Tensura / The Void Watcher

By SoulTse

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{Note: This book and series involves crossovers} We all know how Rimuru got reincarnated and started his adve... More

Introduction: Arc 1: The rise of a new god
Interlude: Noir and Bleu
Chapter 2: A banquet showdown
Interlude 2: Dragonic memories
Chapter 3: A Walpurgis rebirth
Chapter 4: Dreams unfold
Chapter 5: Molten Ice
Thanks! (A/N)
Chapter 6: Testing,Testing.
Chapter 7: Aftermath
Chapter 8: A ghostly return
Chapter 9: Once a Sith
Chapter 10: Not getting dull
Chapter 11: Plans and meetings
Chapter 12: Swords and ice
Chapter 13: The Caretaker and the Child (I)
Chapter 14: The Caretaker and the Child (II)
Chapter 15: Minor spars
Interlude 3: Rain's one-day diary
Chapter 16: To remember
Chapter 17: A surfacing threat (I)
Chapter 18: A surfacing threat (II)
Extras: Notifications
Chapter 19: There the bar goes!
Origin chapter 1: God's Diary: A history
Origin chapter 2: God's Diary: A god and a mortal
Origin Chapter 3: God's Diary: An encounter
Chapter 20: Upgrade investment
Chapter 21: Night walk
Chapter 22: A dream of conversations
Chapter 23: A short breakout
Chapter 24: The fiery blaze
Chapter 25: The 501st legion
Chapter 26: A beneficial merchant
Chapter 27: The imminent fight
Chapter 28: The lost ones (I)
Chapter 29: The lost ones (II)
Chapter 30: A conspiracy's start
Chapter 31: The end of peace
Chapter 32: A tempest unleashed
Chapter 33: Holy-Demonic clash: The Blue Death
Interlude 4: Morgan Le Fay (Fate)
Chapter 34: Holy-Demonic clash: A turning point
chapter 35: Holy-Demonic clash: Operation Queller
Chapter 36: Holy-Demonic Clash: Frozen delusions
Chapter 37: Holy-Demonic Clash: Timely reinforcements
Chapter 38: Holy-Demonic Clash: The Sisters (1)
Chapter 39: Holy-Demonic Clash: My Equal (2)

Chapter 1: Adding Primordials

6.8K 116 52
By SoulTse

Rimuru's POV:

'If demon lord Clayman is pulling the strings behind the scenes. We could be facing Frey, Milim, and Clayman in the worst scenario...What should we do next?'

Just when I'm in my slime form and sitting on Ranga's back thinking of the recent events, especially the one-sided battle I had against those Farmuth soldiers. Something interesting caught my attention.

"Master, look." 

"I know Ranga, I see it."

Just as we were talking,in front of us 2 shadowy figures started to manifest in shape, and it turned out that they were 2 humanoid figures, one of them had Black hair with a black butler outfit,another one was a female with a short blue hair,blue eyes and wearing a dark red coloured maid outfit.

I call them humanoid since they look exactly like normal humans,but I could tell that their aura doesn't feel like humans at all.

But the thing that caught my eye the most is that both of them look so handsome and beautiful! I wish back in Japan my colleagues at work looked like that too..

"It's great to see you awake again my lord,allow us to express our joy at seeing you becoming a full fledged demon lord." The 'butler' spoke calmly,bowing to me in the process.

'The handsome guy spoke first eh? But one thing before everything..'

"Uhmm,who are you guys actually..?" I asked in sincere confusion,as I doesn't remember seeing them at all before.

After that,I could clearly see that the black demon was very shocked and almost losing his balance over that.


And did I hear the blue haired lady let out a little laugh while trying to cover her mouth? 

"Master,they are the 2 demons you summoned while sacrificing the dead Farmuth soldier bodies all over the battlefield back then.." Ranga reminded me,as I tried to trace back my memories earlier.

'Oh I remember! I remember using all those bodies to summon both of them to do the clean ups of the battle right? But how did all those bodies only get me 2 demons?' I thought,as I finally realized what happened clearly.

<It is because these 2 demons are high ranking,ancient demons compared to the other common demons. It is estimated that their age is at least above 3000 years old. That is why master spending so many bodies to be sacrificed had only bought 2. But they are already powerful enough to accomplish the task you've given them.>  My new skill,Raphael-sensei said.

'They are that old already? Then they must be very powerful..Even my instincts told me that they are not to be underestimated,so as for their aura...I already thought that they might be old but 3000 years is certainly something else.'

