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By VanessaWriting

439K 8.8K 2.9K

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1.9K 48 9
By VanessaWriting

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱
𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

"Why am I here?" Isabella questioned Cory with a bored tone as she sat in his chair with Nathaniel in her arms playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Dragging you into situations keeps me protected somehow." Cory shrugged his shoulders, setting his chalk down while the usual crime subjects looked up from their desk for a second before sharing a nod of agreement. "I don't know why you brought the kid though."

"My kid you dimwit, I like spending time with my kid." Isabella lifted Nathaniel up to meet Cory eye to eye, having Cory smile at him almost cooing until Nathaniel subtly flicked him on the nose, having the older man pout while the students chuckled.

"That does not seem to be a good thing to teach a child to hit people." Cory rubbed his nose while he complained to Isabella who was holding back a chuckle knowing if she did it might encourage Nathaniel.

"Hold up, I want to try something." Isabella held a hand up before she rolled Nathaniel and herself over to Farkle leaning Nathaniel to his eye level, having the genius stare at him wide-eyed not knowing what may happen.

Nathaniel observed Farkle studying his features for a second before leaning closer to him having Farkle freeze but within a second relaxed as Nathaniel placed a kiss on his nose having the girls aww at the scene with Maya grinned knowing her nephew liked her boyfriend.

Isabella moved over to the Texas duo and Connor had Nathaniel do the same thing to them then to the girls as well before she went back to Cory whispering something to the child in her arms wondering if he understood her as he moved his hands to Cory's face cupping it trying to make it nod.

"Aw did you tell him to do that?" Cory smiled, taking Nathaniel into his arms while Isabella moved back to her chair taking it back to where it was originally.

"No, I just asked if he thinks you had messed up your offspring too much. . . he seems to think so." Isabella smirked leaning back in the chair as Cory dropped his shoulder while the class stifled their laughter while Cory handed Nathaniel back to Isabella.

"In every life, there are landmarks." Cory turned to the class choosing to ignore Isabella having her chuckle slightly knowing that she got to him. "What are the historical markers of our lives? Most important first."

"Sweet Sixteen." Riley grinned at the thought of her sixteenth birthday party while Isabella tilted her head towards the girl knowing that tone of her well enough to know something was going to happen.


"Arbor Day!" Maya answered excitedly joking of course but she wanted to see how close or far she was from it being right.

"No. Even Sweet Sixteen is more important than Arbor Day." Cory frowned at the young blonde wondering how she got to that conclusion but as he was about to continue he heard his laptop being typed on behind him. "What are you doing?"

"Calm down, it's not like there's anything remotely close to what could be scarring here. I just want to know what Arbor Day is. . . I stand corrected. Why do you have a pig costume outfit searched on?" Isabella waved off Cory knowing he actually didn't mind considering at that point of their sibling relationship the two knew where to draw the line it wasn't drawn yet.

"BLT sandwich family costume for Halloween for next year." Cory responded as if it was a valid answer but Isabella continued to stare at him hoping he was joking while Nathaniel giggled at the look on her face.

"Bacon strip you moron bacon strip not what comes before the bacon." Isabella sighed, shaking her head in slight disappointment expecting more for the older Matthews man though she knew Topanga might have back up costumes for the Matthews family.

"That's what makes it funny! The before stage of the sandwich since we're not actually the sandwich. Nathan sees the cool part of this." Cory laughed thinking of his joke while Isabella kept staring at him as Nathaniel laughed.

"He's almost one, a piece of string is funny to him." Isabella stood up for her son as she pulled her hand out letting Nathaniel see the string on her sleeve having him giggle louder at it having Cory once again sigh in defeat.

"I don't want to be a sandwich for Halloween." Riley informed her father in a soft voice thinking of the idea of a family sandwich costume having Cory drop his shoulder turning back to the class.

"What's most important first?" Cory asked his class again knowing that if he wanted to have a battle with Isabella he could not do it in class or he would lose.

