Stutter ||Huening Kai✔️

By _straychu_

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One mistake can make you open your eyes One "friend" can make you see who you really are One boy with a stutt... More



534 16 13
By _straychu_

After we ate dinner, Kai and I went up to his room and worked on his stutter some more, and this time I didn't purposely distract him.

He actually managed to get a few full sentences out without stuttering, which left him really happy. At about midnight, we laid down.

I snuggled against his warm body, feeling his warm breath on the back of my neck. I tried falling asleep, but I couldn't.

Something that I was thinking about last night, came back to mind. I tried pushing it away, but it just came right back. I moved around slightly, trying to get comfortable. I sighed, giving up

I carefully removed Kai's arms from around me and crawled out of the bed. I made my way downstairs and out to the back patio.

The cold air hit my bare legs and I shivered, feeling goosebumps erupt over my skin. I ignored the cold and sat on one of the outside chairs with squishy covers.

I folded my legs up to my chest and looked up at the stars. There was no moon out tonight. the full moon being two days ago. There were minimal lights around to block out the bright stars. I looked around and easily found the big and little dipper.

I sighed and watched the stars that shone brightly above me. The peace of the night was calming and helped me leave my thoughts, but not for long. Soon enough, the thoughts made there way back to my mind, making me annoyed with myself.

"Soo?" I heard the groggy voice of Kai behind me.

I jumped at the sudden break of silence.

"Kai, what are you doing awake?" I asked as he sat in the chair across from me.

He was once again shirtless and was probably cold as hell. I was cold and he was wearing
fewer clothes than me.

"I w-woke up when I-I-I realized you weren't in the b-b-bed with m-me-me," He said with a small pout.

I gave him an apologetic smile.

"What's w-wrong, b-babe?" He asked placing his bigger hands over mine.

"Nothing's wrong," I tried with a weak smile.

He frowned.

"Please d-don't lie t-to me," He begged gently.

I sighed and closed my eyes gently.

"Why me?" I blurted.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"Idontunderstandwhyyoupickedme?" I asked in one breath.

Surprisingly he understood what I said.

He sighed and stood up, tugging me up with him. He led my inside and I was greeted by warmth. Back up in his room, he pulled the covers tightly around us, trying to warm ourselves back up.

With his arms around me and my head resting on his chest, he finally spoke.

"You really w-want to know w-why?" He asked in a whisper.

I nodded against his chest. My body was slowly but surly becoming warm once again.

"Yesterday, you a-asked me th-those questions, you r-rem-remember?" He asked.

I nodded again.

"Well, th-then, yes," He started. "When your cl-close, my h-heart does b-begin to race, s-sometimes it e-even skips a b-beat. When w-we touch, I-I-I do get nervous, I g-get b-butter-butterflies, and you m-make my m-mind go a-all fuzzy. When we k-kiss, know matter h-how small, I-I do get b-breath-breathless." He paused for a moment, squeezing me lightly for a second. "You're f-funny, smart, a s-smartass-" I grinned. "y-you're s-s-sensitive, caring, and p-put others b-be-before yourself. There's just th-this aurora about you th-that draws me in. I also I-love everything a-about you. You're b-beautiful eyes, you're soft h-hair, you're p-p-perf-perfect curves, you're sm-smooth skin," He paused again.

He took a deep breath.

"You're the first person i-in a while to n-not make fun of -my s-st-stutter, to st-stand up f-for me," His voice cracked slightly.

I turned around in his arms and found his sad gaze. His stutter had suddenly gotten worse.

"Shh," I said softly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug.

Suddenly he started laughing.

I pulled back and raised an eyebrow at him.

"S-see even now, wh-when your not s-s-sure about yourself, your s-still putting s-s-someone else f-f-first.," He said.

A small giggle came from my mouth. Suddenly, I was pinned underneath him.

"I-I just I-love everything a-about you," He whispered against my ear.

His lips skimmed over my ear, causing a shutter to climb down my spine. His lips connected with mine, softly, moving slowly against mine.

There was so much passion behind such a simple kiss. Kai pulled back and stared into my eyes.

"Y-you kn-know w-what else I-Ilove a-about you?" He breathed.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"You m-make me st-stutter, but in a g-g-good way," He said with a grin.

I giggled and he rolled us back over. With a gentle kiss to my shoulder, I was finally able to fall asleep.


The next day, all four guys and I hung out at my place, since I had to babysit for mom for a few hours. I was currently in the kitchen, making Soojin's bottle when I heard strange sounds coming from the living room.

Entering the living room quietly, I find all four guys around Soojin, who lay on the floor.
They were all playing with her and talking in baby voices.

"You guys are definitely punk rock," I mocked.

They all looked up at me, all of them slightly blushing.

"Shut up," Soobin said looking down at Soojin.

Soobin has taken a liking with Soojin, which I found extremely adorable.

"Soobin?" I asked him.

He looked back up at me.

"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"Would you like to feed her?" I asked motioning to the bottle in my hand.

He stood up quickly and shook his head. Out of the four boys, he is the only one who hasn't held her or fed her.

I think he's scared of hurting her. I put the bottle down and picked Soojin off the floor, taking the blanket she laid on with me. I grabbed Soobin's hand and pulled him towards the couch.

"Too bad," I said pushing him down on the couch.

"Sooah-ya," He tried to argue.

"You're not going to hurt her," I insisted.

He went to stand up, but I set Soojin in his arms before he could.

His eyes went wide and held her as I let her go, knowing Soobin wouldn't let her fall. I helped Soobin put his arms in the right spots, and put a pillow under his arm that supported Soojin's head. I wrapped the blanket around her and handed Soobin the bottle.

He still looked unsure of himself and was holding Soojin like she was made of porcelain.

"Soobin-ah, she's a baby, not a glass doll,' I said giggling.

I guided his hand holding the bottle to Soojin's mouth and put the nipple in her mouth.

"Now, just sit back and she will do the best," I said grinning.

He relaxed as Soojin laid they quietly, staring up at Soobin with her big brown eyes while she ate. Ten minutes later and I noticed Soojin was done eating and Soobin had no idea what to do next. I laughed and help him sit her up.

"Just pat her back gently," I instructed.

He nodded slightly and did as I was told. I nodded approvingly and looked at the pictures I secretly took of him while he fed Soojin.

I erased the bad ones and had two left. Both of them were super cute. One was when Soobin was looking down at her with a small smile on his lips and the second one is when Soobin IS laughing and looking down at her while her arms were raised and she was trying to grab a hold of his face.

I sent them to his phone and went to the kitchen. I went to grab a water bottle from the fridge, but heard the guys suddenly talking and then silence, and then they would talk again.

Curious, I peeked my head around the corner and heard a certain voice that made a huge smile spread across my face.

A/N: Should hv made Soobin the older brother of Sooah since the names start with; Soobin, Sooah and Soojin. But wtv let's just stick with Junnie being the older brother. Stay tune;)

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