Changing Destiny (Kinnporsche)

By joongDunk123

51.3K 2K 693

After going through tragic circumstances in the future and suddenly passing away, Porsche, Pete, Porschay, an... More

Characters: -
Chapter 1: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 2: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 3: PETE: -
Chapter 4: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 5: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 6: PETE: -
Chapter 7: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 8 PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 9 PETE: -
Chapter 10 PORSCHE: -
Chapter 11: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 12: PETE: -
Chapter 13: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 15: - PETE: -
Chapter 16: - PORSCHE: -
Chapter 17: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 18 PETE: -
Chapter 19 OHM: -
Chapter 20: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 21: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 22: PETE: -
Chapter 23: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 24: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 25: PETE: -

Chapter 14: - PORSCHAY: -

1.9K 83 20
By joongDunk123

"Where the hell are you guys?" Porschay said while looking around for his friends, he sighed as he entered Sammons café. "P'Fluke have you seen Macau? Or Sang and Benz?"

"No, they haven't come in today" Fluke said as he was wiping the counters.

"They told me to meet them at the café" Porschay said as he sat down inside the café waiting for his friends, just then he heard the bell of the door ring and a new customer entered.

"Honestly Kinn if you want coffee get it yourself!" The man said who was on the phone. "I don't give a fuck if you are angry at Fluke! No... no!" Porschay looked up from his hands and found that it was Kim who was shouting at Kinn through the phone.

"But you are out anyways, I am busy" Both Porschay and Fluke heard Kinn say through the phone.

"Right, what do you need?" Fluke said as he went behind the counter with an annoyed expression.

"One Caramel Macchiato and a Matcha iced tea" Kim said and then leaned on the counter slowly turning around, when he saw Porschay he made a curious expression and then got up slowly from the counter and made eye contact with him. Porschay looked away immediately and wanted to leave.

"Well, if it isn't Macau's boyfriend" Kim said approaching Porschay. But Porschay didn't talk, he just looked at his phone and it made Kim frown

"Calm down, calm down" Porschay thought to himself as his heart began to beat incredibly fast.

"What? Why don't you want to talk to me? Did Macau say you should not talk to me? Because believe me, their the worst family" Kim laughed and continued to stare intently at Porschay. "You know, the more I look at you the more you look cute"

Porschay looked up stunned by what Kim had said, Kim was now smiling at Porschay and Porschay couldn't help his heart from beating at a fast pace. He is supposed to hate Kim for what he did, but Kim he couldn't help but still yearn for him. Porschay looked away from Kim and Kim noticed that something was bothering Porschay.

"Why don't you speak to me?" Kim said. "I am shocked Macau has good taste"

Porschay took offense to this. "Why do you keep insulting Macau and his family?"

Kim was surprised. "Finally!"

"No! you keep thinking you are higher than them and that is so wrong, do you even care about other peoples feelings besides your own?" Porschay didn't realize he talked about himself. But now that Kim didn't have any ulterior motive for approaching Porschay, his true attitude was showing. Porschay first met Kim when he was kind hearted, when he helped him, but now the true colors of Kim were showing.

"You don't even know me" Kim said a bit stunned by Porschay's outburst.

"Well, I know enough!" Porschay said and Kim froze. "You have no right to degrade another person when you yourself is not perfect, stop trying to act like you are better than other people! You act like you don't care, and hide in the shadows but admit it, you do care"

"Order for Kim is ready!" Fluke suddenly said awaking Kim and Porschay from their stare down. Kim got up with a confused look on his face, got his drinks and without saying anything he left the shop in a daze. Porschay himself couldn't believe what just happened and held his heart.

"Did I just do that?" Porschay said with a smile.

"Yeah, you were pretty loud" Fluke smirked.

"You were listening?" Porschay said.

"Uhuh, and it sounds like there is much more going on with you kid than just protecting your boyfriend" Fluke said with emphasis on boyfriend as if he already knew that Macau and Porschay weren't really dating.

"Hey-" Porschay was suddenly interrupted as he was about to ask Fluke what he meant on that, until Macau entered the shop.

