Reruns (Elizabeth Olsen Fanfi...

By AnnaVilog

72.3K 3.7K 583

(Book 2 of Photograph) It's been 2 years since Elizabeth and Shannon's relationship faded into nothing and wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author's Note

Chapter 25

958 49 9
By AnnaVilog

I just arrived in New York and I'm a little bit annoyed because my flight had been delayed and I'm running way behind my timeline. It's five in the afternoon and I still have to get some flowers for my lady and also for the twins. I called the flower shop earlier before I got in the plane so that would save me time later on. Then I have to change into something presentable because I'm very sure that would be a formal party with dresses and tuxedos. I was suppose to go to Elizabeth's apartment and surprise her there but I scratched that idea and just decided to surprise her at the party.

Fortunately, I can only see two, three men with huge cameras hanging around their neck waiting for someone to fire them with their intrusive question and I really can't take that right now. My phone buzzed in my pocket so I reached down for it to see Casey replying to my text.

I'm outside by the parking lot.

I didn't reply and just grabbed my bag up. I put on my hood and my sunglasses and remind myself to be fucking invisible and avoid them as much as possible. I think the universe is making it up with me for delaying my flight today because as I walk past those men I was talking about earlier a much taller person blocked me from their view and it was the best thing that had happened to me so far. I really don't need them right now.

I got out of the airport safely and invisible. I spotted my sister's car by the parking spot near the exits and rush towards it being cautious with my surroundings and still kept my head down.

"Hey" Casey says as soon as I'm close enough to hear her. " It unusual for you to greet me with your eyes stuck on the ground don't you think?" I looked up to her and gave her kiss on the cheek and a hug before opening up the back door for my bag and immediately got in the passenger seat.

"I'm sorry, I saw paparazzi inside and I just don't want any distractions right now. I'm really running late the dinner starts in two hours-" I checked my watch and sigh seeing the time. " Actually almost an hour and a half and I still have some things to do." She sighs as she starts the engine and backs up the car while I strap myself up before she could even tell me to.

"They're not going to leave you are they?" I snigger and shake my head. She lets out a deep breath and I kinda sensed what she was thinking but I'm nowhere near that right now. I'm mad about the paparazzi and I admit that it sucks but all I can think about right now is seeing my woman after a week of being away from her.

"I'm fine Casey. Don't worry." I glanced at her and smile. A proper and genuine smile, and gave her a pat on the shoulders.

"So are you going home to mine or your girlfriend's tonight?" She asks and my smile grew to my ear upon hearing the words 'your girlfriend' and it sounds pretty amazing to me.

"Maybe at hers then I'll drop to yours the earliest to get my things. I'm not sure, because all I got planned is how I'm going to get ready in an hour and a half for a birthday  dinner. I'm not even invited to."

"So you're crashing a party." She laughs like this is some kind of a funny stunt we watched back then.

"A surprise visit is fucking different from crashing a party Casey." I roll my eyes at her and she giggles shaking her head. After a while we finally arrived to her apartment and I immediately got off the car, take my bag and rushed inside to start dressing up. I needed to give Elizabeth a white lie about having a shoot on a fucking Sunday just so she knows I'm busy if she texted and I won't be able to respond right away, but even that I feel so guilty already. She's right I suck at lying.

I put on a striped black cropped top and some black dress pants that surely go along with a white blazer and heels. Also to top it off some silver accessories and my bumblebee necklace that I refuse to take off my neck still, so that's the outfit. Well, that's all I got from my tiny wardrobe of shirts and ripped jeans back in LA but this would do the trick. Oh and I'm filming this too so I'm really on a fucking roll today.

"So, how do I look?" I asked Casey who's been patiently waiting for me at the living room after quite some time. She looks up and eye's me up from head to toe before nodding with a smile plastered on her face.

"You look decently good." She chuckles and I roll my eyes. "I think we should get going Shan, New York traffic is the worst and we still need to stop by the flower shop for your flowers." I let out a heavy breath and nod. I went back to her room and grab my things including my gifts for the twins which cost me a fucking fortune so they better love it.

I literally grabbed Casey by the arm as soon as I was out of the room and pulled her out of the apartment. We rushed back to her car and sped off.

