Marrying The Mafia Prince

By HoneyIvyBloom

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Two hearts. Two diffrent people but so alike. Two souls who are meeting, but not for the first time. Thalia... More



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By HoneyIvyBloom

.Thalia De Luca.

I was sitting in my room with my knees up to my chest. Crying while my mind repeted the words.

I am not your father. You are not my biological daughter. Damiano Lumov is your father.

,,Why?! Why?! "I scream and feel myself  exhausted. It was so much. To much in a short period of time.

The man who I knew all my life that is my father. Who I loved is not my father. Why? What did I do to deserve this?

,, Thalia can we speak? "I hear Branosn voice and I look up he was there.Vicenzo tried to speaking  with me again not only him, but I didn't want to talk with any of them.

Branson sits next to me and looks at the beautiful view in front of us.

,, Vicenzo wanted to tell you but not your dad.... You know they were frightened to lose you. "

I puff in annoyance.

,, All my life is a lie. "I said looking at him and he shakes his head.

,, All of it was real wasn't it Thalia? The moment's with you and your dad, were real weren't they?

I nod my head he is right.

,, Than what was not real? "

I sigh he is right. Again.

,, Think at your child you need to calm down, yeah? "

I nod my head at him.

,, My mum died by the hands of an enemy. My dad was was a mess."

He begins telling me while watching the view. I look at him waiting..

,, He began to drink, a lot. He began to be abusive. Hitting me, hitting  my sister. Ome day he took it to far. He  stabbed me while trying to protect  my sister. I leaved. Vicenzo didn't let me and my sister one minute in that hell.Valetino and him took us in. "

,, I'm sorry"

He says nothing and we sit in a comfortable silence, until I get up.

,, Thalia? "He poke at me curious.

,, I need to talk to them, I need to fiind my mum. " I say to him hopefully he will help me.

,, I'm at your service Donna. "

I smile and we go to rest there was Vicenzo with the rest of our family.

,, Thalia are you okay? "Vicenzo asks me looking like in my eyes and I nod my head.

,, Fine.... Dad.... I'm-I'm sorry . But I got the right to be angry. You-you... "

I look at him and he nods shortly than he goes over the files again.

,, Something is not right Valetino. Where cod he have her?"

My dad ask looking at Valentiono and my head drops.

,, Did you search at the warehouse where you and here were when they kidnaped you and Clarisa? "

My dad I silent for some time.This is about my mum. We fiind her I know we will.

A man runs in and I know him is Huston the right hand of my father. His best friend and the man I call uncle besides Andrew.

,, Stefano we have a little problem. "Huston says to my father and he gets the attention of him

,, What problem? "Dad was looking at him waiting but the man was silent.

,,Speak Huston! ? What happend?! "

,, Damiano stacked one of our warehouse and let a message for you. "

,, What?"Father asked looking furious and my father right in vomand gave to him a piece of paper.

,, Dad what is written there? "

,, If you think that you will get your wife you are wrong Stefano. You may get her. But you will never get Clarisa because I broke that women piece by piece. I broke her in this days. You want to know something. I told her that I killed you a few years ago. Get a dead body and  burnt it. I said that that man is you. She broke my friend. That day forward she was another woman. I told her that Thalia is dead. I kiiled her and she cried. She cried for your deaths that never happend at least not that time ago.You want your wife back? Than you know where you come Stefano Damiano Lumov you friend. "

Dad looked furious but I was on the verge of crying. My mother.... God....

,, Valetino she is there. At the place that he kidnapped us. We need to get her.I need to get her "

,, And we will. We will. "Valentino assures him.

Hours passed since then and now they finnaly had a plan and our men are prepared for what is waiting for them, they will get my mother.

,, I want to go too. She is my mother." I say to Vicenzo who was charging his gun.

,,No.You can't come. You are pregnant. We don't know what is there we need our baby to be alright."

,, But-'

,, No buts Thalia. I know you can protect yourself and the baby but I won't risk it"

I nod my head he is right we can't risk our baby life.

,, Look at me love. "He says and I obey.

,, We will get your mum and come home, alright? Me and our family are going to be alright. "

,, Please take care. I don't want anything to happen to you. "

,, I will love but I can't promise you I won't come injured. "

I nod my head and smile softly then I kiss him leaving a sweet promise on his lips.

We go down to our mafia and there were men and women .Our people from our mafias'. I look at my husband and we stop on the front of staircase.

