The Great War | Billy Hargrove

By accio_nicolette

15.5K 315 58

"I vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the Great War." Isadora Jones was not the biggest fan of Billy... More

1 | The Project
2 | The Party
3 | Confrontations
4 | Truth or Dare
5 | Apologies
6 | Warnings
7 | Heartbreaks
8 | Mixed Messages
9 | Second Chances
10 | First Dates
11 | Making Things Official
12 | School Dance
13 | Missing Girl
14 | A New Friend
15 | Making Plans
16 | Girls Night
17 | Fixing Things
18 | A Need to Talk
19 | Truths Revealed
20 | Christmas Party
21 | A Christmas Surprise
22 | Graduation
23 | Pool Party
25 | Distractions
26 | Finding Billy
27 | The Sauna
28 | The Search for Answers
29 | Finding the Flayed
30 | Preparing for the Fight
31 | The Battle for Starcourt Mall
32 | Face Off
33 | Hospital Visits
34 | Aquarium Dates
35 | Goodbyes
36 | Pep Rally
37 | Finding Eddie
38 | Eddie's Truth
39 | The Search for Answers
40 | Saving Max
41 | The Creel House
42 | Finding Watergate
43 | The Upside Down
44 | Vecna's Truth
45 | Battle Plans
46 | Preparations
47 | Luring Vecna
48 | The Piggyback
49 | Aftermath
50 | The Beginning of the End

24 | Summer Jobs

205 4 0
By accio_nicolette




And Isadora already felt like the summer was going by too fast, especially since it was nearly the Fourth of July, but Isadora had been spending most of the summer with her friends, although they'd all also been busy at their summer jobs while Isadora had been applying like crazy in hopes that she would find a job. Despite Billy offering for her to come and work as a lifeguard at Hawkins Community Pool, Isadora had decided she wanted to keep their jobs and relationships separate and ultimately upon Steve's suggestion, had applied for a job at the newly opened Starcourt Mall. Late yesterday afternoon, she had found out she had gotten the job and was starting work today, and so she was excited to tell Billy that she had gotten a job, but she was also praying that he wouldn't be upset with her for applying to a job Steve had suggested to her. As she was getting ready for work that morning, she heard a knock on her front door and she hurried downstairs to answer the door.

"Billy! You know you don't have to knock on the door, right? You're more than welcome to just walk inside. That's the whole reason why I gave you a key," Isadora said, as she opened the front door and smiled at her boyfriend, who smiled back at her before his face fell.

"You — you got a job?" Billy asked her, as he noticed the outfit she was wearing, the company logo on the left-hand side of the shirt an obvious giveaway.

"Oh, uh ... y-yeah. Steve recommended that I should apply to this place and I did. I ... I found out late yesterday that I got the job —" Isadora trailed off.

"Steve recommended this job to you? Isadora, I wanted to be the one to help you get a job. I put in a good word for you at the Hawkins Community Pool and you went running to Steve to help you get a job?"

"Come on, that's not fair. I didn't ask you to put in a good word for me at the community pool and I did not go running off to Steve, I —" Isadora said, but Billy cut her off.

"Well, from where I'm standing that's the way it seems, Isadora. I have to get to work," Billy said, before he turned and walked away from her house, and Isadora walked out onto the front porch.

"Oh, come on. You're not being fair right now, Billy!" Isadora yelled after him, but Billy simply ignored her as he walked down to his car, got in and sped off. Isadora shook her head before slamming the door and making her way upstairs to finish getting ready for work. Once she was ready to go, she headed to the mall and made her way over to the store she was working at, deciding to focus on her work and not think about her fight with Billy. As she was working, she saw Ellie and Beatrix walking into the store together and she smiled as she looked over at them.

"Hi, Issi," Beatrix smiled as Isadora walked over to where the two girls stood.

"Hi, Bea. Hi, Ellie," Isadora nodded at the two girls. For a few minutes, the three girls talked before Beatrix and Ellie said goodbye to Isadora and she waved to them as they walked out of the store before she returned her attention to her other customers. Soon, it was her lunch break and Isadora made her way over to Scoops Ahoy, so that she could talk to Steve.

"Hi, Isadora," Robin Buckley smiled, as Isadora walked into the ice cream shop and smiled back at the younger girl.