"I personally prefer placing the mayo first on the bread." Connor leaned back on his desk as he played along with Isabella's findings, having her nod at him in approval while Smackle grinned towards her boyfriend.

Knowing why that comment came from the Mitchell boy Cory leaned his head back practically praying for patience and trying not to laugh to give anyone the satisfaction before looking back to his class repeating his question.

"Sweet Sixteen."

"Arbor Day!"

"No, most important first." Cory shook his head with a small smile seeing the girls sticking with their answers.

"Sweet Sixteen is the doorway to our driver's license." Riley tried to explain her answer showing what the importance was for her and many others her age.

"You get terrified when anyone goes two miles faster than the said mile in places." Isabella pointed out for the young Matthews girl remembering anytime anyone drove and went slightly above the said mile she would freak out.

"Arbor Day is the doorway to nobody knows what it is." Maya responded after seeing her best friend agree with her sister knowing that there was no way of saving her from that.

"Yeah that's life." Isabella answered with a head shake having her younger sister agree with her knowing that she wasn't wrong at all.

"How about college?"

"You're going without me?"

"How are you so quick with comebacks today?" Cory turned to Isabella while the girls talked about their college situation having the class look between the two groups as if it was a tennis match.

"Surprisingly got a lot of sleep last night considering Nate started actually sleeping through the nights." Isabella responded with a shrug and small grin holding up her son presenting him to Cory having the older nod applauding her for the success before turning back to his class hearing the girls finish.



"Okay, let's go with that because it's not what you said." Cory nodded with the Minkus teenager thankful to have a couple students that would answer him without being sassy having Riley smile still hopeful for her answer while Maya sighed in defeat though Farkle made sure to send her a grin having her return one to him. "What's next?"

"I win the Nobel Prize for Physics." Smackle grinned in success, already seeing herself on stage winning the Nobel Prize speaking it to existence having Connor looked towards her with the same excitement.

"I'm winning the Draper Prize." Connor raised his hand challenging himself with a smirk having everyone turn to the genius couple seeing them share a high five sharing their goals to everyone.

"I want a fashion line after winning a Grammy." Isabella shrugged mumbling to herself but once she looked up she saw that she got everyone's attention as well while Cory looked at her in confusion. "What? You doubting me?"

"Nope! Too scared too." Cory immediately replied, turning back to the class while Isabella continued to play with Nathaniel thinking about her plan. "Smackle, Connor, we just got born."

"Okay, we'll wait."

"Our first birthday." Lucas answered his teacher seeing that the couple was just waiting to announce their awards they haven't won yet to everyone.

"Aw he's almost one." Isabella started getting tears in her eyes hugging Nathaniel closer realizing soon it'll be Joshua's birthday then hers then a day later it would be Nathaniel's making her think of everything coming in.

"Okay. . . birth." Everyone turned to Isabella for a second not expecting her to react that way for Nathaniel's almost birthday but Cory continued the class seeing Isabella was in her world for a second. "So then, we celebrate our birth every year. What's next?"

"I win the Nobel Prize for Physics." Smackle brought up once again with so much excitement seeing her opportunity even if Cory didn't see it yet.

"And I win the Draper Prize." Connor added in himself hoping to win his award after Smackle to give her time to shine and to appreciate her award so he could join.

"Not yet." Cory reminded the two knowing that he didn't have to doubt the two from winning the awards in their future considering they had demonstrated enough times that they were more than smart enough to do so.

"Get to it!" Both the geniuses stood up from their desk hitting their tables, having Nathaniel look up over to them in confusion wondering where the loud noise was coming from.

"Our first steps, our first words, our first day of school." Zay listed off every first he could think about as the class groaned thinking about the first day of school while Isabella hugged Nathaniel tighter thinking about all the firsts that were coming.

"Yay! The day I met Maya and Riley and Smackle and Lucas and Zay and Connor." Farkle cheered always enjoying anything that had to do with school but this time he let everyone in on why it was important to him leading to his friends and girlfriend giving him glances of endearment.

