Changing Destiny (Kinnporsche)

By joongDunk123

51.1K 2K 693

After going through tragic circumstances in the future and suddenly passing away, Porsche, Pete, Porschay, an... More

Characters: -
Chapter 1: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 2: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 3: PETE: -
Chapter 4: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 5: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 6: PETE: -
Chapter 7: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 8 PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 9 PETE: -
Chapter 10 PORSCHE: -
Chapter 11: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 12: PETE: -
Chapter 13: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 14: - PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 16: - PORSCHE: -
Chapter 17: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 18 PETE: -
Chapter 19 OHM: -
Chapter 20: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 21: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 22: PETE: -
Chapter 23: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 24: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 25: PETE: -

Chapter 15: - PETE: -

1.8K 85 15
By joongDunk123

Pete woke up and it was still morning, Porschay and Aat had to go to an event with Kinn and Pete was not really ready to face the world. He was sick and he was still deiciding whether to follow his heart or leave Porschay with the burden of not going with his true love. He didn't want to be selfish, he wanted to go through his mission, but it was impossible. Vegas was the only thing he felt emotional towards. All these years he acted like a emotionless bodyguard and Vegas gave him a reason to be real, Vegas looked at him like a real person and was the love of his life. Sure, in the starting Vegas treated him like everyone of his lovers, but slowly Pete and Vegas had a deeper connection, a connection no one could destroy a connection where Pete could never live without Vegas, and Vegas could never be without Pete.

They couldn't be without each other, it was difficult. Once in the future Pete went on a trip without Vegas and it hurt him so much, he cut his trip short and went back home, Vegas also was so desperate to see Pete he cut all his business plans and flew to meet him only to find out Pete was back home. They both reunited on the airport and then they had sex in the bathroom....

Anyways it was hard for Pete, Pete looked at his hidden phone that he hid from the main family and felt like calling someone for emotional support. Porschay and Aat had been kind enough to let him rest and cover for him and he felt useless. "Seems like Macau and Porschay have gone university shopping" Pete said as he went to go drink some water.

A knock on the door came and Pete went to go check it out, it was Ken, the spy for the minor family. "Pete, Mister Vegas has asked for you"

"Tell him I am busy" Pete said which shocked Ken.

"Pete, do you know who he is??? He is Mister Vegas Theerapanyankul" Ken said in shock but Pete looked uninterested.

"So? That has nothing to do with me"" Pete said and closed the door. Pete was avoiding Vegas because he knew as soon as he sees Vegas he would fall at his feet for him, and he didn't want to do that, he had to remain strong.

In the afternoon Porsche and Aat still haven't returned so he went downstairs and found Mister Tankhun there who was singing with boredom. "PEEETEEE!!!" Tankhun screamed as he found Pete, he got off the bodyguard he was standing on and ran to give Pete a hug. "I missed you so much, are you feeling better? You are? Okay, Vegas is here, come on lets kidnap him!"

Pete didn't even have a chance to answer him, so Pete just simply coughed and Tankhun gasped with the germs. "Sorry Mister Tankhun, I am very sick you see"

"Oh my god! This is unbelievable" Tankhun said in his English accent, he looked so offended that Pete turned him down. "Pete, are you serious, what happened to the old Pete who would walk through fire when sick and blood dripping down his head? You changed"

"Sorry Mister Tankhun" Pete smiled and Tankhun gave a sassy expression.

"Are you cheating on me?" Tankhun asked, going closer to Tankhun. "Who is the fucker? Is it Kim? You want to work for him now, oh no! Don't tell me, you're cheating on me with Kinn!!! No he has all the good bodyguards"

"No Mister Tankhun, I am not working with anyone else besides you" Pete said and Tankhun looked suspicious at him.

"Are you sure? Double sure? Okay, now let's go feed Elizabeth and Sebastian!" Tankhun said, dragging the sick Pete along with him. Thank god it made him forget about kidnapping Vegas, but it made him at least survive.

A week had gone by with Pete still strongly ignoring Vegas, but he could not handle not seeing his boyfriend so at times he would sneak a glance at him from the window, to see if Vegas would leave. But Vegas was persistent, he came everyday to the minor family, and he waited from the morning to night. Porsche was so concerned but Pete told him to ignore it.

