Changing Destiny (Kinnporsche)

By joongDunk123

51.3K 2K 693

After going through tragic circumstances in the future and suddenly passing away, Porsche, Pete, Porschay, an... More

Characters: -
Chapter 1: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 2: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 3: PETE: -
Chapter 4: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 5: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 6: PETE: -
Chapter 7: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 8 PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 10 PORSCHE: -
Chapter 11: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 12: PETE: -
Chapter 13: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 14: - PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 15: - PETE: -
Chapter 16: - PORSCHE: -
Chapter 17: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 18 PETE: -
Chapter 19 OHM: -
Chapter 20: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 21: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 22: PETE: -
Chapter 23: PORSCHE: -
Chapter 24: PORSCHAY: -
Chapter 25: PETE: -

Chapter 9 PETE: -

1.9K 80 32
By joongDunk123

"POOOORRRSCHHHEE!!!" Pete yelled and Porsche smacked Pete to make him shut up.

"For fuck's sake Pete!" Porschay said and Pete looked at him with sad eyes. "What the hell happened to you?"

"You happened to me okay, ugh ever since you left so many things happened to Kinn, he almost died by this one guy, he almost died again, and again and again almost 3 times in a day, then I was almost burnt to death by another guy who tried to set the house on fire and still we are trying to find the laptops location which you used to save kinn!!!! BUT thankfully you guys broke, but he doesn't know that so he still wants us to work like dogs at the moment and then he got drugged and had sex with someone he doesn't know but wants us to fine... holy fuck PORSCHE! YOU BITCH!" Pete said and Porsche looked guilty, both Macau and Porschay had forgotten their friends were there.

"Holy- P! You didn't" Porschay said.

"Umm... about that!" Porsche looked guilty and everyone immediately sighed.

"Were you that horny?" Macau said in a frustrated voice.

"No, I am actually curious what you were thinking!" Chay said in a disappointed voice.

"Does he remember me?" Porsche said and Pete gave him a dirty look.

"No, he doesn't, he was drugged! But he is so persistent more than ever to find you, a guy who is not his type, but he wants you like crazy because you saved his life and gave him the sex of a life time!" Pete said and Porsche put his head down. "He even searched the security cameras outside his hotel room, in the lobby and back of the ally! Everything to find you, he is going crazy, luckily you were wearing a cap! He also remembers the conversation you guys had before he fell into the drug"

"But wait.... You said shit is happening to him...? HOW and why? Those things never happened when I was bodyguard" Porsche said and everyone frowned at the same time.

"Yeah that's true, its like history has changed, and now that Kinn doesn't know you, he is running into even more trouble than before, almost dying that one time as well" Pete said and Porsche got up in shock.

"WHAT!" Porsche said.

"Yeah, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would react like this" Pete said and Porsche was stunned.

"My freaking fiancé almost died and you didn't tell me!" Porsche yelled and Chay held him down to his chair to calm down.

"P, shhh" Chay said and Porsche calmed down. "We just need to figure out what's happening"

"And Kinn blamed me for almost killing him multiple times while I was a bodyguard" Porsche said.

"Porsche, I hate to say it... but I think you should come back... for Kinn" Pete said and Porsche raised his eyebrows.

"I hate to agree to that, but its true" Macau said. "It's the only way Kinn can be safe, when he is next to you"

"Now how the fuck am I gonna get back into the mafia, after all the hard shit I just pulled" Porsche said and Pete sighed thinking.

"You can join naturally" Pete said and Porsche frowned.

"With no special treatment and a decent pay" Macau said and Porsche gave them a dirty look.

"Decent? Damn, I forgot I had special treatment when in the mafia" Porsche said and he sat up straight from his chair. "All my hard work will go to waste"

"I know, we all thought everything would be better once you are gone, both of us were gone! But things have only gotten worse, even with Tankhun who never leaves the house was almost shot the other day, things are getting really hectic in the house" Pete said. "What about you Macau? Anything different happening in the minor house?"

"No, the events that are happening is all the same, because Vegas only meets you later on P" macau said and Pete nodded.

"Okay, so what do you think Porsche?" Pete asked him. "You don't have to tell him anything, just work as a not important guard, everything will be fine"

"Yeah, maybe a back ground guard wont be bad, since you, Arm, Pol, Big and Ken are all front line guards you are always involved, if I am in the background it will be easier. Also, how will I make it so Korn doesn't recognize me?"

