Gone with the wind

By World_of_romance011

71K 1.8K 461

Nadia bianchi knew her life would never remain the same after being sold by her father to vitale Esposito was... More

Cast 2
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1.9K 42 11
By World_of_romance011

Before we start, I would like to inform you Guy's that this chapter will have about three people POV. So be warned in advice!!!


Ricardo Edgar will be brought to me in a few hours and I am eager to deal with that bastard. As for Russo, I haven't heard shit from him,but I trust he will bring the kids back to safety.

How could someone ever think about trafficking children for money?its sickening to the ear. I created a home for the kids who lost their parents, who was deprive the love of their parents just like us. Father never showed us love,instead he showed us nothing but pain. Our mother's suffered a lot because of him, to the point they couldn't bear the pain and humiliation anymore.

He wanted more,he didn't care about the fact that my mother was suffering or even his wife. Though mom was a mistress, she was never given a choice, she had me at the age of 17. Don is nothing but a pig, he brought Greta in and she birth two kids for him. As for guiseppina she has two kids for him.

Do I hate having more siblings?I Dont because I know it wasn't their mother's fault. Its all on him,I stopped calling him father the day Ricci lost his legs.

I sighed deeply and shook my head to get rid of such thoughts, I don't have time to think about the past. I have a lot of things to do,example visiting the orphanage.

But as I stood up from my chair, the door was pushed opened and in walks in Matilda with a smile on her face.

"Baby" she drawled walking over to me.

I sighed "I don't have time for your bullshit"

She pouts "But baby, you Dont have time for me anymore. The last time we met was when you kicked me out of your office, its so not fair Rossi"

I was slowly losing my patience with her, I grab my phone from the desk "Leave now while I am being nice"

"Rossi,please Dont kick Me out anymore. I love you so much, why can't you see that?"

"Love me? Don't kid yourself Matilda, you Dont love me. All you ever cared of is what I can offer to you"

"That is bullshit Rossi!! How can you say such awful shit to me?I love you, I want to have your kids,I want to become your wife. Why can't you grant me that?is that too much to ask of you?"

"We won't speak of this anymore"

She frowned deeply "Where did I go wrong?years ago you treated me with so much love. But now you turned into an abusive bastard who can't even stand my presence"

I growled by her words and slam her body to the nearest wall. She coughed loudly and I could see tears in her eyes, but no one is allowed to insult me.

"Speak to me like that again and I won't hesitate to make you one of my stripers for disgusting old men to lust on"

She slowly stood up wiping her tears "I shouldn't have loved you"

I took a step closer to her and grip her chin tightly "I never asked for your love,now get your annoying ass out of my office"

She sniffed and I let go of her chin,she glares hard at Me before storming out of my office. I sighed running my fingers through my hair and straighten my suit, before walking out of my office.

Getting to my orphanage, I slowly stepped down from my car and I was welcomed by madam Caterina who gave me a warm hug. She is like a mother to me,she used to be friends with my mom.

"Look at you,haven't you been eating?" She asked with a frown after breaking the hug.

I smiled "I have been ma Caterina,you have nothing to worry about"

She sighs "Martina,Emma and I will prepare a feast for you before you leave and you can't say no"

"But ma,I hav..."

She cuts me off "No buts young man,now get your ass in. Your kids would love to see you"

I nodded knowing I won't be able to back out from it. Getting in,all the kids present in the main living room rushes over to me and hugged me,more like surrounded me.

This is going to be a long ass day.

It was time for dinner when Marino texted me that Ricardo Edgar is locked up,and Russo will be here soon.

I cleared my throat "Ma Caterina, I have something to discuss with you"

She excused herself from the women and lead Me to the garden. She sat herself on the grass and gestured for me to sit beside her,but I couldn't resist resting my head on her lap and she runs her finger through my hair with a smile.

"Russo is bringing more kids in a few hours"

She hummed "There is plenty of rooms for them to stay"

"Thank you Caterina, without you the kids wouldn't have a mom"

She smiled warmly "You shouldn't thank me my child. Without you these kids wouldn't have a home,you have a heart of gold just like your mom. She will be so proud of you, her two sons turned out great"

"Russo acts like a dick all the time"

She slaps my shoulder lightly "Shut up, Russo is such a sweet boy"

I rolled my eyes "Trust me ma,he isn't"

"That is what he wants you guys to think, he loves you all so much. Though he doesn't show it, but I know he will do everything for you guys"

I hummed "I know,but right now can we not talk about him?"

She chuckled "Have a little rest Rossi,and I will wake you up when its time to eat"

I nodded and for the first time in a while, I slept peacefully.


My eyes slowly opens and I come face to face with ma Caterina. I slowly stood up and helped her to her feet's.

"Time to eat"

I nodded and followed her back into the House, the kids were already having their dinner in their dining room. I walk over to ours,and sat beside ma Caterina. Martina and Emma sat across from us,and soon Eduardo walks in who happens to be Emma's husband, and he sits beside her.