"Sorry for making both of you stay so long! Since everything is done,you can go now!" I said while waving my hands and hope that I didn't waste their precious time more than already.

'They are strong and old demons so they probably got a lot of stuff to do right? I hope I am not keeping them too long around here.' I thought,and I thought I was correct.

But after that both of them are still here.


"Yes Ranga?"

"Both of them seem like they're going to cry already.."

'E-eh? Is it that my reward is not enough? Or do they have something else in their mind?'

"Eh,is the reward not enough..?" I asked nervously while hoping nothing bad goes on.

This time,it's the lady that answered me.

"N-no,it is that our only wish is to serve under your command. We would serve you as your humble servants." She said while bowing as well,quite elgently,hmm?

'They wanted to serve me? Well that's not a bad idea,having 2 powerful demons joining us wouldn't be bad,plus they are handsome and beautiful,so I'm sure that they would get along pretty fast with all the others.' I approved of the idea in my mind,sounds like a good choice!

"Okay,but just that is fine?"

"Ah of course! To be able to serve you is our greatest joy." They answered without hesitation to my confirmation.

"Well then,do you guys have a name?"

""No,Blue and black would be enough."" Both of them said in unison,which I thought to be strange.

"That's kinda weird,why don't I give both of you a name to be your reward?" I suggested,as I thought that a welcoming gift would suffice as such.

"Oh my,that is our greatest gift we could ever have! I thank you for your generosity,my lord."

"Oh,don't need to call me that.My name is Rimuru,it's enough." 

"Rimuru-sama..such a wonderful name! Allow us to refer to you with that name after on." The butler guy appreciated in a..interesting manner.

'He sure is exaggerating things.' I sighed in my mind,before setting foot on thinking new names for our new comrades.

"Let's see,you are a demon,so a name that resembles a demon would be perfect...Ah yes,Diablo! Your name shall be Diablo from now on." I said,as I remembered some classic famous myths I heard back at Japan.

Right after that,magicules drained away and flowed around Diablo,who instantly finished his evolution into a Daemon Lord.

"Diablo...That's my new name..Thank you my lord. From now on,allow me to serve you with all I've got"

I nodded,before moving on to the lady.

'Now it's the lady's turn..Blue hair and eyes..what could be a suitable name?' This question echoed in my mind,as I certainly doesn't want to dissapoint any of them with my mediocore-tastes.

Just as he was deep in his thoughts,the sky suddenly started to have raindrops,not heavy but a slight of it already gave me enough inspiration.


"Now on,your name would be Rain! How is it?" I said as I named the blue demon with my new found idea.

'Hmph,I wouldn't say that I'm a genius but I'd actually say that this one is smar-Whoa!' My thought was cut short as I watched her to be engulfed in a vortex of magicules,frightening amount.

'When Diablo was evolving,he had black mist and visible aura surrounding him,now when Rain is evolving it's blue instead of black mists and aura,but the thing here is that naming both of them drained not as much magicules I had anticipated..' I thought before Raphael solved my question.

<Notice. Since you have evolved,you have a much higher magicule storage than before,so it is significantly different from others. To be detailed,your magicule storage is at least ten times of pre-evolution.>

'If that is true,I couldn't imagine what kind of monster they would become after this..' I giggled bitterly while watching the evolution process.

"My heart is filled with delight of your generosity Rimuru-sama. I would serve you now with all I am capable of. But you now seem troubled,is something wrong?" 

Both of them kneeled down to face me in my slime form,I guess that is because I'm pretty short now.

"Well,it's about the future. And not to worry,it's..not much.."

'Actually,it's too much! We have that damn Clayman's schemes.the western holy church that views all monsters as enemies,basically racist if I were to say. And some other minor problems!'

<I believe that there is no worries about the western holy church.>

'Hm? How so?' I asked.

<The analysis of the unlimited prisonment of Veldora is finished,and the individual himself would be ready to claim freedom again. Releasing Veldora would be a very effective restraint on the western countries.>

'It's true,I thought it would take hundreds of years to free him,I guess that's Raphael-sensei for you! And you speak more fluently now, isn't it?'

<I had always been like this. It is likely your imagination.>

That's totally not natural.

'Mannnn,that's no fun...Oh wait,you said that we could release Veldora now right Raphael sensei?'


"Ranga,bring Diablo and Rain to Tempest and introduce them to the executives and the people. Have Shuna give them a tour and get Shion to give them a brief of their work as I had decided that I would make them my secretary." 

I informed Ranga before preparing to depart to the cave for my next plan,though something came in my mind just in time to stop me in my tracks.

