Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxb...

By ManicBookworm2021

77.1K 2.7K 183

Alex Danvers is a 26 year old maths teacher, at the start of his career, who should be having the time of his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors note/Update
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 52
Author's note

Chapter 53

378 13 5
By ManicBookworm2021

It's been three days.

I have to admit, the spaghetti Aro cooked for me the other night, was incredible; aglio e olio with pepperoncino. Sprinkled with the tiniest amount of parmesan cheese, then mixed with a little pasta water, all washed down with a cold glass of water. The memory of that meal, to be honest, is the only thing that's been keeping me going the past few days. There has been no change in the Caius sexuality/denial situation. He's remained in his room for the majority of time, I have heard the garage door open and the unmistakeable hum of one of his sports car engines, but where he went, I've no idea. 'Probably a Chinese opium den.'  

Coupled with pent up sexual frustration, confusing feelings and Marcus's dead-eye stare as he tries to solve the puzzle of what's happening between Aro, Caius and myself, I feel myself going crazy, even more so than I already am. I have, with my great luck, bumped into Athenadora twice, in the hallway, her sauntering along, carrying a wine glass, the second time, arm in arm, with a friend, them giggling like school girls, carrying colourful shopping bags, arms loaded down, with expensive gifts, no doubt bought with Caius' money. 

The one good thing I can mention, is I've been taking my medication, my head feels clearer, the downside is, my mind feels sharp again, and I'm free to overthink and theorise, not only about Caius and his sexuality but also about the plane crash, and who it was that sent the assassins after us. I find myself continuously giving side-eye glances to Marcus, who is nose deep always in a book, researching on who could have been involved. I can't help but suspect everyone, who else could know about mine and Aro's little getaway to Greece?

When I think back to that awful crash and its aftermath, Jesus, I've been so lucky. I don't like to dwell on the bodies left behind in the plane seats, and what might become of their possessions, still packed into suitcases. Neither Caius or Aro ever told me what happened to them, and I didn't ask. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. 

I glance up, coming out of my stupor, to find Aro smiling at me, widely, his eyes glittering. He leans across from the other side of the large table, laden with heavy books with cracked spines, and sets aside the tome he is flicking through, its title in Latin. "My darling." He smiles. "I would give anything to know what you are thinking." His hand stretches across the table to take my hand in his, but I snatch it back quickly. "Aro, don't use telepathy on me. It's sneaky, just ask what I'm thinking." Aro cocks his head to the side, watching me intently. I glance towards Marcus who remains absorbed in his book. "Later, if you don't mind." He catches my drift, smiles and stands, dragging his chair around the table towards me. 

He settles back into his chair and runs his fingers through my hair, slowly. "My darling boy. Everything will resolve itself." He smiles contently. "Trust me. I have lived many, many years, I know people, and their feelings very well. It will pass." Marcus, closes his book with a heavy slam. "Well, brother, I have researched thoroughly, and as I previously mentioned, I still believe the Romanian coven are to blame." He pauses. "That said, I am very worried about who may have mentioned your visit to Greece to our enemies." He gives Aro a serious glance, his eyebrows knitting together. "Are you quite certain you told no one of your voyage? Apart from myself and our staff, of course." 

The implication is there. Aro senses it too, I can see how he chooses his words carefully. He clears his throat. "Marcus, I too have given it much thought, I don't believe it is an immense cause for concern. Most of our staff currently are human, they pose no threat, however, if they were to contact our immortal enemies, then yes, certainly, this is become a major problem."

He trails off for a second. "Are you absolutely certain that the Countess of Milan isn't to blame?" He leans forward. "She definitely harbours no ill will toward me?" Marcus ponders in silence, clasping his long fingers together. "Well, during our telephone conversation, she seemed perfunctory enough." His pronunciation of 'telephone' is still forced, as though it brings him pain, I can't help but smile. "Look, Aro, let's be honest, you've probably pissed off thousands of people in your time. You're definitely annoying enough." He frowns at me. "But," I lay a hand on his shoulder. "Most of them were probably human and therefore dead now, so, think hard. Who have you pissed off badly enough that would make them come after you?"

Aro's face takes on a blank look, as though there's no way. "Come on." I huff. "You're telling me an irritating bastard like you doesn't have other enemies?" 

