Changing Destiny (Kinnporsche)

By joongDunk123

51.4K 2K 693

After going through tragic circumstances in the future and suddenly passing away, Porsche, Pete, Porschay, an... More

Characters: -
Chapter 1: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 2: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 3: PETE: -
Chapter 4: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 5: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 6: PETE: -
Chapter 7: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 8 PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 9 PETE: -
Chapter 10 PORSCHE: -
Chapter 11: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 12: PETE: -
Chapter 14: - PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 15: - PETE: -
Chapter 16: - PORSCHE: -
Chapter 17: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 18 PETE: -
Chapter 19 OHM: -
Chapter 20: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 21: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 22: PETE: -
Chapter 23: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 24: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 25: PETE: -

Chapter 13: PORSCHE: -

1.9K 75 17
By joongDunk123

"Where is PEEEETTTTEEE!!!!" Tankhun said in his high-pitched voice, shouting the whole house down. "He promised me we will watch 2gether the series with me! He is a liar, Liar!!!"

It was now lunch time and Pete was nowhere to be seen, Porsche, Ohm and Aat even began to worry. "Where the hell is Pete?" Porsche whispered.

"I don't know, yesterday Pete told me he was dropping Vegas off at his home, and then I never heard from him again" Ohm said taking a look at his phone, the doctors that work for the main family have access to everything, phones and they can even leave whenever they want to. But Pete, Porsche and Aat hid their phones and leave with excuses.

"Did you just say Vegas? Well now we know" Porsche sighed.

"Oh my god, do you think Vegas kidnapped him. Remember like you said, Pete was kidnapped and tortured and then Vegas fell in love with him" Aat said remembering what Porsche told him.

"Umm... I don't think he will be kidnapped. Pete knows the future now, he is smarter" Porsche said. "We all are, so he won't be taken advantage of so easily this time"

"Your right, Pete knows now" Ohm sighed and then they all looked over at Tankhun who was causing havoc.

"PEEEETTTTTEEEEE, PEEEEETEEEE WHERE ARE YOU!!!! PEEEETTTTEEEE! Are you cheating on me!" Tankhun said and Porsche frowned at Tankhun being the dramatic person he is. He even climbed on a table while the bodyguards were eating and stepped on food with his fancy shoe.

"AAAHHhhhhh My shoooeeee, my beautiful shoeee!!! How dare you put your food under my shoe!!!!" Tankhun whined.

"Mister Tankhun you stepped on his food!" Arm said softly.

"You think you're so smart? I saw with my own eyes!" Tankhun said while he was wearing the darkest sunglasses in doors. Suddenly Kim the youngest brother entered the room and frowned at the situation.

"Tankhun get off the table!" Kim said.

"Why! Why should I listen to you, you're the youngest! And I am the oldest" tankhun said and folded his arms.

"Yeah, but your dumb and I am smart" Kim said back, Tankhun took offense to this and gasped.

"How dare you! How dare you!" Tankhun said attempting to kick Kim but his bodyguards held him back. "Come here so I can kick you"

"Hahah, you can't reach me" Kim said like he was 12 years old. Tankhun straightened himself out and looked at Kim with a glare.

'Why are you here anyways" Tankhun said.

"I came to fetch something" Kim said and was about to leave.

"What?" Tankhun said trying to be in his business. "Is it for that boring university thing you are going to do?"

"I don't need to tell you anything, bye" Kim said and left the door. Tankhun became more furious and stomped his foot.

"Now why was I hear again...? oh Pete!"Tankhun remembered and began to fake cry. "Ayyy Peeteeee, Peeeetttte!!!!"

"Should we do something before Pete gets in trouble?" Porsche looked back at Aat and Aat nodded.

"Mister Tankhun" Porsche approached Tankhun and Arm and Pol were confused in why the new bodyguard is talking to their boss.

"Do you know where Pete is?" Tankhun said and pointed at Porsche.

"Yeah, ummm he told us he was getting something outside" Aat said.

"But bodyguards are not allowed to go outside without one of us!!!" Tankhun said meaning the brothers or the father.

"Uhhh, I told him to get something for me" Ohm said with a smile.

"Why... you could've asked anyone! Even that random guy" Tankhun pointed at Porsche again and Porsche felt hurt by that.

