The King & The School


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You are a high school student who is transferring to Smash High, the best school in the area. However, everyt... Еще

Part 1: Court of Love
Chapter 1: the new guy
Chapter 2: the new friend
Chapter 3: the new house
Chapter 4: the new classes
Chapter 5: the new meeting
Chapter 6: the new performance
Chapter 7: the new show
Chapter 8: the new problem
Chapter 9: the new opportunity
Chapter 10: the new investigation
Chapter 11: the new case
Chapter 12: the new attorney
Chapter 13: the new evidence
Chapter 14: the new day
Chapter 15: the new mystery?
Author's Note
Part 2: City of Dreams!
Chapter 1: Another Friend
Chapter 2: Another Date
Chapter 3: Another Party
Chapter 4: Another Weekend
Chapter 6: Another Plan
Chapter 7: Another Rival
Chapter 8: Another Failure
Chapter 9: Another Problem
Chapter 10: Another Enemy
Chapter 11: Another Chase
Chapter 12: Another Victim
Chapter 13: Another Encounter
Chapter 14: Another Villain?
Chapter 15: Another Mystery?
Author's Note

Chapter 5: Another Ally

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 U and Dedede walk arond and try to make a plan.

"Ok so that purple terror guy did this?" u ask

"Yeh, i think so" Dedede says.

"So if we can find his layer we can find the school?" u ask

"Probably but i have no clue were to find it" Dedede says. Suddenly u see people walking towards u. U walk up to see who they r. It looks like... the emeralds! U see dark pit ridley wario and ganon walk up to u but theres something rong. There eyes look almost souless and there skin and clothing are kinda pale and they walk strange. U see them draw there weapons looking like they r abot to attack u

"NOOOOOO" Dedede screams seeing them abot to attack u. He trys to get u but ganon pins him down. He is abot to k1ll u and Dedede but...

"STOP RITE THERE" someone screams. The person flies down and fites the emeralds. U see him cut off ridleys head and u start to freak out. U see the person kill the rest of them and after he is done u look at him.


"They were not ur frends" the person says. Suddenly he takes off his clok and dramatic guitar music plays. "They were just husks, or empty copys of ur frends"

"OvO METANITE?" Dedede says

"Metanite?" u say

"Yeh! He gos to our school! Im so glad to see u!" Dedede says

"Im glad im not the only one left" metanite says cooly.

"Metanite, wat happend hear? Were is evryone?" u ask

Metanite looks at the city dramatically. "Well u see wile u were gone on friday, there was a text sent out to evry member of smash high presant in the city. It sayed to go to the school soccor field. Evryone, including me, went, but wat we fond was... unexpected. We saw the purple terror and his to servants galeem and dharkon there. Suddenly a barrior of lite surronded the field so we coldnt escape. Then one by one we each were taken down and dragged into a truck. I only managed to escape by flying through the top of the barrier before they could close it off. I had to wach all my frends and schoolmates get kidnaped and i coldnt do anything about it. The city was evacuated, but i stayed so i cold save my frends"

Metanite stops talking. He seems sad. U look at him. "Im so sorry metanite."

"Maybe we cold help u try to get them back" Dedede says.

"Thats why i came hear" metanite says. "I came to seek the help of the other survivors"

"Is there anyone else?" Dedede asks

"yep there is" u hear someone say. The person (or should i say skeleton) walks out.

"This is sans" metanite says. "He is a member of the smash high reserve course. He was also away on friday so he didnt get the text"

"sup bros" sans says. "so u wanna help us take down the purple terror?"

"Alrite, so thats 4" Dedede says. "Shurely there has to be more."

"me and metanite alredy checked." sans says. "evryone who was present at school this week besides u 2 was kidnapped. and evryone who attends smash high exsept for 2 students were present this week"

"Well then who r the 2 students?" u ask. "Maybe they r safe"

"I dont think so" metanite says. "The 2 students, insinaroar and cloud, havnet been at school sinse the end of last year. No one nos if they r even still alive."

"How bout we try to find out?" Dedede says. "If they r still alive they r our last hopes"

"I gess we cold brake into smash high to find out wat happened to them, but there will probably be a ton of husks there" says metanite.