Marcus sighs. "The Countess of Milan, was quite upset, at the time." Aro twitches at his words. "After all, you did rather insult her." I turn to Marcus who remains engrossed in his book. "What did Aro do, to upset her?" My eyes narrow. Who knows what Aro might have done, with his craziness which has no end. Aro tuts. "I did nothing that would make her want me dead. You're all being silly." He gives an offhand wave. "Aro, you have to stop playing this down, this is serious." 

I turn towards Marcus. "Go on, what did he do to the Countess?" Marcus opens his mouth to respond, but Aro chimes in. "Don't be a bunch of sillies. I simply, well, uh, made some rather misguided choices and well,-"

"He turned up unannounced at her engagement party, and become inebriated with wine."  Aro whips around, to see Caius in the doorway, car keys dangling from his fingers. "Then," He steps towards the table. "He escaped through the bedroom window, destroying her imported French curtains, and made off with her 5 volumes of Charles Dickens." He collapses into the chair closest to Marcus, avoiding my gaze. "I cannot blame her for being upset. The least you could do was return her books." He places the keys onto the table with a jangle. 

Aro slumps, irritated. "They were not first edition books, and with her stupendous amount of money, she could easily find replacements." Marcus, watches, and almost smiles. I look at Caius. "Crashing someone's engagement party, is annoying, I'd be pretty pissed off too, and for taking books, but do you honestly think she'd use that as an excuse to try to kill Aro?" I scoff. Vampires are so overdramatic. 

Caius clasps his hands together, slightly pursing his lips together, in irritation. 'He's still not talking to you, then.' Richard sighs. I turn to Aro instead, who taps his foot on the floor. "Is there more to this story, Aro?" He keeps his eyes trained on the floor. "Well, there was the awkward business of my affair with her fiance. But, that was more than one hundred years ago!" He adds before I can say anything further.

Marcus raises his eyebrows. "I wouldn't go so far as to call it an affair, Aro, merely, a, well, an evening of misjudgement." He would have flushed, had he not been undead. I bite my tongue. "So, a one night stand?" Aro, reluctantly nods. "More, of a 25 minute encounter, really." Caius smirks from across the table. 

Aro slaps his hands together and jumps. "Well, everyone! I propose we forget this madness for a few hours and visit the theatre! What do you say?" His eyes gleam manically, his smile wide, teeth white and shiny. He beams at Marcus who simply shrugs. "If you are sure you wouldn't prefer to spend the evening alone with Alex, then I would be eager to accept." He glances at the clock on the wall. "However, obtaining tickets, for four people, at last minute may be difficult." Caius stands, buttons his waistcoat. "Three tickets, I shan't be attending." I notice Aro's smile drop just the tiniest fraction and I feel my heart tug once again. Marcus raises an eyebrow, his eyes trained on Caius, then to Aro, then to myself, and I remember with a horrified jolt, what Marcus' gift is. 

'He knows you nearly fucked Blondie.' Richard giggles. No. He couldn't know that, only that I have feelings for him. That's all, I hope. 

"Oh." Marcus' voice becomes even flatter than usual, if that was possible. "I see." Aro folds his arms anxiously, and Caius' eyes widen in horror, as he realises what Marcus has realised. He steps towards Marcus, and for a split second, with his fists clenching, it looks as though he's ready to knock Marcus' head off. Aro takes a step forward in preparation. He instead, places a hand, with difficulty, gently, onto his shoulder. "You will not mention what you have just discovered, or speak of it, or talk to anyone about it, at all, ever." His grip tightens on his shoulder. "Do we understand each other, brother?" Caius's eyes blaze, and I understand why Enoch is so afraid of him. Marcus' face however, contains no emotion, he looks almost bored, he doesn't take any malicious pleasure in harbouring Caius' secrets. 

He utters, flatly, "It is, simply, none of my business." His eyes show little to no interest at all, and if I'm honest, I'm sure Aro and Caius themselves have no idea what Marcus's private life is like, because he is just that, private. He doesn't delve into other people's lives, because he just doesn't give a fuck. We should aspire to be more like Marcus #dramafree. 

Caius's grip relaxes, and he steps back. "Very well." He smooths his waistcoat, and clears his throat. Turning on his heel, completely ignoring Aro and myself, he heads towards the main doors, that lead to the hallway. "The theatre, it is. I'll be ready in 15 minutes." 

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