Love Don't Change..Odell Beck...

By melaninX_

1.1M 34.3K 13.6K

Danielle has been through hell and back with relationships after finally leaving her ex fiance who was always... More

A|N .
Yass boo Yass
Sequel Posted


14.6K 466 173
By melaninX_

Danielle POV

It's been a few days since the shooting and today Odell is going home, his leg has gotten a whole lot better, he's starting to get some if the feeling back and I'm glad it has. He apologizes non-stop for the things he said but I just say "okay" or "that's wassup".

"Stop makin' him feel bad and forgive him." Jennifer said.

"No! Forget him." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't say that, you could've lost him the other night but you didn't. Stop taking shit for granted and forgive him."

"Nope, I'm fine." I shrugged.

Jennifer shook her head and plopped down on the couch next to me, I told Jarvis to go get him from the hospital because I wasn't doing it.

"Dani, I'm just curious. Do you even wanna be married to Odell?" She asked.

"Of course I wanna marry him but He needs to start thinking before he speaks because his bipolar ass gon make me hurt him."

"But you were just telling me that you said some hurtful things to him when y'all first got together and you were in the hospital...He forgave you Danielle."

I sighed , she was right and I was being stubborn ... The front door swung opened and Odell walked in. He also had a bouquet of roses with him which didn't surprise me at all. He put Hailey down on the couch and sat next to me.

"These are for you beautiful." He smiled at me.

I grabbed the flowers and gazed at them. I started thinking about what Jennifer said and stared at Odell for a second and smiled.

"Thanks babe," I kissed his cheek.

"Oh my god it's gonna snow!! Danielle just forgave Odell after 13 hours of being angry." Jarvis said. "Usually it takes a few days"

"Jarvis shut up! Mind you're business, we're gonna head home. I'll call you tonight girl." Jennifer hugged me.

After Jarvis and Jennifer left the house went dead silent. Hailey was upstairs in her room playing while me and Odell sat in the Livingroom.

"So you forgive me?" He asked.

"Yes I forgive you, I know I said some really out of line things to you before when I was in the hospital and I know it's because you're stressing over everything that's happened. I forgive you and I love you." He smiled and held my hands.

"Are you sure you forgive me? I don't want you saying it's okay just because you did the same thing to me and I forgave you." He said.

"Odell yes I forgive you baby."

"Ight, I'll make it up to you I promise." He kissed me.

I smiled at Odell and he laid his head on my lap with his leg propped up on a pillow.

"You know..I really thought I wasn't gon see you again." He kinda caught me off guard.

"Why'd you think that?" I asked.

"First off, before we left..remember you were suppose to drive home but something told me to drive, when we were in the car before the shooting, it just didn't feel right. I just had this feeling inside just in case I told you, I loved you . That was the first time I've ever gotten that feeling and it's the worse feeling ever, I don't ever wanna feel like that again.." He held my hand.

"I love you and if I was to ever lose you I don't know what I would do...I'm glad you're still here and I don't wanna ever go through that again either."

He smiled at me and gave me a long kiss. We had only been together for a a year but it felt much longer than that! I was happy with Odell and honestly I couldn't wait for our wedding day but we've still gotta plan it out and everything which won't be a problem because We already know what we want, how we want it and where we want it so that's not a problem at all.

"Where's my princess?" He asked referring to Hailey.

"In her room playing, she doesn't know you're home so you need to go see her." He nodded his head and stood up from the couch.

"You need help going up the stairs baby?." I asked as he walked over to the staircase.

"Nah, I'm good I need to work on walking up and down stairs anyway."

Odell POV

I finally made my way upstairs and walked down the hallway to Hailey's room. She was coloring in her coloring book while humming a song.

"Wassup princess." I kissed her forehead.

"Daddy!!!!!." She smiled."I didn't know you were coming back today!!!" She hugged me.

"I wanted surprise you babygirl." I smiled at her.

"You feeling okay?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I'll be just fine. Don't worry about me babygirl..What you in here doing." I asked her.

"Nothing just coloring and singing.." She replied.

"Daddy can I ask you something." She said putting her crayon down.

"Anything sweetheart." I said.