"Cold u explane to us wat the husks r?" u ask.

Metanite sighs. "Wen they kidnapped our schoolmates they cloned them and use dthe clones as husks, or mindless killing mashines that only have one goal: destroy."

"Wow ok lets not go to the highschool then" Dedede says. Evryone thinks for a wile but then u have an idea. "Wat about the courtroom?" u say.

"Y the courtroom?" sans asks

Dedede catches on to wat u r saying. "Oh yeaaaaaah, they will probably have a copy of all the school records from the trial! Ur a genius!"

U blush. After a bit more planning u head towards the courtroom. Along the way u see some of the husks. Part of the plan was to document wich husks u found and use them to see who may have escaped. U have to fite the husks but u r victorus. Wen u reach the courtroom u look thru the files and find the files on cloud and insinaroar. Apparently they went missing arond the time of augest of this summer.

"Hey i remember insinaroar" Dedede says. "She is the best wrestler in the school even tho she is a girl. And from wat i can rember she is one of those girls who is always gossiping and trying to set u up with a date."

"Ok that is informashun" sans says. "Anything about cloud?"

Dedede thinks. "I rememember cloud being in my english class last year. He was extremly quite and shy and always sat in the back of the class. I never relly talked to him that much so idk wat he is like outside of that"

"If you are looking for Cloud and that cat thing, you are wasting your time." U look arond the court to see who sayed that. U see a shadowy figure standing in teh corner. He walks out and shows himself.

"Sefiroth? Wat r u doing hear?" Dedede says as evryone gets there weapons.

"I do not have time for this," sefiroth says as he somehow nocks the weapons out of ur hands with his mind. "I just wanted to let you know that they are both dead."

Metanite looks at him. "How wood u no?"

Sefiroth smiles. "I am the one who killed them."

"Lier" Dedede says. "U have no proof that they r d34d"

"Would detailing their deaths be proof enough for you?" sefiroth asks. "I remember it perfectly. Last summer, I invited Cloud to a bridge to, well, talk. He came later than I told him to, which was typical of someone as pitiful as him. He drew his sword and attacked me. After skewering his chest a couple times, I decided to leave him to bleed out on the side of the bridge. It would have been the perfect murder if not for that stupid cat. Incineroar, I believe her name was. She did put up a fight, but she was no match for my skills. I threw both her and Cloud off the side of the bridge, and they haven't been seen since."

U and ur frends were horrifyed. Those 2 r the only other possible survivors and they may have been d34d the entire time? U feel extreme anger and despare.

"Did u just come hear for this? To completly brake our hopes?" Dedede says. "U probably think this is hilarus dont u. To see us in pain. Does this make u happy?"

Sefiroth in a taunting tone says "Yes, I do enjoy this," then he vanishes as his laugh rings in the room

"well dang" sans says. "wat do we do now?"

Evryone is quiet but metanite seems to be thinking abot something.

"Maybe there still alive" he says.

"did u not hear?" sans says. "they r d34d. There bodys r probably floating somewere in a river"

"Well then lets check the river" u say. U and ur frends go to the river were they probably were and search the river. Thats wen u find it. U find a black arm sleve and a white bra. U and Dedede inspect it wen someone walks up behind u.

"Hey, wat the heck do u think ur doin?" U see a strong cat like girl with red hair walk up behind u. "Didnt u ever learn that its rude to look at a ladys clothin?"

"Oh, uh sorry miss" u says. "Hey ur name woodnt happen to be insineroar, wood it?"

"Yeh, y dos that matter" insineroar says.

"Hey, do u remember me? Dedede says.

Insineroar examens him. "Waiiit, ur that one guy from my french class last year! Ya no, the boring one with mr game and watch. He tot my history class last year so it was like doble the boring"

"Yep thats me" Dedede says.

"Cool, so like y r u guys hear? I kinda chose this spot to camp out becuz no one cold find us" insineroar says.

"We r looking for u and another kid" metanite says. "Do u no a boy named cloud?"