"We still have 45 minutes left." I mutter glancing at my watch as Casey made a turn to avoid the growing traffic in the city and surely she did as we arrived at the flower shop in about five minutes or so which is pretty impressive by the way.

"Just stay here and I'll be back in ten minutes." I say. I didn't gave her the chance to reply as I got off the car and into the shop. Christina, the lady behind the counter and the owner of this shop, immediately smiles at me as soon as she saw me.

"Oh hi Shannon, how's my regular customer?"

"I'm great! Kinda in a rush though." She raised her brows and nods.

"Oh alright, I'll just get the arrangements for you." I smiled as she walks out to a door that leads to a room leaving me tapping my fingers impatiently on the hardwood counter looking around and smiling at the flower all classified by kind and color. Surrounded with these tons of flowers is just breath taking, that's why I consider this as one of my favorite places to visit in New York.

"Here you go, four arrangements especially made for the Olsens" She smiles sweetly as she brought out four different beautiful flower bouquets. They're just stunning it makes my heart skip a beat. I read the name on each card placed in the arrangements.


Mary Kate


My heart melts at the sight of the last bouquet on the line in front of me. Simple but elegant flowers that symbolizes deep and unconditional love just like what I truly feel for her


"They're all gorgeous Christina." I whispered in awe as I hand her my credit card still admiring the flowers right in front of me.

"I'm glad you love them. Here" She hands me back my credit card before walking out of the counter to join me. "Let's get these in your car." I snap out of my daze and smiled at her nodding my head. We took two of each before heading towards my sister's car. Casey immediately gets off the car as soon as she saw us and opens the back seat door for us to put in the flowers.

"Wow, those are absolutely gorgeous." I hear Casey say as we brought in the flowers making sure its secured for transport.

"Made by the best. Thank you Christina, I really appreciate it."

"Anytime for you Shan." She winks. I smiled and gave her a hug before jogging around the car in fucking heels and getting in the passenger seat.

"The flowers are gorgeous Shan. I'm sure they're going to love it." She smiles

"I hope so" I sigh nervously but excitingly playing different scenarios in my head at what might happen later on. I just hope everything goes exactly what I plan it to be.
"Damn, looking so good boss." Jake smiles as he greets me by the entrance of the building giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, big guy" I say and he smiled widely almost showing all his white teeth. I gave him a pat on the shoulder before completely pulling away from him. "Did she saw you sneak out?"

"Nope, she's in an odd mood though." That's when I remembered, I haven't replied to any of her text messages since I got on the plane and that was almost eight hours ago. Now I'm nervous. One more thing I sucked at is texting back to people whenever I need to.

"Right, I expected that." I sighed and open up the back seat before giving the twin's bouquet to Jake while I carry Jarnie's and Elizabeth's.

"These are beautiful Shan." Jake says looking at the red and white roses in his hands. Well, they are really beautiful. I smiled at him as I close the back seat holding two bouquets in one arm. Jake rushes towards me as I open the front seat to get my camera bag that has enough space to carry my phone and my wallet, and the gifts for the twins.

"I'll text you later on okay? Please drive safe." She chuckles and nods in response before saying,

"Good luck crashing the party and tell Lizzie I said hi." I let out a chuckle and roll my eyes at her. We said our good byes before she sped off leaving Jake and I at the entrance of the building.

"Let me help you with that." Jake says getting the bag with two gifts wrapped in black and white wrapping paper  before leading the way in the building. I suddenly feel the knot in my stomach getting tighter as soon as we stepped in the elevator with Jake pressing the floor to the rooftop. I haven't been to the rooftop, not that I know of. I let out a huge breath staring at the numbers going up impatiently tapping my foot against the floor. Why is my heart racing?

"You okay boss?" Jake whispers making me look up to him and smile nervously.

"Yea" I breathe. "Just a little bit nervous because I might be in trouble for not speaking to her for eight fucking hours straight."

"So that's why she's in a mood today." He chuckles softly "How did she managed to not burst out?"

"Maybe because I told her a made up excuse that I am currently on a shoot right now. But even so, I should've at least updated her every now and then."


