My Rose

By SkyeGoenett222

51.1K 1.5K 97

Skye is a shy, innocent and lonely girl who works in an office. She lives a simple life, where not much happe... More

Story Characters
Chapter One: Human Girl
Chapter Two: ???
Chapter Three: Taken
Chapter Four: Bad Dreams
Chapter Five: Mates
Chapter Seven: Anna
Chapter Eight: Tease
Chapter Nine: Plan
Chapter Ten: The Date 1
Chapter Eleven: Flashbacks
Chapter Twelve: I Need You
Chapter Thirteen: Dungeon
Chapter Fourteen: The Rebels
Chapter Fifteen: False Escape
Chapter Sixteen: The Truth
Chapter Seventeen: Turned
Chapter Eighteen: Acceptance
Chapter Nineteen: Morning Fun
Author's Note:
Chapter Twenty: The Fight Part One
Chapter Twenty-One: The Fight Part Two

Chapter Six: My Rose

2.7K 82 8
By SkyeGoenett222

Rose's POV: Still Friday Morning;

I want Skye to be at my side at all times, but I don't want her to feel like my prisoner. "I noticed that you weren't on the couch this morning, and your fangs are still poking out," Beth said, grabbing a blood bag out of her fridge. She got two cups and poured blood into them for us. "She had a nightmare and asked me to stay with her," I said, taking the glass from her. "And your fangs?" Beth pried. "She wanted to kiss me, but I couldn't control myself. I want to mark her so badly, but I don't want to hurt her. So I had to pull away," I sighed. "Yeah, I know that pain all too well. But who knows, maybe you'll be able to mark her sooner than you think," Beth said, bringing her glass to her lips.

"I still don't know how to talk to her about our mate bond," I said, sitting at the table. "Maybe you won't have to be the one to inform her about what mates are," Beth took a seat with me. "What are you talking about?" I questioned. "Well, I'm sure she's heard the word mate many times now. And it seems that she has opened up to Zach, so she has most likely asked him about it. And knowing Zach, he'll probably tell her all about it," Beth explained. I got mad for a second, I wanted to be the one to tell her. Tell her that we are mates, but maybe it was better that he did instead of me. You know, human to human.

"So now that you have your mate, have you thought about the throne?" Beth asked carefully. "That hasn't been my concern, Skye has-"

"I know, but now you have her. And she's not going anywhere. Your people need you Rose, things have gone to hell since you left the throne. The power has gone to Anna's head. She's killing our own kind because she sees them as weak nothings. She's building an army to take over the humans, and we can't let that happen. And from what happened to Skye last night, Anna is after her." At first I didn't care about the throne. All I cared about was being with Skye, but Beth is right. Not only is Anna killing our own kind and wanting control over the humans, she's now after Skye. And if she were to get a hold of Skye, she wouldn't be able to control her thirst. Skye's blood is truly rare, and wanted by many. I can't sit back and let Anna get away with what she's doing. I have to stop her, make sure she doesn't get to Skye and take back the throne.

"Let's give Skye some time to get used to us vampires. Then we'll start planning on getting my throne back," I said determined. "Yes my Queen," Beth said proudly. "You give me the signal, and I'll let the ones loyal to you know that you're coming back. And to prepare to fight with us," Beth and I paused because we smelled our mates returning.

Skye's POV;

I couldn't stop smiling now, and I'm sure that I look ridiculous. Opening the front door, Beth and Rose were sitting at the table, already looking at us. I smiled even more when my eyes met Rose's. "And what has you smiling?" Rose smiled back. "I told you he would," Beth chuckled. "I would what?" He asked innocently, knowing what she was talking about. I walked over to the table and sat next to Rose, unconsciously moving my seat closer to her. Rose just watched me the whole time. "You two should go to the store now. We'll stay here so you guys can get to know each other more," Beth said, pulling Zach into her lap. Well we know who wears the pants in their relationship.

"Oh I-i don't have any money so-"

"Don't worry dear, we don't need money. I have this ability to persuade people, make them do what I want. So you can just grab what you want without having to pay a thing," Rose explained. "Can all vampire's do that?" I questioned. "No, just ones of royal blood," Rose replied. I forgot that she was the formal queen. "And I was actually thinking, how about we just go to my home and I can pack my things?"