"Pete, you can't do this to the poor man" Porsche said and Pete who was feeling a lot better now looked strongly at Porsche.

"Porsche, I told you I was going to do this, and I will stick with my decision" Pete said and Porsche nodded. Even Tankhun and the rest of the family was wondering why Vegas was there.

"Papa, Vegas is suspicious" Tankhun told his father in front of Pete, making Petes heart ache.

"Aay, just leave him. He didn't do anything to bother you" Korn said.

"His presence bothers me Papa" Tankhun said and pouted.

"Why, isn't this what you wanted, think of it as kidnapping him" Korn said.

"And if he leaves?" Tankhun said.

"Think of it as him escaping" Korn said and Tankhun clapped his hands.

"Oh my god, my dream has finally come true. I finally kidnapped that bastard of a guy!!!" Tankhun said. "I feel so proud of myself, lets go Pete!"

Tankhun dragged Pete out of the room and then they sat in the bodyguard lounge with Porsche and Aat.

'We should do something to celebrate" Tankhun said and everyone scratched their heads. Aat and Porsche looked at each other with a smirk.

"How about we go out?" Porsche recommended and Pete was actually excited about the idea because he was feeling so down, he needed a new scenery and to drink.

'Out!?" Tankhun thought. "I think not!"

"Come on Tankhun, it will be super fun" Porsche said with his mischievous smile.

"First of all, who are you?" Tankhun said. "I don't even know you"

"I am Pete's friend" Porsche said and Tankhun gave a distasteful look.

"Right..." Tankhun said and then Porsche nudged Pete to talk to Tankhun. Pete really wanted to go out of the house for a changed so he agreed.

"Mister Tankhun" Pete said and looked really down; everyone knows Pete is Tankhuns favorite bodyguard. "I have just recovered from my sickness and I feel like I want to do something different"

"What" Tankhun was shocked. "So you don't want to watch A Tale of a Thousand Stars with me?"

"We watched it 5 times already" Pete said with the cutest expression on his face.

"But we are on the good part!!!" Tankhun nagged. Pete sighed and looked away.

"I guess... we can" Pete looked down and Tankhun got up and put his hands on his hips.

"Fine! We will go outside to celebrate Pete's recovery!" Tankhun said and everyone cheered. "But first I need to change!"

Everyone got up in excitement including Pol and Arm and everyone changed out of their normal bodyguard uniform, and into regular pants and t-shirts but Tankhun had to make it extra dramatic. He wore a pink suit, with sparkly gloves and shoes and he had sparkly glasses as well, many of them sighed but they went alone with it because they really wanted to get out.

They all arrived at Hum bar owned by Jade Yok and entered the store already catching attention from many people there. Jade saw Porsche and immediately ran to him. "Ayy Porsche!!! Where have you been"

"Jade, you look as lovely as ever" Porsche said and smiled as he kissed her hand. She turned to look at the rest of the group and was surprised when she saw Tankhun.

"And who is this... he looks so weird" Jade whispered to Porsche, Porsche shook his head and leaned in closer to whisper something else.

"He is a very important person" Porsche said. "My boss"

Jade eyes widened and nodded. "VIP, I see" She whispered.

"Why is it so loud! Pete, I want to go home" Tankhun whined and Pete just smiled as he looked at the atmosphere around the place. He really loved this place; it was the only place he could escape to when he was a bodyguard and only when Porsche came.

"Ohm is here!!!" Aat said and then ran to Ohm.

"I guess we don't exist" Pete and Porsche heard their friends Jom and Tem.

"What are you guys doing here?" Porsche said as he approached his friends.

"It's the weekend and we wanna drink. We haven't seen you in weeks man!" Jom said.

"I have been busy, with my new job" Porsche said.

"What are you doing now?" Tem asked.

"I am his bodyguard" Porsche pointed at Tankhun who was taking a sip and looking at the drink cautiously.

"Is that guy right in the head?" Jom laughed and Porsche shrugged.

"Ah yes, guys this is my best friend Pete" Porsche introduced.