"Because Pete was free when I asked him" Ohm thought quickly of what to say next.

"R-right we were all busy" Aat said after, he was not every good at lying.

"Doing what?" tankhun said.

"Training" Porsche said and Tankhun clicked his tongue and sighed.

"Fine, tell me when he comes back. Or I am gonna punish you by making you wear a mermaids costume in the water!" Tankhun said and Porsche grimaced, remembering the time he did that when he killed Elizabeth and Sebastian. Kinn was walking into the hall to go to eat in the VIP section when Tankhun stopped him, and both Porsche and Kinn made eye contact, but Porsche looked away quickly.

"Tankhun?" Kinn sighed.

"I just stopped you to tell you something" Tankhun said.

"What?" Kinn said and put his hands on his hips like a dad.

"I don't like you!" Tankhun said and then walked away, Kinn frowned at this and shook his head. Then Kinn noticed the three of us standing together.

"Aat!" Kinn said and Aat stood straight.

"Yes, sir!" Aat said and Kinn then looked at me.

"You two are close?" Kinn said with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Umm.... Yes sir, we recently got close and even share a room now" Aat said and Kinn nodded.

"Porsche, right?" Kinn asked and Porsche nodded, he was scared to answer.

"Who are all coming to today's event?" Kinn asked Aat. This event was the event that Porsche got drunk in, the day Vegas sent his little assassin after Kinn to test out Porsche at the time.

"Pete, Big, Ken and I" Aat said and Kinn looked at Porsche again.

"Hmm... too little, you come too" Kinn said and then left. Porsche's eyes widened and looked panicked at Aat who was also shocked.

"The actual fuck!" Aat said. "Even though you hardly meddled in his life, he still wants you.. this means something"

'What?" Porsche said.

"You guys are soulmates, through and through" Aat said and Porsche looked at him like he was ridiculous but Aat was right. No matter what universe they were in, no matter how hard Porsche tries Kinn will always be attracted to him without knowing it himself.

"This is ridiculous!!! I can't go! I am not even a main bodyguard. And if I do weird shit, I will defiantly attract attention. Do you know how hard it is to act calm???? I am never calm, I always scream. I will defiantly reveal my true self if I go" Porsche said and looked desperately around.

"I don't know... you have no choice. Just do the job and get the day over with. Today is the day you...?? Get drunk on the first day on the job and fall on top of Kinn?"

"Don't remind me!" Porsche sighed and then sat down on the nearest chair. Ohm patted his back and Aat sympathized with him.

"By the way... don't you feel like... jealous or worried that Kinn bring male friends over" Ohm said and Porsche looked at him with a straight face.

"No, I don't mind. He is technically not cheating on me since we are not even dating" Porsche laughed and Ohm and Aat looked at each other. "I mean, I have no right to be jealous we never happened"

"Right, because today he brought in his favorite, Marsh" Ohm said.

"WHAT!" Porsche suddenly said causing everyone to look at them. "I mean, hahah really?"

"Porsche, you can tell us if you are jealous... besides you told me about Marsh remember, and you said you hated him" Aat smiled at Porsche trying to act calm.

"Listen guys, I am fine... I am okay. He is living his best life, even though he is fooling around with people that are trust worthy and I am slightly concerned and sure I worried and but its okay. But you know he shouldn't do that, but its fine. And Big is in his space, but its okay... and Ken that motherfucker is also.... But its-

Aat stopped. "It's, okay?" He repeated Porsches words and Porsche let out a sigh and a worried smile.

"I know you guys are concerned about my well being but I can assure you I am okay, I made my decision and I am sticking to it" Porsche said and then got up. "Let's go get ready for the event"

Aat took a minute and then got up. "Okay... as long as you are sure" Aat said and then they both made their way to their room where they saw Pete lying on the bed sleeping.

"Oh, hey Pete" Porsche said. "You fucker, Tankhun made a huge mess just looking for you"

"SHHH!!! I think he is sleeping" Aat whispered and Porsche nodded.

"Should we wake him up?" Porsche asked. "He has to come with us to the event"

"Yeah... he looks too peaceful to wake up though" Aat said sitting on Pete's bed.