"Good to see you Rossi"

I nodded forcing a smile, for some reason I hated his guts. I just can't bring myself to trust him. But I can't fire him,because he is Emma's husband and ma Caterina trusts him a lot.

Dinner was ate in silence and my phone dings,it was a message from Russo informing me he is right outside. Ma Caterina and I walked out to meet him.

"Russo" ma Caterina smiles hugging him,he awkwardly pats her back and break the hug.

"Where are the kids?" I asked him.

He ordered for his guards to open the van, And about twenty kids were brought out.

"They are all so cute" ma Caterina gushes.

After what felt like forever, it was finally time for Me to leave. I waved them goodbye and walk into my car, I wasn't surprised seeing Russo sat in the passenger seat and just drive out of the compound.

"What do you want Russo?"

He smirks "You owe Me a promise"

"Ricci does also,how about you get his first?"

"I have nothing to ask from him,but definitely something or rather someone from you"

I frowned "What do you mean by that?"

"I want Lorenzo"

I slam the break hard in the middle of the road "Are you out of your god damn mind?"

He shrugs "You made a deal with the devil, you can't back out now"

"No bloody way,get the fuck out of my car"

He laughs "I want Lorenzo, forcefully or not he will work for me and not you"

"Get the fuck out!!!" I snarled angrily, he just chuckled opening the Car door and stepped out.

Fucking piece of shit!!! Lorenzo is not an object,I won't give him out.


I groaned for the fifth time as ma Rosa drags me to the sixth shop. We have been shopping for hours!! I have no idea why she wants more stuffs, when she literally went shopping yesterday.

When will sir Rossi come to free me?I can't bear this anymore. I had to lock my room door last night to prevent her from coming in,its so frustrating.

"Lorenzo!!" Her voice snapped Me out of my thoughts.

I forced a smile "Yes ma Rosa?"

She frowns "When are you going to quit calling me that? And why were you distracted?I was asking you a question"

"I am sorry ma, I had a lot of things on my mind"

"Whatever. So what do you think,the red one or the gold one?"

"None ma. The purple one is a lot prettier"

She squealed "You are right!!I am so buying it!!!"

And just like that,we spent another two hours in the mall before she finally showed mercy and ordered to drive to the nearest restaurant for late lunch.

I parked the car and we both stepped into the restaurant, a waiter leads us to a table and we took our seat. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair as she kept staring at me,but I ignored her and focused my gaze on the menu.

We ordered our meals, and halfway through the meal. She couldn't stop staring, but I know I couldn't avoid this conversation.

"Ma Rosa"

"First of all drop the ma,why are you treating me like a stranger?I know it was wrong of me to hu..."

I cut her off "I would rather not talk about it"

"Lorenzo I am sorry, you knew what happened to me months ago. You knew the reason why I left,everyone knows why I left"

I couldn't help but to scoff "The reason you left? Dont bullshit me, I know why you left. You didn't leave because of what happened, we both know that"

She inhaled sharply "I am sorry Lorenzo, I wronged you. But can't we go back to the way things was?I want you back,please take Me back"

"Don't,you seriously can't say shit like that"

Tears wells up in her eyes "I am sorry, I was wrong. I should have listened to you that day, I should have stayed"

"Are you done with your meal?"


I shook my head "Shall we eat?"

She sighs and we ate our meal in silent, I paid for the food and we both walked out of the restaurant. I drove back to the compound and stepped out of the car first.

"Can I go back to sir Rossi?"

She nodded stiffly "Yes, it was nice spending two days with you"

I don't bother responding and began my walk to sir Rossi mansion. I finally got there and made my way into my room,I took a quick shower and got dressed.

I picked up my phone and dial Marino's number, and He picked on the second ring.

"He finally calls!!Rosa is done with you?"

I sighed "Where are you?is sir Rossi with you?"

"I am at the warehouse, Rossi went to the orphanage"

"Alright, I will be at the warehouse in thirty minutes" and with that I hung up.

Lorenzo,I am so sorry!!!!

I shook my head to get rid of the unwanted thoughts in my head. I can't seriously be thinking about what happened in the past, I can't be thinking about her right now. She broke me beyond repair and I don't think I would ever be able to love anymore.


I couldn't stop thinking about Fernando word's, it kept hunting me. I was finally released today and I took a long needed shower and got dressed in short and baggy shirt, before making my way out of the room.

I have to see Fernando, I have to thank him for what he did for me and I have to see his closet. I chuckled at my own thoughts, but he seriously was the one who made me interested in his closet.

How the hell am I going to find his room? But luck was on my side because I bumped into Greta. She looks at her left and then right before smiling widely at me.

"Hey you,I am glad master let you out"

I forced a smile "Yeah,I was wondering if you could direct Me into Fernando room"

"Sure,just follow me"

After walking for a while, she stopped in front of a door and knocked twice. Soon it was opened, his eyes goes from Greta and then it landed on me.

"Come on in girls,this is a wonderful surprise" he said pulling us into his room.

It was a little bit bigger than mine,we all took a sit on the couch but I frowned deeply seeing the mark around his neck. His left eye slightly swollen,what the hell happened to him?.

