20. Prepare to be Amazed

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"So what else can you do peter?"

"What do you mean?" Peter countered walking backwards to face her.

"You know... your magic." Helaena whispered.

"Lots of stuff." Peter said with a shrug.

"Can you show me?" Helaena questioned

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"Can you show me?" Helaena questioned.

"Prepare to be amazed!" Peter agreed as he closed her chamber door.

"What are you doing? Were are you-''  helaena watched as peter moved to the walk.

"Prepare... to be amazed." Peter repeated a cheeky grin on his face as he climbed the wall.

"Peter!" Helaena exclaimed her hands draped across her face a look of shock and amazement filled her. "You are on the ceiling!"

"I know cool right?" Peter agreed looking down at her.

"Peter!" Helaena squealed out. He chuckled landing before her. "That was sexy." Peter kissed her and she held onto him. "What else?"

"Needy one you are." Peter teased. Helaena smiled into him.

"I wish I had powers like you." Helaena remarked. 

"We all have powers of one kind or another." Peter corrected. 

"Whats mine?" 

"Power of kindness and beauty, and compassion-"

"I want a real power." Helaena corrected as he brushed her hair from her eyes. "I'm not special like you." 

"You are special to me." Peter corrected. 

"I'm only happy when I'm with you, Peter."

"If somebody said it was a happy little tale if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world, somebody lied." Peter remarked and Helaena rose a brow confused. "Because I care about you and I wish I could take this pain from you, I wish I could steal you away. I'm sorry I can't but know that if i could, I would. I would Give you a better life, one with happiness, one where we wouldnt have to feel so alone."  

Peter was still smiling, she couldn't stop the feeling of fondness inside her from welling up. His words had meant a lot, no one else even expressed a fraction of pity for her situation, she was the princess after all, shouldnt she be happy, not a single sorry had been uttered except for his. All she ever wanted was for someone to say they understood her, that she mattered and Peter made her feel everything. 

She couldn't ignore how much that meant to hear. His offering of retribution and freedom might frighten her and excite her but he was the only one who honestly offered it.

Peter was bound by no decree of titles or lands but he was willing to risk what little he had to be with her. 

 She felt so alone truly, the others, had all refused her any justice at all. Her own mother. Her husband had cemented the bitter truth long ago that he never loved her, she didnt love him either but he didnt make it easy to love. She wished her mother understood long ago but she didnt, or maybe she did and wanted to repeat history.

 Peter was the only one Helaena had that was willing to do anything for her, no matter the cost, to make her smile.

Helaena did not think on it as one of her hands moved from her side, seeking itself towards the man before her, she placed it on top of one of his hands. He interlocked his fingers with her, staring down at their hands. 

 They did not look at one another, they did not speak, he just silently moved to hold her hand in his before hugging her. 

 She had not slept a wink last night she didnt like to sleep without Peter she found, she liked him laying beside her holding onto her hand but last night she had only her own dark thoughts as company, but she felt now that she was not completely alone. Not when she had Peter. 

Better Man // Helaena Targaryen // Peter ParkerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt