3. Bite

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"I suppose I should head in." Helaena offered looking to the fading torches. "But I will see you next moon Peter Parker for my name day party!" Helaena declared.

"Wouldnt miss it." Peter assured as she headed back up. Peter smiled to himself running a hand over his hair when he felt a pinch on his neck. "Ow." He muttered as his body tensed.

He swatted a hand blindly at his neck and back trying to get the strange feeling from him.


''You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards.'' Aemond declared as he stood up brushing the dirt off as his nephews and cousins glared back at him.

''My father's still alive.'' Luke corrected

''He doesn't know, does he, Lord Strong?'' Aemond smirked back at them. Dark black hair, how could he not. Jace kicked sand up at Aemond he flinched back as Luke lunged his blade at Aemonds face slicing his eye. Aemond screamed out as he fell. Aemond wailed as ser Harrold Westerling and the guards finally made it to them.

''Cease this at once!'' Harrold demanded. ''Get away! My Prince, my Prince. Let me see.'' Aemond was breathing heavily as he removed his hand from his eye. ''Gods be good.''


"Where were you?" Otto questioned when he found Helaena. "Do you not know whats happening?" 

"Whats happening?" Helaena countered. She was still in a haze of happy from her talk with Peter and now everyone was in a panic as they were rushed to the throne room at driftmark. 

''It will heal, will it not, maester?' Alicent offered

'The flesh will heal. But the eye is lost, Your Grace." Maester Kelvyn remarked solemnly.

''Where were you?'' Alicent spat slapping Aegon

''Me? Ow! What was that for?'' Aegon said flinching away from Alicent. Helaena leaned back as well worried her mothers anger would shift to herself as well. 

''That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool.'' Alicent sneered

''What happened? Jace? Luke! Show me. Show me.'' Rhaenyra demanded holding his face in her hands. ''Who did this?''

''They attacked me!' Aemond spat

''He attacked Baela!''

''He broke Luke's nose!'' they were all shouting contradicting statements.

''He stole my mother's dragon!'' Rhaena shouted

''Enough.'' Viserys said but they didn't stop.

''He was gonna kill Jace!'' Luke shouted back.

''I didn't do anything!'' Aemond shot back his eye sewed up a long stitch over his left eye.

''Enough...'' Viserys said louder

''It should be my son telling the tale! He called us...''

''Silence!'' Viserys demanded his cane pounding into the ground.

'He called us bastards." Luke whispered to Rhaenyra

''Aemond... I will have the truth of what happened. Now.'' Viserys demanded

''What else is there to hear? Your son has been maimed. Her son is responsible.'' Alicent spat.


"Hey kid are you okay?" 

"Yeah, no... is there something on my back it feels like I have all these bugs crawling on me." Peter remarked spinning around. 

"Put your shirt back on and help us clean the rest of the shit up if you want your pay." 

"Sorry sir, yes sir." Peter agreed scratching at his back and ribs as he walked back. 

"And stop itching boy, you are going to make people think you have leprosy." 

"I dont." Peter assured. 

"Then stop fucking scratching yourself." 

"Sorry sir." Peter agreed. "Hey whats going on in there? I thought everyone went to sleep." Peter remarked seeing the torches lit and hearing shouted. 

"Ignore them. They ignore us."

"Yeah but if-" Peter began. 

"Dont be a hero, you will lose your damn head trying to help those inconsiderate cunts." 

"I dont think thats very-" Peter cut in again. 

"All of them. They dont waste their time on the help, why should we care?"

"Not all of them are bad." Peter offered. 

"Everyone I have ever met was a cunt. I dont see how these sorry lot could be any different. Now clean up and we head back out." 

"Yes sir, sorry sir." Peter whispered as he finished clearing off the glasses. 

"And take whatever food you can carry kid, you look like you need the calories." 

"Thank you sir." Peter whispered but his gaze shifted back to the castle, the shouting, he wondered if Helaena was alright. 

''He called us bastards.'' Luke spoke up. Helaena, everyone knew it to be true but Aemond wouldnt shout such a thing, he was sweet and kind, he wasnt violent. She moved to him slowly. 

''My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace. This is the highest of treasons. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders.'' Rhaenyra offered

''Over an insult?'' Alicent rasped. ''My son has lost an eye.''

''You tell me, boy. Where did you hear this lie?'' Viserys demanded

''The insult was training yard bluster. The lot of boys. It was nothing." Alicent assured and Aemond looked over at her.

''Aemond... I asked you a question.'' Viserys spat. Aemond looked to Helaena as she held his hand gently. 

''Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter.'' Alicent offered

''Yes. Where is Ser Laenor?'' Viserys agreed

''I do not know, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra admitted ''I... could not find sleep. I had gone out to walk.''

''Entertaining his young squires, I would venture.'' Alicent muttered

''Aemond... look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?'' Viserys asked again and Aemonds gaze shifted to a suddenly very nervous Alicent.

''It was Aegon'' Aemond answered.

''Me?'' Aegon declared.

''And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies?'' Viserys spat, Aegon glared at Aemond. ''Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!''

''We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them.'' Aegon remarked and Rhaenyra pulled her boys closer. 

"What happened Aemond?" Helaena whispered as they bickered endlessly. 

"Where were you?" Aemond countered. 

"You were supposed to be in bed." Helaena added. 

"And I thought you were too." Aemond countered. "Did you get lost after releasing the spider?" 

"No... I made a friend." Helaena corrected and Aemond smiled through the pain. 

"What kind of friend?" Aemond questioned. 

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