As if he noticed me staring he spoke "Master did this to me last night. You shouldn't worry about anything, I am fine"

"This is so not okay, how can you say you are fine when obviously you are not?"

He sighs "Practice Nadia"

Greta clears her throat "I was brought here when I was 15,it was a living nightmare for me. Do you know how many times I tried to kill myself? But I was stopped by guisepinna telling me its not worth it, that I should fight. Maybe one day we will all be free from this hell,we are pretty delusional right? I was shattered when I found out I was pregnant but master made me lose my child. I am not telling you all this to seek pity, but I am telling you this in order for you to be strong"

I sighed deeply "I have no idea if I can be as strong as you guys,but I will try to be"

Fernando stood up "Do you want to see my closet Nadia? I offered to show you the last time we met right?"

I nodded and followed him into his closet,leaving Greta behind. My mouth gaped opened in shock staring at his clothes,which varies from long to short skirts,crop top's,mesh top's,lingeries,short, dresses,bikini's. And a lot more category of female wears, the only male clothes in here are sweatpants and sweatshirts.

"I don't know what to say"

He shrugs "Fascinating right? I don't think anyone is going to be your size, I might have let you pick from it"

"Why Dont you speak up?maybe oppose to the fact you Dont want these"

He chuckles humorlessly "Do you want to know why I got these bruises?"

I nodded "Master did it,right?"

"Yes he did,but the reason he did it is because I refused to sleep with two of his friends. I was brutally punished by him, I am too ashamed to take off my sweatshirt"


He forced a smile "Let's head back in,Greta is waiting for us"


No no this can't be happening!!! I can't let this happen to me,having his son abuse and rape me is more than enough, I can't let him do this to me.

"Ma" aria's voice snapped me out of my trail of thoughts.

I shook my head "P-please tell me you are joking"

She stared at Me with pity in her eyes "I am sorry ma,I really am. But they Is nothing I can do about it, don wants you in his room"

I suddenly couldn't breath anymore, I stumbled back and slump down to the floor. Aria's voice becomes muffled to my ears,and i clutch unto my shirt tightly.

"Breath ma,in and out"

I shook my head unable to do so,I can't do that. I tried to breath but I couldn't, after what felt like hours I could finally breath again.

"Are you okay ma?"

I nodded hiccuping "I d-dont w-want to go,y-you have to he-help m-me P-please"

She cups my face "I wish I could ma,if you Dont come on your own free will. He will drag you all the way to his room,and trust me it will be a lot worst for you"

I broke down into more tears but I wouldn't give in,after so many attempts she left knowing I wasn't going to give in. Just the thought of what would happen if I go over to his room,makes me want to puke.

My eyes goes wide in shock when the door was slammed opened, a man thrice my size walks in.

"Do you want it the hard way? Or the easy way?" He asked with a bored tone.

I broke down into more tears "P-please Dont take me to him"

He rolled his eyes and pull me up with one hand and throw Me over his shoulder. I screamed loudly begging him to let me go but he Paid no heeds to my words, I couldn't let this happen to me.

"P-please" I choked on my cry as he stops in front of a door.

He just ignored me and knocked twice on The door before going in. He throws me on the bed before walking out of the room.

"Why so scared baby?"

More tears slip from my eyes as the pig makes his way over to the bed. I tried to make a run for it but he dragged me by my ankle and delivered a hard slap to my face, knocking the air out of me.

"You are my slut,my bitch!!!you should respect me!!! Your legs should always be opened for me!!!do I make myself clear?!!" He screamed in my face yanking my hair harshly.

"I a-am not" I struggled to speak.

"You damn Bitch!!!" He yells angrily wrapping his hand around my neck, I couldn't breath, I struggled hard to free myself but to no avail.

"Admit it!!!you are my slut!my cumslut!my whore!!!"

I had to surrender to my fate so I nodded weakly,he smirks and let go of my neck. He didn't give me a moment to breath and Yank my short down my legs.

"P-please" I sobbed weakly.

"Shut up" he growled and tied my hands to the bedpost with god knows what.

He takes off his robe leaving him naked,I shut my eyes tightly to get rid of the horrifying image from my head. My panties was ripped off,I bite my lips hard as he wraps my legs around his waist.

"When I am done with you,you won't act like a brat anymore" and with that he slammed into me hard.

"Fuck" I whimpered in pain and disgust as he continues thrusting into me.

God just let me die,I couldn't take it anymore. I have no idea if I could live anymore, I passed out after he cummed twice on my stomach.

I am so sorry guys!!I know I suck at updating but I promise it will be better soon. A lot of things is going on right now but I know that thing's will get better soon.

A little warning in advance they will be romantic feelings between two guys in this book,you can make a guess on who it will be. But if you are not okay with anything related to two boys being in love,you can always skip their story and focus on Nadia and Rossi.

I love you all so much and I promise that update will be better from now on. Dont hesitate to vote,comment,and share everyone!!!.

I added additional cast list,feel free to check them out. You all are free to imagine the characters on your own.

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