The Great War | Billy Hargrove

By accio_nicolette

17.5K 565 60

"I vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the Great War." Isadora Jones was not the biggest fan of Billy... More

1 | The Project
2 | The Party
3 | Confrontations
4 | Truth or Dare
5 | Apologies
6 | Warnings
7 | Heartbreaks
8 | Mixed Messages
9 | Second Chances
10 | First Dates
11 | Making Things Official
12 | School Dance
13 | Missing Girl
14 | A New Friend
16 | Girls Night
17 | Fixing Things
18 | A Need to Talk
19 | Truths Revealed
20 | Christmas Party
21 | A Christmas Surprise
22 | Graduation
23 | Pool Party
24 | Summer Jobs
25 | Distractions
26 | Finding Billy
27 | The Sauna
28 | The Search for Answers
29 | Finding the Flayed
30 | Preparing for the Fight
31 | The Battle for Starcourt Mall
32 | Face Off
33 | Hospital Visits
34 | Aquarium Dates
35 | Goodbyes
36 | Pep Rally
37 | Finding Eddie
38 | Eddie's Truth
39 | The Search for Answers
40 | Saving Max
41 | The Creel House
42 | Finding Watergate
43 | The Upside Down
44 | Vecna's Truth
45 | Battle Plans
46 | Preparations
47 | Luring Vecna
48 | The Piggyback
49 | Aftermath
50 | The Beginning of the End

15 | Making Plans

286 11 3
By accio_nicolette


                       WHY SHOULD I HELP YOU.


And a party definitely had not been a part of her Saturday night plans, but Steve and Hazel had arrived at her house and had been trying to convince her that she should come out and party with them tonight.

"I don't know, I don't really feel like going out and partying," Isadora frowned as she looked between her two friends, who were currently standing in her living room.

"Come on, Is. You were missing for a week and now you've been locked away in your house when you're not at school. You know you can't mope around in here forever, right?" Hazel asked. Isadora shrugged as Hazel frowned before continuing, "Actually, I am a little surprised you have even been coming to school."

"I can't afford to fail," Isadora shrugged. Steve looked towards the blonde, who met his eyes and sighed softly before continuing, "And I'm not moping. I think I have every right to be feeling the way I am right now."

"Is, of course you're allowed to feel upset and hurt by what happened, but maybe if you came out and partied with us tonight, it might help you feel better, even if it's just for one night," Steve said softly.

"A party though, Steve? You know there's a good chance I'll run into Billy at a party," Isadora said, not that she was willing to admit it out loud but there was a small part of her that was hoping she would run into Billy, even if she wasn't sure what she would say to him because that same part of her was the one that missed him.

"Look, yes there's a chance you might run into Billy but Steve's right. Come on, just come and have fun with us tonight, Isa," Hazel said. Isadora looked between Hazel and Steve and folded her arms across her chest.

"You two aren't going to leave until I agree to come to the party, are you?" Isadora asked them. Steve and Hazel looked at each other before shaking their heads and Isadora groaned as she looked between the two of them before she finally nodded, "You know what, screw it. I'll come to the party with you."

"Come on, let's go and find something for you to wear," Hazel said, as she grabbed Isadora's hand and pulled her away from Steve and the two girls made their way upstairs. Isadora watched as Hazel let go of her hand and walked over to her closet before she opened it and started looking through Isadora's clothing.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing right now?" Isadora asked, as she folded her arms across her chest and looked down at her clothing before watching as Hazel turned to her and shook her head.

"Not for a party, Isadora. Here, try this," Hazel said, as she handed Isadora a dress that was rather low-cut and a denim jacket. The blonde nodded as she she took the clothes from Hazel before heading into the bathroom and changing into the outfit. Once she had changed, Isadora looked at herself in the mirror and nodded before walking out of the bathroom and showing her outfit to Hazel, who nodded in approval, "Perfect, you look great, Isa."

"Really? You're not going to make me re-do my hair or do my make-up?" Isadora asked her friend sarcastically.

"Well —" Hazel started.

"Hazel!" Isadora groaned.

"Alright, alright, you don't need to re-do your hair or do your make-up. Come on, let's go before Steve decides to send out a search party for us," Hazel said. Isadora smiled and laughed before following her best friend downstairs to where Steve was waiting for them. He nodded as he looked over at Isadora and then the three of them made their way to Steve's car and drove to the party together. The moment they arrived and walked in together, Isadora turned her attention towards her friends.