As soon as the elevator door opens, I can already hear loud muffled music playing, at the same time, my phone rings in my camera bag, loud enough for me to hear. I take a deep breath and reached for it with my free hand seeing Elizabeth calling me for the 16th time and that's when I knew I'm in big major trouble now but still I swallowed and put it back in my bag letting it ring. God help me. I hope this makes up for it.

"Ready to go?" I hear Jake asks and I nod in response not looking at him. He leads the way, the music getting louder and clearer as we get closer to the venue.

"Okay here we are." Jake opens the double doors and music comes blasting like someone turned the volume up in my ears. I see lights dancing around to the beat of the music, a bar station and cocktail tables surrounding the runway stage in the middle of the room so I'm guessing models will come walking down the runway later on. Everyone is here wearing suits and cocktail dresses, including some celebrities specifically models.

"Shannon!" I hear my name being called snapping me out of my daze and turn my head to the side seeing Lisa holding a clipboard in her hand, I guess its the guest list.

"Hi Lisa" I say a bit loud for her to hear me over the loud music. She smiles and looks at the both of us raising her brows with the amount of flowers we have.

"You came prepared." She smiles.

"I came to crash in the party." She chuckles and nods. She knows I'm not on the list. Well, I've made it clear that I couldn't go because I'm in LA for work so that's understood. "Have you seen my ladies?" I asked referring to the Olsens.

She looks around the room and immediately spots them pointing to their direction. I turn my head and see Jarnie, Trent and the twins having a conversation about who knows what. But where is Elizabeth? I'll just ask the twins after. I nod to her and say 'Thanks Lisa!' with a nervous tone in my voice. I glance up at Jake and he nods leading my way.

I kept my gaze at the floor as we pass by people who I'm not familiar with except for Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner who I spot looking at us as we passed. Do they know who I am, probably not. They're just staring because of what we have in our arms, that's fucking it.

I can hear their voices getting clearer until Jake stops at the same time I hear Trent says,

"Well, what do we have here." Since Jake is much taller and bigger than I am he is literally blocking their view to me so I had to step aside and reveal myself to them which cause the twins' mouth dropped open as I smile at them widely.

"Hi" I say as Jake steps aside giving me a little room to step in.

"What the- Hey buddy, looking good." Trent says making me chuckle as she pulls me in for a kiss on the cheek and a hug. I turn to Jarnie who is smiling from ear to ear and opening her arms for me to fall in and I did, and it feels so nice, so homely.

"Oh, I'm so happy you're here. Lizzie said you couldn't come because you have work back in LA." She says as we pull away. I open my mouth to respond to that but the twins snatched me away putting their arms around my waist making me raise my arms so they won't squeeze the flowers that I'm holding.

"You fucker! you could've told us you're coming so I can arrange something for you." Mary Kate says as we pull apart.

"Then it won't be a surprise would it?" I roll my eyes at her before giving them each a kiss on the cheek and say, "Happy Birthday to you guys." They giggle and hugged me once again before I hear Trent says,

"For someone who decides to crash a party, you really came in prepared." I pulled away from them and released a chuckle winking at Trent. I turn back to Jarnie and hand her the bouquet with purple flowers. She smiles, takes it and lightly pinch my cheeks together making me giggle. "Thank you dear, its so lovely."

I smiled at her before turning to Jake and take the red roses giving it to Mary Kate and the white roses to Ashley.

"Where shall I put these gifts?" I asked and Trent says

"I'll get that and place it in the office apart from the others." I quirked an eyebrow as to why but Trent just smiles and gives me a tap on the shoulders. I let out a breath as I feel the buzzing of my phone still so I pulled it out and her name flashes on the screen for the 18th time.

"Where is she?" My tone changes from being giddy to being awfully nervous. The knot in my stomach gets tighter once again tugging it until it finally snaps into two.

"I haven't seen her around for a while. But she's in a mood today, you better answer that if I were you." Trent says. Then I remember, she tends to get panic attacks from time to time so without thinking it through I answered excusing myself from them to go some place a little bit quiet.

"Where the fuck are you!" My blood automatically dropped down upon hearing the loud angry tone in her voice. "I've been calling you for fucking hours, you couldn't just pick up and answer your god damn phone huh" I can hear her heavy breaths in my ear stabbing me with daggers in my heart as I look around trying to find where she is then I spot Trent looking around as well.

