Try Again (Jelena FanFiction)...

By fxckedneverland

14.2K 228 30

Justin and Selena have history, history that cannot be forgotten. But with Justin wanting to be friends, and... More

Prologue - Lets Rewind
Chapter One - "It's Justin."
Chapter Two - "Can I hear it?"
Chapter Three - "Why not give him another chance?"
Chapter Four - "On a scale of 1-10 how bad?"
Chapter Five - "I'll show you something funny."
Chapter Six - "What are you smirking about?"
Chapter Seven - "and they told me I don't need to worry."
Chapter Eight - "-you're my boyfriend."
Chapter Nine - "Whats there to figure out?"
Chapter Ten - "-everything got so heavy.."
Chapter Eleven - "-be a cool mommy and daddy."

Chapter Twelve - "Are you kidding?"

396 7 1
By fxckedneverland

Justin's P.O.V

(Friday September 20th/9 days till the Billboard Awards)

Song of the chapter: Carry On My
Wayward Son by Kansas

"Oh my god, oh my god!" I exclaimed, running back into the living room.

I was currently at Selena's house watching movies.

"What is it now? Surprise performance at the bbma's? Free pancakes for life at hooters?" Selena teased, pausing whatever program was on.

I sat down on the couch beside her and showed her my phone screen. The brightness of the blue and white from the phone emitted onto her face. Her eyes moved from side to side, reading the tweet, before she turned to me with wide eyes and smiled.

"That's great, oh my god!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me and hugging.

I smiled and dipped my nose in her hair, hugging her back.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

She pulled back and gave me my phone, and I stared at the tweet.

@justinbieber think we can get a collab rolling?
In reply to: @skrillexofficial

For real? That sounds awesome, fans would love it.
In reply to: @JustinBieber

Yeah totally, get ready.

At that point when I first replied back to him, I didn't think he was serious, but I guess he is now.

"Seriously Justin, that's amazing," Selena's voice snapped me back.

I smiled and nodded at her. This is exciting, I can't wait. Just as I was about to call Scooter about it, I got a tweet notification from diplo.

@diplo replied to your tweet

Clicking on the blue strip, I got redirected to his tweet

In reply to: @skrillexofficial and @JustinBieber

@skrillexofficial @justinbieber think there's room for me on this track?

Holy shit. Skrillex AND diplo. What is life right now.

"Selena," I mumbled, still staring at the tweet.

She hummed, watching the program again.

"Selena," I said more firmly, snapping my fingers.

"What?" She asked, once again pausing the program.

"Diplo wants to too," I rambled.

"Are you kidding?"

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Wow, that's amazing. Skrillex and Diplo in one track," Selena smiled.

"You think they really mean it?" I asked.

Just as I said asked that, my phone buzzed. I looked down at it and it was a text. From a number I didn't recognize. Curious, I slid my finger across the screen and it opened.

From: +1 204 726 3759
What's up?

I quirked my eyebrow and tapped out a response before sending it.

To: +1 204 726 3759

From: +1 204 726 3759
Diplo actually.

To: +1 204 726 3759
Oh, just curious, how'd you get my number?

I went to my contacts and saved the number under Diplo, after doing that I returned back to my texts.

From: Diplo
Scooter. But hey, I wanted to talk about the collab.

To: Diplo
What about skrillex, thought he wanted in on this too?

From: Diplo
Oh he is, he should be texting you soon actually.

Confused, I went to the list of my texts and none were new, or from skrillex. Or so I thought.

From: Unknown number
I'm sure Diplo has already informed you about all the this and that's of our collab?

Again, I saved the number under skrillex and returned to my texts.

To: Skrillex
Uhh, he hasn't actually.

From: Skrillex
Well, hang on a sec.

What the heck? Just then I got added to a group text.

Skrillex: now that we've got the obvious out of the way, how are we going to do this?

Diplo: I was thinking, since me and Skrillex are in the studio together anyways, we could just invite Justin along.

Yeah, I think that would work best.

