Capture Or Kill

Por SmoothOpRoo

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Y/n is a American special forces operator that has been working off the grid for over three years. When a new... Más

Chapter 1: Interrogation
Chapter 2: Task Force 141
Chapter 3: Christmas Surprise
Chapter 4: Family Reunion
Chapter 6: Gaz
Chapter 7: Ghost
Chapter 8: Return to Las Almas
Chapter 9: Soap
Chapter 10: The Scorpion
Chapter 11: Father & Son
Chapter 12: Under Stars
Chapter 13: The Dad Talk
Chapter 14: Deep Breath
Chapter 15: The Devil We Know
Chapter 16: Behind The Masks
Chapter 17: Raid Part I- The Masquerade Of Evil
Chapter 18: Raid Part II- Hope Cannot Save Us
Chapter 19: Choices Have Consequences
Chapter 20: By His Side
Chapter 21: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 22: Convoy Attack
Chapter 23: For The Dead
Chapter 24: Modern Warfare
Chapter 25: Our Last Night Alive
Chapter 26: Opening Salvo
Chapter 27: The Heart Of Evil
Chapter 28: Whatever Happens
Chapter 29: Two Sons
Chapter 30: One Last Time
Chapter 31: The World Stays Clean
Chapter 32: Aftermath
Chapter 33: Laswell
Chapter 34: Price
Capture or Kill
Bonus Chapter!

Chapter 5: The Ghost of Christmas

985 36 23
Por SmoothOpRoo

Y/n's POV

The sun wasn't up yet but I was already fixing my hair and brushing my teeth. I had developed a habit of being the first one up in the mornings often times reading or eating breakfast in some quiet place. Normally I would also go on a run but today just wasn't the day since I still wasn't completely used to the time change. Instead I pulled a simple red t-shirt over my head and a pair of jeans with my typical side arm heading out to get some food. The base was dead silent since most everyone else was asleep but Kate had secretly given me the keys for the base and I decided I would find something to read in Price's office and just relax until the holiday madness started. As I made my way down the dark hallways I couldn't help but feel someone's gaze on me but I couldn't see anyone in either direction. I just kept walking finally seeing the door to the kitchen walking in and putting on a pot for some tea, thanks to Price I had developed a bad addiction to tea now.

"So you're what all the fuss is about?"

My soul left my body and I immediately turned around punching whoever had just taken 18 years off my life. My fist connected with a mass of person but no grunt or sound left their lips, only after I realized who it was did my heart drop. Standing close behind me was the man himself, the lieutenant of 141, Ghost.

"Ow." He said with no emotion whatsoever.

"Jesus Christ! Why don't you make any sound and why didn't the door creak??" I backed up into the counter trying to get some breathing room as I clutched my heart as it beat faster.

"You didn't answer my question." He stated taking a step forward.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked now realizing how huge this man was. He was easily 6'5 and built like a mountain, but then again I was barley 5'6 so most everyone was taller than me. He wasn't as large as König but unlike the quiet Austrian Ghost was intimidating and he knew it.

"Your Price's son."

"Not by blood we worked together for a few years and developed a good relationship." I was now able to breathe better not turning around but sliding the pot off the burner. Ghost just stared down at me leaning over and pulling a mug from out of the cabinet above.

"Holy hell..." I thought to myself as his entire frame was now over me.

"So you and your squad are our new friends huh?" He stepped to the side getting a tea bag and sitting at the table.

"Are you not drinking any?" He questioned.

"W-What? Oh I guess." I turned around fixing my own cup but feeling his stare the entire time.

"How did you hear about me anyway I just arrived last night?"

"Word travels fast."

"Well yeah I guess I am a big deal around here." I smiled taking a sip from my own mug and sitting across from him.

"Little deal you aren't exactly much to look at."

"You do realize I outrank you?" I stated somewhat irritated at the height joke.

"Sir yes sir." He chuckled.

I hadn't known him long but something inside me knew that him laughing was probably not a normal thing. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I quickly finished my drink and stood to leave.

"Where are you off to?" Ghost stood from behind me watching.

"Nowhere. Run. Shower." That was a lie in reality I just wanted for him not to see my bright red cheeks.

"You sure about that seems like you are a little embarrassed?" He walked over stopping just in front of me.

"I tend to have that effect on people." He dropped his tone staring me dead in the eyes.