"Hi, Robin. Is Steve out the back?" Isadora asked her.

"Yes," Robin nodded. Isadora thanked her before she made her way into the backroom, and she walked out the back, Steve turned to look at her and smiled.

"Hi, Is! You got the job?!" Steve asked her.

"Yeah, I got the job. Today's my first day at work," Isadora told him.

"How has your first day been?"

"It's been pretty good. Billy's kinda mad at me though because you recommended this job to me and apparently he wanted to be the one to help me get a job. I get he was just trying to help but I didn't go running to you for help either," Isadora ranted.

"Wait, Billy wanted to help you?" Steve asked her.

"Uh, y-yeah. He said he put in a good word for me at the Hawkins Community Pool, but —" Isadora was cut off by the sound of dinging bell before Steve and Isadora heard Robin's voice filling the store.

"Hey, Dingus, your children are here!" Robin called. Isadora watched as Steve slid the window open before she saw Max Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers and another girl she didn't know all standing at the counter.

"Again, seriously?" Steve asked them, before he led the group past Isadora and she frowned as she watched them go. Steve soon returned and Isadora folded her arms across her chest as she looked towards him.

"What was that all about?"

"Come on, why don't I walk you back to work and I'll tell you," Steve suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good," Isadora nodded before they made their way out of Scoops Ahoy, calling goodbye to Robin before they walked in the direction of the store where Isadora was working.

"They asked me to sneak them into Day of the Dead and I agreed to help them," Steve shrugged.

"You really just snuck fourteen year olds in to see Day of the Dead?! And here I was thinking that you're more responsible than that," Isadora teased.

"It's just a movie," Steve shrugged.

"A horror movie that they really shouldn't be watching, and you shouldn't be helping them sneak in either," Isadora told him.

"You never snuck into a movie you weren't supposed to see?" Steve asked her.

"No. I never snuck into the movies," Isadora shrugged.

"Really?" Steve asked. Isadora shrugged as the two walked together. As they were walking and talking, neither of them noticed that Billy had arrived at the mall and had spotted Isadora and Steve together. He stopped walking and watched as Isadora laughed at something Steve said, clenching his hands together before he approached the pair and Isadora stopped walking as she smiled at Billy, "Hi, what are you doing here?"

"I was on my way to surprise my girlfriend at work but I can see you're clearly so fucking busy right now," Billy snapped.

"I don't know what you're trying to imply. I was just on my lunch break so I went to say hi to Steve and Robin, and Steve offered to walk me back to work," Isadora defended herself.

"Yes, I'm sure that's all it was, Isadora," Billy retorted.

"Billy, please just walk away before you say something you might regret," Isadora said. Billy looked between the two before turning and leaving the mall and Isadora watched him go before looking towards Steve, who was staring at her.

"What was that about?"

"I wish I knew, Steve. Thank you for walking me back to work. I guess I'll see you later," Isadora said. Steve nodded and said goodbye to her before he headed back to Scoops Ahoy, leaving Isadora alone to what what had happened with Billy. After she had finished work for the day, Isadora headed home and a part of her hoped she would see Billy that night, but he didn't come over like he normally would and Isadora couldn't help feeling a little down. Considering she didn't have work the next day, she decided to head to the Hawkins Community pool so she could try and talk to Billy and when she arrived, Isadora could see that the community pool was bustling with activity and there were people scattered everywhere.

"Hi, you're Isadora, right?" A girl asked, as Isadora made her way through the crowds of people. Isadora stopped walking and looked towards the girl, whom she recognised from Steve's pool party.

"Uh, yeah. You came to the pool party at the start of summer with Max, didn't you?" Isadora asked her.

"Yes, and I've seen you talking to Max a few times and wanted to say hi. I'm Laura, Max's friend from California," the girl smiled.

"Oh, it's lovely to see you. Are you here with Max today?"

"Oh, uh, yeah —" Laura nodded before stopped talking and looked past Isadora. The blonde turned and almost immediately she noticed Karen Wheeler and her friends were adjusting their swimsuits before Isadora saw Billy walking out of the locker room, shirtless with a cigarette in his hands and she bit her lip as she watched him. From beside her, Laura made a comment, "I really wish he would notice me and I wasn't just Max's little friend."

