Camo and Navy Blue [Book Two]

Av GirlandHerKeyboard

6.8K 403 62

Almost six years of marriage led to more happiness than either had expected. But what happens to a family tha... Mer



211 16 3
Av GirlandHerKeyboard


My mother really believed that I should just move back home and force my sons into a situation that they would not be happy in. I didn't believe that was the best idea, so I decided to stay with her until Elliot and I could figure something out.

About a month after the boys went back home, Elliot and I were meeting up for the anatomy scan. It was awkward since I had been doing this all by myself. Sometimes my mother would attend the appointments with me, but other times, I just wanted to be alone. 

"I'm sorry that I'm late," I sighed, as I climbed up the front steps and to where my husband stood in front of the doors.

"You are the one carrying the baby, so you kinda gotta be on time," Elliot teased gently. I stopped beside him and didn't know what to do. Elliot placed a hand on my waist before leaning in and kissing my lips softly. I felt like I was melting into the kiss and wished that I didn't have to go weeks or months between these kisses.

"How are you?" I mused, as Elliot grabbed my hand and led me into the clinic. 

"I'm fine. Pretty tired... but clearly not as tired as you are," Elliot spoke quickly. 

"You can be tired, El. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have a monopoly on being tired," I replied softly. Elliot let out a slow breath before pulling me to a stop. He stepped in front of me and looked at me with faded blue eyes.

"I miss you so much, Liv. Like every second of every day, I miss you. I want to share a bed with you again, and I'd love to see you sitting at your desk every day."

"Serena thinks I should just come home and force the boys to get used to me..."

"We'd have to take precautions to ensure they don't attack you. They seem to be better, but not completely."


"Yeah, like they don't get into fights as often. Someone is always with them, so they don't just snap and go after Jacob or Lils," Elliot replied.

I nodded slowly before taking a slow breath.

"I'd ruin that all. Let's just get the scan done."


Once again, Elliot and I were expecting another little boy. He looked perfect, and they didn't see any deformities or anything that caused them concern. Elliot insisted on taking me out for lunch after the appointment, and we sat across from each other at a Mexican place a few blocks from the clinic.

"So, do you really think you'd ruin all the progress the boys have made?" My husband asked, as he sat down his water and went back to the burrito he had ordered. 

"They are making progress when I'm not there, so what will happen when I am there? What will happen when I come into their lives again and announce that they are going to be getting a baby brother?" I mused, annoyed. I just didn't want to fuck up the lives of those I love more than I already have.

"Baby, we need you at home. I am trying to introduce the boys to the idea of you coming home. And tonight, I think you should spend the night. Okay?"

"Spend the night?" I whispered.

"Yes, let's have a sleepover," Elliot grinned.

I shrugged hesitantly before focusing on my lunch.

After lunch, we walked out to our cars. Elliot reached out and rubbed my belly for a few moments before speaking.


"I'll sleep over, okay? But I think we need to lock our bedroom door just to be safe. Okay?"

"Anything for you, Liv," Elliot replied quickly.

"And I want you to go home and warn the kids. I have to pack a bag and then-"

"Everything will be okay. Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it for you. I promise."

If only my husband could promise that our sons wouldn't hurt me or their baby brother.



I raced home with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't wait for Olivia to come over tonight and see the kids. I also couldn't wait to have her laying beside me in bed. 

"Kids!" I called the moment I opened the front door. I didn't hear them, so I ran to the back door and found them all outside. The younger four were running through the sprinkler, while Maureen and Kathleen supervised and played on their phones.

"Hey!" I smiled as I slide open the back door.

"Hey, Dad. How did Mama's appointment go?" Maureen asked, as she sat her phone down and looked at me.

"It went good. The baby is looking great and is right on track to be born in mid-November," I smiled.

"Did you find out the sex, or do we have to wait like we did when the little monsters were born?" Kathleen teased. Even if she hadn't been happy with her brother for dividing our family, she even seemed to do better with having them around.

"Mama and I will tell you later," I spoke.

"Later?" Maureen asked.

"She is coming over tonight to sleep over. We are going to paint each other's nails and watch chick flicks. It's going to be so much fun," I grinned. Maureen groaned at my bad joke before standing.

"What about Jasper and Toby?" She mused, as we glanced at the boys. They were holding hands and sprinting through the sprinkler together, squeals leaving their mouths.

"I guess we will just do our best to try to protect your mother to the best of our ability. We are going to lock our bedroom door tonight and making sure someone is always with her and the boys. We gotta try to prevent them from attacking her, especially since we both really want the baby," I replied softly.

My daughters nodded.

"We will help to the best of our ability... If tonight goes over well, will she move back in?" Kathleen asked.

"God, do I hope so."

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