"That's not a good idea, it's not safe for you there" Rose stated. "But you'll be with me this time. And I need to tell my mother some sort of lie so that she doesn't try to come looking for me. Plus my pet Angie, I can't just leave her. She needs to be taken care of," I argued. "What is Angie?" Beth asked. "She's my guinea pig," I replied. "I don't mind having a guinea pig here, if you wish to bring her here," Beth smiled. "Fine, but if I sense even the slightest hint of danger, you will do as I say," Rose demanded. She definitely has 'The Queen' tone in her voice. "Thank you, but we'll need to grab my car from the store. To make my lie look more real."

"Alright, let's get going then," Rose stood up and stood in the living room. I got up and followed her. She reached in her pocket and pulled out another purple marble, throwing it on the floor and stomping on it. She took my hand as we stepped through the portal, I kept my eyes open this time. But it didn't really make a difference. It was like I had them closed anyway. And now we were standing in the trees surrounding the parking lot. Not letting go of each other's hand, we started walking to my car.

"Zach told me about the whole..mate bond thing," I broke the silence. "He did?" She looked a bit worried. "Mhm. He told me how the bond works and everything."

"And um..what are your thoughts on it?" she asked anxiously. "I like it. The idea of knowing that, your one and only is out there. And that you will meet with them. Truly a one of a kind bond, a bond that others can't break. No matter how hard they try," I sighed. I need to tell her that I know we're mates. But how do I say it? Do I just wait for her to say something? Or do I just say it? What if she thinks I'm crazy, and that we're not actually mates. Fuck it, I'm just going to say it. "I're my mate..right? Or am I just imagining that part.." I trailed off. Rose stopped walking and looked down at me a bit surprised, causing me to stop as well. We aren't too far away from my car now.

I looked up at her, hoping that I was right. And that I didn't just make a fool of myself. She grabbed both my hands and stepped closer to me. "You're not imagining it, my love. You are my mate as I am yours," she said, bringing my hand to her lips. "And I promise to love and protect you, always," she said as she placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand. This gave me butterflies in my stomach, like when she first kissed my hand. But this time was different, it was..more. That's the best way I can explain it. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed pink roses sitting outside the store. Still holding her hand, I walked over to the roses. "Oh look, a rose for my Rose," I said, handing her a rose. I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on her cheek. This caused her to blush.

"How kind of you," she said, smiling from ear to ear.  We walked over to my car, and I was surprised to see my purse still on the ground. Surprised that no one took it or went through it. I picked it up, dug for my keys and went to open my door. "I don't think so," Rose stopped me and led me to the passenger side, opening the car door for me. "M'lady," she bowed her head. "Thank you," I smiled sheepishly. She got in the door after closing my door and started the car. I found my phone and plugged it in. "You should've let me drive, you know. You've only been there once,"

"I know how to get there," She kept her eyes on the road. "How?" I asked. If she's only been there once, how would she know how to get there from here? Wait, when she showed up at my door, I didn't see a car. And when she was in my room, it seemed like she had already seen it before. Her scent also lingers in my room every night, and fades away in the morning. "You've been watching me," I said a bit surprised. She looked a little sad for a moment. "Yes, I've been watching you for about 3 months now. I'm sorry.."

She's been watching me for 3 months. "That's called stalking, you know," I joked. "Noo..I was just..Learning," Rose now had a relaxed smile on her face. "Okay, so then. What have you learned?" I asked her amused. She told me everything that she learned about me. Normally this would freak me out, someone watching every little thing I do for 3 months. And entering my room every night to watch me sleep. But because it's Rose, and not just some random creepy person, I find it kind of cute.

After a 20 minute ride where I was quizzing Rose, we finally made it to my apartment. "Prepare to meet my mom Linda, and pretend to be an old friend or something," I said, getting out of the car. I put the passcode in and Rose followed me up the stairs. I was kind of hoping that mom (Linda) wasn't home. "Skye is that you?" I heard mom yell from the kitchen. Damn it. "Yeah,"

"Where the hell did you go? You didn't text me or anything! I need to know where you are at all times!" she snapped. "Okay first of all, I don't need to tell you where I'm at or what I'm doing every second of my life. I'm an adult who can handle herself." At this point she wasn't even looking at me, she was looking at Rose behind me. "Who's your friend?" She asked, a little apprehensive. "This is Rose, Rose this is my mom Linda," I introduced them. "It's nice to meet you Miss. Goenett," she reached out her hand to mom. Normally my mom would be polite and shake people's hands, but for some reason she's acting..weird. "You so what are you doing now Skye?" She finally looked back at me.