"Sorry I am late" Macau said and forgot about what he was going to say completely.

"I am here" Porschay said and Macau joined him to sit down.

"What happened to you... you look pale?" Macau said and Porschay shook his head, he didn't want to tell Macau about his encounter with Kim.

"Ah.... Nothing" Porschay said and smiled at Macau.

"What are you going to do today?" Macau said.

"Today I am going to explore universities" Porschay said and Macau frowned.

"But isn't today the day you met Kim at university and then he started to trail you because you were Porsche's brother...? Are you going to go to the same university?" Macau asked and Porschay nodded.

"That is my dream university, and in the future because of Kim I never had the opportunity to join... but now I feel stronger and I feel like I should try it out" Porschay said and Macau still wasn't feeling alright.

"But, what about the university we went to together? The friends we made? The memories we shared" Macau said and Porschay sighed.

"Macau, this is my dream university, and ever since I decided to join the other uni, I regretted my decision. Please Macau..." Porschay begged and Macau looked away for a bit before he finally nodded his head.

"Fine, but I will have to join you as well" Macau said and Porschay was surprised.

"Macau! You don't have to, you like your old university and the friends you made, go there!!" Porschay said.

"Well, I can make new friends, I just don't trust Kim around you" Macau said. "And we are like family now since we are the only ones with memories of the future. We have to stick together"

"Thank you Macau, I don't know what I will ever do without you" Porschay said and smiled at Macau.

"Yeah, yeah... I know" Macau said and smiled. "But, do you still feel the same way?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you still have feelings for Kim?" Macau said and Porschay dropped his smile and looked at his phone. He couldn't deny it, Kim was the first person he truly liked, and he hated to admit it but he still loved Kim very much. It hurt him, and it looked like this hurt Macau as well. "It's okay, you don't have to answer... lets just get ready for the university tour"

They both went with Macau's car to the university and when they went there, they met up with Sang and Benz was nowhere to be seen. Sang was on his phone the whole time frantically texting Benz sorry.

"How has it been with Benz?" Porschay asked Sang and Sang sighed.

"He is supposed to be here" Sang said.

"Did you apologize yet?" Porschay said and Sang nodded.

"More than a dozen times, I even went to his house and through a rock at his window like in those romantic romcom movies and then said I was sorry but I was ignored... it was midnight" Sang said.

"Bitch he was probably sleeping!!" Porschay said and Sang put his hands up.

"Hey, how was I supposed to know he was sleeping?" Sang said.

"You said it was midnight, and we all know Benz is an early sleeper" Porschay said and Sang went wide eyed.

"Oh shit, I forgot" Sang said and then suddenly Benz appeared in front of them scaring the whole group.

"Hey guys" Benz said normally. Porschay, Macau and Sang were frightened.

"Benz...?" Porschay said cautiously. "How you feeling buddy?"

"Great... why you ask?" Benz said and Sang frowned.

"Umm... about the other day?" Sang said softly.

"What about it?" Benz said looking directly at Sang.

"I am sorry!!!" Sang went on his knees and begged his friend in front of everyone, making everyone give the group a weird look.

"Oh my god Sang, its no big deal" Benz said and pulled him up.

"What!?" Sang said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I mean you didn't mean it, I am fine about it.... Everything is okay. I was just moody that day" Benz said and porschay couldn't believe his ears. Benz found a food stand and went to go get food making Macau, Sang and Porschay so confused.

"No... something is up" Porschay said.

"Yeah, there is no way he would forgive me just like that" Sang looked suspiciously at Benz who was getting some chicken.

"Yeah... maybe he is trying to torture you" Porschay.

"UhuH! It's the only explanation" Snag bit his finger nails.

"Or maybe he genuinely forgives you" Macau said and both Proschay and Sang looked at him weirdly.

"Hell no! If you know Benz the way we know Benz you know it's never good" Porschay said and Sang nodded.

"I am not buying any of this!" Sang said.

"Whatever, I am going to get some chicken by that stand. Want some?" Macau said and pointed to the food stand Benz was in.