"I am awake" Pete said scaring Aat off the bed.

"Geez why didn't you say so earlier you gave me a heart attack" Aat said on the floor holding his heart.

"Were you here the whole time?" Porsche asked Pete and looked at him suspiciously.

"No... I was with-

"Vegas?" Porsche answered and Pete nodded slowly getting up from the bed with Red puffy eyes and looked terrible. "Those clothes are from yesterday" Porsche remembered and Pete nodded. He didn't feel like lying to his friends.

"Did you???" Aat said and Pete looked away indicating that he and Vegas had sex.

"Were you forced?" Porsche asked and Pete shook his head.

"Were you drunk? Drugged?" Aat asked and Pete shook his head.

"So, you wanted to?" Porsche said and Pete cried out once again.

"I couldn't... I couldn't let go of my feelings" Pete continued to cry. "Why am I so useless, this is such a simple thing yet I can't even do this! I am weak!"

"No Pete, this is not a simple thing. You are betraying your heart! This is very hard, even for me! You are not weak, you tried. Its okay" Porsche told Pete and Pete still continued to cry.

"I am such a failure, because of me I will cause the downfall of Vegas!" Pete said and Porsche became emotional as well.

"Pete, stop blaming yourself, you just love Vegas! There is nothing wrong with loving a person, don't be hard on yourself just because you opened your heart again!" Porsche shouted this time. And Pete looked up at Porsche. "You are strong, and you wont cause Vegas's downfall. There are still ways to avoid that terrible future from happening. And as long as me and Kinn never happen the future can be avoided"

"But it could be better if I have just left Vegas!" Pete said.

"No! That was just a small factor that effected the future, like I said as long as me and Kinn don't happen it will be better. You and Vegas being together again will only cause a small conflict! Its okay, stop crying now! BE strong, go to your man!" Porsche said and Pete wiped his remaining tears feeling so guilty for breaking the promise he made with Porsche.

"But I- I broke the promise we made" Pete said softly.

"You didn't break anything, that promise shouldn't have been made in the first place! I don't blame you, so you don't blame yourself" Porsche said and Aat gave an encouraging nod.

"Do you want to stay here and think? We can give them an excuse on why you are staying" Aat said.

"That would be nice" Pete said and then laid back down again. Porsche put the blanket over him and patted him softly before they both got ready to go outside. They wore suits that made them look extra dashing and even styled their hair. They both went downstairs to join Big and Ken who were waiting for them.

"You guys are late" Big said. Porsche did not like Big, but still respected him for his adoration for Kinn and for protecting him in the future taking a bullet for him and dying from Tawan.

"Sorry" Porsche had no choice but to say.

"Your lucky Master Kinn is not down yet" Ken said like he was high and mighty just because he was an important bodyguard. But to Porsche he was just a traitor and backstabber. Porsche didn't give his usual goofy smile, but he looked professional and refused to bow his head. He walked up straight with his broad shoulders and because Porsche knew the future, he had an advantage.

"Where is Pete?" Big asked.

"He is not feeling well, Ohm went to check on him" Aat answered and Big frowned.

"Weak!" Big said and Porsche was about to break character and beat the shit out of him but Aat knew and put his hands in front of Porsche to stop him from even thinking about it.

Kinn finally walked outside with his white suit and looks at the bodyguards who were they're not even caring if Pete was they're at all. He made eye contact with Porsche and then stood their looking at him for a while, Porsche looked away immediately, embarrassed at the way Kinn was looking at him. Kinn himself didn't know why he was looking at a minor bodyguard, but he had to admit that Porsche was good looking, not his type but really handsome.

Kinn got in the car and originally Porsche would sit next to him, but now that Porsche was not an important bodyguard he had to sit in the front with Big driving and Aat replaced him by sitting next to Kinn instead. Ken was also their as well. Porsche looked at the back, and noticed Kinn still staring at him. He turned away quickly and his heart began to beat fast. Big frowned at this, he always wanted Kinn's attention and suddenly this new bodyguard comes stealing Mister Kinn's attention. Big was fuming with rage but kept his eyes on the road as they drove to the event Kinn was going to.