"Pete, nice to meet you. My name is Tem" Tem said and Pete knew exactly who he was, he caused a lot of problems in the future with Time and Tae.

"Hey, I am Jom" Jom said and smiled, Pete smiled at Jom because in the future Jom has a family and he is doing okay even though he seems like the one who would probably get into a lot of shit, but Pete was really happy for him.

"Nice to meet you" Pete said and sat next to them on the table.

"Oh right, did you guys meet Ohm?" Aat came with Ohm to sit next to them.

"Sawadee krap!" Ohm said and joined them.

"No, you have been gatekeeping him. I saw him last time we all went to this bar together, but you never introduced us!" Jom said and shook his head in disappointment.

"Yeah why are you guys so over-protective of each other" Pete smirked and Aat looked away and Ohm was blushing.

"Eh? What's going on here?" Porsche laughed at the two and Aat smacked him on the head. Then they heard some noises coming from the front table and they all looked over. Arm, Pol and Tankhun were having the time of there lives and they gathered more people to join on their fun. Almost everyone was up on their feet dancing.

"We look away for a few seconds and Tankhun is already drunk" Pete said. "Here I am not even on my first drink"

Porsche sighed. "Well, me too! Surprisingly"

"Hey Porsche, do you have a cigarette?" Pete asked and Porsche nodded.

"What? Are you still not feeling so good after...?" Porsche didn't want to continue his sentence and Pete just simply nodded. He handed Pete his cigarette and lighter and then Pete made his way out the backdoor. He closed the door and sighed out loud then he sat on the floor.

"This world is a bitch to me!" Pete said and laughed. He then put the cigarette to his mouth and then tried to light his lighter, the lighter refused to turn on. "Porsche's lighters never work" Pete said in frustration.

Just then a someone else lit a lighter for him and he accepted it, not realizing who it was. "Here!" He heard the person say as he accepted the fire from the lighter. He slowly looked up at the person and then fall on his bum on the ground.

"Vegas!" He gasped with wide eyes. Vegas looked terrible, like he hasn't slept in days. Pete was so concerned about him, but at the same time he wanted to escape. He got up from the ground and tried to walk a different direction from the bar but Vegas hugged him from behind as he was about to leave.

"Please..." Vegas simply said with a soft voice making Pete's heart shake.

"We cant!!!" Pete said as he refused to turn around. Thinking that Vegas only wants to have sex.

"I don't want that anymore!" Vegas admitted. "These past few weeks I can't stop thinking about you! I don't know what it is, and I have never felt this way about someone before"

"You don't feel any way about me!" Pete yelled. "Just forget about, I am just one of your one night stands"

Vegas gripped tighter on him. "NO! You are more than that! I feel like I know you somehow! Like we met in a different timeline or something"

Pete's eyes widened at his confession because they did know each other but Vegas didn't know. Pete began to cry, refusing for Vegas to see him like this. "You are delusional" Pete said while still in Vegas tight back hug.

"Your warmth, your scent and your everything gives me comfort, gives me confident and it makes me feel.... IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE HOME!" Vegas yelled out and Pete's heart sank.

"Vegas stop!" Pete said while struggling to go free from his grip.

"Please! Don't leave me!" Vegas said and Pete heard a quiver in his voice, Vegas was crying. "Don't leave me!"

Pete finally cried out loud, and pushed Vegas's hands away finally, he then continued to walk, but when he noticed that Vegas was silent he turned around in confusion. He was shocked to see Vegas on his knees, begging for Pete to stay. Something that Vegas has only done for Pete, and then Pete knew that Vegas was really sincere. He walked up to the crying Vegas with tears still running down his face and sat down with him holding his face.

Vegas was surprised to see Pete next to him, and comforting him. "I love you, Pete" Vegas said and Pete furrowed his eyebrows and immediately hugged Vegas. Vegas was surprised once again and hugged Pete back, not wanting to let go of him. "Please believe me, I am not who I was before!!! Because of you, I have been looking for you for weeks just to confess to you!!! I thought I was going to die with this confession in my chest!"

Pete took a few moments. "I Love you too, Vegas!" Pete stopped there hug and looked at Pete with furrowed brows, he thought he was hearing things.