"Okay, so we get born-"

"We get conceived then we're born." Isabella immediately stopped him, correcting him having the older man fall back slightly having curious eyes turn to him.

"Be quiet, I'm not having this conversation with anyone in this class." Cory turned to the raven haired women behind him not wanting to have any questions about that subject being asked.

"One, you have a daughter in this class she's gonna ask one day maybe not to you, maybe not to Panga but she will ask someone." Isabella leaned up to Cory reminding him of his daughter, having him almost cry seeing his daughter grow up while Riley looked at him in confusion not hearing what Isabella told him. "Two, more than half this class has most probably seen that stuff on T.V. it's literally everywhere if you look for it."

"So we get born. We learn to walk and talk." Cory repeated himself walking away from Isabella who smirked knowing she got to his head sending a message to Topanga letting her know that her husband may later need help. "We meet our friends. Then what?"

"You know." Smackle gestured to Connor and herself bringing up the subject to their prizes once again having Connor smile towards her.

"Then we grew up and we're not little kids anymore." Lucas continued seeing what came next in the process of life.

"And it went by fast, didn't it?" Zay questioned with a smile wondering how everything went so fast almost like it was a blink of a light.

"It goes by very fast, Mr. Babineaux." Cory agreed with Zay seeing his own children grow up faster than he would have wanted. "Your adventures were my adventures not very long ago."

"Then we have our various coming of age ceremonies." Farkle added on knowing what came in the world of growing up.

"Oh, you mean like. . ."

"I want us to have a Surprise Sweet Sixteen party!" Riley turned to her best friend hearing the entrance Maya led for her knowing it was time to let everyone in on her plans.

"Riley, how is it a surprise if we all know about it?" Lucas looked over at his girlfriend in confusion wondering where the surprise would lead if everyone knew.

"'Cause we're gonna have it now while we're all 15 and you're 24." Maya turned to Lucas with a smirk gesturing all of them having the Texas teenager lean back in a nod seeing how he drove himself with the age joke.

"Isn't he like the only one out of all of you that can actually have a sixteenth birthday party right now?" Isabella raised her eyebrow towards the group pointing out how Lucas was coming of that age this year but the group looked at her in confusion. "Seriously? Three geniuses in that group and still nothing? Have the surprise party for him dumb dumbs."

"Ooh!" The realization hit them as Isabella slapped her head with her own hand in tiredness though seeing her actions Nathaniel stared at her for a second before repeating it himself having him laugh.

"Okay, everybody, make a big surprise face." Riley announced to the class having them join in trying to plan a party now but Zay stepped back from joining the surprise expressions.

"Yeah, don't do that." Zay shook his head at everyone seeing their expressions while some were mild others were definitely not. "And anyway, it doesn't matter. It doesn't count."

"Your best friend's actual birthday doesn't count?" Isabella questioned the teenager wondering how that worked but she had a feeling he meant something else.

"Nah that's legit and of course I got you the best present. We're going back to what crazy pants is talking about." Zay looked over to his best friend patting his chest before turning over to Riley. "I mean, it must have been a "Sweet Sixteen" for a reason. Why? I don't care."

"Well, now actually, Zay brings us an interesting point." Cory brought back the attention standing next to Zay's desk having an idea forming in his mind.

"No, I don't." Zay immediately shook his head already knowing what that tone in Cory meant they all did.

"Riley has an instinct to accelerate the clock. Why do you think that is?" Cory questioned everyone wanting to see if they could come to the conclusion themselves.

"Because I want a party." Riley grinned towards her father figuring that was the easier answer she could give him.

"Try again."

"Well, 'cause I agree with Zay. We are growing up very fast." Riley sighed, turning around to face Zay knowing he was right but she didn't really like to admit they were rushing to grow up.

"What? You agree with me? Okay. Yeah, that was fun." Zay asked Riley, getting a smiling nod in return which had him gasping in joy bringing his shock reaction like everyone had done before. "Hey, but watch this surprise face. . . Okay, only one was fun."