Skrillex: yeah, except that I'm not going to be in the studio this week. I have to be somewhere in New York.

Diplo: jfc really dude.

Skrillex: not my fault my manager makes surprise concerts.

Alright, where are you Diplo?

Diplo: for the time being, in actually in the studio right now, in cali.

Alright perfect. How about Skrillex, you work on your end of the song while you're in new york, and me and Diplo could just work here in la. Sound good?

Skrillex: sure

Diplo: Yup.

Okay cool, Skrillex when are you leaving?

Skrillex: tomorrow, why?

I could come in today and we can work with what we have?

Skrillex: that would work


Just as I sent that text, I got a call, again from an unknown number. Shrugging, I answered it.

"Um, hello?" I answered.

"This is Justin Bieber, no?" A lady's voice asked.

Oh no.

"No unfortunately, it isn't," I mumbled.


"Yes, this is Justin Bieber," I sighed.

"I'm calling you back to make another appointment with Mr. Lugoto," she said, almost sounding like a robot.

I pointed my fingers at my head, in a gun motion, and pretended to shot myself, making the boom sound.

"Mr. Bieber?"

"Yeah, yup, okay. When exactly is that?"

"Today at noon in his office," she quickly replied.

I pulled the phone back from my ear and checked the time.


"It's almost noon, how am I going to make it in time? It's LA for pete's sake," I snarled.

"I'm sorry Mr. Bieber, but that isn't my concern. And Mr. Lugoto doesn't like to be held up," she said before hanging up.

I looked up from my phone and stared into nothingness. Mr. Lugoto sounds like a dick. I can't believe he decided to call me, well his assistant, half an hour before the meeting. Wait, shit, half an hour!

I jumped up from the couch and slipped on my shoes, I was about to step outside when I stopped myself. I could just bail on the meeting again..

"Justin, are you okay? You look like you've been talking to yourself for the last five minutes," Selena said, worry attached to her voice.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, I just. Wait, did you say five minutes?" I asked.

Selena nodded her head, confusion written on her face. I walked back to the couch and leaned down, as I kissed her cheek. I turned around and waved at her, before walking out the door.

"Mr. Lugoto, pfft, more like mister fucking dickhead," I mumbled, walking to my car.

"Justin Bieber," a man's voice said.

I jumped back and turned around to see a small short man in a black suit. I looked up at the sky. What's he doing wearing a black suit in 80 degrees?

"Uh, yeah," I said, queasy.

"It's alright, Mr. Bieber, I actually take that as a compliment. Don't be nervous," he said in a stern voice.

"Um, it's Justin. And I was just headed to your office," I said, continuing to walk to my car.

"Well, as you can see, I'm standing right here in the accompany of you. So," he shifted his weight to his left side on his black cane, "might as well get this over with."

I quirked my eyebrow and hesitantly nodded.

"We want you to perform at the Billboard Awards. I've been looking at the media recently, and since there's nothing that horrible about you, might give it a shot," he stated.

"What if I said no?" I asked, unsure.

"Well then that would be really unfortunate," he muttered, waving two fingers in the air.

I widened my eyes and ducked down, covering my head with my arms.


I slowly uncovered myself from my ball of protection, which wasn't really all that foolproof. I looked up at Mr. Lugoto and he had a bodyguard beside him with car keys in his hand. Oh.

I awkwardly stood up, "sorry."

"This isn't a mafia movie Justin," Mr. Lugoto retorted.

I inwardly cursed at myself and nodded.

"Anyways, think about it," he said, before walking to the car and laughing.


I pulled out my phone and clicked on the group text with Skrillex and Diplo before typing out a text and sending it.

To: Group
Can't come in today actually, got threatened by potential mafia leader.


So as you can probably tell this was a short filler chapter but I just wanted to put something out for you lovelies. And s/o to the one person who voted on a chapter after my a/n ayyyyyy. So this information was important and yeah, see you next chapter loves. Keep voting pleeaaase and I'd love to read your feedback.

Bye my lovelies :)

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