As they were arrived at the event, Prosche tried to hard to calm his heart down, but seeing Kinn made it even worse, he was longing for his boyfriend, he needed Kinn. He was so glad Pete had continued to be with Vegas but he himself was struggling, he felt at any moment he would melt and run to Kinn, but he had to stay strong he was the only one who could do it. He was the only one left to protect the future.

When they went out of the car, Aat came closer to Porsche. "Are you okay?"

"Umm... yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" Porsche let out a nervous laugh.

"Its just, you look really uncomfortable" Aat smiled. "What is your boyfriend that good looking"

Porsche gave him an annoyed look at Aat chuckled. Kinn noticed this and glared at the two being very close. "Aat!" Aat was startled and looked at Kinn.

"Yes sir!"

"Hurry up!" Kinn said and Aat ran next to Kinn as they entered the hall. It was huge with a lot of rich people, everyone wore fancy clothes, fancy dresses and everything was really elegant. Porsche was used to these types of events but to Aat it was all new.

"Right, Porsche checks the bar, I will check the stairs and Ken check the bathrooms make sure nothing is suspicious" Big said, making extra sure everything was okay for Kinn, and making sure the love of his life was safe. Porsche was laughing at the fact that Big loved his boyfriend Kinn. "Aat will keep an eye on Kinn while we check"

Everyone nodded and went their ways around the area. "Bathroom check" Ken said through the earpiece.

"Stairs check" Big said.

"Bar... check" Porsche said wondering why he always stands by the bar. "Why the fuck do I always have to watch the bar, you guys know I get easily swayed" Porsche said to himself.

Back to Kinn and Aat, Aat was right next to him watching and hearing him talk to different guests one after the other. "So, you are close with Porsche?" Kinn suddenly asked Aat and Aat frowned.

"Um... yeah, you could say that" Aat said while looking around nervously.

"How did you two meet?" Kinn said.

"Here, at the main house" Aat said.

"Right, but I am curious how you became a bodyguard and you are the owner of that laptop. The laptop you used to save my life" Kinn said.

"Ahh... yeah. I didn't do anything" Aat said.

"But you said your friend did do it" Kinn said and Aat sighed.

"Listen, I just lent him my laptop and he did the shit on it, and then he told me he broke it and I never saw it again" Aat said and Kinn frowned at his words.

"Your friend... Porsche?" Kinn guessed and Aat tried to keep a straight face.

"No... like I said, I met Porsche the day we got hired into the mafia. I don't know him much" Aat said.

"But then why are you so close?" Kinn said with a bit of a jealous tone, but still wanting answers.

"Because we are roommates Sir" Aat was getting frustrated and Kinn was still very suspicious of the two, in both a jealous sense and a mafia boss sense.

"Can you tell me the name of this friend?" Kinn said.

"Kevin..." Aat made up. "He is foreign"

"Do you know where he is?" Kinn said.

"No, he left while destroying the laptop, I haven't seen him since" Aat said and Kinn looked around.

"You know the more you talk, the more you sound suspicious" Kinn said. "I wonder if my father put... KEVIN, up to this"

"Whatever you say sir" Aat said and then Kinn looked at Porsche.

"Call him here and you go their" Kinn said while staring at Porsche who was looking around the hall by the bar.

"What!" Aat said.

"You heard me, I said call him here, he can watch me" Kinn looked sternly at Aat and Aat bowed and when he walked towards Porsche he let out an annoyed facial expression and Porsche noticed.

"What are you doing?" Porsche said.

"Ugh, your bitch of a boyfriend wants to talk to you" Aat said. "How the fuck do you manage to stay with him, he is so annoying, so cautious for gods' sake"

"Well that's Kinn for you, he doesn't trust people ever since Tawan" Porsche said and looked at Kinn who was still waiting for him.

"I know, I know. But he seriously needs to relax, man is on something" Aat said and then patted Porsche. "Wish you luck"

"I will need it" Porsche said as he walked to Kinn. Big looked confused at why Porsche was going to Kinn and asked through the speaker.

"Oii, Porsche is supposed to watch the bar" Big said with a frown.

"Don't blame me, Kinn called for him" Aat said and knows exactly why Big is acting like that, Porsche told him everything.