"Yeah, I am starving" Porschay said and Macau went to go stand in line.

"Wow, you are really showing off" Sang said and Porschay looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he gets you anything, pays for your meals, drives you around and comforts you when you need it. Where the fuck can I get a man like that!" Sang was so outraged by that.

"What happened to you and Fluke?" Porschay laughed.

"Huh? Oh, we broke up" Sang said and Porschay frowned.

'What? But you guys were never going out" Porschay said and Sang covered Porschays mouth then touched his heart.

"Shhh.... In my heart we were going out okay, in my heart we also planned our wedding and how much guests would be their and we even planned how much babies we were gonna get in the future... all that came to a stop when he-

Sang faked cry and Porschay rolled his eyes. "Let me guess he has a mistress?"

"Yes! HE cheated on me with0

"Jessica?" Porschay answered and Sang looked at him weirdly.

"How did you know?" Sang said.

"Because she is the only female working for him currently and you always talk to us on how you would like to kill the bitch?" Porschay said. "I listen you know, even though we may seem like we are not listening... we listen"

"Well damn... anyways, this heartbreak is hurting me and I decided to move on" Sang said and began to fake cry again, dramatically.

"But you seemed really interested in this one" Porschay said. "Come on, tell me honestly what's going on"

"Okay fine! I admit it! I haven't moved on just yet... its just that. Fluke already rejected me about 8 times and I am tired, I may look like I don't care but it hurts and I know I shouldn't have any expectations but I.... I don't know! I keep allowing myself to feel this way and I should know better" Sang said and looked sadly at the chicken stand, feeling hungry already.

"I understand" Porschay said.

"What? Have you been heartbroken before?" Sang said and Porschay remained silent.

"Yeah..." porschay finally said softly.

"Want to talk about it?" Sang said, as they two began to walk around only arriving at a huge stage and a crowd of people gathered. Porschay stopped for a moment and looked around him, it was exactly the same as his memories. "What's going on here?"

"Oh my god! Wik is here today!!!!" A glasses kid said and Sang thought for a moment.

"Hey isn't that the singer whom you like?" Sang asked Porschay and Porschay looked at the stage with a sad expression.

"Yeah, he is" Porschay admitted.

"Perfect, now you get to meet your crush!!!" Sang said innocently. Just then Kim walked onto the stage as Wik and smiled to the crowed, but Porschay was still sad. Kim sat down on his chair and he had a microphone next to his face. Everyone began to cheer as he sang the lyrics to his new song and many were crying. Porschay was the only one not following everyone around him. Kim finally made eye contact with Porschay and looked at him confused at how he was there. For the whole time Kim continued to make eye contact with Porschay and they stayed like that until the music ended.

Porschay let a tear slip down his face and then he got out of his daze when Sang tapped his shoulder. "Porschay?" Sang asked worriedly as he was the only one who noticed the look Kim and Porschay were exchanging. "Don't tell me..."

"What?" Porschay said as he wiped his tear.

"You and Kim? Happened?" Sang said sadly. "When? Are you cheating on Macau?"

Porschay laughed, finally showing some emotion. "No, what are you talking about. I am not cheating on Macau"

"Porschay, I can tell something is wrong" Sang said, but Porschay ignored him and looked back at Kim who was curious on what Sang and Porschay were talking about.

"Forget about it" Porschay sighed as the announcer was going to ask questions to everyone.

"Thank you for joining us Mister Wik!!!" The announcer said and everyone clapped, Kim looked at the announcer and smiled.

"I am glad to be here" Kim answered.

"I am going to ask a series of question and you guys have to try your best to give the right answer and win yourselves a t-shirt with Wiks signature" The announcer went on and everyone cheered.

"For the first question what is Wiks favorite color" The announcer said and everyone raised their hands desperately wanting to answer.

"Porschay... you know the answer, raise your hand" Sang said and Porschay refused. Kim was also hoping for some sort of reaction from him, but nothing came.

The glasses kid was so instant on wanting to answer, he kept hitting people to put their hands down so he could answer. "Yes, boy with the glasses" The announcer pointed.

