Better Man // Helaena Targary...

By rissarosewrites

48.5K 1.9K 91

Helaena's obsession with insects leads her towards a better man. He was the opposite of Aegon and treated her... More

1. Cool Spider
3. Bite
4. Dream of Me
5. Precious
6. Better Man
7. Never Fade
8. Ser Anthony
9. My Princess
10. Big Fat Crush On You
11. Fight for Her
12. Not Your Raven
13. Jealous
14. Massacred Flowers
16. Don't Hate Me
17. Yours Truly
18. Silenced
19. Shirtless Entertainment
20. Prepare to be Amazed
21. Lifeline
22. Masquerade
23. Stake His Claim
24. Great Responsibility
25. Benjen
26. Grow
27. Bastards
28. In the Words Not Said
29. Say It
30. Toast
31. Weirdo
32. Save Her
33. Eye For an Eye
34. Bam
35. Spiderman & Wife

2. Unlucky, She Fell In Love

2.5K 96 10
By rissarosewrites

Helaena headed down to the shores to release her spider, only to see that strange, peculiar boy skipping stones into the water.

"Peter Parker?"

He spun around dropping the stone on his foot. He cringed inwardly as he shook off his foot, smiling back at her.

"Hi, yes. I'm Peter. I'm Peter Parker. That's me. That's who I am... shut up." Peter scolded himself as Helaena got closer.

"I'm Helaena."

"I know who you are." Peter assured. "Again, not in a creepy way but just because of who you are... I'm really sounding really creepy I swear I'm not." Peter offered pathetically. Helaena giggled as she got closer. She's laughing, thats good, thats a good sign, laughing at me Peter realized but still.

"You're funny." Helaena remarked.

"It comes naturally. Making a fool of myself in front of pretty girls." Peter informed her.

"I dont think you are making a fool of yourself. It is I that looked like a loon when you spoke to me earlier." Helaena remarked softly

"No you could never look like a loon." Peter corrected. "You seem quite brilliant."

"No one has ever called me brilliant before." Helaena remarked stepping closer.

"Thats ridiculous because clearly you are." Peter declared.

"Where have you been all my life Peter Parker?"

The shittest part of kings landing Peter thought glumly. Why couldnt he be a lord or a knight someone important. Someone worth the princesses time.

"Its a... kings landing," peter offered awkwardly.

"Me as well. Obviously." Helaena remarked stepping closer as Peters feet sunk down into the sand. "Parker. I dont know that house." Helaena added.

"Oh you wouldnt. Im no one important." Peter assured her.

"Well I think you are." Helaena corrected.

"Flee bottom." Peter whispered.

"Whats that?"

"I live in flee bottom." Peter said a bit louder. Helaena stared back at him before taking another step closer.

"Do you have family?" Helaena questioned

"Just my aunt.  We take care of each other. Shes my best friend."

"Thats sweet. Ive never had a best friend. Never really had a friend." Helaena remarked softly.

"Oh im sure you have lots of friends." Peter corrected. "You are so pretty and smart you know a lot about spiders it seems, that's really awesome." Peter remarked.

"You would be the first to find my admiration for the little creatures awesome." Helaena countered. "What do you like to do peter?"

"Oh well, I like building things fixing things but that doesnt make a lot of money. But We do what we can. And im not asking for money thats not why I told you. I dont want you to think im trying to- because Im not." Peter assured her.

"I like you peter. Would you want to be my friend?" Helaena questioned and Peter nodded eagerly.

"I really would." Peter agreed.

"I turn ten and three next moon. Maybe you could come to the castle for a party? You could bring your aunt." Helaena offered.

"I would like that." Peter agreed beaming back at her. "I would like that a lot." Helaena smiled, her lip caught between her teeth as she shifted from foot to foot not knowing what to say but knowing she needed to say more. "Is that the spider?" Peter questioned and helaena had forgotten about the spider she was meaning to release. She held up the geode

"Yes. I was going to release him." Helaena remarked. "Would you like to help me?"

"Sure. Yeah. That sounds like fun." Peter agreed.

Helaena opened her hands and the spider blinked back at them. Peter looked to Helaena completely entranced by it.

"I have never seen a spider like this." Helaena remarked. "I study bugs insects of all sorts at the capital." She added. She waited for him to say thats weird you're weird but he didnt.

"I knew you were smart." Peter remarked as the spider crawled out. He looked to the geode it seemed to glow.

"My aunts Avalon and Davina hates spiders. Avalon moved north to winterfell married her husband. A stark. My father claims it was to get away from spiders that they couldnt live in the cold." Helaena remarked.

"I suspect they like the warmer weather." Peter agreed.

"My aunt Davina didnt get so lucky but maybe she didn't. She fell in love."

"Why isnt that lucky?" Peter pondered.

"Well hes Prince Tommen Martell of dorne." Helaena informed him. "The spiders in dorne are supposed to be as large as your face."

"Gross." Peter declared as a shiver went up his spine.

"But she loves him and thats worth more than her fears." Helaena added.

"Aegon!" They turned at the sound of Otto shouting that Aegon was drunk.

"You dont love your betrothed?" Peter pondered. Helena shook her head focusing in the spider as it crawled up her arm. "Then your brother must be the problem because you Helaena are perfection." Peter declared and Helaena believed him.

She thought he might kiss her when a bottle was thrown down in Aegons outrage as otto dragged him inside. Helaena jumped at the sound the spider jumped as well landing on Peter. 

"I suppose I should head in." Helaena offered looking to the fading torches. "But I will see you next moon Peter Parker for my name day party!" Helaena declared.

"Wouldnt miss it." Peter assured as she headed back up. Peter smiled to himself running a hand over his hair when he felt a pinch on his neck.

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