"What?" Vegas said with a hopeful expression.

"I said I love you too.... But" Pete looked away and Vegas frowned. "I am loyal to the main family, so I cannot accept this"

"So, what! I don't care! I just want to be with you, there is nothing wrong with that!" Vegas said.

"We can't, Vegas!" Pete cried. "No matter how much I love you, I can't betray the main family"

"But you will betray your feelings, Pete look at me" Vegas said and Pete was trying so hard not to look at Vegas while they were still on the ground, crying in each other's arms. Pete finally looked at Vegas and he kissed Pete suddenly, Pete couldn't refuse! He hugged Vegas more tightly and put his hands over his shoulders and he fell on top of Vegas, still kissing in desperation.

Pete didn't actually care about the main family, he was loyal to them but he was more loyal to Vegas. Pete just didn't want the future from happening that is why he refused. But now, he was done betraying his heart, he was done. Now all he wanted was Vegas! His one true love.

They kissed for a while until they both stopped and looked at each other. Vegas and Pete were breathing out loud and they could hear each other's heart beats. Vegas smiled at Pete. "So... is that a, yes? Will you be with me?"

Pete smiled and sniffled. "Yes, you idiot!" Pete laughed and they both hugged each other again while still on the floor. Pete got up first and then helped Vegas up by lending his hand. But when Vegas got up, he refused to let go of his hand. They were both smiling in their tears and suddenly they both heard the back door open.

"Hey Pete, Kinn is here...." Porsche looked up at the two and then at their hands, he looked up at the two again and then back at their hands. Vegas thought Porsche would out them immediately, but he didn't know Porsche was from the future and that he is Pete's best friend. Porsche just simply smirked when seeing the two together and this shocked Vegas.

"Yes Porsche?" Pete said, also holding onto Vegas's hand tightly.

"Well, what are you two lovebirds doing" Porsche whistled at the two, Vegas still couldn't put his head around what was going on. "Damn, you guys are filthy. Why don't you guys go home... and I deal with... them?" Porsche winked at the couple as if he meant something else for them to do at home.

"Porsche!!!" Pete blushed.

"What? I am just suggesting a nice warm bath for the two of you... to cool of you minds and to.... you know" Porsche said and Pete was about to attack but his hands were almost glued to his boyfriends hand and Porsche already ran inside to the others.

"Umm... he is?" Vegas said. "Isn't he going to snitch on us?"

"Relax, Porsche is my best friend" Pete said with a smile.

"Oh..." Vegas said.

"I already told him about us" Pete said and Vegas looked at him with the brightest smile, even Pete was blushing at.

"What have you told him?" Vegas smirked as he brought Pete into a hug and looked into his eyes. Pete looked away and smiled.

"Nothing..." Pete said in a sweet voice that had Vegas's heart almost jumping out.

"Agh I can't!!" Vegas looked up to the sky and Pete looked up to him curiously.

"What?" Pete said.

"I can't, your so cute!!!" Vegas said. "Let's do what Porsche suggested"

Vegas grabbed a hold of Pete's hand and they both went to his car to go somewhere. "Calm down, I am not running anywhere" Pete said as they got into his car. Vegas then came closer to Pete to put his seatbelt on, and Pete smiled at his gesture.

"You are never escaping me! As a matter of fact, I will tie you to my bed post if you do!" Vegas said with a mischievous smile.

"I don't mind that" Pete said unexpectedly, making Vegas gush and drive to his hotel room that they have always went to.

"You know what's different today?" Vegas said as he guided Pete to his hotel's bathroom.

"What?" Pete said softly, almost whispering, causing Vegas to get almost turned on, his ears were loving it.

"This is the first time I am bringing you here... as my boyfriend" Vegas said making Pete's heart pound. Vegas closed the door of the bathroom and put on the shower. He slowly turned around to face Pete, who was bright red from blushing. Vegas loved looking at his face, it was like he was obsessed with the person in front of him. Vegas took of the top he was wearing while approaching Pete, Pete did the same. And when Vegas's eyes looked at Pete's beautiful body he licked his lips and his hands immediately went exploring.