"Mister Korn... ahhh that will be tricky" Pete said.

"He knows everything that is going on, even the bodyguards that are being hired" Porsche said.

"I think this year he should not look at the list of participants, Kinn should only see it. He also doesn't know you exist yet but if he looks into your files then your screwed" Pete said and Porsche nodded.

"Ugh, we just have to take our chances" Pete said.

"Yeah, so everything is sorted? Porsche will go back into the mafia world... and be by Kinn's side?" Porschay asked and everyone nodded.

"Having my best friend around again will be great" Pete said and Porsche smiled.

"By the way where is Aat?" Pete asked.

"Where is Ohm?" Porsche asked and they both shrugged.

"I haven't seen him since everyone was at the bar, he also hasn't come into work" Pete said and Porsche squinted his eyes.

"Umm... I haven't seen Aat since then as well" Porsche said and Pete and Porsche ended up laughing. "That fucker!"

"I know right, who would've thought!" Pete said.

"I mean, in the future they did end up...." Porsche said and Pete continued to laugh.

"Its so funny that we didn't tell them" Pete said.

"Then they wouldn't have fallen in love in the first place if we had told them they would end up together" Porsche said and they both clapped hands. Suddenly they realized Benz and Sang were still their watching the drama and drinking their coffees.

"Umm... hahahaha" Porschay laughed.

"What funny tales!!!" macau joined in with the laughing.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sang said with a confused smile.

"Umm.... We are..." Pete mumbled.

"Yeah, so" Chay tried to think.

"University play" Porsche said and Sang and Benz laughed in understanding. Porsche also lied so naturally because of his mafia training.

"Aaah, that's what! Umm whats it called' Benz asked curiously.

"Its called Mafia boss" Porsche said once again and Sang clapped.

"Sounds interesting, when is it happening. I wanna watch it" Sang said.

"it just got cancelled" Porsche said and Sang frowned.

"Eh? When?" Benz asked.

"Now" Porsche said and everyone continued to laugh in awkwardness and continued to drink their drinks. Benz opened his phone and grunted in annoyance.

"This is so annoying" Benz said.

'What?" Sang said forgetting his heartbreak.

"Its been weeks and he is still trying to come after me" benz said and Porschay came closer as well.

"Who?" Chay said.

"That Yoon guy!" Benz said.

"Ahh, Kim's friend" Chay said and Benz looked at him weird.

"Yeah, whoever Kim is. But anyways ever since I agreed to accept his phone number he has not stopped in bombarding me with questions! But I always give him the wrong answers all the time' Benz said.

"What! Really?" Sang said.

"Maybe he likes you" Chay said.

"Pfft- Chay, its obvious he wants something. These types of guys are not to be trusted, I know because I am that type of guy" Benz said and got up.

"What did he say?" Chay asked.

"He asked if I was free to go watch a movie, so I am going to investigate" Benz said with a smile.

"It seems like a date" Sang said but Benz refused to believe it.

"No, it's a trap" Benz said and Sang sighed.

"Okay, lets all go" Chay said.

"We will join you on your mission" Macau said with a smile.

"Really...? Okay then remember to stay hidden when we are at the movies" Benz said and everyone got up.

"Bye, P" Porschay said and they all greeted each other while the juniors left.

"By the way Pete.... What happened to your neck?" Porschay asked and as soon as he did Pete covered it. "It looks like your training was PETE!"


"Where is Mister Kinn?? He has been gone for quite some time" Big said in worry.

"Don't worry Big, he said he was going to the bathroom" Pete said with a smile, he knew exactly where Kinn was and Porsche was handling the situation.

"I think we should go search" Arm said and everyone nodded.

"Yeah, just to make sure" Pol agreed and Pete sighed before everyone went down to search for Kinn. Porsche saw Aat and Ohm and went to them.

"Did you see Porsche?" Pete said. "Is he gone?"

Aat gave a thumbs up. "Yeah, we saw him head out with Kinn"

"Yeah, we are also going to go soon, are you coming as well?" Ohm asked.

"No, I have to do a search for Kinn" Pete said and Ohm smiled.