"Red! The answer is Red!" The glasses boy said and Kim nodded with a smile, everyone cheered.

"Hmm.... No its not" Porschay said and only Sang heard him, Sang frowned and looked between the two boys and was curious what was happening because they would slowly make eye contact with each other and their facial expressions confused Sang.

"Porschay answer the questions, don't you want to?" Sang said.

"I mean I do... but ill just stand out for this one" Porschay said.

"Okaayyy!!! Next question, what is the name of Wiks first pet!" The announcer said and the glasses boy put his hands up again, he smirked at everyone and took his glasses off pretending to be a different guy. The girls were so annoyed they couldn't answer anything and looked at him annoyed.

"Okay, kid over there" the announcer pointed to the same kid.

"It was a dog and his name was chopper" the glasses kid said and Kim nodded and it looked like he just wanted to get things over with already. Kim looked at Porschay again and he looked like he was going to answer but refrained from it. Kim was confused on who the heck Porschay was.

"No... it was a cat and her name was Milly" Porschay said and Sang sighed at his friend and didn't know what to do.

"Okaaay and the last question!!!!" The announcer said. "How many cats appeared in all of Wiks music videos!!!"

The glasses boy thought for a second and then slowly raised his hand. Everyone as well was very confused.

"Okay... girl with the ponytail" The announcer said.

"3?" She answered unsure and Kim shook his head. Then everyone booed her and they continued.

"2!!!" A girl said in confidence, but Kim still shook his head.

Finally, the guy gave the glasses guy another chance which got him 3 t-shirts now but no one knew so he had to end it quickly. "It 4!!!!" The fanboy said and Kim smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations!!! Well guys that is it for the questions if you want to meet Wik personally then meet us back stage" The announcer said and everyone cheered. Sang pulled Chay to a corner where no one was and Kim looked at them going away, his eyes followed them and he got up to go to them afterwards.

"Okay what the heck is up! You are like my sister who is on her fucking period!!! Spill the beans" Sang folded his arms and Porschay sigh. "You knew all the answers yet you were a bitch to answer it"

"I know, I know!!! Kim's favorite color is Black, he had a pet cat named Milly and there were not 4 cats there were 6... in some music videos you could see tails, or cats litter boxes!!!" Porschay said and Kim who was spying on them from a distance heard the entire thing, he was surprised. He hadn't told anyone about his favorite pet Milly who died.

"Kim? KIM!!! So this is the guy you keep mentioning!!!" Sang said. "What is he your ex or something"

"Ugh... I mean it's not like I died in my past life only to be reincarnated into my younger self's body with memories of my previous life!" Porschay said and it left Sangs mouth opened.

"You died in your past life only to be reincarnated into your younger self's body with memories of your previous life!!!!!!" Sang said out loud and Porschay panicked and covered his mouth. Kim could not believe what he was hearing.

"What! No!!" Porschay said and Sang took his hand away.

"Bitch, I heard you! You can't lie to me" Sang said.

"You read to many manga's!! I wasn't reincarnated and Kim was not my ex!" Porschay said and Sang gasped even more than before, Porschay wondered how that was even possible.

"Kim is your ex in your past life!!!!????" Sang said outloud and Porschay had to cover his mouth again. "Oh, no.... you have to tell me everything!"

"From the beginning?" Porschay said and Sang nodded.

"From the very beginning" Sang sat down and got comfortable which made Porschay sigh and join him on the floor. Kim himself who was listening to all this was really curious on where this was going. He got comfortable as well and began to hear the story. Porschay went on and on for an hour, with Sang giving shocked expressions and frowns and Kim himself being shocked at what was coming out of Porschay's mouth. But many of the things Porschay said had happened recently and he had no choice in believing that Porschay was in fact reincarnated. Kim didn't feel well at the moment, he got up and immediately went home. He felt as though he was going to throw up and Kim was really shocked on why he was acting like this. He ran to his car and his bodyguard drove him to his condo where he lived alone. Once he arrived he ran upstairs and when he entered the apartment he took some pills to make him go to sleep and then as soon as he hit the bed! He fell straight to sleep.