,,Damiano Lumov is our enemy. He violated agressed and raped women. That goes against our laws. No men can do that to a woman that is our family and get away with it.Clarissa Scott is one of his victim's The mother of my wife is  one of his victim. The Queen of the Sicilian mafia was kidnapped by that men and agressed for twenty years. I need your service. My family needs your service. Will you serve you King? "

They all get on one knee and say yes. I look at my husband shocked.What the fuck is going on?!

I don't get to say anything, 'cause  him and our people leaves.

I'm left with Marisa, Ameli Victoria my guards and Christopher with Valetino in the house. They left the men to protect us.

,, Thalia, sweety-"My mother in law goes on but I stop her.

,, What the fuck was that?! "

,, She doesn't know?"Ameli and Vuctoria asks her mother and she shakes her head.

,, No."She responds to them while looking  at me.

,, Thalia listen to me. We all are royalty."I look shocked at my Valetino. What. The. Fuck.

,, Mafia Royalty. Your father and I are the King's of the underworld. But my title got to my son Vicenzo. You are a princess Thalia and now queen of our empires."

I am shocked.How? Mafia Royalty? That means that all this time I was a princess and didn't even know it? Yes every mafia has a queen and a king because that's the tradition. But my husband and I are truly royalties. Fuck!

,,Noel get me a file on Damiano Lumov. Right now! "I shout at him when I see he has no intention in doing so and that puts him on movent.

,,Dean give me the keys of Vicenzo study."

,, I can't the Don said not to let anyone in especially you he will have my head. "He says looking at me. With smalls steps I get in front of him.

,, You give that keys or I will have your head. "I say looking at him I  the eyes and he gulps but doesn't move. Dean is the one that you can't frighten. He thinks my threathings  are empty.

,, I can't. Don's order"

I do some back steps letting him think that I listen to him. When he does I put my head on his shoulders I raised my leg and hit him in his stomach he groans in pain.

,, How dare you defy me?! I am your Donna! You will do what I say or I'm going to kill you! " My words boomed through the room no one trying to get to me.

Dean looks at me and he drops the keys of my husband study in my palm.

,,Don't test my power! And don't tempt my fury. "I say and exist letting my word register.

I unlock my husband study all look around. Nothing. Just contracts and some files.

Someone enters the study and I see the De Luca family.

,, What? " I ask not looking at them

,, Thalia stop this right now. "Valetino tells me and I look at him.

,, No. I have the right to know the truth and no one is going to stop me."

,, Madam here. " Noel gettes me the files I needed it and reading them I don't fiind anything new.

He has green eyes brown hair he is 6 foot 2 and he has fourty two years. He.... Looks like me.... I see some differnces... But... God.

I drop on my husband chair. God. How all this things happen to me? Valetino sit's on the chair in front of the desk. He looks at me and I drop my glare.

,, Thalia I know what happened this past days was a lot to take in. I know it's a lot to proces -"

I interrup him when I look at him with further but

,, This past few days? Hell! This months were hell! "I get the attention of all of them.  ,,I'm a woman who is twenty . How much you think I can take?" I ask them feeling tears in my eyes.

,,First I fiind out that my mother didn't died because af birth but because a psychopath who was obssed with my mother killed her. He kidnapped her abused her. He drugged her. All in front of my helpees father."I say looking at them.

,, Thalia-"Valetino goes but I stop him again.

Then I found out that the man I married is my best friend for childhood. The boy who I was madly in love with. Who knew all my pain. The boy that he died in motorcycle accident just to fiind out that he didn't dye that day. That I'm married to him"

I look at them and they were silent.

,, And this doesn't stop there! No! That shit, that fucking pain didn't stop there!

,, Vicenzo is hurted by the bastard who kidnapped my mother. He is on the verge of death and it doesn'tstop there. I fiind out that the man I love has kidney failure. How wonderful,no? "

Tears start falling on my face. I -I couldn't do it anymore. It was just too much for me.

,, He left me pregnant with three babies and I was frightened. And when I know he is going to love this children and we are going to have one big beautiful family shit goes down again. I lost two of the babies and I can lose this baby too. Then what?! Then what the fuck happens?!"I scream tired with this already.

,,I fiind out my mother is alive! And everyone knows but me! And it gets better! I fiind out my father is not my father! The man who I was looking too. Who was my hero is not my dad but I'm the daughter of that bastard who kidnapped my mother. And guess what?! Guess what family?! I am looking forward for more shit to happen! "I scream getting more and more tired.