"Excuse me?" Isadora asked, as she tore her eyes away from her boyfriend and looked towards the younger girl standing beside her.

"Oh, uh — I should go," Laura mumbled before hurrying away and Isadora stared after he before smiling to herself, figuring Laura probably had a bit of a crush on Billy, which she thought was kind of cute. Suddenly, Billy lifted his whistle to his lips and blew it before yelling at a young boy.

"Hey, lard-ass! No running on my watch! I gotta warn you again and you're banned for life. You wanna be banned for life, lard-ass? Didn't think so," Billy yelled before blowing the whistle again and Isadora sighed as she went and sat down near the pool, trying to find the courage to approach him, especially after their argument in the middle of Starcourt Mall yesterday. Instead, Isadora watched for a while as Billy watched everyone swimming and the blonde picked at her nails as she tried to figure out what was she was going to say to Billy, occasionally looked over to where he was sitting and hoping at some point he would notice she was there, but his attention was seemingly drawn towards Karen Wheeler, who was currently swimming and Isadora frowned. A short while later, Karen got out of the pool, right near where Isadora was sitting.

"Looking good out there, Mrs Wheeler," Billy commented, as he walked towards the older woman. Isadora sat up straighter as she watched her boyfriend approaching Karen Wheeler, not seeming to notice that she was right there and Isadora remained frozen as she watched the pair.

"Thank you."

"Perfect form."

"Well ... your form is amazing," Karen told Billy and as she moved a little closer to them, Isadora heard Billy chuckle as Karen continued, "I'm sorry, I mean I ... I've seen you ... uh, teaching ... lessons. Swimming lessons."

"You know, I could, uh ..." Billy trailed off, as he noticed Isadora standing a short distance away, the blonde watching what was happening in front of her.

"You could ...?" Karen prompted.

"Oh, you'll have to excuse me, Mrs Wheeler," Billy said.

"Oh ... uh ..." Karen nodded, as Billy walked past her and made his way over to where Isadora stood, her arms folded across her chest.


"Seriously, you were flirting with Karen Wheeler?" Isadora asked him.

"I wasn't flirting with her," Billy shrugged.

"Oh, give me a fucking break! You can't seriously think I am that naive to not see that you were clearly flirting with her right now. And here I was coming to apologise to you but I'm really glad I didn't because you are an asshole, Billy Hargrove!" Isadora snapped before she turned on her heel and hurried away from him, refusing to let him see her cry. Maybe if they hadn't of had a fight that day, Billy wouldn't have decided he needed to get away from Hawkins and from everything. Maybe if he had followed Isadora, things would have turned out differently, but he didn't follow and Isadora went back home. A part of her had hoped that Billy would show up so they could talk but in his anger, he had made a decision that he needed to go for a drive and get away from Hawkins and heavy metal music blasted from his stereo as he drove, and Billy tapped along to the beat of the music before he laughed. All of a sudden, something slammed into the car, smashing the windowsill and causing Billy to lose control of the car. Suddenly, the car spun out of control and slammed into a tree before it came to a stop and as it did, Billy groaned in pain.

"Oh, no — no, piece of shit!" Billy snapped, as he hit his car and a distorted song filled the car. Billy groaned as he put his hand to his head before he looked at his hand and saw the blood covering his fingers, "Shit, damn it."

Stumbling out of the car, Billy looked around and cursed as he realised the car had been damaged and he kicked the car before walking to the front of it, slamming the door shut before stopping as he noticed something on the wind screen and he touched it, examining it before hearing the loud screeching sound, "Who's there? Hey, I said, who's there?"

Something suddenly grabbed Billy's foot and yanked him towards the abandoned shed and Billy screamed loudly as he tried to grab onto something to save himself, but the creature pulled him down into the basement. Maybe if he had never had a fight with Isadora, maybe none of this would be happening right now and maybe he'd be home with Isadora instead, but for one of the first times in his life, Billy Hargrove felt terrified and completely alone. 


Well ... they were happy for a little while 😅

Also I do understand Billy being angry, he wanted to help Is and it just seems like she went running to Steve (even though he simply recommended the job to her), and she did realise that later hence why she was going to apologise, however she's now upset at him for somewhat flirting with Karen Wheeler (which I kept in there for the storyline). 

Welcome to season three.

Enjoy! Xo


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