10. Big Fat Crush On You

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"Yes please do come in." May agreed "peter cannot stop talking about his princess-" there were practically hearts in mays eyes "-and if she wants to see him he wants to see her. He really wants to see his crush is so cute they would be so perfect together right sir..." may pondered smiling back at him.

"Anthony." he answered stiffly as he entered their home he looked around curiously

"So when you say track me down that doesn't mean like... Track me down and kill me right?" Peter needed clarification

"No she's got a big fat crush on you kid she hates her husband and likes those stupid little gifts you give her Anthony corrected. I think one of the phrases she said was tell Peter I love him."

"Oh my gods." Peter declared eyes wide as he walked past Anything.

"Where the fuck at you going?" Anthony questioned

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"Where the fuck at you going?" Anthony questioned.

"She loves me? She loves me!" Peter declared completely giddy. 

"I knew she would!" May squealed with delight.

"Where are you going kid?" Anthony demanded. 

"I need to process this." peter remarked in a daze. 

"Kid!" Anthony shouted back. 

"Oh my Gods." Peter rasped. 

"So, what's your story mr. KNight?" May pondered looking Anthony over. 

"Just running an errand for the princess." ANthony answered. 

"thats real sweet of you." May went on. 

"Just doing my job." Anthony corrected. 


"My lady you are late." Helaena's handmaiden remarked and she stared back at Elsa confused. 

"What?" Helaena questioned. 

"Your bleeding is late." Elsa went on as she cleaned up her linins. 

"Late." Helaena whispered understanding. 

"Congratulations princess." Elsa remarked fondly. "A child is such a blessing." But Helaena didnt feel blessed, she felt like suddenly she had a burden growing inside of her. 

Alicent came into Helaena's room with a smile on her face but her smile faltered seeing a broken Helaena. 

Alicent had been wedded, bedded, raped until she produced an heir. She was doing the same to her daughter. Alicent sat beside her silently for a moment. She opened her mouth to say- what? She didnt know but something she wished someone told her when she was married off but instead she saw the parchment flowers. 

"Those are pretty." Alicent remarked. 

"Thanks." Helaena mumbled. 

"Did you make that?" ALicent questioned impressed. 

"No, my friend peter did." Helaena answered. "He's really talented." 

"I can see that... maybe we invite your friend over to celebrate." Alicent offered gently. 

"Celebrate?" Helaena questioned finally meeting her mothers gaze. 

"Your pregnancy." ALicent offered. 

"Oh," Helaena countered. what was there to celebrate about? She would bear Aegon's children and he would fuck her when he was drunk. This was her life, she didnt want to see Petyr anymore. She didnt want him to see her so broken. 

"Let's invite him." Alicent decided. "What's is family name?"

"Parker." Helaena whispered. 

"Parker." Alicent repeated thinking that through. "Parker? Parker? I dont think I know a parker." she admitted. 

"You wouldnt." Helaena agreed. "He's not a lord, but he is a good man." Alicent's shoulders sagged as she reached out for Helaena. "He's a great man... I wish things were different and you and the world could see past titles." 

"Unfortunately that is not how the world works my dear."

Better Man // Helaena Targaryen // Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now