The ice prince

By Skye_blue109

154 13 2

You are an agent for SHIELD and you are watching over Loki. but strangely he seems attracted to you... She g... More

Chapter one: Charlotte Harper
Chapter 2: Loki
Chapter 3: Thor
Chapter 4: The airship
Chapter 6: Prisoner and saved
Chapter 7: A date with the god of mischief
Chapter 8: Raid
Chapter 9: Ultron
Chapter 10: all this just for an arm
Chapter 11: The vision
Chapter 12: Sokovia
Chapter 13: Death
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: Stephen strange
Chapter 16 Hela odindottior
Chapter 17: Skaar
Chapter 18: Escape to asgard
Chapter 19: The battle of asgard
Chapter 20: Charlotte's 'death'
Chapter 21: Nowhere.
Chapter 22: Planet titan
Chapter 23: Back on earth
Chapter 24: Scott lang
Chapter 25: A time machine
Chapter 26: Going to 2012 and 1970
Chapter 27: the last fight
Chapter 28: the funeral.

Chapter 5: New York city

7 2 0
By Skye_blue109

I stayed in loki's cell, making sure that he doesn't escape.

 'Harper, we got the hulk loose on level 3. how are you?" fury asked me through my earpiece, 'I'm ok fury, loki isn't getting out" I reply to fury.

I saw an agent run toward me from the hall, he was holding a gun in his hands. 'Whoa, buddy, fury assigned me to watch loki" I tried telling him, but I saw the agent's eyes. they were electric blue, not brown like before.

 I hit his legs, he trips and cursed loudly. we began to fight. I was so busy fighting that I didn't notice 2 agents go into the room and release loki.

 one of them had the scepter in his hands.

 'stop" loki commanded the agent I was fighting, I was one the ground, I looked up weakly, and loki touched my chest with his scepter.

 A coldness spread all over me, I try to fight it and it worked.

 loki was confused and tried again, when it failed, he picked me up by the neck and threw me into the wall. Philip Coulson came and knocked out the agents.

 Loki had put me and thor inside his cell and was going to drop us down 30,000 feet. 'We made this after you sent the destroyer," he turned a huge gun he was on and pointed it at loki. 'Even I don't know what it does" all of a sudden, loki appears behind him and put the sharp end of his spear through Coulson's chest.

 'NOOOO" thor screams. I got my gun out and shot the glass, but it didn't work.  Loki let fall the chamber and we fell 30,000 feet.

 I passed out, I woke up to see myself lying down on soft grass, no bones broken, I found thor, I kicked him to wake him up, 'wake up, thor. WAKE UP, THE OTHERS ARE HAVING A PARTY WITHOUT US" thor finally woke up and flew us to NYC.

 Nat was super happy to see me, Clint Barton was too. I saw banner and looked at him, eyebrows raised. 'I can explain about the hulk" Bruce mumbled, 'Is Harper and thor here?" tony said.

 "I'm bringing the party to you' tony came with a tremendous monster following him, "I-I don't see how that's a party' Natasha said with concern in her voice.

 Banner began to walk toward the monster. "dr. banner' Steve said, 'Now might be a good time to be angry" 'that's my secret captain" banner said, 'I'm always angry" he transformed and punched the monster in slow motion.

 I got my guns and shot a few aliens. 'what the HECK are these things called?" I ask barton, "They're called chitarui, they're from space!' he yells back.

 I look up at stark tower, and knew what to do. 'Nat! I need to get to stark tower, I need a ride...." I trailed off, looking at the chitarui driving and knew what to do, GET A RIDE ON ONE OF THOSE TINY SHIPS!.

 I ran into the side of a car, and jumped on one of them and shot it in the head. 'STEER!!! GOO LEFTTT-AHHHH" I shout, turning the chitarui' s body and nearly crashing into a building.

 I saw the stark tower and when I was above the balcony, I began to jump, until I felt a pain in my arm and turned to see a chitarui with a knife through my arm.

 I yell in pain and punch that filthy alien out of the tiny ship. I jump down and crash through the window. I groan and sit up. 'I found a way to blow up the portal, guys. I've got a nuke coming in" I groaned in pain, and saw hulk beating loki up.

 I chuckle. and everything went black. 'charlotte? can you hear me?" I opened my eyes and saw Natasha and the others surrounding me. ' I'm ok, guys. no need to-" I cringed as I accidently used my wounded arm to sit up. 'Ok, hot shot. you need to rest. we got some doctors to pick you up." tony said. he didn't know that was a horrible idea.

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