"Oh wait,could you guys do stuff that a secretary or butler,maids could do? No offense here but if you don't like the role you could ask for a switch anytime." I asked curiously.

"I thank you for my concern Rimuru-sama,but I and Rain here have confidence that we could handle them without fail." Diablo reassures me,along with Rain,both evolved and attaining fearsome power.

"Yeah! And we are very fond of this position,we are completely fine."

"That's a relief,I'm looking forward to your services! But before all that,I have something to deal with. You guys head back to Tempest first,I will be back soon." 

After that,I immediately teleported to the cave where I first met Veldora.

"Now,let's give Veldora a body for him to host first,if not,his resurrection would be meaningless without a body after his previous body was dissolved inside my personal space..." I mumbled as I preapred for the inevitable.

'Rapheal,make a body double of me for the body of Veldora.'


Man..after my evolution to true demon lord along side with the evolution of my unique skill: Great Sage,which is kinda a very helpful AI of mine to become the Lord Of Wisdom:Raphael,She's just even better and more helpful than ever! 

'Hehe..defitnetly not calling her sensei without a reason!'

As I was thinking,a body that looks completely identical to me appeared from nothingless in front of him.

'Man,I do look a little bit older have I? Before I simply looked like a newbie high-schooler..Now I looked like a senior while more mature.." I said.

"Anyway,time to get you out of there..Where is his consciousness inside this vast space? There you are!" I said as I searched in my many layers of the space before finally locating the dragon.

'Hey Veldora! Can you hear me?' I proceed to ask my friend through inner-mind communication.

"Of course Rimuru! What's up?" Veldora replied swiftly.

'Listen,I'm going to release your soul out of my body into a new one,so be prepared alright?'

"Wait,I'm going to be free?" He questioned,while obviously being surprised and happy.

'Yeah,the analysis of the prison was complete not long ago,I had made a body double of mine to be your new body,you like it?'

"Kuhahaha! It's my best friend's gift for a vessel,of course I will not dislike it or whatsoever! But I do have to say,many things have happened recently,Rimuru." He let out his iconic laugh while stating.

"Yeah,a lot has happened since you and I met each other." I smiled in relief after hearing what he just said.

"And you had not only become the ruler of the monsters,but also a True demon lord!"

"Wait,so you know what is going on all the time? Nevermind that,what is True Demon lord supposed to mean?"

"You know,in this world's vast history,there were many demon lords before you. In fact,most of them were just self-proclaimed Demon lords! True demon lords are the Demon lords that were recognised by the world itself,so of course they are more powerful than the other demon lords,you could also call them 'The Awakened'." Veldora explains to me,which I slowly processed.

"And I am one of the awakened ones?" I asked,to which he gave a assuring response.


"That was something I never heard about before-" 

<I had just told master regarding this information right after you had awakened from your sleep....>  

'Hehe,sorry,I didn't remember that,Rapheal-sensei..'


'See? You even know how do that now! Not talking about your increased fluence of your speaking.'

<That was just your imagination.>  

'Yeah that was just my imagination totally,anyway let's continue.'

"We will talk about that later. I'm going to put you into the body I prepared for you,be prepared!'

After that,I put my hand on the double,concentrated myself and released Veldora's soul and transferred it into the body double.

The double immediately started to glow in the lights of shining gold,and transformed into a tougher,taller,and stronger body with a cape added on and golden hair instead of blue.

And then...

"Kuhahahaha! This feeling is so good! I had never been in a human form before so this is certainly new! Thank you my friend for granting me freedom once again!"

"Good to see you in good shape huh? I heard that a notice indicates that a Soul corridor was formed between you and me,that's another good news! And I even got an Ultimate Skill apart from Rapheal called Storm King Veldora by analyzing your magicules?

And not only that,combining the Unlimited Prison with other minor skills,I received Another Ultimate skill Uriel! Along with the newly acquired Beelzebub,I have 4 Ultimate skills-" I said before Veldora interrupted me with his own news.

"RImuru,I know that getting a lot of new skills is awesome,since I also got a new Ultimate skill called Faust King of inquiry! But you literally just got so excited and shouted all that out,maybe someone is spying on us?"

"Don't worry,no one would be spying on us now,since they would had perished under your magicules already..Talking about that,since you will be in Tempest from now on living there,I will teach you how to control your magicules well and not leak them wherever you go,or else my citizens would be killed by you just simply walking past them!" I reminded him,because I don't want everyone to die in an accident.

"Ahhhhh,man,that's going to be troublesome..." He complained as such.