"Okay, so there it is, freshmen. You guys are all gonna be 16 or 17 in your junior year. You're gonna be thinkin' about where to go to college." Cory informed his class remembering when he was that age how thinking about college kept getting bigger the closer to graduation they got to.

"Stockholm University so I can be nearby to pick up my Nobel Prize." Smackle grinned thinking about easy access to her prize but her statement had Conner turn to her immediately.

"Sweden? But my school is in Ireland. Can we talk about this?" Connor asked her wondering if they could compromise seeing that what they want for the future may lead them to different areas.

"We'll talk in Swedish."

"Okay, Smackle and Connor have their lives worked out." Cory placed together seeing the two only have to think about location yet aside from that they knew what they wanted. "What about the rest of you? Are you better off letting life surprise you or is there a way to be ready for whatever is gonna happen?"

"How would that be possible?" Riley questioned her father wondering what his plan this time knowing that it would somehow relate to their lives.

"By looking at the landmarks of our lives so far." Cory answered Riley while Isabella moved Nathaniel and herself aside letting Cory stand in front of the board. "Have they prepared you for what's gonna come next? Happy Sweet Sixteen, everybody. Your assignment is to tell me what's gonna happen next."

"Is my present our friendship?" Lucas turned to Zay after a moment of silence thinking back to what his best friend said remembering each time he had said that it had always been their friendship.

"It's the best thing you'll get, man ."


Later on the day Isabella had gone to the Matthews residence with Nathaniel and Joshua to go spend time with the head of the household.

"So in all this how much trouble do you predict for this week?" Topanga questioned Isabella after she had explained to her and Joshua the events of the classroom and the teenagers' assignment.

"In honesty this week may not be too much chaos as usual. . . unless something takes it off course." Isabella admitted knowing how things go around the classroom and outside of it.

"Come on Belle, you know there is something that can change that." Joshua looked over to his future wife with a knowing look as he carried Nathaniel in his arms letting him sleep.

"Sometimes it's good to lie to yourself about this, you know, especially when it concerns the Matthews clan. A bit of peace before the storm." Isabella tossed him a look herself knowing he was right but she did learn a trick along the way to help.

"Ah you have learned the trick before being married to a Matthews. Congratulations!" Topanga cheered for Isabella seeing she learned a trick that she herself had learned years before.

"Please we both have learned it prior to even dating one." Isabella jokingly scoffed glancing over to her fiancé thinking back to when she was growing up and the stories Topanga and Cory had told them.

As the two women shared a laughter Joshua stared at them in shock but in reality he could not blame them with everything he's been through with his brothers he could understand.

After that they settled with the couple talking about their wedding details with Topanga adding in her own suggestions at times while she continued her work.

They had some quiet time to think and discuss everything until the door was slammed open and in came the best friend duo with stress running all over their faces.

At their looks the couple and Topanga shared a look with one another knowing what was about to happen.

"Tell us about Cory and Topanga." Riley immediately demanded from her mother needing answers to her problems.

"The potato and the princess?" Isabella raised her eyebrows ready to aim at Cory who wasn't even there, having Topanga hide a smile while Joshua didn't even hesitate to laugh.

"What about them?" Topanga smiled looking over to her daughter wondering how Cory's assignment already had her worked up.

"How they happened?" Riley responded wondering if she could learn anything from hearing the stories again.

"How'd you make such an important decision so young?" Maya added in making her way to the kitchen table along with Riley both sitting across the engaged couple and their child.

"Do we know what we're doing?"

"What's gonna happen to us?"

"What if we mess up our entire lives? What if everything changes?"

"You asked two questions." Maya pouted seeing that she didn't have her turn to ask a question while Topanga turned to the couple wondering if they could make sense of it for her but all they did was shrug.

"You can ask two questions." Riley turned to her hoping that her best friend wouldn't take offense to it.

