6 | Warnings

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Isadora closed her locker and looked towards Steve, who had been the first person to notice something was up with the blonde, especially since she had had the biggest smile on her face when she had walked into the school that morning, a change from the bad mood she had been in yesterday.

"Yeah, I am happy," Isadora shrugged as she shoved her books into her bag.

"Did you sleep with Billy?" Steve asked as he leant against the locker, watching as Isadora struggled to zip her bag up. As she finally managed to close her bag, she looked towards Steve and shrugged.

"Is that really any of your business, Steve?" Isadora asked him.

"You know he is going to treat you the exact same way he has treated every other girl he has slept with, Is. I just don't want to see you get hurt," Steve said.

"I can look out for myself, Steve," Isadora said, as the two started walking down the school hallway together.

"Look, you were upset all week when you thought he was avoiding you. I just don't want you to end up hurt if he does to you what he has done to all the other girls he has apparently hooked up with, Is," Steve told her.

"Just drop it, Steve," Isadora told him before walking into the classroom and sitting down at her normal desk. As other students joined the class, Isadora saw her friend Jacqueline and she smiled as the other girl sat down in the empty desk beside hers.

"Tom was asking about you again. He heard you have been spending time with Billy Hargrove and just spent ten minutes interrogating me about what was going on there," Jacqueline told her.

"There's nothing going on between myself and Billy," Isadora said, ignoring the fact Steve was sitting right behind her and could hear the conversation happening between the two girls.

"Right. Well, I'm pretty sure Tom is planning to try and ask you out after our drama class this afternoon," Jacqueline told her.

"Who's Tom?" Steve finally asked the two girls.

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