"I'm going to get a drink," Isadora snapped as they walked into the house and a few people standing nearby stopped talking and turned to look at the blonde, who scoffed before pushing through the crowd and making her way over to where the drinks were before she grabbed one and downed it. It was the first time she had touched alcohol again since the whiskey she'd drunk that first night she'd run into Beatrix but she felt like tonight she really needed a drink and after finishing the first drink, she started making a second drink as Beatrix spotted her and made her way over to where the blonde was.

"Hi, Issi," Beatrix smiled as she came to a stop in front of the blonde, who turned to look at her.

"Hi, Beatrix," Isadora nodded, as she finished making her second drink and drank it, as Beatrix watched with her eyebrow raised.

"Are you okay?" Beatrix asked her before frowning as some girls nearby whispered to each other about Isadora, who finished her drink before shrugging.

"I'm fine," Isadora shrugged as she grabbed yet another drink.

"You don't really seem fine. Besides, that is the third drink I have seen you grab for yourself in the last ten minutes," Beatrix told her.


"So, I could be totally wrong but it kind of seems like you're currently trying to drown your feelings in alcohol. Plus, I have heard what some of the people here have been saying about you. I would probably do the same thing if I was in your position," Beatrix shrugged.

"Except all it really does is make me feel numb for a few hours and then I go right back to feeling shitty all over again. I hate feeling like this," Isadora sighed.

"There you are! We have been looking for you everywhere," Steve said as he and Hazel reached Isadora.

"Come on, come dance with us," Hazel said, as she grabbed Isadora's hand.

"Oh, I'll see you later —" Isadora told Beatrix before gasping as her friends pulled her away from the other girl and over to the dance floor.

"Hey, Is!" Eddie smiled as Isadora joined the group. Isadora nodded at him before looking towards Steve and frowning.

"So remind me again, why didn't Kendra come?" Isadora asked, as she took a sip of her drink.

"She didn't really feel up to partying tonight," Steve said.

"Oh," Isadora nodded and frowned before finishing her drink and a few minutes away, stumbled away from her friends to get another drink and as the party continued, the blonde became more and more intoxicated and after grabbing another drink, she stumbled back towards her friends, making Hazel frown as Isadora reached them, "Maybe you should slow down on the drinks."

"Why? I'm totally fine," Isadora protested.

"Uh huh," Hazel rolled her eyes as Isadora clumsily stumbled away from them and over to where some of the drama club kids were dancing and joined them as they danced along to the music. As she was dancing, Tom Richardson approached Isadora and put his hands on her, swaying along to the music and moving his body in time with hers.

"What the hell are you doing?" Isadora asked, as she turned around to face and took a step back from him.

"Dancing with you," Tom said, as he took a step closer to her and put his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him.

"Let go of me," Isadora told him.

"Oh, no," Hazel muttered as she spotted Billy Hargrove making his way through the crowd, as Tom continued his fruitless attempts to dance with Isadora. Suddenly, Tom was yanked away from Isadora and shoved backwards.

"Get your fucking hands off her."

"What the hell are you doing?" Isadora snapped as she turned her attention towards Billy, her nostrils flaring as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Oh, no. Isadora is drunk and angry," Hazel commented.

"I know," Steve said, as he watched Isadora confronting Billy.

"I didn't like the way he was touching you," Billy shrugged, as he turned his attention towards the blonde, who scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"That is none of your business and besides I don't need someone like you protecting me. You know what, frankly it stopped being your business the moment you apparently made me into a fucking game, Hargrove. I was serious when I told you to stay away from me because I am done with you and your pathetic games," Isadora snapped before walking past him and making her way over to where her friends were standing.

"Is, are you okay?" Steve asked her.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine, Steve," Isadora shrugged him off as she grabbed another drink and downed it before pulling her friends to the dance floor and as the group danced along to the music, Isadora smiled at her friends, none of them noticing that Billy was watching Isadora as she danced, the curly haired boy unable to tear his gaze away from the pretty blonde, who threw her head back and laughed at something Steve said. And as he watched them dance, more than anything Billy wished it was him that Isadora was dancing with but he had no idea how he was supposed to fix things with her. He had no idea how he was supposed to undo the damage that had been done by Amanda, but as Billy watched the group dancing, he realised that one of Isadora's friends wasn't at the party and Billy had a funny feeling that Kendra Wright might be his best chance at fixing things with Isadora. He glanced over at the blonde one last time before he turned and started weaving through the crowd, only to run into Beatrix, who stopped as she turned to look at her brother.

"I saw what happened just before. I thought you were going to fix things with her," Beatrix commented.