"No, you ruined the whole thing." Maya shook her head knowing it wasn't the same and all Nathaniel could do was look at the two confused.

"Sorry, let's start over."

"No! You're nuts because your father gave you the assignment? And you're scared." Topanga shook her head at the two girls before asking them to which they nodded to knowing that Isabella must have told Topanga and Joshua about it.

"Well, sure. What if Maya and I don't get into the same college?" Riley agreed with her mother before she explained her worries knowing that could be a situation that could happen.

"Why would that happen? What happened to all those A's you've been getting?" Topanga quickly looked over to the blonde questioning her needing an answer.

"I only got one 'A' in Spanish." Maya admitted to Topanga looking down at her hands knowing the Matthews woman well enough at this point.

"At least it's in Spanish." Isabella mumbled to herself thankful her sister understood the language she had still been taught since she was young.

"You're not getting into a good college with one 'A' in Spanish!" Topanga furrowed her eyebrows knowing that the blonde could do much more if she wanted to.

"You loved me once." Maya pouted once again reminding the woman having Topanga smile over to her.

"Please she's like your other mom." Joshua scoffed knowing Maya and Topanga had that type of relationship so it did mean his sister-in-law did love Maya very much.

"Not wrong and I would like to point out that just because of that with you two doesn't mean I'm going to. Our family tree is already hard to understand with what's gonna happen after the 'I do'. So I'm good with sisters with us." Isabella agreed with her fiancé but thinking back she turned to Topanga explaining their relationship which the older of the two couldn't help but agree as they shared a smile to one another.

"So, I'm going to a lesser school so we can always be together." Riley got back to the topic when her mother turned to her while the couple shared a look with each other.

"Uh-huh. And now you say. . ." Topanga trailed off expecting Maya to help her see how ridiculous that sounded.



"No! What kind of an idiot gives up a top school for someone else?" Topanga disagreed with the two, questioning them on their decision.

"You ya bozo." Joshua responded to his sister-in-law having her drop her shoulders realizing he was right.

Before Topanga could say anything the door was pushed open, having everyone turn only to see Cory walk in with his legs of his pants rolled up.

"Look, Topanga! I went in with two different socks! You know why? I woke up this morning and thought, "What's the one thing in my life that I haven't done?" Well, now I've done it. It's been a complete life." Cory walked over to them holding the biggest grin explaining his reasoning but as soon as he ended he walked off to the hallway groaning.

"I seriously wonder some days if I'm adopted or did I miss some family genes." Joshua wondered as his brother walked off while Topanga had a second of her life washing through her mind.

"Oh honey.  .  .I wonder that too." Isabella assured him having that thought cross her mind as well placing a blanket over Nathaniel seeing him shiver slightly in his sleep.

"Oh, yeah, I .  .  . I gave up Yale for your dad. I call a do over." Topanga jokingly laughed nervously after thinking of her life decision but as soon as her daughter questioned her she knew she made the right choice. "If I had my life to do over again, I would do exactly the same thing."

"So. . ." Auggie made his entrance with the craziest hairstyle of his life catching their attention as he closed the door. "It turns out today wasn't Crazy Hair Day at school at all. You know what it was? Photo Day. And in other news, today, I learned the word 'wedgie.' "

Soon after his announcement Auggie walked off following his father's lead while everyone turned back to their conversation trying not to let a sound of laughter out.

"You can make all the plans you want. The truth is, we don't know what's going to happen. And your two-socks-wearing father knows that too." Topanga explained further on seeing how life worked herself. "So, why would he give you this assignment?"

"He wants us to look at the landmarks of our lives." Riley let her mother in a little more into the assignment.

"He said maybe they can prepare us for what comes next." Maya added on once again looking down knowing maybe she didn't really understand but Cory usually did make sense.