Everything was blank... he couldn't see anything; it was like he was falling through space. He looked around but nothing was certain, he continued to scream for help but his voice was not heard. White suddenly flashed around him and he suddenly awoke screaming!. "PORSCHAY!!!!"

He was in cold sweat and his heart was racing. He looked around the room and was shocked on where he was, it was his old condo. He saw the time and it was almost midnight and sighed. He got out of bed and to the bathroom, and when he came face to face with his reflection in the mirror he gasped.

"No! No way!!!" Kim said and then looked at himself closely. "How am I younger?"

Kim looked around for a possible answer, he went back to his bedroom and found his phone, and saw the date, and his eyes grew double the size, he was so shocked. To make double sure, he went to the last picture he saw and it was just a picture of his guitar and now he was sure he was losing it because that's the guitar he had when he was still in university.

He ran in a panicked way to his picture on the wall and opened it to reveal a bulletin board where faces of his family members were plastered on it... but some were missing, like Porsche's face, as well as their entire family. He was so confident he had filled the board. Which only meant one thing for Kim, he had traveled to the past.

"I have a chance!" Kim simply said with tears rolling down his face as he collapsed on the ground. He had gotten his memories back by listening to the story Porschay was saying about their encounters... does it mean the others who have had a similar experience to them could also get their memories back!? Could Kinn or Vegas get their memories back as well?

Back at the Univeristy...

Sang was speechless after hearing the entire story, his mouth was opened and it was night time. "I cant believe you went through all of that because of the fucking Kim hole!"

"Huh? You believe all of that?" Porschay said and Sang nodded.

"No wonder you were acting so different, the future must have been so cruel to you" Sang said in a sad sounding voice.

"How different?" Porschay said.

"Well you used to see the world in color, and now you see it in destruction. I figured that out in art class, you drew buildings being crushed and before you used to draw about life and nature!!! You also swear a lot, and the Chay I know doesn't do that" Sang said. "Just proves that you were treated terribly in the mafia"

"No, I was treated good... I did this to myself, I trained for myself, and I got stronger with my emotions" Porschay said with a rough voice but Sang only pitied him.

"Well it doesn't look like you got over your feelings with Kim" Sang said and Porschay looked down to his hands, even he couldn't deny that he was in love with Kim.

"Wait a minute... if Macau and you met in another university as friends... are you guys not dating?" Sang said and Porschay nodded.

"You lied to me!" Sang said and hit Porschay.

"I mean it's the only way, according to Macau" Porschay laughed.

"Bro, there are so many other ways' Sang said and Porschay nodded.

"I know right" Porschay said and Sang shook his head.

"What about Benz?" Sang said and Porschay thought.

"He wouldn't believe us" Porschay said and Sang nodded. Suddenly Benz and Macau came to them with grumpy faces.

"Where the heck were you guys, we searched the entire university!!!" Benz said angrily.

"Sorry, we were talking" Sang said innocently and Benz sighed and sat down with them.

"We thought you were kidnapped" Macau said and Porschay looked at him.

"I mean it wouldn't be the first time" Porschay said and Macau squinted his eyes, recalling the memories of the times him and Chay had been kidnapped.

"What were you guys talking about?" Benz asked.

"Oh, just that Chay got reincarnated into his younger selves body with memories of his past life" Sang said and Benz frowned, Macau looked at Chay with a confused expression, Chay was waiting for Benz's reaction. But all he did was give them a weird look.

"What the fuck!!! Sang are you on something?" Benz said and Sang smiled.

'Told you" Porschay said and Sang nodded.

"No, nothing! Just forget what you heard" Sang said with a smiled and then they all got up to go home.

"You told Sang? Why?" Macau asked.

"Well, he deserves to know... I mean after today" Porschay said and Macau frowned in confusion.

"What happened today?" Macau asked.

"Nothing" Porschay refused to tell him.

Now Kim knows~~~ He knows~~~ 

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