Vegas trailed his hands from Pete's chest, all the way down to his pants, causing Pete to let out a gasp and shiver with every touch. When Vegas reached his pants, he began slowly removing his belt and looked directly at Pete's face with a seductive look, causing Pete to be turned on. He removed Pete's pants and boxers and he did the same as well as he moved Pete slowly to the shower. As they got into the shower fully naked, Vegas grabbed a hold of Pete's lips unexpectedly with his own and began to move around.

"Mhhmm" Pete moaned in Vegas mouth as he opened his mouth to let Vegas's tongue slip in. The hot water was causing so much euphoria for them, it steamed the bathroom and made it so hot that their hearts were pounding out of their chest. Vegas was so in love with Pete, so much so, that he himself could not explain it. While Vegas was playing with Pete's mouth, his hands went to Pete's length and began to stroke it, up and down he went, while they were still connected by tongue. He pushed Pete gently onto the cold wall and suddenly let go of his lips. Pete slowly opened his eyes at his gesture, confused on why he stopped. He wanted more, he pouted and Vegas let go of a little laugh.

"How much do you love me?" Vegas whispered in Pete's ears making Pete bite his lips.

"S-so much!" Pete moaned at Vegas who was still stroking his length. Vegas then smirked as he put a gentle kiss on Pete's neck, almost teasing him.

"How much?" Vegas whispered again, going lower, down to his chest.

"Fuck!!! I love you, so much!" Pete said a bit louder.

"Really?" Vegas said as he reached Pete's stomach. Pete's eyes were closed looking up, while his hands were on Vegas's wet hair.

"Yeah! So much that you can't even imagine" Pete whispered. Vegas was satisfied, he smiled and put Pete's erect length into his mouth. "Aaah!"

Pete was shocked, his instantly opened as he felt Vegas's hot tongue explore Pete's erect length, he arched his back, and drew his head back. The hot water that was hitting them was so intense, it added to their euphoria. Vegas bobbed his head up and down, going from the tip of Pete's length to the base at a very fast pace causing Pete to breath abnormally fast. While he was doing that Vegas hands went to Pete's back and using the water and lubricant he entered one finger into Pete's hole, Pete was not expecting this. "Aaahh!! Vegas, mhhmmm slowly" Pete moaned.

Vegas was not going easy on Pete however, he sucked on Pete's length even harder, his tongue was so good Pete was moaning uncontrollably and he was getting pleasure from two different sides, Vegas finger was going very slowly, but it was so good that Pete wanted to cum already. His fingers were right on his sweet spot, pounding his hands in each time on that exact spot. Although it was not as good as Vegas's length, it was doing something.

Vegas continued to use his mouth to pleasure Pete and as he got more intense, pete's feet curled on the floor and his hands gripped Vegas tightly. "Vegas!!! I am cumming! Aghhh!" Pete yelled out loud in pleasure. Vegas continued for a second before... "Aah!" Everything turned white as Pete released into Vegas's mouth. Pete eyes widened and began to breath incredibly fast once again, he took a moment to gather himself as he looked down at Vegas who was proud of what he had done. Vegas got up, and Pete wiped the cum off of Vegas's face, and he was so caring while doing that Vegas felt so loved, something Vegas has never felt since his mother died.

"I love you baby" Vegas said suddenly, making Pete gush in embarrassment. Vegas kissed Pete on the cheek, to show how mush he cared about Pete and Pete knew, he was happy, they both were. Pete turned around suddenly, and arched his back, pointing his butt directly at Vegas's hip and erect length. Vegas gulped at this action, and looked at Pete's perfectly shaped body, and butt, then licked his lips.

"Let me get a condom" Vegas said but Pete stopped him.

"Its okay... just put it in" Pete said and Vegas got so excited that his length was now moving in anticipation. Pete held onto the wall as he was preparing himself for impact, because if he knew Vegas, he knew that he liked it ruff, and so did Pete. The tip slowly entered Pete and Pete just pursed his lips at the feeling, he moved his head down and looked at his feet as Vegas quickly pushed it all inside of him. "Aaah!" Pete yelled out.