"I-I fuck...fuck you lieutenant!"

I turned to open the door only to get stopped with his next stupid remark.

"Fuck me yourself."

I immediately turned my head around with a beet red face and embarrassed expression. Not able to get another word out I turned back ready to run down the hall only for the door to swing open hitting me in the face knocking me to the ground. I slowly started to drift off into unconsciousness, faintly able to hear the voices above me as my eyelids got heavier.

"Johnny what the fuck!!" Ghost yelled.

"I'm sorry I didn't know he was there! Fuck he's unconscious! Price is gonna kill us!" Soap yelled shaking me.

"You fucking wanker you hit him! Who the fuck opens a door like that!" Ghost knelt down on my other side but that was the last thing I heard before my eyes closed.

My head was pounding when I finally woke up immediately trying to close my eyes as the bright light above became more focused.

"You're up."

Ghost's voice was the first thing I heard as I slowly slid up the bed leaning against the wall rubbing my nose which thankfully wasn't broken but had been bleeding. I looked around noticing that I wasn't in the medical wing but in my own room. Ghost was sitting on the bed and the sink could be heard turning off as another man exited.

"Shit. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to knock you out captain!" Soap walked into the room drying hands kneeling down next to me.

"Who the hell kicks open a door anyway?" I groaned rubbing my face.

"He has too much energy." Ghost answered as Soap gave him a glare.

"I can tell. Nice to meet you Sergeant Mactavish."

"Call me Soap." He smiled sitting on the floor cross cross and smiling up at me.

"Captain y/l/n." I swung my legs to the side now looking almost eye level with Soap. He had a noticeable scar running across his chin but otherwise seems relatively un-damaged. I guessed that the main scars were probably hidden underneath his shirt but I quickly shook that image out of my head.

"Merry Christmas Eve by the way!" Soap smiled.

"Was the door to the face your gift to me?" I asked.

"Uhhh no...I have something else but that can wait until tomorrow."

Ghost hadn't taken his eyes off me and despite him not being necessarily intimidating for me it was a little weird. I didn't think much of it since he probably was just concerned about me getting knocked out by Soap's dramatic ass entrance. I just pulled the holiday hoodie that I had set out the night before but forgetting to put on over my head and stood walking past Soap who immediately scrambled to get up and follow.

"So where are we going?" He asked excitedly.


"Yeah! You're part of the team now we should get to know each other!"

I just raised an eyebrow at the jumpy sergeant. He seemed full of energy definitely wearing his heart on his sleeve, I could tell why Price called him "the life of the team" since he had also been the one to spearhead this whole holiday celebration. Ghost stood but didn't move just keeping his eyes on me and Soap who eagerly bounced around in place like a dog needing to be let out. I had to admit the Scotsman was kinda cute with the hyper personality and adorable smile.

"We'll I still haven't eaten since I got erm....interrupted."

I glanced at Ghost who didn't say anything just tilting his head to the side but I could imagine the smirk he had on. I just rolled my eyes and lead the other two down the hall back to the kitchen. We walked in to find König, Reyes and Gaz sitting around one of the table with eggs in baskets on their plates. Reyes immediately stood up when I entered the room, he was always by the books and professional in any situation. I just motioned for him to sit as König began to color in one of his drawing. Gaz had apparently given him some colored pencils as a gift since he didn't have them before we arrived.

"Morning capt-jesus what happened to your nose?" Reyes asked as the other two looked at my nose which I had forgotten to wipe the dried blood off.

"Oh um I-"

"I hit him with the door." Soap responded awkwardly.

Reyes just raised an eyebrow but shrugged since this had actually happened a few times before, once by Nova and the other time by König with the latter also knocking me out for about 6 minutes. König felt awful but I didn't blame him since he often times forgot to look down not being used to tiny people yet. König gave a small wave to Soap and slid a plate over to the empty chair as I sat down. Ghost and Soap pulled up two other seats with Soap immediately taking a interest in the coloring that König was doing as Ghost just folding his arms and staring at me again from beside Gaz.

"Nice to finally meet you cap!" Gaz held out his hand to which I happily shook it giving him a smile.

"You still got a little something." Gaz motioned to his nose as he handed me a napkin. Before I could take it Soap snatched it from Gaz turning me to face him so my knees were between his, he gently wiped off the blood as I felt my face heat up. He didn't seem to care that everyone was watching minus the Austrian who was now heavily invested in his sketches.