"Well..I know Dani is not my real mommy but do you know where my real mommy is?" I was speechless, I didn't know how to answer it, if I told she was dead it would break her heart if I lied and said she was still alive she'd wanna see her and we'd go through a crazy moment and process.

"Umm, come sit over here with me." I suggested and she walked over to the rocking chair I was sitting in.

"Mommy had to go to a place called Heaven for awhile." I said nervously.

"What's Heaven? Why'd she go there?"

"Heaven is a place where all the good people go after they go through an experience called Death."

"Isn't death a bad thing? What happened to mommy?" She got worried.

"Not really, it depends on how you look at it. Mommy is now in a much better and safer place where she doesn't have to worry anymore. You'll be sad for awhile about mommy leaving but trust me it will get better babygirl."

"What happened to mommy?" She put her head down.

"Mommy got hurt really bad so god decided she shouldn't have to go through pain anymore so he called her to go rest with him."

"Is she okay now? Is she happy?" She said.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's in paradise, so of course she's happy"

"When is she coming back?" She asked and I paused.

"She's not coming back babygirl." Her face saddened. "You still have Me, Danielle, you're Uncles and many other people."

"But when you got hurt you didn't go to Heaven"

"That's because it wasn't my time yet.." I replied.

"How do you know when it's you're time?" She said curiously.

"I don't really know but when the time comes you'll know." She nodded her head in understanding.

"So mommy is in Heaven with god and all the Angels resting .."she put the puzzle together.

"Yeeaahhhhh, you got it babygirl." I smiled at her.

"She still loves me though...right?"

"Of course she does Hailey, she'll never stop loving you meant the world to her and you still do." She smiled.

"I'm glad mommy is happy, now she can rest with god. I'll never forget her." She smiled.

Hailey was a really smart child, she was always catching onto to certain things pretty fast. I smiled at her and she laid her head on me and started to cry.

"I'm gonna miss her." She said.

I kissed her forehead and rocked her to sleep in the rocking chair. When she finally did fall asleep, I laid her in her bed and put a blanket over her, I kissed her forehead and headed back to me and Dani's room.

"I heard you and Hailey talking," Dani said laying her head on my chest.

"Yeah, kinda hard topic." I sighed.

"well you did a great job explaining it. You're a great father Odell." Dani smiled at me.

"Thanks baby." I kissed her.

Danielle POV

Later on that night while Me and Odell were laying on the couch with Hailey sitting in her bean bag chair watching a movie when his phone started ringing.

"I'm not answering it." Odell mumbled.

"Answer the phone" I nudge him.

"No, I wanna just chill with my family, now watch the movie." He declined the call.

"Odell answer you're phone!" I spoke as the person called him again.

"You answer it." He sucked his teeth.

I grabbed the phone off the end table and answered it.

Me: Hello.

??:Is this Odell Beckham Jr

Me: this is his wife. He's right here. You can speak to him.

I handed Odell the phone and he rolled his eyes after taking the phone.

"Hello....I heard about it...really!?!? That's great...thanks...California?? In two days...yeah I can do it, thank you." He hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Sports center, I'm one of the 2 finalist to be on the cover of Madden 16." He smiled.

"Baby that's great!!!" I hugged him and kissed him.

"Don't get too happy babe, I gotta win the voting first."

"you're saying it like you're not going too, I have so much faith in you baby. You've accomplished so much in you're life, I know you got this babe." I smiled at him.

"I swear if I didn't have you or Hailey I wouldn't have accomplished so much." He shook his head.

"what makes you say that?" I questioned.

"You and Hailey keep me going...well You, Hailey and my little man. Y'all always motivate me and make me wanna keep going. Especially always on me about certain stuff but I know it's only because you love me" He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Well I love you too and don't doubt yourself ..this is a big opportunity, you know you got this..who are you up against anyway?" I asked.

"Rob Gronkowski.." He said

"What the hell is that?" I looked at him in confusion.

"You mean ,who is that?" He laughed.

"Yeah that too." I laughed with him.

"He plays for the patriots and he's.." I cut him off.

"Oh nope, you already said one thing that won't help him win....he plays for the Patriots! So don't even stress it." I kissed his lips.