"Nope,you will get your own home after you control your magicules and aura well in Tempest you know? And you could have lots of fun!"

"Really? Hmph,then I would try my best then! Kuahahaha!"

'See? That's why he is easily tempted.' I thought.


3rd POV:

"Phew,how long has it been after you started to train your control over your magicules?" Rimuru asked Veldora,while sitting on a rock.

"Uh I dunno,but I presume maybe several hours..Maybe?"

"That is quite long if you say..Well,we can go back now since you have finished your training,and I could use that chance to introduce you to all the monsters and my subordinates. You've been watching the whole time right?"

"How did you know?" Surprised by his statement,Veldora replied.

"Hey,Raphael reported to me about that,I'm not an idiot anyway. Whatever that,let's get outta here first,I actually want to eat something since I heard that they are going to host a party to celebrate my evolution. You joining?"

"Well if it's a party,why not?"

"Good,then let's go,grab on"

"Okay." Veldora then putted his hands on my shoulders,then blue lights appeared and flashed around us.

Then,they teleported outside of the cave. Just helping him to control his horrifying aura and magicules took half a day...Well,at this rate they should be having the festival already.so this is perfect timing in some senses.

Not until he sees multiple faces standing in front of the cave's entrance.

"Benimaru,Ranga,Gabiru and Alvis,Phobio? What are you guys doing here?" The slime exclaimed in surprise after he saw his friends outside waiting for him.

"Rimuru-sama! We heard from Ranga that you were going to handle something alone,but then we felt the presence of Veldora-sama appearing from nowhere inside the cave along with yours so we were worried and came checking. But well,who is..that?"

Benimaru asked while pointing at the now Veldora in a human form with some confusion.

"Ah,it's not an issue actually,sorry for making you guys worried. Let's get back to the Tempest first shall we?" Rimuru apologised a little for his little rash actions,and just told them to follow me despite having quite a lot of questions.


Rimuru's POV:

"Okay everyone,before all the festivals,I want to introduce you this guy! He is the storm dragon Veldora,please get along with him!" I started to introduce him in a little playful carefree tone to everyone in the town.

"........." And met with silence,great.

"Rimuru-sama,forgive me but is this really the storm dragon himself–? He is nowhere near to being a dragon-like figure or whatsoever." Rigurd slowly questioned,raising his hand.

"I understand that,so uh,please release some of your magicules and aura..SOME only alright? Don't over do things."

"Alright there!" Veldora agreed on my request,and closed his eyes for a moment.

And soon,a fury of aura and pressure came bursting from his new body,somehow even forming a shape of his dragon form in the skies..

'I think he overdid it a bit...at least no one died or something.. I will let that slip away for this time now then. But look at their faces,is that really such big news that Veldora is back again?' I thought to myself,although I let it slipped by soon.

"So It's really Veldora-sama here..and both of you are that close?"

"Exactly! Rimuru and I,the storm dragon Veldora is-"

That idiot said that while grabbing me in the shoulders!

'Oh god,please don't tell me what it is coming-' I thought that,because I know this is going in a very bad way...very bad.

"Is my confidant, sworn friend of mine! Hahahaha!"

'That is not funny,you are just making me more embarrassed!'


God,all the voices could have broken my ears..

And after a while they finally calmed down after this astonishing fact to them.

"Anyway,forget about everything and have the fullest fun and joy we ever had after we are all alive!"

And there goes the party,everyone had their fun and it's always good to see them safe and sound and enjoying their lives..But not for me..Me and Benimaru had just had a taste of Shion's cooking which was unexpectedly delicious thanks to her new obtained unique skill,however,we would rather not have it again.


The day after the party,I and the executives are going to have a meeting regarding our future plans.

"Alright there,you guys probably already know them but I will do an official introduction here. This is Diablo and Rain,demons that had done me a great help during the battle against those Farmuth soldiers. From now on they will be my secretaries along Shion. get along with them well."

"Everyone,nice to meet you all."

"We will greatly appreciate your guidance and encouragement."

Oh right! I almost forgot about a certain lizard someone..

"Oh and,Gabiru!"


"You are now also an executive of Tempest. You will have the development division under your care from today!"


"Yeah,it's real."

"Thank you! I promise that I,Gabiru,will serve my duties to my full extent!"

'Look at his star-like eyes..,I bet he is very happy.'

"Rimuru-sama,are you going to become a demon lord?" Benimaru on the side raised his hand and asked me that.