"Wow, you have a lot of work then" Ohm laughed.

"Yeah, Kinn is long gone" Aat said.

'What were you guys doing anyways?" Pete asked them.

"Just talking, but were going now, see you!" Ohm said.

"And good luck on your search" Aat said and they both smiled and walked out of the bar. Aat waved his other friends Jom and tem goodbye and they also left as well. Pete now was in the club full of people searching for Kinn who he knew was not there, but pretended to be. He wanted to take a break and so he went outside to the back ally, and let the other guards worry for nothing. He opened a cigarette and sighed.

"Long time no see old friend" Pete whispered to himself and the cigarette he never had since dating Vegas. He searched for a lighter with the cigarette in his mouth and out of nowhere someone with a lighter came and lit it up for him. His bodyguard instincts kicked in and he threw the cigarette out of his mouth and pointed the gun at the person.

"Woah, calm down" It was Vegas and his hands were in the air with a very seductive grin on his face. Pete put down his gun and bowed his head in Vegas's direction.

"My apologies Mister Vegas, I thought you were.... Never mind" Pete said and then lifted his head, giving direct eye contact with Vegas which was something Vegas was not used to, but Pete was since they dated before.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking for Kinn?" Vegas asked Pete and Pete folded his arms.

"Yeah... just taking a break" Pete said.

"Hmm... but it seems to me like you know more than you shouldn't, are you really loyal to the Main family?" Vegas said and Pete looked insulted.

"Yes, I am very loyal to the main family. So, it you'll excuse me" Pete said with a heavy voice and headed back inside.

"But why did you not do anything when you knew I had drugged Kinn?" Vegas said and Pete's hands froze at the door, and he smiled without showing it to Vegas, when he turned around again, he had a serious expression. He didn't want to show that he was actually enjoying himself with Vegas. Vegas thought he had Pete wrapped around his fingers.

"I don't know what your talking about" Pete said with a stern look which made Vegas a bit confused because no other bodyguards had talked to him so confidently before, it interested Vegas.

"Oh? I think you know what I am talking about. I saw your expression, and you didn't accept the drink yourself... you are really interesting. You are not like my dumb cousin who easily fell for the trick. Its as if you knew exactly how I am, and my next move" Vegas said.

"You are talking shit now; I am going to leave" Pete said.

"How did you know? How did you get Kinn out in time? Who took Kinn out of the bathroom?" Vegas said. "You knew exactly what I was doing, and who I sent!"

Pete laughed and came closer to Vegas in a seductive way himself which took the confidence out of Vegas's face and replaced it with a confused expression. With every step Pete took towards Vegas went backer and backer, until his back reached the wall and Pete's hand was on the wall as well look at Vegas's eyes and lips. "Oh really? You see just like you, I can also be very... manipulative"

Vegas smirked as his bewildered expression vanished. Pete was a little astonished when he suddenly kissed him, but he returned the favor because the atmosphere had changed and they were both instantly experiencing it. Vegas was leaning against the wall, feeling Pete's length through his pants, and their lips were moving quite passionately. Vegas's hand was on Pete's back, descending slowly to his butt and grabbing him roughly, causing Pete to gasp. Pete withdrew his hand off the wall, placed both over Vegas's shoulder, and leaned closer to him so that their chests were now touching through their clothing.

Pete was running out of breath so he opened his mouth for air, only for Vegas to slip his hot tongue into Pete's mouth and they began to dance around in Pete's mouth. They were going so rough, that Pete bit Vegas's tongue which made them both withdraw from each other. Vegas looked and Pete with a smile and Pete wiped his mouth and was also smiling. Vegas was pleased with this and very hard.

"You are surprisingly... good" Vegas said.

"What...? Did you think a bodyguard like myself didn't know how to kiss?" Pete said while fixing his clothes.

"Yeah... exactly" Vegas said.

"Well, I hate to break it to you... I am different" Pete said and was about to leave once more.

Vegas frowned in confusion and stopped the door from opening. Pete smiled to himself but turned around to look at him with a glare. "Wait...? Where are you going?"

"I am board!" Pete said with a yawn, as well as being so close to Vegas.

"But were not finished" Vegas said with a cute smile, which actually made Pete very happy inside but refused to show it. Pete looked at his watch and back at Vegas, for the first time Vegas was shocked with himself. He was actually waiting for a guy to decide what time they should have sex, this never happened before. He is usually the one in control.