"I'm packing mine and Angie's things. Then I'll be leaving again, Rose is taking me on a little vacation. And don't worry about my plants, I'll have a friend come by and take them for me," I lied. I turned to go to my room. "Wait, where are you going?" My mom asked quickly. "It's a surprise," Rose gave me a reassuring smile. "O-oh..okay," Mom stuttered. What the hell is wrong with her? Normally she would be excited that I was leaving the house, she'd be rushing me out the door. "Yeah, I have to pack now," I grabbed Rose's hand and dragged her to my room. I probably shouldn't have grabbed her hand like that in front of my mom, but oh well. She knows I'm gay anyway. Maybe that's why she's acting weird, because I came home with a beautiful girl after being gone for the night.

"Is there something off about her?" Rose asked. "Yeah, I don't know what it is though. She's not normally like that," I said, grabbing my suitcase out of my closet. I put all of Angie's things in the suitcase and grabbed a large bag for my things. I packed things like make-up, jewelry, etc. I walked over to my dresser, which is behind my door. But before I could open it, Rose grabbed my waist and pulled me back. Next thing I knew, I was standing behind Rose as mom (Linda) busted in my room. Mom looked right at Rose and had a look of realization on her face. But realization of what? Does she know who and what Rose is? No, she has nothing to do with any of this.

"Mom what the fuck is up with you? Is something wrong, like what is making you act like this?" I questioned. "I'm sorry honey, I'm just worried about you,"

"So you barge into my room instead of knocking like you normally do? There's nothing to worry about. I'm fine."

"Can I just have a word with you out here?"

"I'll be out in a minute," I pushed mom (Linda) out of my room, closed the door and locked it. Which felt weird to do, because I've never had to lock it. Her sudden change in behavior is pissing me off. "How did you know that she was gonna do that?" I asked as I put Angie in her carrier. "I get these visions of things before they happen, so I can act on them in time," Rose explained. I took out my clothes and started throwing them in the bag. "Skye?" mom called out. I sighed in frustration. "Can you put these in my bag please?"

"Yes I can," Rose started putting my clothes in the bag without hesitation. As she did that, I went to deal with my mom. "What," I said entering the living room. "I just don't know if you should go on some trip with that girl,"

"Why not? You're not acting like yourself mom, normally you would be so happy that I'm leaving the house and hanging out with my friend. You'd actually be pushing me out the door,"

"You just don't really know her-"

"And how would you know that?"

"You're my daughter who I've raised. I know everything about you and I know who all of your friends are-"

"Raised? Did you forget about the 14 fucking years where I had to raise myself?! Because you weren't there?! There's a whole other part of my life that you'll never know about, friendships that started in that time of my life, things that I had to go through. So no, you don't know who all of my friends are, and you sure as hell don't know everything about your daughter," I spat. It's been a long time since I told her off like that. But something is off about her right now. Like her true colors are starting to show because something she has been trying to avoid is taking place. Whatever it is that's making her act this way, I wasn't about to let her get away with it. I said what I said and I meant it. "You're my mom and I love you, but you can't say that you raised me when you didn't. Now I have to go," I said, leaving her stunned.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked worriedly. She pulled me in and wiped away the tears slowly falling down my face. I don't know why I'm crying. Maybe mom's sudden change in behavior was just too much of a shock? And maybe deep down inside...her not being in my life for so long..still hurts. No, there's no 'maybe', it still fucking hurts. What she did was wrong, and I don't think I'll ever be able to heal those wounds. But I can't dwell on the past, I have to move forward. "I'll be okay. Let's just go," I said, throwing the bag on my shoulder, and picking up Angie. Rose grabbed the suitcase for me, held the doors open and helped me put everything in the car. Mom just stood by and watched me leave.

"My Princess," Rose said, opening the car door for me. Her calling me 'princess' lightened my mood a bit. "I'm no princess," I smiled while getting in the car. "Not yet," Rose smirked as she closed my door. I made sure that Angie's carrier was fastened safely in the back, then we headed to an abandoned parking lot to ditch my car for a while.

Linda's POV:

I watched Skye get in the car with Rose and drive off. I should've stopped them. But how am I supposed to stop Rose? She may not be their Queen anymore, but she's still the strongest vampire. And what does she want with Skye anyway? The only reason I can think of is-

"They're mates!" I gasped. This can't be happening. I tried so hard to keep her away from all of this. I can still prevent it. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.



"It's happening,"

"Well then, it's time for plan b,"

"See you soon," I hung up the phone. "I'm sure I still have those marbles here somewhere.."


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I update every other day, and I already have chapters just waiting to be published.

Please feel free to comment on anything good or bad, and make sure to vote! This lets me know if you are actually enjoying my story! Thank you!

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