7. Never Fade

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 Wildest Dreams /Jojen Reed x Hp Crossover

Helaena stared at her gift from peter often. She found comfort in it when the world made her head spin.

"Helaena did you want to pick out a dress?"

"I dont want to marry him," helaena corrected.


"Mother please!" Helaena begged.


"The royal wedding is today." Aunt May reminded Peter, as though he didnt know.

"I know." Peter assured.

"You can stop it." May added.

"No I can't." Peter corrected.

"Yes you can." May corrected sternly. "Come on you love that girl and she clearly loves you-"

"You never met her." Peter corrected. "She is just being nice."

"She loves you. Stop being this way peter. You are amazing-"

"And that I just so happen to shoot webs out of my body, stick to the damn walls." Peter remarked. "Oh yeah and that I might be a vampire because-" Peter grabbed a blade and cut along his arm, may cringed at the blood but his skin wove itself back together as though there was no cut at all. "So yeah, I'm really a normal guy."

"You were given this gift Peter-" May countered.

"Gift? Is it a gift?" Peter countered. "It feels like a curse and it doesnt even matter because she, Helaena, you know the princess, the Targaryen princess Helaena who is amazing an beautiful and perfect could never marry a guy like me even if she wanted to which she most certainly doesnt." Peter declared and May saw the agony coating his words.

"Peter," May whispered reaching out for him.

"It's the truth and we both know it." Peter declared.

"What we believe we know may not be the truth." May corrected.

"She's the princess, I never stood a chance." Peter corrected.

"But you know this union with her brother- one gross." May remarked. "two, this union is not love. She likes you, dont you want the chance to show her that you love her too?"

"No." Peter corrected. "Because we will hurt each other in the end."

"You dont know that."

"I do." Peter corrected. "I love her, I barely know her but she consumes my every thought. My room is filled with little gifts I want to give her... but know it will hurt my heart to see her marrying someone else."


Peter snuck into the capital and saw Helaena's teary face as she walked down the aisle.

He left a boquet of parchment made flowers in her chambers that night, a little note below it that said.

~You look so beautiful, I hope he treats you right. Peter~

Helaena stared down at the note, she had slunk away from a drunk aegon after he raped her and moved to her own chambers. All that pain she felt vanished when she saw the flowers and note.

"Peter?" Helaena called out looking around expecting him to be there

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"Peter?" Helaena called out looking around expecting him to be there. "Peter?" Helaena begged as she moved to the balcony but the night was quiet, the cricket chirped and wind whistled through the trees. But no peter. "Peter... thank you." Helaena whispered and her voice traveled, she moved back to the flowers touching their parchment petals. She had a vase brought in and she put them in it as though they were real. They would never fade just like her love for Peter Parker.

Better Man // Helaena Targaryen // Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now