Meanwhile by Kinn, Porsche causously walked up to him, and even stared at him upside not even realizing what he was doing. Kinn smirked at Porsche's actions. "Do I look that good?"

Porsche went wide eyed and looked down. "Sorry, umm. You don't look bad Kinn"

"Kinn?" Kinn said.

"I mean sir, sorry, I am not used to this yet" Porsche said still looking at his feet, Kinn found Porsche adorable. Although Porsche was muscular and tall, he found him to be cute.

"Its okay, you can look all you want I don't mind" Kinn flirted not even realizing himself what he was doing and why he was so attracted to a guy who wasn't his type at all.

Porsche gulped and slowly looked up at Kinn, and they sstared into each other's eyes even confusing Kinn, Kinn furrowed his brows, confused on why he was feeling the way he felt, it was so unfamiliar to him. Kinn swallowed his saliva and looked away. "I-I need to go to the bathroom"

Porsche nodded and then let Kinn go to the bathroom, it was now time for the part where Kinn was gonna get attacked by the female assassin sent by Kinn. Porsche looked around to find Aat to save Kinn from the situation but when he looked at Aat he found him drunk. Aat was exactly like Porsche, but more of a joker, so it was not his fault he got drunk and got lead away by the server who kept serving him drinks to distract him from the female assassin that got sent to the bathroom after Kinn, all part of Vegas's plans. Porsche sighed and then ran after Kinn in the bathroom, at this point Kinn was still in one of the stalls peeing and so he waited outside.

Porsche looked around and the woman was not their yet, he looked at the time on his watch and became nervous with every passing second. Thankfully he wasn't a main bodyguard because then they wouldn't focus on him much, but rather on Aat. Also because of the last family gathering he hadn't pushed Macau into the pond this time causing him more attention. He was completely hidden from the minor family's radar.

Also, they hadn't known Porsche was going to be their today, because originally, he wasn't. So, it was perfect, Porsche was not drunk this time and he was ready! Porsche heard Kinn finishing up and so hid in one of the stalls awaiting the guest. He heard him to wash his hands and then someone else entered the bathroom.

"Oops, looks like I entered the wrong bathroom" The woman said and Porsche put his ear by the door to hear more clearly.

"Sorry but you're not my type" He heard Kinn said.

"Your.... Not my type either!" The women said and now it was time to strike. She took out her weapon and Porsche burst out of one of the stalls he was hiding in. Kinn was surprised and the woman went straight for Kinn. Porsche went in between them stopping her hand from striking.

"PORSCHE!??" Kinn said.

"Stand back Kinn" Porsche said in his protective boyfriend voice. Kinn stood away not knowing what he should do because the situation confused him. Bodyguards are supposed to protect him, but he felt different with Porsche, he felt like he should protect Porsche instead. Porsche was very quick this time, he was aware of his surroundings and it was very easy.

He came closer to the girl and whispered. "Tell Vegas I said Hi" Porsche said and let go of her hands. The girl made a shocked expression and Porsche let her hit him out of the way. Porsche pretended to fall to the floor and land on Kinn making sure he doesn't run after her himself. The reason why Porsche never defeated her and brought her back to the main family home for questioning was solely because of Pete, he wanted to protect Vegas for Pete who was feeling terrible today.

"Are you okay?" Kinn said bringing Porsche back to reality. He realized he was still on top of Kinn and he quickly got up.

"I am sorry Kinn, I couldn't take her down" Porsche bowed and helped Kinn up.

"Hah, its okay" Kinn said getting up slowly. "You realized you said Kinn three times today"

"Sorry Kinn... I mean Sir" Porsche said wanting to smack himself. Kinn grinned at how adorable Porsche was and moved up to him. He grinned at Kinn while shoving Porsche's hair out of his face. Porsche gave Kinn a loving glance as he turned to face him. The air in the room felt lighter as Kinn licked his lips and noticed that his concerned expression had been replaced with excitement as he stared at Porsche, who was staring very intently at his lips. He frowned and gazed lustfully at Porsche's lips. They were so close to each other that they could feel each other's hot breaths. Porsche could feel his heartbeat increase the closer Kinn got. Suddenly the doors opened and Porsche pushed Kinn away slightly.