"I have time" Pete said and pushed Vegas away slightly so he can stand up properly. Vegas smirked and then was about to take off his pants until Pete stopped him with a sigh, to stop Vegas he even put a hand on Vega's length. "Not so fast, lets go somewhere"

"Are you serious?" Vegas said with his length still hard as ever. Pete came closer to Vegas's ear.

"Yes" He whispered. And then Vegas took Pete's hand and led him to his car, Vegas was about to go to the driver seat but Pete stopped him.

"Oh, hell no!" Pete said.

'What now?" Vegas said.

"You drank" Pete said.

"One glass???" Vegas said and pete looked very disappointed in him.

"Ayy, move the fuck aside" Pete said and got in the driver's seat instead. Vegas slowly frowned but got into the car as well.

"You are really bossy you know that" Vegas said and Pete gave him a sweet smile which Vegas was not expecting out of him.

End of Flashback.....

"Oh, thank the fuck! You only kissed him" Porsche said with his hand on his heart like he just ran a marathon.

"Umm.... Not exactly" Pete said and looked away from Porsche guiltily.

"What the fuck! Pete what did you do!" Porsche yelled at Pete out loud.


They were standing in front of their hotel door, but Vegas was moving too quickly. He violently shoved Pete up against the wall while kissing him on the mouth, and Pete enjoyed every second of it. Pete lunged for the key in Vegas's back pocket and grabbed hold of Vegas's waist, pushing it against his own. Vegas's butt was touched sensuously as Pete recovered the key, shoved Vegas against the door while kissing him, and attempted to open her hotel door while grinning.

As the hotel where Vegas had all of Kinn's ex-boyfriends and his one-night hookups, Pete was already familiar with it. When he first started dating Pete, Vegas sold it off, but Pete was envious of the guys who saw a side of Vegas that he didn't, and now that he was one of those one-night stands, he finally saw what Vegas truly was and he was loving it. When Pete succeeded in opening the door, they both rushed inside, slamming lips and savoring every drop of booze Vegas had consumed that evening. Originally, Pete would have been upset with Vegas for drinking, but he couldn't because he had to act like they were strangers.

When Vegas finally made it to the bedroom, he forced Pete to bed and went to a cabinet, which he then unlocked to display a sizable collection of sex toys Pete had never seen while dating him. "Are you frightened?" When Vegas turned around and faced Pete with his back to him, he noticed Pete taking off his clothing and was shocked.

"I should be asking you the same question" Pete said confidently and vegas was impressed.

"I forgot to tell you but I...." Vegas said as he walked to Pete slowly with rope in his hands. "-I like it aggressive"

Pete brought his hands closer, and Vegas tied them up and pushed his hands up to the bed post to tie it their as well. Pete was incredibly turned on at that point. Without warning Vegas tore off Pete's pants and trailed his hands down Pete's exposed chest. He looked hungrily, and crazily at Pete. Pete felt satisfaction as he aggressively got hold of his length and moved up and down with it. Vegas suddenly grabbed some lubrication, rubbed it on his fingers, and inserted two fingers into Pete. Pete loudly grunted in disbelief at the movement. He was unaware of his virginity.

This was his first time ever doing it in his younger self's body and was not prepared. Vegas however thought Pete had done this before that's why Pete was so confident but it was the opposite. The reason Pete was so confident is because he forgot he was doing it for the first time. Because in the future almost everyday he had sex with Vegas and his body was naturally ready when Vegas did weird things. With just two seconds of Vegas pounding his hands inside of Pete he stopped, put and condom on himself, turned Pete around and entered him.

More shock filled Pete's body, and he was feeling a lot of pain down there. But soon pain turned into pleasure and while Vegas violently pounded into the back of Pete, he used his whip to hit Pete's back. Pete's hands were tied, Vegas at his back and feeling both pain and pleasure turned him on so much he moaned out loud. "Aaah, mhhhmm. Feels good" Pete said and Vegas looked satisfied. Vegas stopped what he was doing in the middle of there time and walked to the cabinet to retrieve more things. He came back with a large dildo and placed into Pete's core. The dildo was a vibrator as well and once it turned on Pete was sent into another round of pleasure, arching his back and pulling the rope that tied him to the bed. "Aaah, so good! So fast!" Pete moaned out loud.