,,My past is controlling my present! And I hate it! I hate that the man I love hurted me when we were just kids. I hate that my mother was kinnapdd and abused. I hate that my mother got pregnant with the daughter of a bastard. I hate that the man who I called father had to raise the kid of the bastard who tormented not just my mother but him too! I hate me! I hate my life! I hate that I love Vicenzo! Because I just bring death wherever I am. And I don't want to kill him."

I was crying,criying so bad. Tear after tear we're falling. Then I felt a softly touch on my face. I raise my head and see that beautiful big brown eyes that I'm falling every day in love with them.

,, Don't ever say that again. Never ever. You don't bring death. If you bring anything is love. You bring me happiness ever day. You make me want to live. You don't bring death you bring life. " He looks at me and I look at him

,, Never say that you hate yourself. What is to hate? You have nothing to hate. You are the most beautiful woman that I ever laid my eyes on. Not only outside but also inside. You are the most strong woman in this world. And if the shit will go down then we will face it together."

,, Sweet girl I won't ever hate you."Dad was there all of the family was there but not her.... How many hours had passed?

,, You are my daughter and no one can say otherwise.Never say that. Yes? "

I nod my head softly, all I wanted it was just for this to end. 

,, Thalia look at me."And I do looking at him in the eyes.

,,Listen to me will you my love? You don't bring death. You will not make me die. And my kidney failure is something that you don't have a thing to do with it. Yeah? "

I nod my head again.

,, Will you let me and my wife alone? Vicenzo more told them than asked.

All of them were out and I was left with my husband he hugged me and we stay like this for a few moments.

,, I know this is more than enough to take all of what happened in . But I'm here and I will help you.Now I want you to go down with me, will you? "

,, Yes. "I look at him and smile. I love him.

,, Good now come. "We exit his study and we were walking to the living.

,,We are royalties. " He nods his head. And I don't bring myself to ask about my mother. If they don't tell me anything than that means that they didn't fiind her, or she is dead.

When we got to living Vicenzo puts his palms on my eyes.

,, Enzo what are you doing? "

,, It's a surprise. Just let me guide you. "

,, A surprise? Enzo if you let me fall I will kill you! I swear to God I will kill you and feed you to my Doberman's.

I hear chuckles and I gasp.

,, God Thalia I'm not letting you fall. "

,, Who is here? And you better not"

I her his soft chuckle again.

,, Don't be a brat! "I gasp again and I go to slap him.

,, Don't say things like that! Vicenzo Ace De Luca! "

,, What Thalia Rose De Luca? We are on fulls names now? "I laugh at him. He always knows how to make me happy.

,, God Enzo what is taking it so much? "

,, Thalia shut up will you? I'm left in shock but before I can respond to him I hear the voice of my father.

,, Here. Stay here and don't open your eyes. "He says and I don't get it. But I do what I hear.

,, Don't open your eyes before I tell you." Vicenzo tells me and I just nod my head. I keep my eyes shut when he let's his hand fell from them.

,, Now opens you eyes you two. "I hear dad and a bit confused when I hear two I do it.

I'm left shocked when I do. A woman stands in front of me the curtains were pulled on and we were surrounded but the light of phones.

This woman was the exact copy of me but she was more old. I could says she was the same age as Marisa. She was beautiful with chestnut and green eyes. She was thin. I could see her bones from the beautiful costume she was wearing.

,, Stefano who is this? She looks familiar"She says in a low tone. Her voice was as beautiful as her.

,,Clarisa that's our daughter's Thalia. Thalia this is you mother Clarisa."
We both left in shock... This-This is my mother. Gosh!

I make the first move. I go some steps backwards making me trip but before I could fall some big strongs arms catches me.

,, Woah Rosie. Slowly "Enzo says and I  support myself with his help.

,,Stefano? Is she... Is she ..."My mother ask while looking still at me.

,, Yes Clarisa. She is. As beautiful as her mother. "

She aprrocjes me and hugs me. We cry in which other arms.

,, You are alive! Thanks God! You alive my baby girl I alive. "She was just bones and skin. What did he do to her?

We cry for a few moments and when we calm down I could see her better. It was obvious. I was the copy of my mother.

,, God you are so big. And you are pregnant too? Oh my! " She looked at me smiling and I couldn't be more happy to have her here with me.

Well.... After all.....this shit did something good. I got my mother back.



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