By miraclequeen45

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Guang xuming, a nine tail demon who was destined/forced by her kind to rule the world. But things change in t... More



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By miraclequeen45

Under the moonlight sky, the gang were camping. Well it's not really camping of you have a TV but whatever. The gang didn't care.

Min finished roasting two marshmallows on a stick and blew on them to cool them off. She then noticed wukong eyeing them with sparkling eyes. She smiled and offered one to him, which he gladly accepted. He eat one and hummed in delight, making min giggle before she enjoyed her own.

"Okay, so, whoever made this map needs a lesson in how to draw good". Mk exclaimed, looking at the map funny.

Tang stopped his writing on the Samadhi ring was was holding and looked at mk. "One: judgy much. And two: what do you mean?".

"None of this land marks look like anything! Like, okay. Debatbly this one where we got the first ring and element looks like DBK's fortress. And this beautifully rendered mountain range looks like some sort of lantern city".

Min chocked a bit at that lantern city part, which did not go unnoticed by wukong as mk continues.

"But tell me, what the brick is this one supposed to be?!". Mk points to a place in the map that look led like the sky, a bunny and the moon.

"Would you guys shush?!'l". Pigsy snapped, before turning back to the program he was watching on TV. A TV show called "cooking with chang'e". As chang'e herself winks at the audience while holding a whisk.

"Hello everyone. It's wonderful to see you down there. I've missed you all so much! Welcome to my home for another night of 'cooking with chang'e'".

Pigsy laughs in his cooking with chang'e merchandise as he waves his flag around. Mk, min and mei sweetdrop at this.

"Tonight, I'll be revealing the secret to baking the perfect moon cake".

Chang'e winks as she held up a moon cake.

Mei rest his head against her hand that rested on her lap, looking at the scream. "Huh. I'm not gonna lie, she's uh, bit younger than I thought she'd be".

MK spots something on the program. "Uh, does that thingy look kinda familiar?".

Min looked closer and saw that he was right. "Yeah. If I didn't know any better, it kinda looks like a-".

Pigsy shushed all of them angerly before going back to writing the recipe down in his notebook.

Mk gasp and shoved pigsy away. He held out the map close to the TV before yanking the Samadhi fire from tang.


MK brought the ring against the screen with the map and gasp in realization.

"Guys, look! There! It's one of the rings!".

He pointed at the ring inside the screen.

"The second ring of Samadhi is in chang'e's kitchen?". Pigsy asked, rubbing his injured head.

"It looks so. That also means the next element for the scepter of light". Min grinned in excitement.

Tang adjusted his glasses excitedly. "Do you know what this means?!".

Everyone looked up at the sky.

"We . Are . Going . To-".

MK gasp as his eyes lit up. "The celestial realm!".

Everyone groans at his stupidity, before min smacked his head.

"No, you idiot! Think back to when red son said the same thing when we were fighting against spider queen!".

Mk rubbed his head before gasping in realization. "In space?! We're really going to space this time?!". He asked excitedly, getting in min's face.

She blushed a bit and nodded.

Pigsy began packing up his cooking stuff in delight. "I can't believe it! We're going to chang'e's kitchen!".

He wrapped an arm around mk's shoulders.

"TO THE MOON!". They yelled in unsion.

Mei then approached mk. "Hay, so, mk. I know you're a big brain boy and all now, but . . . How exactly are we suppose to get to the moon?".

MK was about to reply but teared up when wukong spoke.

"In a rocket!".

They turned to wukong eating peach chips in confusion.


"Yeah. Just use your powers, create a rocket out of the van and we'll just fly up there!". He uses a chip to mimic a rocket flying up to the moon while making rocket noises.

"Oh, you mean the powers I don't have anymore?". Mk deapeaned, as wukong sighs.

"C'mon, bud. Believe in yourself. The way I believe in you".

"Make that two of us". Min chimed in, smiling at mk. "Plus, you have been improving in your powers lately. You did it once or twice before, you can do it again".

MK thought for a moment before smiling at their words. "Yeah".

"You got your gold vision back cause you needed to save your friend".

"Not to mention when you also transformed into a bird to get us away from macaque".

"Exactly. Now, you need to get to the moon so chop-chop! Don't think, just feel it".

MK grinned. "Yeah!".

With new found determination, Mk rolled up his sleeves and glared at T.E.A.

"Here comes monkie kid!".

He's whole body glows, so does the van. He gritted his teeth and he focused all his energy into transforming the van. The van began to float as mei, tang and min looked in awe.

"Can he just do that? Just get new powers whenever he wants?". Tang asked, but was quickly shushed by the girls.