"There you go! Cute as ever!" Soap exclaimed standing to throw the napkin away and wash his hands. Ghosts eyes just narrowed at Gaz who choked on his drink as Reyes just groaned and leaned back pulling out his phone. My squad was used to me getting hit on by a lot of other male and female soldiers often times having to listen to all the cheesy pick up lines during briefings and missions. As Gaz struggled not to die from chocking on his tea, König tapped me on the shoulder sliding his book over to show me what he was working on.

"So you draw huh?" Ghost broke the coughing fit as Soap sat back down.

"Yes!" König responded smiling under his hood. The drawing was of Al Mazrah city with the sunset begging half colored in. König often found times to get a good sketch in but mostly kept them to himself unless he really wanted someone's opinion. As time went on more people walking in with Price being the last grumbling as he walked into the kitchen immediately heading to the pot with boiling water.

"Morning captain!" Gaz waved. Price just kept walking slowly pouring a cup and adding his usual amount of sugar in. I knew from experience that he wasn't a morning person at all and not to start a conversation until he had at least two cups of tea. When he turned he too nearly died from choking on his drink when he noticed I clearly got hit by something despite the blood being gone.

"Well that seemed dramatic." I groaned knowing what was going to follow.

"What the hell happened?" He half yelled.

"Soap hit me with the door this morning and knocked me out!" I smiled wrapped an arm around Soap's shoulder.

"You fucking muppet! I told you to stop kicking my doors down!" Price glared at Soap who seemed to shrink a little.

"Dad it's fine it happens a lot since I am short as shit."

He just glared at Soap who seemed embarrassed trying to hide behind me despite him being a bit taller than me. Price just leaned against the counter as Nova and Kate made small talk about missions and other things I couldn't quite hear. Eventually after everyone had eaten and woken up Soap stood getting everyone's attention.

"Well since we are all up why don't we get started on the holiday fun!"

"Pass." Ghost said staring at the center of the table. Soap frowned but pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket clearing his throat.

"Anyway I thought it would be fun to sing a Christmas carol as a group!"

"No." Everyone answered at the same time.

"Snow angels?" He asked.

"There's no snow Soap." Gaz groaned.

"Cookie making?" He was clearly already running out of ideas.

"Sure I'll help so will Price and Kate." I answered earning a glare from both of them.

"What we did it two years in around once?"

"Fine." Price mumbled.

"There's the spirit!" Soap smiled.

"I'" Everyone immediately turned to confirm what had just come out of Ghost's balaclava covered mouth.

"Just this once." He growled.

"Seems like someone has the holiday spirit." I laughed patting the other man's shoulder. His eyes seemed to relax a bit at the contact but no one else besides me seems to notice.

"So who wants a hat?" Soap asked pulling a bin out of the corner. König immediately raised his hand catching the Santa hat Soap tossed over eagerly slipping it onto his helmet. He looked so excited to be getting to celebrate the holiday this year since last year we spent the day trapped under a burning building in Ukraine. Kate and I also took a hat with Price being forced to wear one after I hit him in the face with it accidentally. Nova and König decided to try to find something to give 141 from our gear since we hadn't planned for this. Ghost walked off back down the hall towards his room seemingly having a project he wanted to get done quickly as Reyes decided to plan dinner even though it was only 10:30 in the morning. In our squad he was the designated cook since none of us would make anything without something exploding. The rest of us started to follow Soap's instructions on how to make perfect sugar cookies as Ghost returned watching Price and I were arguing over how much sugar actually needed to be added.

The whole experience was warm with even Ghost getting involved putting the cookies in and sitting on the small couch turning on some cheap hallmark movie. I had eventually even convinced him to put on a pair of rain deer antlers but he nearly punched Gaz after he come back in the room and tried to take a photo. I couldn't help but relax at the sight of everyone happy and alive but I still knew the risks that would come and the dangers of any mission. Hopefully we would all be okay and Makarov would be either dead or in custody I wanted to be permanently back with Price after all this was over. I just smiled as Soap handed me a mug of hot chocolate as Price and Kate talked about past experiences during the holidays. Ghost had been silently sitting next to me so close our thighs gently touched, he was clearly more relaxed around me but I could tell he had a connection with Soap too. This could be a difficult situation but that was for another day, all that mattered now was family.

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