24. Great Responsibility

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Boys like you / Tyrion lannister out now!

When helaena realized she was pregnant she realized it wasnt Aegons. She had successfully -with the help of peter running interference - avoided Aegon coming near her in a drunken haze. She looked to Peter as he lay beside her. 

How to tell the most honorable man in the world she was having his bastard. She knew she would love this baby most because it would come from a place of love.

"I got it." Peter remarked and Helaena had not even heard the knock at the door, she was too busy focusing on him, on his perfect face, on his kind soul. He came back with a big bowl of popped corn. He smiled tossing it up and catching it in his mouth. Helaena stood up staring back at him before sitting back down, how to say it?

She took the bowl shoveling a handful into her mouth to keep from telling him, she didnt think she would lose him but she didnt want him to feel guilty either, because he was the wonderful man and she knew him enough to know he would place a burden upon himself if she didnt word it right. 

"Peter," Helaena mumbled through her popcorn. 

"Helaena." He answered throwing another piece into the air. 

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out and he choked on a kernel. "Peter!" she declared as he coughed it out. "Peter are you okay?" 

"Your pregnant?" Peter countered still coughing. 

"It's yours. I havent been with Aegon in ages, this baby is yours. Our baby Peter, and I am so happy so dont for a second feel anything other than happy." Helaena begged. 

"Our baby?" Peter repeated. 

"Ours." Helaena agreed. Her eyes watch him as he sunk down beside her. 

"Are you happy?" Peter questioned. 

"Yes." Helaena breathed back. 

"Our baby." Peter beamed back at her touching her stomach, helaena nodded wordlessly. He took the bowl of popcorn in her lap and set it on the table in front of them.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Removing all the obstacles, so I have optimal access." he answered, he leaned in, kissing the sides of her cheek and jaw. Her arms wrapped around his body, and her head dipped back. His lips trail down her skin.

"Do you always use words like 'optimal' when you're making out?" she laughed out.

"Are we making out?" He asked between kisses.

"We're not playing Pass the Apple." Helaena agreed still laughing.

"Are you sure? It felt a lot like this." He countered teasingly. He heard the soft whispers of her laughter, and suddenly he had to kiss her. His lips moved to her mouth, and he didnt even bother taking his time with this kiss. He had to have her. She was having his baby, they were going to be parents, Helaena was already a parent but this was going to be their baby. Their child. 

"Ours." Helaena repeated as he touched her stomach. 

"I'm so happy Helaena. I'm sorr-"

"No apologizes." Helaena corrected. "I'm happy. This baby will be born of love." 

"Love." Peter agreed. "My uncle Ben would have loved you, aunt may... how am I going to tell Aunt may?" 


"We need to celebrate!" May declared. 

"You are not... mad?" Peter murmured. 

"Mad? You two kids are crazy about each other, this is wonderful! Sure if Aegon were dead it would be better." May offered and Helaena nodded while Peters gaze shifted between them curiously. "But a baby, your baby, Peter! Gods peter you are going to be a father! Your uncle Ben would have all the answers for you. What would he say?" May pondered. 

"With great power comes great responsibility." Peter offered. 

"And parenting is a great responsibility and a great power in one." May agreed. "You two will do great. I know it." 

"I'm glad you know the truth, you have become family to me too." Helaena remarked and May hugged her tight. 

"My sweet girl you can come to me for anything, I am always here for you, the both of you." May assured. 

Better Man // Helaena Targaryen // Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now