"Ah yes. It is Clayman that is pulling the schemes,I will take my revenge on him and take his throne since I had already proclaimed myself as a demon lord,right?"

"As expected of you,my lord that I knew was always a person like this,heh." He smirked,and lowered his hand back to the lap,and I decided to continue my debrief.

"We would have to watch out for the western nations and church's movements as well. Youm,Mjurran,get as much intel from Farmus as possible and help Shion on her interrogation."

"Gladly,after all,it'll be my country."

"That's the spirit. Beastkeepers of Eurazania,could I have your cooperation as well?"

"Anything you say,Lord of the jura forest." Alvis said.

"We will follow your command." Phobio also answered in agreement.

Like I had hoped for!

"That's great to hear. Fuze,could you do me a favor by reporting to your nation about this incident?"

"Well,things have already happened,so this is also my responsibility as the guildmaster. Of course. I hope the king won't faint after hearing all these.."

"Best wishes." I silently wished him the best,on his job in particular.

Poor guy,he rushed in right before the meeting started and thought that we were still under attack. After hearing what happened he received a certain level of surprise and had a hard time calming down. Good to see him back to normal now.

<Notice. Individual Gazel Dwargon and multiple individuals of the nation Dwargon has arrived near master's location.>

'Ooh so Gazel is here? Going to have a hard time explaining what has happened.. Anyway thank you for informing me,Raphael-sensei.'

Then,we walked outside the meeting hall And greeted a few visitors.

"Hey there King Gazel,it's been a while."

"It sure has been Rimuru,by the way,before everything,let me introduce you to this guy here. He is from the Sorcerous Dynasty of Sarion, archduke Erald. I had debriefed what had happened since I had received reports from you before already, but we still wanted to have a more detailed meeting." He said as he introduces an elf standing near him.

"Greetings,demon lord Rimuru. Thank you for taking care of my daughter Elyune and for whatever trouble she might have caused-"

"Papa! What are you doing here?!" Before I can even do anything,his daughter rushed in and slammed his head with her staff.

"Elyune,I am having a talk with somebody else here,please wait a while.."

'He seems powerless in front of his daughter..He might be one of those fathers around..Poor guy..' I thought as I watched them having a fgamily bickering.

"I understand your intentions here,why don't we have a talk later during the meeting? All could be solved perfectly."


"Rimuru,take a second here." Gazel said while having an distressed face.

"I would like to say that too." So goes to Erald.

'Huh? I thought it's already over?' I thought.

"Eh,wasn't this metting over?" I said uncertainly as Gazel grew a bit irritated and gestured me to come closer.

"That is why we are asking you for a brief talk! Get over here!"

"Yeah,what are you guys up to?" I asks,as both of them is still on their stressed mode.

"So Veldora really did return?" Erald asks.

"Yeah." I said.

"God,the fact that you became a demon lord is already a huge issue,can't believe you bought all of us another bigger problem.." Gazel muttered numbly,scratching his head.

"i agree with Gazel,but no human or monster was stupid enough to call themselves to be the storm dragon.. Either the way,we now have no worries about the western church and countries as you had mentioned earlier,since this would be something that they wouldn't want to mess with. I will just report all this to the emperor of Sarion."

"I would say so,I wonder how the western church would react hearing about this big news.." I watched as both of them is having a little conversation.

'I guess that this matter is really something..I had never seen Gazel so troubled before so that's new.'

"Talking about reaction,the dragons is also something we need to beware of." Erald said.


"Rimuru,you don't know about the existence of other True Dragons?" Gazel said suspiciously to me,which I replied.

"Uh well,I forgot since the last time I heard about them was when I met Veldora."

"They are bigger problems actually than the churches.. The disappearance of Veldora surely had made them aware of what was happening. Since he is technically their younger brother or so-called siblings."

"Actually,how many of them exist in this world.?" 

"Rimuru,they are considered to be the strongest of all in this world,especially the oldest one,Veldanava the Star King Dragon was actually the creator of this world. You could already call him a God with that.

There are also the Ice dragon,or known as Ice Empress Velzard of the northern continent,and the Scorch Dragon Velgrynd whose movements are unknown to many. Lastly is Veldora,the Ttorm dragon. Youngest among all of them,presumably the weakest."

"However,all of us know how powerful and destructive he is,so anyone with common sense should understand how powerful and dangerous they could be." Erald continues as they explained the entire family tree to me.

"So Veldora got 2 sisters and 1 big brother?" I said surprised.

"Yes,to be fair they aren't as destructive as Veldora,especially Veldanava who seldom destroys things. He was actually the least active of all dragons. No one really knows what he is doing nowadays."