Vegas went to the side of Pete's face and placed his length on Pete's mouth. Pete obediently opened his mouth and let in Vegas's huge length which was bigger than the dildo. Vegas took a hold of Pete's hair and moved in and out of Pete's mouth at his own pace, but Pete didn't mind, he took it all in, even reaching the back of Pete's throat and even deeper. Pete's toes curled up at the motion they were going in and the dildo vibrating and moving inside of him was so good he felt like cumming but held it in.

At the sight of Pete's red body full of red marks, hickeys and lubricant gel Vegas licked his lips and with one final push into Pete's mouth he came inside Pete's mouth and even before Pete as well. Pete drank in the cum and Vegas was breathing heavily. Once he gathered himself, he looked at Pete who still haven't cum yet and smirked.

"Well, aren't you difficult" Vegas said and turned Pete around.

"I want you in me" Pete said shocking Vegas once more. Without anymore talking Vegas took out the dildo and placed it on Pete's length and he himself entered Pete once again. Vegas turned Petes head away in one direction and then slammed into him, going out slowly but going in very aggressively and he continued this motion while biting and licking every part of Pete's neck. "Ah!"

"Mhhmm" Vegas couldn't hide his excitement as well.

"Ah! Right! There! Mhmm!!!" Pete yelled in excitement. "Keep on! Yess!"

Vegas took a hold of Pete's mouth again and their tongues began to collide once more feeling the hot air of the room and their hot breaths on each other. Vegas stopped kissing and placed his two fingers in Petes mouth and Pete began to lick Vegas's fingers. Pete couldn't hold it in anymore, and finally he let go squirting cum out of his length in pleasure.

"AAAHH!" Pete moaned and screamed in pleasure as he released finally. He gasped but Vegas was still going. Vegas pinched Pete's nipples and then headed for the candle on his bedside table while continuously pounding inside of Pete sending him even more pleasure than he felt previously, which the dildo still on his length vibrating aggressively.

At this point it was hard to breath for Pete, because the constant feeling of pleasure was a lot for him and he missed this feeling so much that he was smiling. Vegas lit the candle and let the hot wax fall onto Pete's bare back.

"Mhhmm!!!" Pete held in his screams.

"Are you enjoying it!" Vegas asked Pete in a whisper and Pete nodded. After a few times of pouring the hot candle wax onto Pete, he stopped, got up a bit and then removed the dildo and started to do it naturally this time going in and out slowly in Pete. Pete was confused by this but accepted because it still felt very good. With one last push into Pete, they both came together, with Vegas cuming inside of Pete without a condom. Vegas lay down besides Pete in exhaustion from cumming three times that night, he looked at Pete whose hands were still tied to the bed post and felt a familiar attraction to him, but didn't know what it was.

He continued to look at Pete lovingly, something he had never done to former one night stands and Pete also looked at Vegas with love in his eyes. He smiled and Vegas's heart exploded with something he could recognize. Something he knows he should know, but his mind had forgotten. With this said, Vegas got up again with this new feeling and they went on for hours and hours, not stopping until it was morning.

In the morning Pete woke up, and was really surprised Vegas had not left because Vegas told future Pete that he never used to stay with the one night stands overnight. Pete was angry.... Was Vegas lying about that. But he couldn't get mad at past Vegas they were almost two different people, but Pete loved him regardless. Pete was still tied up and his body filled with bruises, love bites and literal blood from the whip Vegas used last night. Even candle was on him, and not to mention his hole was incredibly in pain since it's the first time he had done it in his younger selves' body and it was not cleaned from the number of times Vegas had cum inside of Pete and the blood gushing out from it didn't help either. Pete sighed but then looked at the sleeping Vegas who was peaceful but also had things of his own on him.

Pete didn't forget to do shit to Vegas as well, Vegas's back was filled with scratch marks, and neck full of hickeys. Pete wanted to kiss Vegas right now but finally remembered this is not how it should Pete stopped and became very emotional seeing Vegas. The man he loved, and he now had to leave. Pete remembered waking up like this, snuggled up by Vegas, waking him up and kissing him whenever he wanted. Now he couldn't do that, because now he has to protect him with everything he has. Which means no more being selfish.