Kinn frowned at whoever interrupted the two, it was Big. Big saw the two still in a very close stance and glared at Porsche. "Mister Kinn!" Big said separating the two and came closer to Kinn.

"Are you alright?" Big said and Kinn got annoyed.

"Yes! I was actually just attacked by a female assassin, but thanks to Porsche over here he saved me" Kinn said and Big looked at Porsche with an expression he could not read.

"I see, shall we get out of here" Big said looking back at Kinn and Kinn nodded. Porsche scoffed at this making Big and Kinn look at him in confusion and then Porsche pretended to sneeze and then smile goofily after.

"It's the lavender" Porsche smiled causing Kinn to smile automatically afterwards.

They came out of the bathroom and Porsche stood a great distance from Big and Kinn, and Kinn noticed. Porsche saw Aat with Ken and frowned because Aat was drunk.

"Ugh, now I know how they felt when I was drunk" Porsche scratched his head and ran to Aat.

"Porsche, my brother from another mother!!! Is that you?" Aat said and tried to give a high five to Porsche but fell into his friends' arms instead.

"What is the matter with him" Kinn glared, clearly jealous but no one noticed it.

"I think he is drunk sir" Ken said and Kinn sighed.

"So unprofessional, when we get home be sure to punish him" Kinn said, Porsche was surprised, he was not punished when he was drunk. Aat is being treated very differently from him, but then again Kinn had a thing for Porsche back then that's why he wasn't punished much and Korn would never allow it.

"But sir" Porsche who stood far from Kinn stood with his friend and in his defense. "I think the assassin may have given Aat these drinks to distract him from going to you and from saving you"

"He knows not to drink on the job!" Kinn said in a stern voice.

"But sir!" Porsche said in a louder voice forgetting he was a nobody now and he cant really shout at the boss. "He was probably forced to drink it"

"PORSCHE!!! You can't talk to Master Kinn like that" Big said angrily and Kinn clenched his jaw in anger. Porsche went out of character and back to the old Porsche he was and glared angrily at Kinn. They both looked very angry at each other and Porsche took his friend to the car without saying anything after that. Porsche put Aat into the car and closed the door.

As they got to the car Kinn reached out for Porsche but Porsche brushed passed him even though seeing that Kinn wanted him to sit next to him. Porsche sat in the front seat and closed the door with Bigs stern expression still on him. Porsche looked sadly out the tinted window at Kinn who was looking at his hand which Porsche rejected and was angry. He was fuming because Porsche hadn't given him the attention other bodyguards would have given him, he was angry because Porsche focused only on Aat. He was angry that Porsche talked to him that way and he was confused why he would even care about Porsche. And confused about his feelings. This all angered Kinn!

"What's the matter Sir?" Ken asked Kinn and Kinn rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Nothing, lets go!" Kinn said as they all went into the car. Porsche could feel an angry stare at the back of his head and his heart pounded very hardly, he was afraid someone would hear it. The whole trip Porsche was so uncomfortable, yet incredibly angry how Aat was being treated. He was back to the stubborn Porsche everyone knew.

They finally arrived home and Porsche was the first to get out of the car, he went to fetch Aat who was still very much drunk and then left in a hurry to go upstairs to their shared bedroom. Porsche dragged Aat all the way, receiving stares from the bodyguards who were awake that night. As he got to the room, he threw Aat on the bed looked at Pete who was still asleep and then threw himself on his own bed and starred blankly at the ceiling. He was so frustrated yet his heart was so much in love.

He looked to the two of his friends and sighed. He was so stressed out and didn't want to tell anyone, he didn't know what to do with himself. He even thought of Porschay and Macau for a minute. He went to the bathroom and took a shower. He changed so many events already but it was still not enough. He still caught Kinn's attention even though he blended in with the background, he even hid his true personality but Kinn still caught on. What was he doing wrong?

Porsche got out of the bathroom, and changed his clothes when a knock on the door came. He opened the door and saw Ken standing there with a dull expression.

"Are you here for Aat" Porsche asked Ken.

"No, Mister Kinn asked for you" Ken said with an annoyed voice. Porsche wanted to smack Ken, and wanted to out him just then, but then he remembered he has to protect Vegas for Pete so he just sighed.

