up to it and shook it. She threw the remote down and yelled out "Useless hunk of junk!"

   She violently kicked her sentry. She stomped and punted her machine until it was nothing more than a pile of scrap.

   As the final clouds of smoke went out of the motor, Engi got on her knees and cried. She sobbed uncontrollably. She had spent an entire week on this, and it didn't even work!

   Accel got on his knees and sat next to Engi. "What's wrong Engi? It's just a sentry, you can build more!"

   "But, I spent the entire week making it for you!"

   "Hey, Hey, it's alright! I-"

   Engi shot at him "No! It's not alright!

Molten Titan x Fallen Guardian draft:
You need to read the fallen king and molten one to understand this

   "Uhh, Boss? What do you want me to do?" Molten Titan asked

   Fallen Guardian joined in "Yeah, what about me, My King?"

   "Oh right, Guardian you have the night off."

   "You as well, enjoy the night." Molten said

   Fallen King and Molten didn't even turn around, they just kept walking. The door closed behind them leaving the Molten Titan and the Fallen Guardians alone.

   It was awkwardly silent. They stared at each other, waiting for the other to speak. Molten Titan was the first to crack.

   "So uh, can we just go...?" He asked

   "I assume so, they probably won't need us anyway." Fallen Guardian replied

   Neither of them were moving which increased the tension. Fallen Guardian piped up.

   "Uh, are you gonna go?" He asked

   "OH! Am I supposed to leave? I was waiting for you." Molten wanted to jump out the window at how he was embarrassing himself.

   "Oh, my apologies." Fallen Guardian grabbed his spear and walked to the door.

   Molten Titan followed suite and walked to the exit as well. They both tried looking away from each other to lessen the awkwardness.

   Inadvertently, they entered the doorway at the same time, getting stuck. They looked at each other in the face at the same time, instantly turning away to hide their blush.

   They both managed to squeeze out of the door frame and tried apologizing to one another.

   "S-Sorry! That was- I uh-" Molten Titan apologized

   "N-No! My fault, it was my spear!" Fallen guardian protested


Yeah im ashamed I couldn't finish it all.


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