"I'm sorry-"

"I know you're terrible at telling people where you are, but eight hours Shannon. I haven't heard a single thing from you for eight fucking hours. How do you think does that make me feel" I closed my eyes feeling the guilt rise up in my throat like acid melting my insides. God, I've messed up big time.


"Where are you? You said you're on a shoot why do I hear loud music in the background? Are you at a fucking party?" I desperately look around hoping to find her until I spot Jake by the entrance gesturing me to go to him so I did and literally fast walk through the crowd and jogged towards him.

"Shannon." She said sternly. If her words could shoot bullets and cannonballs, I might be dead and buried to the ground all at the same time.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I really am. Please calm down." I held the flowers close to me still handling them with so much care as I follow Jake away from the venue and into the elevator hitting the fourth floor. What's in the fourth floor again? Right, the studio.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. I've been worried sick waiting for you to answer my calls and texts but nothing. You really waited this long to answer my call." With the silence that is surrounding us in the elevator, I'm pretty sure that Jake could hear everything Elizabeth had said from the moment we stepped in the elevator.

"I'm sorry" I whispered not knowing what else to say. I can't make an excuse again, it will just make it even worse than it already is and I don't really want this to escalate even further.

The elevator door opens Jake steps out first taking a turn. I followed him close until I stopped in my tracks seeing her through the glass doors pacing back and forth in the middle of the studio. She's wearing a white dress and white heels, her hair straightened halfway and a bit wavy at the ends with one side tucked behind her ear revealing her beautiful serious face.

"Now where are you?" She mouths the words but I can still hear her stern tone in my ear. Jake suddenly gives me a pat on the back making me look up and nod at him mouthing the words 'Thanks' before he walks away.

"Shannon, where are you?" I let out a breath and walked in the studio whispering,

"I'm here" She stops and looks up meeting my eyes. My heart wants to burst out with how intense she was looking at me and I don't know what to do. I stand here holding her flowers in one arm and a phone up to my ear, looking at her as I hear her heavy breaths right in my ear. She drops her hand clutching her phone and stride towards me and I panicked saying,

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I pro-" My heart finally explode into thousands of butterflies fluttering around my insides with colors trailing to each path they go as she cuts me off with a tender and longing kiss. I kiss her back my arms traveling around her waist pulling her closer while her hands finds the spot where they belong.

"You're real" She whispers as she slowly pulls away breathing heavily still her eyes closed."What're you doing here?"

"I came to see you. I miss you and I can't wait another day so I flew here to surprise you. I'm sorry sweetheart." I whispered.

"I'm still mad at you." I let out a smile as she opens her eyes giving me a glare.

"Hi" I gave in a nervous smile as she rolls her eyes and drop her precious head on my chest.

"I was so fucking worried about you. I thought something might've happened to you. I don't know who to call because Casey is here in New York and-"

"Hey, hey. I'm right here. I'm okay, that's all that matters now sweetheart. I'm really sorry I made you worry." I say placing soft kisses on top of her head calming her down and its somehow working as she lets out a breath and relaxes against my chest. "I got these flowers for you." She slightly pulls back as her eyes landed on the bouquet that is still resting in my arms. Her eyes light up as she takes them admiring them with her jade eyes gliding across each flower.

"They're so beautiful. You really have a thing for tulips now haven't you honey, and why is that?"

"Well, they just make me think about you sweetheart." I smiled as she rests her head on my chest admiring the flowers before whispering a soft 'Thank you honey.'

"You're welcome sweetie and I must say, you look absolutely stunning right now." She giggles as I step back and twirl her around. She then eyes me up and down as well tilting her head to the side.

"A slight change of wardrobe honey and you still look gorgeous and charming. Ugh! why?" She whines resting her head on my chest again making me giggle.

"Its really not my fault sweetheart." I chuckle. "But I'm really sorry I made you worry."

"Please don't do that again, I nearly had a heart attack baby." I smile widely at the change of pet name.

"Alright baby." She giggles making me smile. Now I just maybe switched up her mood now, now that she's smiling and giggling already, admiring the flowers every now and then. Now, maybe my plan had worked after all, even under unfortunate circumstances, everything did work out in the end and what's really important is that I'm here with her and she's here with me safe and sound.

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