"At least hearing that,they are not aggressive on solving things right?"

"Who knows? They are unpredictable and nobody knows what they are thinking at this very moment." Erald shakes his head,while leaning back on his chair.

"We will have another meeting later,so why don't we take a rest now?" I said.

"Good suggestion,I heard from Gazel that the baths and foods of this country are really good,so I had been looking forward to trying it out even though I'm using a homunculus body!"


"This really does heal my body and soul." Erald stated on the hot springs we are in,

"The wine along with the hot springs really make it out perfectly,you planned this Rimuru?" Gazel smirked at me while asking.

"Uh no actually,I just feel like they might be a good punch but I never thought that it would receive such great comments."

"I see,this is like what you would say anyway." He turned his head back to have a little sip of the wine provided to us.

"Lil Eren, how is the bath?"

"Erald,you better take a brace for impact-"


And he was hit on his head by a flying bottle being thrown on the other side!

"Ahh what a shy girl my daughter is."

This is totally reasonable seeing what happened..


"Rimuru! I decided to live here!" Ramiris was keeping on to tell me that information for 10 minutes already around my ears..it's so annoying to be fair as you kept on hearing that after having a little bath.

"Hey, don't make that kind of decision on your own! Plus the dryads are busy with handling the forest business you know?" I stated annoyingly,as I tried to give her a satisfying answer.

"Hah? If anything happens the strong and powerful Ramiris would help you outta it!" She just said that while I can't even think of in what way she could with that tiny body of her's.

"Come on, don't joke on me like that.."

"Rimuru-sama,we promise that we will take good care of Ramiris-sama,so please think of it in a positive light with your kind heart." Treyni came and bowed in front of me,pleading me to reconsider my decsion.

"Alright,I will think of that again." I decided to give a chance because well..if Treyni said so,it might not be that bad I had originally thought of.

"Really? That's Rimuru for you!" The tiny fairy exclaimed happily.

"Yeah yeah." I just wavered that off.

And as we were talking,food was being served from the waiter goblins from the kitchen.

I could already smell the great taste of the food,the taste tastes as great as it smells,and I received many great compliments from the guests as well.

"So did they split out any useful intel during the interrogation?" I asked Mjurran about that.

"Well..they did eventually,but I don't think that you should call that an interrogation anymore.." She sweat dropped a bit while replying.


"According to archbishop Reyheim,the core of the incident is Cardinal Nicolaus Speltus. It was planning to destroy this country for 'good' as it is the "enemy of the gods" " Mjurran continued on her report here.

And surprisingly,Fuze knows something about it.

"I see,Reyheim probably wanted all the glory for defeating this enemy of god to earn extra clout against the central authorities." He said.

"Then we might still have a talk with them if they haven't settled everything down yet." I replied.

"How about I give them some nudges?" Erald suggested.

"I agree with Fuze here,we Dwargon will advertise our lively trade relationship with Tempest."

"Then Sarion will officially declare its friendly relationship with Tempest to the world. If we could get enough attention,the church will struggle to make a serious move."

"Ah I see,then I will be counting on you guys!" I happily raised my fists to the air in proclamation.

"No worries,leave it to us." Gazel raised a thumbs-up on me,and I know that he's down on this one.

"And Youm will bring the prisoners back to seem victorious. Wait,the King edmaris,Archbishop Rayheim..and.. who? Who's the last surviving captive?"

"Hmph,I guess that it's the captain of the knights Folgen?"

"Diablo,Rain. It's you guys that captured him right? What kind of a person is he? Will it be ok if we let him out?"

"Oh that guy,I beat him up pretty badly and it's Diablo that gave his summoned spirit a blow that completely shattered his confidence. He was weak and insignificant to be a problem Rimuru-sama,so this wouldn't be an issue,hehe."

"I agree with Rain my lord. He is weak,and incapable of giving a fight,along his so-called 'Powerful Spirit' Which is a mere weakling. Taking one blow of mine and it was shattered into pieces."

"Oh Diablo,don't forget that he was quite well-versed in magic. However,it still wasn't enough to be posed as a problem."

"So it's a magician? Then he isn't Folgen.." Gazel said to himself.

"Gazel,is that Folgen guy strong?"

"Well,I don't really know since I never got into a fight with him,but from what I heard,he was quite skilled in swordsmanship."

"Shion,what's his name?"

"It's Ramen!"

"Ramen huh? I haven't had Ramen for sometime talking about that.." I couldn't help but to drool a bit,iamgining the beautiful tastes.