Eventually, mk's transformation powers just went to waste when the van just turned tiny and fell down to the ground. Min won't lie, that was adorable, but no way was she saying that out loud.

Tang hums and continues to write in his book. "The monkie kid's powers continue to be . . . Elusive".

MK groans in frustration.

Min got on one side of the older boy and placed a hand in his shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You actually did a lot better this time".

Wukong got on the other side and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. Don't worry about it, bud. We still believe in you. Maybe you just need a stronger motivator. Here, let me handle this one".

Monkey king walked forward and held forth his hand. His whole buddy body glows, busting out energy as he makes the van levitate before it was taking apart and put back together as a giant rocket ship.

Everyone were in awe at the sight.


"That is so wicked!"

"Now you're talking!".


They rushed over as the door opened up and steam comes out. Ones it died down, everyone was surprised at what came out next.

Sandy yawns. "Hay, you guys feeling a little light headed? I think the fan's a little huge".

He was so tiny and min mentally squealed. She loved tiny things now.

Sandy noticed the looks his friends were giving him. "What? Is there something on my face?".

No nozzles tiny sandy and min wanted to scream so badly at the cuteness.

After putting on space suits, Mk, min, pigsy and wukong were now inside the rocket as they looked at tang, tiny sandy and mei.

"Have fun guys! It's fine, we'll just stay be here and go on no adventures whatsoever, just babysit baby sandy or whatever".

"Yeah, it's not like we wanted to go to the moon or anything anyway". Tang said, as he and mei fall to the ground and began crying as sandy looked at them confusly.

"You know what?". Mk started, as they gasp excitedly. ". . . We will have fun. Okay byeee!".

He smiled and waved before the doors closed up.

"That was kinda mean, don't you think?". Min asked.

"Nah. They'll get over it". Mk reassured, as they all got to their seats.

Everyone buckled up as they looked at wukong pushing some buttons.

Pigsy looked panicked. "You, uh, you have done this before, right?".

"Nope. I've never even made a rocket ship before, you believe that?". Wukong grinned, as pigsy held unto his seat in fear.

Wukong than noticed a shiny red button. "Hay, what does that button do?".

"Properly turns on the rocket". Min replied, not really paying attention as she reads tang's notebook at she secretly took with her without his knowledge.

Wukong pushed the button and the ship took off into the sky at high speed as mk screams. Once in outta space, the rocket slows down.

Min looked in awe at all the stars and they were breathtaking. She then felt her eyes glowed blue for a second before she looked out the window at the planet earth and saw blue thunder clouds formed as a skull. She glared at that, so did mk.

The rocket made it to the moon's atmosphere and began to fall down fast until it crashed in the middle of a garden. Mk and pigsy were shut out of it and landed face flat on the ground before wukong and min landed safely.

"Sorry, guys. Like I said, i do not know how to fly a rocket". Wukong said.

"Don't worry. I'll take over in flying us back home". Min exclaimed, as pigsy and mk stood up from the ground.

Pigsy's eyes lit up when he took a glance around the beautiful moon garden they were in.

"Oh! I can't believe it! This place is even more beautiful in person! The masterful cultivation, such perfect parallel planting!". Pigsy happily hugged a giant vegetable.

"It is beautiful, isn't it". Min agreed, smiling at the place.

"Remember, in and out, no distractions, right pigsy?". Mk reminded the distracted pig demon, who frowned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know".

The gang sneaked around and hid behind some giant boulders, then peaked for any sign of danger. Mk the realized that wukong wasn't wearing a spacesuit.

"Hay, don't you need a suit?". He asked.

Wukong leaned against the rock and scoffed. "Pfft! No. Space suits are for dorky  mortals".

"Ah! Get down!". Pigsy yelled, as they looked to see a giant bunny robot that must be the security guard.

"Scanning. Perimeter".

Min heard the robot from the place she and her friends where riding and thought That it must be scanning the area for intruders. She sighed in relife when she heard the robot say.

"Perimeter. Secured".

She looked behind the boulder, along with her friends and they saw it walking away. Truth be told, she actually thought it was adorable and blushed a bit. Wukong also thought the same thing.

"OMG! That might be the cutest thing I ever saw". He cooed.

Min then spotted something. "Over there you guys!". She pointed to a small house that must probably belong to chang'e.

"That must be chang'e's home".

The gang got to the front door without their spacesuits and sneaked into the house. Pigsy grinned excitedly as he recognised everything from the TV show.

Mk began looking around. "Okay. Should be right around here somewhere".

Min gasp in delight when she spotted the ring sitting on the wall. "Mk!".