"I was ... I will, I just don't know how, Trix, but I'm going to fix things with her, I swear I'm going to fix things with her."

"You should just tell her that you're in love with her," Beatrix said. Billy contemplated it for a moment before shaking his head at his sister.

"She won't even talk to me right now. I don't want her to think I'm telling her that I love her to win some imaginary bet. I think I know who can help me fix things with Is though," Billy said.

"Well, good luck," Beatrix nodded before heading back into the party. Billy nodded to himself before leaving and driving until he reached Kendra's house and as he got out of the car, he clenched his hands together. He knew Kendra Wright wasn't the biggest fan of him, and if he had to guess, he was pretty sure she hated him, but he was also hopeful that she would be able to help him fix things with Isadora. Despite there being a party, Kendra had been home studying, so had been surprised when she heard a knock on her door and she frowned as she went to answer the door. She hadn't been expecting anyone for she knew everyone would be at the party and as she opened the door, her immediate reaction was to shut the door, but Billy stuck his foot out and stopped the door from closing.

"I need your help," Billy said.

"And why on earth would I help you? You hurt my best friend and she disappeared for days because of you. You really think I'm going to just let you waltz back into her life and destroy it again?" Kendra asked him. Billy ran his hands through his hair. He knew this wasn't going to be very easy but clearly he was going to need to try harder to get Kendra to listen to him.

"Please, Kendra, I need your help. I need to find a way to fix things with Isadora."

"You really think I am going to help you after everything? Isadora deserves way better than someone like you in her life ruining it," Kendra told him.

"Please, I know you're Isadora's best friend and I know she has ... well she has probably told you some awful things about me, and I know I am part of the reason why she disappeared but I can tell you it was all a big misunderstanding," Billy said.

"A misunderstanding? Isadora disappeared for a week because of you. She genuinely cared about you and liked you and you turned her into one of your pathetic games," Kendra snapped at him.

"It was all a lie! Amanda made it all up to ruin everything with Isadora. I guess she figured Isadora would believe her and it apparently worked," Billy tried to explain but Kendra folded her arms across her chest.

"How am I supposed to believe that?"

"Please, Kendra. I never made a bet that I could sleep with Isadora. Amanda was just trying to hurt her, to break us up because she's jealous that I chose Isadora and not her."

"I still don't understand why I should help you fix things with her. How do I know you're not just going to hurt her again? How am I supposed to trust that you're not just going to sleep with her again and then drop her when you decide you're sick of her? You know, Isadora has been through a lot and she deserves someone who cares about her, who loves her and will treat her the way she should be treated, and I'm honestly not sure that you're that person," Kendra told him.

"I know that and I would never do that to her."

"How am I supposed to believe that?"

"Because I am in love with her and I don't want to do anything to hurt her!" Billy yelled. Kendra's eyes widened at the confession. She had never expected that confession nor did she ever think Billy Hargrove was the type of person to even fall in love and after a few moments, she finally nodded.

"Okay, I will help you. Wait ... if you didn't make the bet ... holy shit, Steve was right."

"Steve was right?" Billy asked, as he walked into the house and Kendra nodded as she closed the door.

"Steve thought Amanda was trying to break you and Isadora up. He said it sounded like Isadora didn't even give you the chance to explain anything and we all know Amanda has never liked Isadora and tried to do anything to keep her away from you, so I guess Steve was right about Amanda doing the same thing at the dance," Kendra explained.

"Is ... she didn't give me a chance to explain anything. I could see it in her eyes, she was believing everything Amanda told her ... even after I told Amanda to leave her alone and that ... that honestly hurt," Billy said.

"She let Amanda get into her head," Kendra nodded as she finally understood what had happened at the school dance that night and realised Isadora had allowed Amanda to ruin her relationship.

"Yeah, she did," Billy nodded.

"Come on, let's come up with a plan then," Kendra said. Billy nodded as he followed her into the living room and soon the two were discussing what Billy could do to fix things with Isadora and it wasn't long until a plan had been formulated. As they finished discussing their plan, Kendra turned towards Billy, "Even though I know you're not the one in the wrong, you know she probably isn't going to forgive you straight away."

"I know."

"You also know that despite what she is saying right now, she doesn't hate you."

"I know," Billy nodded. Kendra looked over at him and nodded before the two of them finished figuring out the rest of the plan before Billy left and headed home, praying that this plan would work and that he would be able to fix things with Isadora. 


Billy confessing to Kendra he loves Is 🥺

Enjoy! Xo


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