"He's right. That, you can do. I was a unique, young girl, I met a boy named Cory Matthews. . . I kept some of my friends, some I don't see so much of anymore, I'm an excellent attorney, my husband is an excellent teacher, we have two children that we love." Topanga took a second thinking back to her life about what she had achieved and what she had loved. "What we do and who you are is how we contribute to society. So, looking back at the landmarks of my life, here's what I know. No. No do over."

"You two?" Maya asked her sister and her future brother-in-law wondering what their thoughts were after Topanga left.

"Life is difficult to understand." Joshua started off after sharing a look with Isabella.

"It'll toss you to so many directions you don't know if you can make sense of it but having those landmarks reminds you of who you were and who you could be." Isabella leaned on the table with a sigh before letting the duo in her knowledge of life.

"We were childhood best friends then strangers then friends again and now we're here." Joshua added in sharing the same memories that ran through Isabella's mind.

"And what's here?" Riley asked the two wondering where their landmarks led them, having the couple share a loving look with each other.

"Happy." They answered with no hesitation as Nathaniel laughed in his sleep while in Joshua's arms having the girls smile at the family in front of them.

With that the couple sent them a smile grabbing their things before heading out of the apartment leaving the best friend duo letting them have their moment.


After being back home for a while Isabella and Joshua were laying in their bed after setting Nathaniel for his nap just talking with each other playing music in the background.

Those were their favorite moments. They didn't need to go out to have filled their nights with excitement; they easily found that with each other.

"You know my brother actually had a good lesson plan for the group and their class." Joshua thought back to the conversation at the Matthews' residence earlier the day. "Makes you think about decisions and the future."

"This better not be you trying to take my ring back you asked first, baby." Isabella sat up jokingly holding her left hand close to her almost as if protecting her engagement ring.

"Oh please I'd be an idiot to even think that. You are the best decision I have ever made and I can only hope I am yours." Joshua sat up right beside her chucking knowing she was just joking before he leaned in taking in her lips as Isabella allowed him.

"You are, believe me." Isabella smiled up at him, keeping them close to each other for a second before she leaned back. "But yeah I agree with you this was actually a good assignment. It's terrifying but the future is something to think about."

"Have any thoughts about our future?" Joshua asked her wanting to see where her mind was in knowing that there were some things that could be the same while some might change.

"Well I see us sharing our names later on after being married for a couple years we'd try for a kid. He'd be so beautiful but mischief, mixture of us both, he and Nate may argue but they care about each other like any other sibling would." Isabella thought about it for a second before letting Joshua into what she envisioned for their future.

"You think our kid would be another boy?" Joshua asked her with a smile already getting butterflies in his stomach when thinking about their future.

"Oh I strongly think so." Isabella nodded with much confidence in her response having the evidence herself. "But I do think we will have a daughter later on she'd be the baby in the family she'd keep the boys in check she might be a daddy's girl but, oh, mama is gonna be right by her side being there when she needs me."

"Oh I have no doubt in my mind you two would be ruling the house." Joshua shook his head knowing immediately that if their future daughter was anything like Isabella she would hold up her own. "Nate and our future second son would do anything to protect her. Well, they'll want to at least but she'll show them that she's her mother's daughter strong and fierce."

"A house? As in a home with a backyard?" Isabella asked with a small grin hearing him mention a house, having her think of one she used to imagine she'd have one day when she was younger.

"Yeah one that was big enough for all of us. We would go out in the backyard play for as long as we could and we'd be the family to host parties having all our friends and their kids come and hang out. And of course have a treehouse in the big tree in the back." Joshua looked off letting her know where he always thought they would live when they had enough to move.

"I love that future every single second of it." Isabella admitted already wanting to be there having all three of her kids in her arms while Joshua was telling them a story before bed time it just sounded so beautiful.

"That's the future I have promised you since we were little and it's the one I intend to bring into reality. For my future beautiful wife, love of my life." Joshua gave his word knowing that her, Nathaniel and their future family members it was all worth it.

Isabella smiled over to him not being able to let a word out she just couldn't say no word could explain her joy so she leaned close to him moving her hand around his neck pulling him closer.