She was ignored as mk just kept looking around for the ring.

"Ring of Samadhi? Ring of Samadhi! Hello!".


Pigsy looked around the place in awe as his eyes sparkled.

"I'm here! I'm really here!".A book suddenly hit his head and he grabs it, before he gasp, recognising the book. "Chang'e's recipe book".

He opened the book to read it, but didn't get the chance when Mk grabbed his face.

"Pigsy! Pigsy! Put down your book and look. Over there". Mk turned his face to look at the Samadhi  ring on the wall. "I found the ring!".

Min gave him a disbelief look. "Wha-? But I just! I just said that-". She groaned, giving up as wukong patted her back in comfort.

Mk leap and crashed into the wall. He pulled his face out with the ring in his mouth. "Yes! Got it!".

Suddenly, an alarm went off, as everyone, except a relaxing wukong, looked panicked.

"The old ring trigger the alarm system trick". He said in a cacual funny voice before using his real one. "Alright guys. Let's get out of here".

Suddenly, the giant bunny robot of before crashes into the room as everyone fell down from the impact it made.

"Scanning. Perimeter".

"Uh oh! What are we gonna do?!". Mk yelled.

"Intruder. Secured".

The giant robot bunny brought out blasters and aimed it at the gang.

"C'mon, bud! Gold vision!". Wukong said, as mk looked like he just remembered that.

"Oh! Yeah! I keep forgetting I have that". He said cacually.

"Just do it already!". Min yelled, freaking out about something so cute could be so deadly.

Mk activated his golden eyes of truth and looked around before spotting a man hole on the floor.

"Oh! That way!".

He quickly grabbed all his friends and shoved them, along with himself, down the manhole and they crashed on the ground. Mk sat up on top of the pile of his friends and he was in awe at where they were at.

A underground factory run by adorable robot bunnies workers as they packaged moon cakes.

"Wow! Is this a factory inside the moon?!".

Min sat up and was in awe as well. "It's both adorable and devious. I mean, uh, this is one wacky moon".

She grinned nervously, before they were all surrounded by more giant robot bunnies with lasers on them.

"Oh crud".

The bunnies leaped into the air. "ELIMINATING INTRUDERS!".

The bunnies shot their lasers, but luckily the crew were able to fight their way back outside to the garden.

Mk, min and monkey king landed in fighting positions, while pigsy landed on his face. Suddenly, the first bunny robot of before lands behind the gang.

Terminate. Intruder".

"Monkey king, do something!". Pigsy exclaimed, looking at the sage, who was cooing at the Robot bunny.

"I'm sorry I can't! It's just too gosh darn adorable!". His tail formed into a heart.

Pigsy looked like he was about to explode, while min deapeaned at him.

" . . . And he's useless".

She the sees mk getting in front of them.

"Kid! What are you doing?!". Pigsy asked.

Mk's hand sparked electricity as he glares with determination.


The bunny robot readys a blast.


It fires the blast towards the gang.

"Monkie kid!".

Mk's whole being glows and he made the bunny's blast tiny before he turned it to gold energy and shot it back at the buuny, turning it into a tiny baby bunny that bounced off a plant then lands on the soil of a vegetable garden.

It immediately got defensive and started crying. "Intruder". In a adorable baby voice.

The gang blushed at it, but min couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh my gosh, that is the most cutest thing ever!". She cooed, taking out her phone and hugged the bunny close to her and began taking selfies with it.

In the last photo, she wiggled her nose against the bunny's, as wukong got in between mk and pigsy.

"Okay, I take back what I said. That is the most adorable thing I ever saw".

"Ahem. What do you think you're doing?".

Everyone's eyes widen when the saw the goddess of the moon. "CHANG'E?!".

"Sun wukong, Mk the monkey kid, and min the nine tail fox demon". She rushed over to them with a shadowed face, looking like she wanted to attack, until she gave them a friendly smile with sparkly eyes. "Not to be the gal, but I'm a huge fan! Do you have a moment?".

She giggled as she began taking selfies with the confused trio. She pressed a button on mk's helmet and it disappears as she takes a selfie with him.

"This is gonna be big! Scene!".

Mk starts acting like he couldn't breath until he realized he could breath. He deepened in realization and took of his spacesuit, making min do the same. It was starting to get hot in there anyway.

"Okay, where was I? Oh, yes. I believe you have something that belongs to me?". Chang'e held out her hand.

"I'm sorry chang'e, we needed to find this ring in order to save the world". Mk exclaimed, getting down on his knees as he held up the ring to the goddess.

" We never meant to upset you, and we were gonna bring it back when we were done. Honest". Min added.