Insineroar is quiet. "Come with me" she says. U fallow her to a spot under the bridge. U see a large crack covered by blankets. Insineroar lifts the blankets and walks thru the crack. U flallow her and walk inside. It looks like she has set up a living space in the bridge with a couch and old tv and 3 walled off areas, 1 for a bathroom and 2 for sleeping areas.

"Hes still recovering but he is alive" insineroar says as she gides u and ur frends to 1 of the walled off areas. U see a boy about ur age lying asleep in a bed. "He was beeten pretty badly, and i was barely able to save him from drowning in the river and bleeding out. He is still weak, but he can kinda walk now."

Insineroar lifts the blanket off of him to show the scars from being imp4l3d. He has thin scars on the upper right side of his body by his sholder. He seems frail. Insineroar tells u to give him some more rest and u and ur frends leave. She warms up some leftover spagetti with her hands (the perks of being a fire type i gess) and gives u and ur frends some as she tells u how she got hear.

"I was on my daily jog arond the entire city wen I saw 1 of the kids from school standing there waiting for something. I new that he was trouble so i stay and hide behind a bulding and watch him. Then cloud from our school shows up. Ive seen him before, like he was in my history class with boring mr game and watch. I tryed to hook him up with a nice girlfrend one time but he looked at me and told me he wasnt intrested. Shame, i think he wood be perfect for someone like samus or lucina or pyra but idk. I saw him walk up and say something like "lets end this" or something idk i coldnt relly hear. So yeh they both grab s0rds and start battling it out. Eventally i see cloud slump over as that one kid, sefiroth I think, st4bs him a few times and walks off to leave him to die. Of corse i coldnt let that happen so I rushed in to help but i gess sefiroth didn't like that so i desided to try to fite him off. I mean i did kinda desent i mean i lasted like 5 seconds aganst him but then he used is wierd mind powers to throw me and cloud off the edge of the brige. Tbh wen he first got to the school i thoght he wood be good for someone like bayonetta or shiek but idk hes not that nice so who nos? Anyways sinse i can swim i swam me and cloud to shore and made shure that sefiroth didnt see us so he didnt come and finish us off. Wen i thoght he left i took out my first aid kit from my running bag and tried to clean up clouds wounds as best as i cold. Huh i gess there was a point to that 1 period of gym dedicated to first aid. I covered up his wounds with were deep but i managed to stop teh bleeding. He still lost a lot of blood so hes kinda been lite headed for a wile so he has been sleeping alot and cant relly eat solid food but hey hes alive thats all that matters."

"Can he still walk?" Dedede asks. "We kinda need u and him for somethng"

"I think he is getting better" insinaroar says. "Y do u need us?"

"Do u not no wat is going on?" metanite says.

"Nope. No idea" insinaroar says

"the city is deserted. the entire smash high has been kidnapped and cloned to make mindless zombie versions of them. we r the only ones left." sans says.

Insinaroar is shocked. "W-we r the only ones left?"

"Yeah there has been this serial k1ll3r that started last month called the purple terror" Dedede says. "We need to find were he is keeping our frends and save them"

"Everyone's gone?" someone says. U turn around and see cloud standing there. He looks tired.

"Cloud get back in bed" insinaroar orders. "U r still week and u need rest"

"I'm fine, Incineroar," cloud says. "Dedede, why is everyone gone?"

"Well according to metanite this purple terror guy and his 2 henchmen galeem and dharkon have kidnaped evryone in smash high and cloned them and now the clones r attacking the city. I think they r looking for us to kidnap us to complete the school and clone us" Dedede says.

Cloud looks shocked. Insineroar looks at him "no u cant go u r still kinda injurd"

Cloud looks at her and then picks up his like 100 pound sw0rd and waves it around with ease. "I think I'm fine now," he says. "Anyway, how can we help?"

"We r the last survivers so we need to find the layer of the purple terror and free our frends and possibly destroy the purple terror" metanite says. After asking a few mor questions cloud and insineroar agree to help u guys out. So the team had been formsd. It is u metanite Dedede sans cloud and insineroar. U guys have to try to save smash high and stop the purple terror.

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