By hansbroekman

14.7K 383 133

! DISCONTINUED ! Amelia Stark, daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D at age 20... More

1: Avengers
7 (I)
8: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
16 (II)
17: Avengers: age of ultron
23 (III)
24 (IV)
25 (V)
26 (VI)
27 (VII)
28 (VIII)
29 (IX)
30: Captain America: Civil War
35 (XII)
36 (XIII)
37: Thor: Ragnarok
40: Avengers: Infinity War


323 11 7
By hansbroekman

Are we still friends? - Tyler, The creator.

''are we still friends?
can we be friends?
are we still friends?''

The Mystify is currently waiting for the encryption to be accepted, and for the safeguards to be removed.

'Hill?' Natasha asks through her earpiece. 'Nothing yet.' She says, understanding what her fellow agent was getting at. 'Falcon?' Maria says through comms again.

'Yeah?' He grunts. 'Rumlow's headed for the Council.' Agent Hill tells him. 'I'm on it.' The man answers.

Amelia's mind travels to the satellite launch. Was Steve going to be able to pull this off? 3 minutes. If he can't do this, if it doesn't work, millions of people will die.

Including herself, including her father. Steve, Natasha, Nick Fury. All of them would be dead, shot right through the head.

No. Amelia shakes away her thoughts. If anyone could do this it was Steve.

The faint sound of gunshots makes Amelia look at Natasha worriedly, indicating that Steve's comms are still on.

'Done.' Amelia finally states before grabbing her phone. 'And it's trending.' She states to the room.

Suddenly, all of Pierces followers yell out in pain, crumpling to the ground. Amelia, Natasha and Fury all turn around to see Alexander grinning at them.

They hold up their hun to the man's head, but Pierce simply chuckles. 'Unless you want a two-inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down.' He says.

Neither of them put down their gun, instead they hold it even steadier while staring the man strongly in his eyes.

'That was armed the moment you two put it on.' Pierce explains.

Natasha and Amelia had used a hyper-realistic mask to get into the room, disguising as one of the members. On the clothes they wore, was a pin stapled on.

Natasha and Amelia don't budge, willing to sacrifice theirselves. Fury gives them both a apologetic glance, those two were like daughters to him, his soft spot. And he was not going to lose them, so he immediately put down his gun.

Amelia and Natasha share a nervous glance but eventually give in and put down their gun.

'One minute!' They hear Agent Hill nervously exclaim through comms, mainly directed at Steve who was trying his best to save everyone.

Steve groans loudly as he gets up. '30 seconds, Cap!' He hears Maria yell. 'Stand by.' The Captain manages to groan out.

Just as he is about to put the chip in, he gets shot thought the stomach. Steve yells loudly, clutching his bullet wound.

'Fire when ready.' A HYDRA agent tells the man before him. 'Firing in.. 3, 2, 1.' But suddenly the screen falls blank, all targets wiped from the screen.

'Where are the targets?' The man asks.

'Okay, Cap, get out of there!' Hill exclaims as she is about to blow up the hellicariers.

'Fire now.' Steve barely makes out, Amelia listens in horror and her heart drops to her stomach as Steve is about to sacrifice his life.

'But, Steve..' Maria tries to reason but the Captain cuts her in. 'Do it now!' He yells. Amelia watches out the window in horror as the Heliccariers blow up.

'So, you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?' Natasha asks. 'Time to go, Councilwoman. This way.' The Secretary of State dismisses.

'You know, there was a time I would've taken a bullet for you.' Fury tells the man. 'You already did.' He answers.

'And you will again, when it's useful' suddenly, Natasha falls to the ground as an electric shot jolts through her body. Making the system unuseful for Pierce.

Pierce quickly tries to reactivate the system but he fails and turns around to see Amelia standing right in front of him, a gun in her hand, which she had quickly grabbed of the ground.

Amelia shoots the man 4 times, making him fall through the glass on the ground while Fury makes his way to Natasha.

'Natasha, come on!' He exclaims as Amelia also quickly runs to her best friend. 'Nat!' She yells, watching in horror as the redhead doesn't move a muscle.

Suddenly, Natasha opens her eyes and looks around confused. 'Ow.' She says softly. 'Those really do sting.'

The three of them quickly stand up and make their way out of the building.


'Please tell me you got that chopper in the air!' Sam yells. 'Sam? Where are you?' Natasha quickly asks.

'41st floor! Northwest corner!' He yells, dodging all the ruïnes nearly crushing his body. 'We're on it! Stay where you are!' Amelia exclaims through her earpiece.

'Not an option!' The Falcon screams back. Dividing to just wing it, he jumps out of the building.

Sam lands on the helicopter and Amelia and Natasha pull him in. '41st floor! 41 floor!' Sam yells. 'It's not like they put the numbers on the outside of the building.' Fury snaps back.

'Hill? Where Steve? We got a location?' Amelia quickly asks, looking around the hellicarrier that's currently driven into a building.

Meanwhile Steve is helping Bucky out from under a metal pole, knowing it will probably be the death of him.

'I'm not gonna fight you.' He finally sighs after helping up Bucky. 'You're my friend.' He says sincerely, dropping his shield to the ground and looking up to the man he once called his best friend.

Are you still best friends if one of them doesn't remember the other and tries to kill him?

Bucky sends a punch to Steve's face, which he could've dodged and then send one back. But he doesn't.

The soldier charges at Steve, taking both of them down before Barnes starts continuously punching Steve's face, both of their stamina's remarkable.

'And you're my mission.' Bucky growls back before charging at him, punching him again and again which leaves bruises all over Steve's face, who still does not fight back.

'You're my mission!' He screams again, ready to go in for another punch. But he freezes when he finally takes notice of Steve still not moving a muscle, not willing to fight his best friend even if it'll be the last thing he does.