Chang'e blinked. "Oh! That old thing? You can keep it". She shrugged.

"WHAT?". MK and min questioned in unsion and in surprise, to which the moon goddess giggled.

"I've been up here a long time. All sorts of things make their way to my garden. However did it arrived, I knew that there was something special about it. That it didn't belong. So I gave it a home until it was time to leave this place. So yes, you may have the ring. In return for my book".

Mk, min and monkey king looked confused.

"Book? What book?". Min questioned.

"Yeah, we kinda just took this, so-". Mk was cut of by pigsy clearing his throat.

Everyone turned to him as he had a nervous look while tapping his fingers together.

"Pigsy! What did you do?!". Mk asked.

"I'm gonna put my money on him stealing chang'e's book". Wukong crossed his arms.

"Pigsy. Tell me it's not true". Min said, not wanting to believe he stole a goddess's book.

"Wha-No! I-i just kinda-". He sighed sadly in defeat as he took off his spacesuit and brought out chang'e's book.

"Why, I never! Oh you better believe we'll be having words when we get home, young man!".

Min pulled mk by the ear. "Give him some space, will ya? Let him explain why he did this". She scolded, letting go of his ear as chang'e walked up to pigsy.

"I-i was gonna put it back. I-i just, ya know, you're such an inspiration. When I saw your book, i guess, well you know, I just . . . I wanted to leave you a parting gift in exchange for a ring, you know".

Pigsy tears up as he hands change her book back. Her eyes sparkled in awe at the new recipe pigsy added to it.

"It's just . . . I'm truly sorry".

Chang'e wiped a tear from pigsy's eye.

"Don't cry, Mr pig. I understand. When cooking is life . . . ". She smiled sweetly as pigsy sniffed with a smile of his own.

". . . Life is cooking".

"Aww". Min and the robot buuny, she had in her grip the whole time, smiled at the sight, both tearing up.

Monkey king was about to say something, obviously to ruin the moment, but she quickly covered his mouth.

"Alright, now that's worked out, we should go". Mk exclaimed.

"You know, it's been a long time since I've really hung out with anyone, except bun bun anyway".

Chang'e gestured to the robot bunny in min's arms as it waved at them and min smiled and patted it's head.

"Maybe you guys could stay just a little longer? It would mean the moon to me".

"That sounds great, but we kinda got a save the work situation and-".

Pigsy and min shoved the boy away and smiled sweetly at the moon goddess.

"We'd love to".

"And maybe try some of your delicious moon cakes while we're at it".


Now back on earth, the gang sat around and continues to enjoy their camp. Tang was busy marking something on the map then looked at the second ring on the desk.

"Ooh! Sniny".

Wukong walked towards the charting teenagers and turned to mk.

"Hay bud, forgot to mention. Great job earlier with that shrinking manoeuvre. You believed you could change that bunny mech and you did. Just like I knew you could".

He sets his chair and seats on it, then offered a moon cake to min, who glady accepted it.

Mk rubbed the back of his head. "Aw, thanks, monkey king. I-i was trying to do something more cool bit . . . I mean it worked out anyway, so l-let's just move on, okay-".

Min shoved a moon cake into mk's mouth to get him to stop talking.

Mei then noticed min's necklace. " Hay, minny, what does that yellow colour stand for?".

Min, Mk and wukong looked down at her necklace and saw that it indeed had a yellow colour on it.

Min swallowed her moon cake and smiled. "Isn't it obvious? It stands for friendship. You can make a friend anywhere in the world, even the moon".

"Ooh!". Tang was fascinated by the newly given information and began writing about it in his book.

"Guys, it's starting!"  Tiny sandy exclaimed, pointing to the TV as tang looked concern.

"Are we just gonna leave him like that, or-".

Wukong waved him off. "Priorities".

Pigsy shushed them, his eyes not leaving another episode of "cooking with chang'e".

"Welcome to my home of "cooking with chang'e " Tonight, we have a very special guest, who's sharing with had a noodle recipe that's closed to his heart. Introducing my new friend, Mr pig".

Pigsy was seen smiling nevously at the carmera.

Mei gasp excitedly and began shaking mk and min's shoulders. Min giggled and motioned them to look at pigsy smiling softly as he rubbed his arm.

"What's is it that I always say? So yeah. When cooking is life . .  ".

Pigsy mouthed his words on the program.

"Uh, life is cooking".

Everyone immediately hugged their friend, feeling proud and happy for him.

Min peaked and saw wukong smiling at them, to which she smiled back at him before her eyes drifted off towards the map on tang's desk and saw the lantern city drawing on it.

She couldn't believe she was going back there.

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