Joshua didn't need to be told twice once he saw what she was doing he pulled Isabella closed letting her sit on his lap as he leaned back on the bed frame.

In no second the two met sealing their future with a kiss before it became more than a kiss.

Joshua kept Isabella on his lap sliding his hands to her sides letting them rest there sending shivers down her back while Isabella let her hands run through his chest to his neck sending dozens of butterflies to fill him.

The simplest gesture sent them to a new high one they never wanted to get off.

"I love you Belle." Joshua flipped their positions holding himself up with one hand keeping one arm around her, having their eyes meet, nearly impossible for them not to meet as the two held each other close.

"I love you Josh." Isabella kept her hands around his neck pulling them close to each other pulling him into a kiss breaking it for a second as she spoke against his lips.


"And forever."


Up came the next day while everyone was out of the house either at school or working at Topanga's, Isabella was home with Nathaniel and Liam while Skylar was in her and Holden's room.

"I wonder if we all had Cory as a teacher if school would be as entertaining." Liam wondered after Isabella caught him up on the events of that week while he was sitting at the sitting area in Isabella's room while she folded the laundry.

"It might be entertaining but I have no idea if we'd ever actually get through a class lesson." Isabella hummed having that thought once in a while but with her own friends she knew they were crazier then the younger group.

"Hey at least we'd get life lessons." Liam pointed out the positive knowing his sister wasn't wrong but there was good in the situation.

"Oh please we get them all adjacent. Being Maya's siblings brings us in too and you know it." Isabella scoffed reminding him they are still included in the lessons Cory makes.

Knowing she was right, both siblings could help but share a laugh with each other.

They spent some time talking with each other catching up though of course they didn't need to do much because they have the same friend group and there wasn't a day they never saw each other.

"You know what school will be let out soon. I'm going to go pick up Francesca and take her out on a date." Liam looked over to his phone before making his way to the door.

As he stepped closer to the door Isabella turned around facing the opposite direction hugging herself pretending to be kissing someone.

"Real mature." Liam nodded sarcastically, chuckling as he tossed a tissue box to his sister, making her laugh.

Liam opened the door only to meet Skylar who kept fidgeting with her sleeves barely looking over to him.

"Wow you didn't barge in this time I'm proud of you." Liam complimented the blonde in front of him as he stepped out knowing she had a history of just running into everyone's room.

"Yup I'm just full of surprises." Skylar gave him a small smile, making her way into Isabella's room holding back her nervousness. "Bye."

"Times like that makes me wonder if you are on a sugar high or it's just you." Isabella questioned after Skylar shut the door in front of Liam seeing the blonde move over to the sitting area taking Liam place. "What's up Sky?"

"Oh nothing, just been thinking." Skylar slightly shook her head still looking down at the sleeves of her hoodie barely even making eye contact with her best friend.

"About what?" Isabella asked, seeing how distracted her best friend was, knowing she only got like that when she had too much on her mind.

"You remember a couple months ago just before graduation the group was going through something when Riley took down the bay window?" Skylar recalled sniffing as she glanced up to her best friend hoping she would remember.

"Yes, I remember. . . what's going on Sky?" Isabella responded furrowed her eyebrows as she moved over to her wondering where they were heading.

"And you remember when we were able to see a second just a second of what our lives could be?" Skylar continued on reminding her, ignoring her question for a second, moving her hands into her pockets.

"We saw the girls, us and . . . woah Sky is she?" Isabella looked off for a second trying to remember but once she did she leaned back having a feeling where this was leading.

"I think so." Skylar confirmed having tears prick her eyes pulling out a positive pregnancy see test for both of them to see.

"Oh my gosh."


New update, amores!!! Hope you liked it!!

Finally an update! Got a little look into the future for the couple, what do you think about it? What about Skylar's little surprise? What do you think about it?

Coming up is the LAST CHAPTER!

Up next is Girl Meets Goodbye, what do you think will happen?

Published~ January 29, 2023

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