"With the baby coming soon did you wanna stay here or come along with me." He caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"I don't wanna go in labor if you're in an entirely different state and I think hailey would enjoy seeing her dad do interviews and win the cover vote." I smirked.

"You really think I'm gonna win?" He asked.

"Of course I do! You got this, where do you have to go anyway?" I asked.

"California.." He shrugged.

"On second thought I might just stay here." I sighed

I haven't been to California since I ran away from my father to Louisiana to live with my grandmother.

"Why not? Babe I want you to be there." He said.

"I'll think about it O." I turned my attention to the movie.

"You really don't have much time to think..they want me there in two days." I tried tuning out the conversation.

I know Odell wants me to be there and I wanna be there but it's too many bad memories in California, too many bad memories that I just don't wanna speak of. Just knowing that I went through that is even worse...but like Odell always tells me "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...

"The moment we've all been waiting for...the madden16 cover goes to....Odell Beckham Jr!" The sportscenter host said.

"MY DADDY WON!!!!" Hailey squealed as we stood off to the side.

So as you can see, I came to California...being back over here was pretty hard at first but I just put it in the back of my mind and focused on supporting Odell. They went to commercial break and Odell walked over to us.

"I told you babe!" I hugged him and kissed him.

"Congratulations daddy!" Hailey said happily.

"Thanks babygirl." He picked her up.

Right at that very water face went Into shock.

"What's wrong baby?" Odell asked.

"Nothing boo I'm fine, you should head back on the set."

"Okay, after this we can go get something to eat." He put Hailey down and walked back to he set.

We decided to bring Kayla with us also just in case I did go into labor because somebody would have to keep an eye on Hailey while me and Odell would be in the delivery room.

"Kayla...I need you to do me a favor." I said as I could feel a contraction coming on.

"What's wrong? Are you having the baby now?" I guess she noticed my pained expression.

"Yes I am but.." She cut me off and ran up to the director.

"You need to yell cut, we've got an emergency!" Kayla said.

"I can't just yell cut this isn't a movie!" He said.

"Well go to a commercial break !" She yelled.

He went to a commercial break and Odell walked over to me.

"what's wrong?" He asked.

"The baby is now." His mouth dropped.

"Why the hell are we still standing here let's go!!!!" He picked me up off my feet.

Odell had been waiting for this day so patiently and now it was finally here. He sped the whole way to the hospital and I'm so surprised we didn't get pulled over.

"We need a doctor, my wife is in labor." Odell said to the lady at the front desk.

She didn't even say anything back she just pushed a button and walked away. About 2 or 3 minutes she came back with a wheel chair and a doctor.

"Hailey stay right here with Kayla, we'll be back." I gave Hailey a kiss on her cheek and a hug.

I was so scared and nervous! These contractions were hurting like hell! I was just ready to give birth to baby boy and finally hold him in my arms. Even though he would be around a week early I was confident that my baby would come out healthy and strong. After a couple hours had passed by the contractions were just getting worse and worse. Odell was rubbing my belly doing these stupid ass breathing methods with me.

"This fucking breathing isn't working!!!!" I pushed Odell away from me.

"Baby calm down it'll be okay."

"Whatever Odell!" I rolled my eyes.

"I understand you in pain but you can't keep yelling at me like that!" He said.

"I'm not even yelling!!!!!!"

He sucked his teeth and shook his head, the doctor entered the room.

"Alright let's get this baby delivered and ready to go." He snapped his gloves.

"A couple more pushes Danielle you got this!" The nurse said to me with a reassuring smile.

"Come on baby you ca-" I cut him off.

"Don't say shit to me!!!." I pushed him away from me and he fell onto the floor.

"One.....two.....three...Come on push babygirl!!!" The nurse held my hand while Odell held my other hand.

I pushed a few more times and I heard my baby boy's cries...

"Uh Oh..." The doctor said.

"What you mean Uh Oh?!?!" Me and Odell both said at the same time.

It was a long pause and I started to get really worried, then the doctor spoke

OMG IM SO SORRY I HAD TO DO IT!!!! This chapter is gonna be a cliffhanger lmao I love you all so much that I have to leave you hanging on that cliff until the next update!!!

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