"Is there any magician in Farmus called Ramen..?"

"Talking about magicians,there is a magician named Razen." 

"The champion Razen..he must not be forgotten in this matter,quite a powerful magician actually."

Everyone's talking amongst themselves.

And now Shion's confused.


'Razen..Ramen..their names are so familiar..did Shion get one of the letters wrong or something..?'

And it seems that he is quite famous even the beastkeeper of Eurazania knew about him.

"The man known as Guardian of Farmus and among the most intelligent among the Majins." Alvis murmured.

"A man that has mastered many magics. I had always wanted to fight him for once!"

"Take it easy Sofia. We will be the winner at close range combat for sure,but Alvis was right,he is a human that must not be underestimated." Her colleague,Phobio calmed her hype down.

"Uhhh,Shion's prisoner was called ramen or razen..?"

"U-uh that-"

She's stuttering,shit not right here!

"It's called Razen." Bingo! Mjurran got it correctly!

"So you captured the magician that supported Farmus for years.." Gazel said while taking a sip of the wine.

"He was a rare human that might be equal to me,an elf magician or even superior." 

'Whaa? So Diablo and Rain took down such a person with that ease? I guess then they are really powerful,no doubt. Then,I think I have the candidate for the following operation.'

"Youm,take the 3 prisoners back to Farmus and deal with them,for this mission's importance,I will have Diablo with you!"

"!?" Youm hearing that,just gave me a surprised look.

"C'mon don't give me that face,you are a perfect fit for this mission! You are powerful and smart,and you should be able to handle this situation well."

"As you wish,my lord." The butler bowed.

"This might take a while,so I hope you could be patient to wait for the mission's end."

"Kufufu,don't worry,I will handle and fasten the process as soon as possible to end." Man, your devilish smirks truly makes you a demon.

"You sure have enough confidence,this is about destroying a country you know?"

"And it shall be done swiftly." He replied to my question with 0 hesitation.

'That's why he is a good enough pick for this.'

"And about Clayman's forces,I had received intel from Souei earlier that a moderate force is gathering at milim's territory,different information provided has pointed out that their goal might not only be us,but also Euraznia."

"Our hometown? But we know that there was no one except for civilians and refugees!" Sofia shouted in rage and surprise.

"Indeed,Clayman could be wanting to kill all the civilians and harvest their souls to awaken and become a True Demon lord."

"Then we must do something before he could advance on the innocents." Phobio exclaimed.

"There will be no problems as long as we are faster than them. Don't worry, I had just invented the magic to teleport our armies there in a mass number!"

"What??" Everyone shouted that..I guess.

"Hmph,that's Rimuru-sama for you! He could finish anything that we deem impossible!" Shion proudly stated.

"You might be right,I should have realized that a long time ago." Benimaru again,gave up on the topic.

'Actually,it's Raphael-sensei who had accomplished this,earlier I had already thought of such a situation becoming true,so I asked Raphael to develop such magic,and she really did it! Thank you sensei,you are always reliable!'

<Of course.>

"But there is one more problem..Who would you bring to the Walpurgis meeting Rimuru? You could only bring 2 subordinates since this is a rule made some time ago."

'Oh,that is something I didn't expect.'

"Rimuru-sama?" Shion looked at me with expectations shown on her face,too well!

'Oh god,Shion again..If I don't bring her she will go berserk again like last time..Oh wait,I have a little idea..'

"Shion,you have some of your subordinates joining Benimaru's forces in Clayman's territory right? I want you to go there and lead them in battle. I have my trust in you,so could you fulfill this job to the fullest?"

"Yes Rimuru-sama,I will handle it perfectly!"

'At least this reason is good enough,plus it would be unfair if she couldn't get her revenge on Clayman,so this would also solve the problem. And this is a little revenge to Benimaru back then,look at him facing me with an helpless expression,kufufu. Don't worry,Shion might not listen to strategy orders but she could still give a good punch.'

And I gave a wink to Benimaru,he just turned his head and sighed. Good grief,don't worry,it's going to be fine.

"Now then who-"

"Kuhahaha! Now Rimuru-"

"Stop right there Veldora,I know what you're gonna say and no,having you out there now will raise Clayman's caution and suspicion,plus you have a GREAT task being tasked by me to defend the city when I am gone you see? And I have my skill to summon you to the scene whenever something happens!

And if you do your job well,I could get you the final volume of your current manga series! what do you think about this proposal?"

"I see,then I'm the typical trump card and hero which comes out at the worst time to save the day! Kuhahaha!"