"Fuck, your so tight baby" Vegas said and then got out slowly, before suddenly pushing back in him. "Your hole is sucking me in deep"

"AAhh, ugh faster!" Pete said and Vegas than thrusted his length into Pete as soon as he said that. It was so fast that Pete felt like he was going to fall to his knees in the bathroom, but Vegas was supporting him, his hands were on Pete's waist and pushing him to meet Vegas in the middle. They were both moving and Pete was so exhausted but he loved the thrill. Vegas was so aggressive and Pete loved it.

Vegas made Pete stand up more so he could take a bite of Pete's neck. Pete felt his teeth sink into his skin and bit his lips by what Vegas was doing. Pete's legs were shaking and he couldn't stand it anymore as Vegas continued thrusting into him with the same motion. He collapsed on the floor and gasped as Vegas length came out of him. Vegas then joined Pete on the floor of the bath and this time Pete was on his back. The hot shower still attacked them with great force, but Vegas's body was covering it from hitting Pete's face. Vegas spread open Pete's legs and spread Pete's ass so he could insert his length more easily. As soon as he positioned his length on the spot, he pounded in Pete with no control.

"AAAH!" Vegas moaned out loud.

"V-vegas! Yeah! Aaah, yes like that!" Pete moaned Vegas's name and it was like music to his years.

"Fuck, moan my name like that Pete, your so sexy" Vegas said. Pete felt like he was close to finishing, he grabbed a hold of Vegas arms and dug his nails into his skin, he curled his toes and Vegas hands moved down to Pete's thighs hitting Pete's sensitive spot so many time, Pete felt like he was going to die.

Vegas and Pete looked at each other with so much love in their eyes, but aggressive as heck with what they were doing. Pete took his hand from Vegas's arm and brought him closer for a kiss. They kissed intensely as their tongues began to battle each other. Vegas went even faster because they both were so close. "Mhmm!" Pete moaned as Vegas continued his actions.

"Ah!" Vegas yelled out through their kiss in pleasure as he released inside of Pete, after a few more insertions into Pete, Pete came as well all over his stomach. Their lips parted and both of them were gasping for air in the hot bathroom. Pete had a blurry vision because it felt so great, and Vegas was just constantly smiling at Pete's adorable face he was making.

The white liquid came out slowly, out of Pete's ass. Vegas was so in love he hugged Pete, and Pete hugged him back, he placed tiny kissed on Pete's forehead, cheek, chin and nose. Pete was his, and no one else's. No one was going to take Pete away from him.

"That was so good" Pete said and touched his own butt which was very sensitive, when he felt it he began to shiver and laugh at that.

"Want me to help you?" Vegas asked and Pete nodded with a smile. He prepared himself as Vegas inserted his fingers back into Pete's hole. Now that they were done with sex, it was so sensitive and when it came back into him he gasped and held onto Vegas's hand that was inside of him. He bit his lips as Vegas began to take out all of his cum that was left inside Pete. He also used some water to take it all out. One he was finished they both got out of the bath.

Vegas had to help Pete because his legs were shaking. He put on a robe for his boyfriend and then he did so himself after he sorted Pete out. They both went to the bedroom and slowly got onto the bed. Vegas opened his arms for Pete to lay on his chest, and Pete did just that. He looked up at Vegas with loving eyes and smiled.

"If you keep looking at me like that, we will have to do it again" Vegas said mischievously.

"I don't mind" Pete said shyly as he put his hand on Vegas's muscles. Vegas was speechless. He took his other hand and hugged Pete's waist tightly.

"You are so cute" Vegas blushed hardly and brought Pete's face close to him. He smiled at his boyfriend and looked at every detail of his face, Pete did the same thing. His heart was beating so quickly. Vegas placed a quick peck on Pete, and Pete did it back. "Please don't leave me, ever!"

"I will never leave you!" Pete said. "And you, you are not going anywhere"

Vegas smiled. "Are you claiming ownership?"

"Yes, I am! Your mine" Pete said as he kissed Vegas's cheek.

"Well, you are mine baby" Vegas said and kissed Pete back. They both fell asleep in each other's arms, naked and they did not care what will happen tomorrow as long as they were together. 

(A/N: You guys are probably sick of Pete and Vegas sex scenes in everyone of their chapters... fine I'll stop) 💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,💗,

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