"What does Kinn want with me?" Porsche asked and Ken glared.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Ken said and then left immediately. Porsche looked at the time and it was already midnight. He sighed and then left the room to walk all the way to Kinn's bedroom. He opened the door and slowly peered inside. He forgot to knock since his natural instincts is to just walk in.

When he got inside it was the same as Porsche remembered except it didn't contain any of Porsche's things. He smiled at the look of the room. In the corner was his desk and next to his desk and everywhere was an incredible view of Bangkok. He stood by the window and touched the glass.

"Oh, Porsche, I didn't hear you knock" Kinn said scaring Porsche around.

"Kinn!!" Porsche said holding his heart. Kinn found this funny and laughed. He was wearing his red robe and it looked like he just came out of the shower. Porsche looked away from Kinn and Kinn walked forward.

"You said it again" Kinn said.


"Kinn" Kinn said.

"Oh" Porsche said.

"I thought you would still be angry" Kinn said finally standing close to Porsche who was avoiding Kinn so hard. Kinn's chest was exposed and Porsche licked his lips by peeking a bit at him.

"W-Why would I be angry" Porsche said nervously.

"Well... I did try to punish your boyfriend" Kinn said.

"What! No, Aat is not my boyfriend" Porsche said making eye contact with Kinn finally.

Kinn smirked. "Really? I thought because the two of you are close and...

"No, no, no! Kinn, I mean Sir" Porsche said and Kinn held up something. It was some papers.

"Take this to my desk" Kinn said handing Porsche the papers, Porsche frowned at this and took the papers to his desk. Kinn didn't tell him exactly where to put it but Porsche knew where to put it because he had delt with these things before. He put the papers in the bottom drawer to the left of the desk and this made Kinn quite surprised.

"I didn't tell you where it goes but... you put it in the right place. How did you know where to put it?" Kinn said with a curious look.

"I-I just thought it went there" Porsche knew he fucked up. Kinn sat on the bed and looked at Kinn with suspicious eyes and then sighed.

"Is that all, well then I will be going" Porsche said and as he was about to go, Kinn got up, pulled Porsche to him and pinned him to the bed. Porsche was now laying on Kinns bed and was shocked, he then started to move around trying to break free of Kinn's grip.

"Kinn, what are you doing" Porsche said with a growl in his voice.

"I am testing something out" Kinn said and then surprising both of them, he kissed Porsche. Porsche was first too stunned to even move, his eyes wide open and looked at Kinn whose eyes were closed and frowned at the kiss. This is what Porsche wanted but he couldn't, so he began to struggle in Kinns grip once more. Kinn began to move, he admitted previously that he hated kissing people he didn't have feelings for, but he wanted to make sure with Porsche because he felt like they knew each other previously.

Porsche's eyes gradually closed as Kinn's grip eased. As Porsche slowly opened his mouth to allow Kinn's tongue to enter his own and for them to explore each other's hot tongues, Kinn's hands lowered to Porsche's waist. Porsche deepened their kiss by lowering his hands to Kinn's face. Porsche missed this, so when Kinn let out a small groan, it was like music to his ears. As Kinn pushed in closer to Porsche, their lengths began to rub against one another and touch though their clothing. Kinn was surprised that he was enjoying this as well.

"Aah" Porsche let out a moan as Kinn bit his bottom lip, Kinn then reached for Porsche's bottom half and that's when Porsche finally got out of his lust. He opened his eyes and pushed Kinn back and then got up in panic. He wiped his mouth and looked at Kinn with wild eyes, the wild eyes only the true Porsche would give. Kinn was now next to him with a confused expression. "You fucker!" Porsche's true nature began to show. "How could you, what so you just sleep around with anyone one you find to be vulnerable?"

"What are you...?" Kinn was so confused.

"Well screw you, just so you know I am not that easy!" Porsche said while getting up and straightening his pants only to notice he had a little situation in his lower half. Porsche covered his erect length with his hands which made Kinn laugh a but Porsche was so red now with embarrassment and he was mad at the same. "How dare you fucking laugh, your peace of shit of a man or whatever you call yourself! Fuck you!"

"You're the guy who saved me right" Kinn said while touching his lips.

"What!" Porsche was taken a back.