'Then who could it be? Diablo is going to be on a mission soon,so nope,having him would be great but sadly not this time.Shion,Benimaru,gabiru are all out for Clayman's territory,and I need some of them to defend the city with Veldora,and the dryads and beretta are already assigned as Ramiris's bodyguard...

Oh I still have Ranga and Rain available since they didn't have any tasks on hand,and they are powerful,especially Rain,without a doubt surpasses Beretta,they could do the job well.'

"Ranga,Rain,I want you two to accompany me to Walpurgis,you guys okay with that?"

"Of course master!" Ranga happily waved his tail in response.

"Really?! Thank you Rimuru-sama,I will carry out my duties with all I have to offer!" Rain bowed a bit,with a bright excited smile on her face.

"Kufufu,normally I would love to dispose of the trash before they rotl..But this time I will leave the fun for you,Rain."

"Hoho,that's the spirit of you,Diablo! Don't worry,next time it's your turn!"

'They do seem to get along pretty easily,must be good friends hmm?' I thought as I watch them taunting eachother for the 5th time in today.


Somewhere far away,Ice castle:

"So,what do you know about Rimuru?" A certain red haired demon asked this question at the platinum haired swordsman sitting in front of him.

"According to Clayman,he was just a self-styled,self proclaimed demon lord which is weak and incapable. However,I believe that this is not the whole story."

"Because?" The demon asked in curiosity.

"My senses and different evidence all point at the fact that this Majin had unsealed Veldora and is the one who granted him freedom."

Just as the swordsman finished his sentence,a warp appeared in thin air near them,from within walking out the individual known well as the Ice dragon,Velzard the Ice queen.

"Oh my,I'd say that you have an interesting topic here,Leon and Guy."

"And I almost forgot your existence. So the Ice queen is interested in her little brother?"

"Not really,that stupid little kid doesn't need to worry. Moreover I was more interested in my brother's reaction. He did not know why but after yesterday I informed him of what happened during his sleep,he developed a feeling of rushing excitement and joy about the matter while himself does not know how it was caused. He might come to the Walpurgis later or during it,who knows?"

"Not only that,it seems that he stopped many children summoning cases from other worlds on across the lands. It seems that he was pretty annoyed and discontented about the behavior and was no fan of it. He didn't seem to have an aggressive relationship with all the human or near-human allies he had before after the Farmus incident. Which is truly unusual for a powerful majin throughout the centuries." Leon,the swordsman,replied in a bit of frustration.

Hearing all of these,the red haired demon let out a little chuckle.

"Interesting..I dare say that this Walpurgis would be a very interesting one! Not only would a new demon lord be potentially rising,veldora's revival,the awakened Veldanava after 500 years..This is exciting!" He continued as both the others stared at him.

"I could kinda start to understand what he was thinking now. Talking about Walpurgis I think it's supposed to be starting soon. Let me finish the final preparations first,you guys have fun- Oh shit,I almost forgot to ask,Velzard,are you going to join us in meeting the new demon lord?" 

Guy,the red haired demon,asked Velzard.

"No,I am not interested in your overall demon lord's business. I will make a visit to him later if I am in the mood and if I'm really that interested,which is unlikely."

"Booo,no fun." He made a funny face at her.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing." He turned back his head acting like nothing have happened,of course because he didn't want to be killed.

"Anyway,I would be off starting the Walpurgis,Leon,you better get over it soon and don't be late." Guy turned back to Leon,notifying him on the date.

"I know,fine."

'I can't wait for what's going to happen! This Walpurgis,will certainly be one of the most thrilling ones I have ever experienced..'

And this is the thought of the red demon before he started to do his work.

(Note:This is straight up the aftermath of the fight where Rimuru used Megiddo to get enough souls for a TDL awakening.)

This time,not only 1 problem child's here,it's double the trouble with the other one joining the team as well!

( Just to be clear here since there is some misunderstandings but Rain in this book NEVER challenged Guy so she never was his subordinate in here. And she was summoned along with Diablo instead of the 2 nameless demons) 

In summary of the changes she had:
-She is way stronger than canon that she's only a bit under Diablo
-She hanged out in the underworld with Diablo instead of challenging Guy.
-She replaced the 2 nameless demons to be summoned.
-It is her that gave Rimuru/(Raphael becuase she is the one in control at that time during the revival ritual) the magicules that he lacked in place pf the 2 nameless demons

-Pretty much all.
Well see ya on next one,I would update whenever I could,signing out! (A/N note)

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