Pete untied himself from the rope and got out of bed with all the pain both mentally and physical pain and put his clothes on then left the room in a hurry. Vegas woke up a few minutes after Pete's escape and when he did he woke up with a smile which he had never done but when he looked up, Pete was gone. Vegas got up so suddenly and looked around the room. All he could see was the rope on the bed and an empty dirty hotel room with sex toys lying all over the floor. No one had ever done this before and Vegas didn't know what to do himself.

End of Flashback.....

Pete got out of his little daydream when Porsche shook him. "So... you had sex with him"

"yes!" Pete said and Porsche sighed.

"And he knows your face?" Porsche said and Pete nodded.

"Uhuh!" Pete said and Porsche whined out loud in disbelief.

"Ugh!!! Pete why the fuck did you do that, at least Kinn doesn't know my face" Porsche said. "Did you at least clean yourself, you must have bled a lot"

"Oh, hell yes, I bled so much I left a trail of blood on Vegas's bed" Pete said.

"Well at least you experienced that! You always told me how jealous you were of the guys entering Vegas's hotel room. And how you always wanted to see it" Porsche said and Pete smiled.

"Aah!!! It was great, better than I imagined" Pete said and Porsche laughed.

"But my guy, your one night stand you will soon regret, trust me!" Porsche said.

"I know... I know" Pete said and continued drinking his drink.

"Also why the fuck do you guys not wear condoms!" Porsche said out loud causing other customers to look at them.

"Shh, fuck! do you want the whole world to hear we had sex with the richest people in Thailand!" Pete said. "Because we are too impatient to open the box, place it on his dick. We want to get it over with. Besides we both don't have anything to worry about back their"

"Ugh, anyways anything else happened when you returned home after showering?" Porsche asked and Pete thought.

"Ah yes!!!A lot of shit happened, I went to look for ohm for some ointment for my ass and the" Pete said and then began to think.


"Ohm!!! Ohm!! Where the fuck is Ohm" Pete said as he finished shower, because of what happened he wore a long sleeve top and suit and was now searching the infirmary in the main family home.

Suddenly someone entered the room. "Pete! We found the laptop!"

Pete's eyes widened. "Oh Pol, What laptop?"

"The laptop the person who saved Kinn used to send us a massage about his location being in the back of the ally of that bar!" Pol said.

"What, how?" Pete was shocked.

"Hey don't underestimate Arm's skills" Pol said. "Even I am impressed"

"Oh, by the way how is Kinn?" Pete said.

"Oh right, he came back this morning. We were searching the entire night for him. But for nothing, apparently he went to his hotel room and had sex with someone, so when we arrived heard noises we just left. Gosh they were loud" Pol said.

"What!" Pete frowned in confusion. "Do you know who the guy is?"

"No, but Kinn is convinced it is the guy who saved his life" Pol said. "Now more than ever he wants us to find him"

"Uhuh!" Pete wondered who it was, and is concerned for Porsche because his lover was sleeping around with another guy.

"By the way, where were you?" Pol asked.

"I told you I was out with Ohm, getting medical things" Pete said.

"Okay, anyways Tankhun kept asking for you yesterday" Pol said.

"What did you say?" Pete asked walking with Pol out of the room into the basement.

"I said you were out with Ohm" Pol said as they got into the basement.

"Mister Kinn" They both saw Kinn arrive and said and bowed at the same time.

"Right, I heard you found the laptop" Kinn said and folded his amrs.

"Yes sir, here it is" Arm said holding up a broken laptop.

"Did you get anything out of it?" Kinn asked with a stern expression and Pete was sweating.

"Yes sir" Arm said and Pete frowned so hard.

"We got a location!" Arm said and Pete chocked and everyone looked at him.

"Hahaha, don't mind me" Pete said with a smile and then walked out of the place and took his phone out to text Porsche.

End of Flashback..........

"What the fuck! Why didn't you start with that?" Porsche said in worry. "Did they find the location!!!???"

'They didn't tell me anything, they just rushed out without any words" Pete said and Porsche sat back in his chair and slumped even more stressed than before.

"PORSCHE!!!!" A voice by the door of the café yelled out, it was Aat and he looked crazy like he ran all the way to the café.


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