'The finish it.' Steve says softly. Bucky looks at him in horror. 'Cause, I'm with you until the end of the line.' He groans out, making Bucky's stomach drop.

Who is he? He knows him.

But before Bucky can do anything else a pole falls on the platform Steve's laying on, making him fall through it.

Bucky watches as Steve's unconscious body hits the water, sinking in slowly to the ground and not moving a muscle.

Meanwhile, Amelia is watching, eyes wide at the scene before her. The hellicarrier going up in flames as she can faintly see someone's body falling out of it.

Steve. Amelia can feel her stomach drop as a lump forms in her throat and she feels as though her heart is beating 400 beats per minute.

'Nick, we have to look for him!' Amelia cries out. Before stopping as she sees someone pull Steve's lifeless body out of the water.

Bucky. He remembered?

'Fuck!' She yells as she and Natasha see Steve laying on the coast, not moving a muscle. Amelia looks at Nat in horror, was he dead?

Tears start to form in Amelia's eyes as she watches the man from the helicopter. Her heart starts beating ever faster and her head starts racing.

Steve had giving up his life, he had sacrifice himself to save all these people, these innocent people. Including Amelia herself.

And just like Zola had said. He was really, truly, the Hero who had sacrificed everything.


Steve's eyes flutter open as he hears a song playing faintly in the background. Marvin Gaye's trouble man soundtrack.

The Captain breathes heavily as he sees Amelia and Sam sit on the left side of his bed, Sam reading a magazine while Amelia's head is leaning on his shoulder with her eyes closed.

In the two weeks that Steve was out, Sam and Amelia had stayed by his side. The two had gotten quite close.

'On your left.' Steve groans out, making Sam look at him and Amelia's eyes flutter open. Steve was awake.

Fury was collecting all string that lead to his existence, while Natasha was at a Jurisdiction, trying to defend Steve.

'Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?' The Jury asks.

'I don't know what there is left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently.' Natasha answers honestly despise the slight sarcastic hint in her tone.

'Well, he could explain how this country is expected to maintain its national security, now that he, you, miss Stark and about a dozen other disgraces have laid a waist to our intelligence apparatus.'

'HYDRA was telling you lies, not intelligence.' Natasha states.

'Many of which you seemed to have had a personal hand in telling.' The man says irritable. 'You and the others belong in a penitentiary, not mouthing off on Capitol Hill.'

'You're not going to put me in a prison. You're not going to put any of us in a prison. You know why?' Natasha asks.

'Do enlighten us, miss Romanoff.' The Jury states.

'Because you need us. We are the ones most qualified to defend this earth. So if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You know where to find me.' And with that Natasha stands up and leaves the room, the press following her with dozens of questions.


'We've been data mining HYDRA's files.' Fury says gesturing between himself and Amelia. 'Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship.' Steve nods.

'We're headed to Europe tonight. We wanted to ask if you'd come.' Amelia smiles the Captain.

'There's something I got do first.' Steve says honestly, looking Amelia in the eyes.

'How about you Sam? We could use someone with your abilities.' Amelia asks, turning to the Falcon.

'I'm more of a soldier than a spy.' Sam grins at the female Agent. 'All right.' Fury nods.

Sam shakes Fury's hand and gives Amelia a grin and friendly hug before walking away.

'Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here.' Fury says gesturing to his grave while shaking Steve's hand before the Director walks away.

'You should be honoured, that's bakje as close as he gets to saying thank you.' A voice exclaims making all three of them turn around. Natasha.

'Not going with him and Amelia?' Steve asks while walking towards the woman, Sam and Amelia staying behind to chat a little more.

'No.' She chuckles. 'Not staying here.' Steve states with a grin. 'Nah.' The redhead exclaims. 'I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one.'

'That might take a while.' Steve tells her. 'I'm counting on it.' She says with a sly grin.

'That thing you asked for, called in some favours from Kiev.' She continues while handing Steve the file.

'Will you do me a favour?' Romanoff questions, making Steve look up at her curiously.

'Stay in contact with Amelia.' She says with a smile. 'Why?' Steve asks curiously.

'Just a feeling that wasn't just a one night stand.' Natasha says with a smile making Steve look at her confused. Was it?

Natasha walks away before turning around one more time. 'Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread.' Natasha says before walking away.

Sam walks up behind Steve and looks up. 'You're going after him.' He simply states. 'You don't have to come with me.' Steve says, not looking up from Bucky's picture.

'I know.' Sam sighs. 'When do we start?'

As Steve turns around he sees Amelia still standing there, he looks at Sam and the man gives him a nod and gestures for him to go to her.

'You're going to find Bucky, aren't you?' Amelia asks with a slight smile. 'Yeah.' Steve tells her.

'Good luck.' Amelia says before sighing and walking closer to the man.

Amelia leans forward, grabbing the blondes shoulder and kisses Steve on his cheek before leaning back again.

'You know, if I would go back in time a few weeks and tell myself that I just did that, the past me would've shot me, and than herself.' Amelia says with a grin, making Steve throw back his head laughing.

God. What a beautiful sound. A warm sensation enters Amelia's chest and a small blush creeps up her cheeks.

'Good thing we followed Natasha's advice then.' He says with a slight smile and Amelia thinks back to a conversation she had with her best friend earlier.

'There is a thin line between love and hate, Ames.' Natasha had told her, but Amelia shrugged it off. This wasn't love.


'Goodbye, Stevie.' She says over her shoulder with a smile as she walks away.

'Goodbye, Millie.' Steve shoots back with a smile and Amelia turns around to smile brightly at the man.

'I like that.' She says while thinking back to the moment Steve had first said it while they had sex. With one final look at Steve she turns around and leaves to find Fury.

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