"I can recognize your kiss!" Kinn said with a smirk and Porsche frowned.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Porsche said.

"You are also the guy who slept with me" Kinn said and this time Porsche was worried.

"Are you that horny?" Porsche tried to come up with an excuse. Kinn got off the bed with a sudden serious expression and approached Porsche seductively.

"You are not getting away with me" Kinns aid with wild eyes, touching Porsche;s erect length once again. Porsche turned bright red in an instant and pushed Kinn on the bed.

"No, I am not! I don't know who you are talking about" Porsche said with his hands still hiding his length.

"I watched you for quite sometimes, you are too good of a bodyguard" Kinn said. "I am promoting you, tomorrow you will replace Big as my head bodyguard...

Kinn smirked and Porsche became angrier. "In your dreams, I am not, I refuse to work for a bitch like you" Porsche said and then ran out of the room so quickly making Kinn angry. No one had ever talked to him like this and he always got what he wanted, and now he wanted Porsche. He wasn't sure if Porsche was the guy he was looking for, but now he was confident it was.

A knock on the door came. "Come in" Kinn said and it was Arm, he was holding some folders.

"I have found something" Arm said and Kinn nodded for him to start talking.

"I went out to look into Aat with Pol, and when we discreetly broke into his house, we discovered that he had been friends with Porsche since they were little since there were pictures of the two of them all over the place. Which suggests that while they have known one other since they were children, he lied to you by telling you that they had recently met. By Aat's acquaintance Jom and Tem, whom we met at the university, we also learned that they are neighbors. When we entered Porsche's home, we discovered that he has a brother and that his uncle raised him after his parents passed away when he was a little child. His uncle owed a lot of money to our casino, and one day it all mysteriously vanished, a few weeks before the Italians came after you."

Arm continued. "Everywhere we went in pursuit of information on Aat, we returned with details about Porsche. Just by coincidence, we overheard Aat's name being mentioned by the bar owner Yok, we do business with as we entered the establishment to look into the situation further. I showed her a picture of Aat, and she recognized him. She claimed that he was close friends with a former employee of hers who had recently resigned. She identified him as Porsche when I inquired who he was. This indicates that the debt was paid off nearly the same day he quit his job, practically setting him up for the day he would save you and prevent us from discovering his identity. It almost seems as though he wanted to save you without revealing his name to us because he knew his uncle owed money to us rather than the casino."

"I checked the CCTV tape from the day Porsche was still working at the bar to support my claim, and the camera was not in the blind zone. But when he quit, it immediately shifted to the blind area. He therefore planned for all of these days, almost as if he had foreseen the Italians' pursuit of you and had somehow determined your precise location weeks in advance of when you were pursued. He then placed his bike away from the camera for Pete to drive you to safety, and he escaped through the backdoor where there were no cameras."

"Additionally, P-127, which is the actual bodyguard number, is the ID he used to get in touch with us or Pete to help get you out of there in time. P stands for Porsche, and the number he now possesses is 127. He currently is a bodyguard with that number. How did he decide to use that number in the first place and how did he know he was going to obtain that number when he joined the mafia? It doesn't make sense, but we know he hacked us, we know he saved you, and we also know he saved you when you were under the influence of drugs and carried you back to your hotel on the day when Vegas came to Hum bar. Porsche is the person you you are looking for. He is the master mind behind the entire thing"

"It's okay... I already know" kinn said with a smile.

Arm was taken a back and looked at his hard work in his hands that he did. "How did you know sir?" Arm looked up confused.

"Because I kissed him" kinn thought to himself.

"Sir?" Arm asked.

"Never mind" Kinn said. "You may leave"

"But sir, he is incredibly fast to have thought about all of this" Arm said in concern and Kinn sighed. "It took so many days just finding out this much information, but what I am really concerned about is why he would hide his identity to save you? Why would he put in all this effort"

"It confuses me as well Arm, it will all reveal itself due time, and I am not sure if this is my fathers doing or if Porsche.... Is someone we can trust" Kinn said and Arm bowed.

"Good night, sir" Arm said and made his way out of Kinns room.

"Porsche Pitchaya Kittisawat.... What are you hiding? And why am I so interested in you?" Kinn clicked his tongue and looked out the window. 

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