Stutter ||Huening Kai✔️

By _straychu_

21.7K 740 368

One mistake can make you open your eyes One "friend" can make you see who you really are One boy with a stutt... More



570 23 18
By _straychu_

Kai and I sat in my room. He was sitting on the swirly chair at my desk while I sat up against my headboard of my bed.

I got a sudden idea. I got up and grabbed Kai's backpack from next to the door.

"W-wh-what are you d-d-doing-doing?" He asked standing up quickly.

I easily found what I was looking for. I hid them behind my back and gave Kai back his bag.

"I stood up to Yerim, in more than one way, now it's your turn," I told him.

He stood in front of me, curious. I held up his glasses where he could see. His eyes widened and he started shaking his head.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and walked him towards my bathroom.

"Yes, I know you lied when you said you only wear them one in a while," I said stopping him in front of the sink.

I looked in the mirror at him.

"Go on, take out your contacts," I told him.

He slightly narrowed his eyes at me before sighing and doing as he was told. I grabbed the small garbage bin from beside my toilet and held it up to him. He sighed again and put both contacts in it.

I put the bin back down and carefully put his glasses on him. He adjusted them slightly when I pulled my hands back.

"Better?" I asked with a smug grin.

He stuck his tongue out at me and stalked off to my room. I followed him and found him next to my bed holding my glasses up.

Yes, I was blind as a bat, but I rarely used my glasses.

I giggled.

"Nice try." I said taking them from him and setting them back down on my nightstand. "But, unlike you, I really do only wear them once in a while."

Kai stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. I sighed.

"Would you like me to wear them, today, just for the hell of it?" I asked.

He smiled innocently and nodded enthusiastically. I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed my glasses again and went back to the bathroom.

I took my contact out and put them back in the container. Putting my glasses on, which were black rimmed just like Kai's, I went back in my room.

"Happy?" I asked.

Kai walked up to me and moved a stray piece of hair away from my face. He nodded, making me laugh. I pushed him down onto my bed and went past him to sit at my desk.

"You're so annoying," I said grinning.

He chuckled.

"You l-l-look good w-with t-th-them," He said sheepishly.

I smiled at him over my shoulder and opened my laptop, opening up YouTube.

"C-can I-I-I ask you a q-q-question?" He asked quietly.

I spun around in my chair, facing him fully.

"Shoot," I said.

He looked nervous, looking down at his hands, and looking up at me through his eyelashes.

"W-who t-t-taught you t-t-to f-figh-fight?" He asked gently.

It was as if he was scared I would physically break from the question or completely flip out. I turned back around, facing my back towards him. I heard him sigh.

"S-s-sorry," He mumbled.

I shook my head.

"Don't be," I said glancing up at the picture that sat on my desk.

I slowly reached up and took the frame gently in my hands. I ran my finger across the picture and once again turned around, facing Kai.

I could feel the tears brimming my eyes just thinking about him. The picture showed a young man of age 23 in a marine uniform with a Korean flag as the background.

The young man has light brown hair was shaved off for the marine rule, his pale skin made his brown eyes pop. It was the same color of brown as mine. Same pale skin as mine, only difference being my pale skin was smooth and creamy looking.

I slowly reached out to hand Kai the picture. He took it gently in his hands and turned it towards him. He studied it intently before looking up at me.

"It's my older brother, Yeonjun" I said, answering his unasked question.

I took a deep breath, keeping my tears away.

"He's a Marine," I continued. "He pretty much taught me everything he's learned."

"H-how l-l-long?" He asked softly.

"He joined the corps when he turned eighteen, I was only twelve," I replied. "The last time I saw him was a little less than a year ago. I'm hoping he'll come back soon.

"We're close as brother and sister. He's a good big brother, and it always breaks my heart when he leaves."

He handed the picture frame back to me. I held it in my hands for a moment, before I set it back where it goes.

I couldn't help the single tear that slid down my cheek. Kai took my smaller hands in his bigger ones, causing me to look up at him.

He was blurry from all the tears in my eyes. He tugged at my hands and I got up, sitting next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

I took deep breaths, refusing to cry. Kai rubbed my back soothingly, calming me down slowly.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

I felt him shake his head.

"D-don't be s-s-sorry," He said gently.

I pulled back and wiped the tears from my eyes. My glasses were foggy, so I took them off and wiped them off also.

"S-so d-d-do you k-know when h-he'll be b-back?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"My brother was told he was only going to be gone for a year and half, but I honestly don't think that I can last much longer," I explained softly. "I really miss him."

"He'll b-be b-b-back before you kn-know it," He said.

He gave me a tight hug. His phone vibrated and after he checked it, he stood up and grabbed his bag.

"H-have to g-g-go," He said.

I nodded and followed him downstairs. He opened the front door and turned around.

"Before I forget, I won't be at school tomorrow," I said leaning against the door I held open.

His eyes widened and he gulped.

"I have an eye appointment," I explained.

He nodded and still looked nervous.

"Yerim does anything, and I mean anything, then you tell me," I told him.

He relaxed his shoulders in defeat and nodded.

"I'll c-c-come after s-sc-school-school," He said kissing my cheek.

His eyes widened when he realized what he did, his cheeks turned a shade of pink. I grinned and watched as he headed for his car quickly. Shutting the door, I went to the kitchen and found something to snack on.

Back upstairs, I sat on my laptop for a few hours, not knowing what to do.


All of the next day I texted Kai until at 10 AM eomma took me and Soojin with her for her errands. When I rolled around we stopped at the eye client for my appointment.

Turns out my eyes have somehow gotten worse and needed a stronger prescription, plus my eye doctor told me that I should just wear my glasses instead of contacts, which I didn't like all that much.

When I asked, she told me that I could still wear contacts, just wear them less. It was about 3:30 when we got home with my new pair of glasses-they looked exactly the same as my other ones, just stronger.

When we got home, Kai and the guys were waiting for me in the driveway.

"What's up?" I asked.

They shrugged and if I could say so, I would say they look a little suspicious. I raised an eyebrow at them, but didn't ask. I got Soojin out of her car seat and the guys followed me to the front door.

Eomma took Soojin and the guys and I went up to my room.

"Did I miss anything important?" I asked flopping down on my bed.

They shrugged again.

"Same ole same ole," Michael commented.

I sat up and looked at each of them slowly, studying them carefully. They all squirmed under my curious gaze.

"Did Yerim bother you guys?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

They shook their heads and I stood up.

"Ok, what's going on?" I asked crossing my arms.

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