A Journey for Six | TMF Fanta...

By Amnyttendi

1.5K 59 17

A group of young teenagers are told to go on a quest to stop a bad king from conquering the villages and the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Small Update

Chapter 11

83 5 4
By Amnyttendi

The gang were finally united with Milly and a new friend Daisy, but they were still missing one more person...Sean...Milly was very worried about him. She feels like Jake and Hailey were hiding from them and everyone else. It can't be anything too bad, right? Until, Luke suddenly heard something off that was near them.

"Guys? You may wanna look up.." He said as everyone looked up in the sky, seeing four black figures

"Great! More bats!" Zander scoffed

"Come on y'all, let's deal with these creeps!" Milly spreader out her wings as she flew up into the sky

The bats soon were above the group as they began to attack them. Micheal wanted to help their kids and everyone else so he paired up with Hailey and Jake. Obviously, Luke and Zander paired up with each other. Milly and Daisy were paired up but Milly handled the one in the air while Daisy felt like she couldn't do anything so she just watched her, being aware just in case she falls.. They were all doing well until Milly took the wrong move and she was now falling down.

"MILLY!" Daisy called her name

"U-Ugh! I'm f-fine!" Milly managed to sit herself back up as she saw the bat flying towards her. Milly was worried to death until some crystal shards killed the bat.

"What the?" Milly was confused for a sec and looked who was in front of them, someone very familiar.


Milly couldn't believe it was Sean who rescued her. Sean soon brings out his hand as Milly grabs it. Just until he swings her above his head 360 degrees and throws her back on the ground.

"SEAN WHAT THE HELL?" Milly shouted

Sean didn't listen as well as not responding but instead, he just walked up to her as his talons started to show and the crystal shards popped off from his arms.

"Sean..? What are you doing..?"

Micheal, Hailey and Jake were finishing with their bat as they turned over to where Milly was walking backwards with Sean in front of her.

"Guys, what is Sean doing?" Hailey asked

"Is that the hybrid boy?" Micheal said

"Sean! Stop!" Jake decided to play the hero card and picked up his sword as he dashed to Milly

"Jake! Wait!" Hailey tried to stop

"Sean, please...this isn't you! J-Just tell me what they did to you!" Milly spoke to him

As Milly starts to cry a little, Sean finally responded
"I'm gonna kill everyone...starting with you, demon..."

"W-What?" Milly was soon cut off by Jake, front kicking Sean in the stomach

"What the hell is wrong with him-" With Sean's super strength, he threw a rock at Jake which led to on the ground

"JAKE!" Milly ran to him

"Milly! G-GO!"

Sean pulled out his metal talons and began to run towards Milly as she flew up to dodge his approach which she thankfully did, but she didn't realize Sean was behind her as he punched her and she crashed onto a rock wall and landed on the rock ground. Milly was slightly groaning in pain while Sean walked up to her, grabbing her neck and started to choke her.

"Give me one single reason why I shouldn't squeeze the life out of you.." He started into her slowly dying eyes

"..S-Sean..!...P-please..!" Milly begged as Sean heard a female's voice in his mind, telling him

"D-Do..it! D-Do..it p-puppy!"

Sean acknowledged her words as he squeezed her neck so strong to choke her. Milly was very close to her death until Zander decided to pop in by breaking them apart with Milly on the ground hyperventilating and Sean sitting on the ground away from her.


"Don't make me hurt you, Sean..."

"Oh yeah...well prove it Wickham!" He fired some crystal shards at Zander as he quickly created a force field to block them.

Hailey saw their fight from a long distance. Her only concern was Jake who was laying on the ground. She immediately sprinted to Jake at a fast speed because she also wanted to help her brother, but she would end up like Jake

"Jake! You okay?" Jake saw her soft gray eyes as she looked at him, worried.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Their conversation was stopped as Zander's and Sean's fight was getting out of hand.

Zander was inside of his force field as Sean was trying to break through. When Zander found the opportunity to strike, he made his force field disappear, grabbed both of his hands, throwing him away from him.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!" Zander turned to Milly who was trying to bring herself up

"I don't know...I-I think something must have gotten into his head..!" Milly replied

"Well..well..well...congrats, you figured out the answer.." Sean chimes in as he looked at Zander with an evil smile

"Honestly Zander, I'm sorta disappointed in you. I really thought you'd put up more of a fight than magic.." He continued

"I am NOT gonna hurt one of my teammates..."
(Wow, Zander actually means it? 😦)

"Aww, wow...it appears you do have a soft side after all. I just assumed after that one incident with you and your sister..."

As Sean said those last words, Zander felt absolutely offended and triggered as he thought about the flashback. When they were kids, a group of kids were bullying them just because they believed they were too weak to actually be an adventurer. Since then, Zander always stood by Hailey's side, protecting her.

Zander was so upset that he clenched his fists as his magic aura started to show. His light purple eyes were booming with anger.

"LEAVE MY SISTER OUT OF THIS!" Just before Zander was about to fire a magic missile, Milly came from behind, taking hold of his hands.

"Zander! Don't do it!" They exchanged each other's eyes until Zander roughly pulled his hand away from Milly.

"Ugh! Fine!"

"*Sigh* This is getting really lame...time that I end this..."

Sean used his hands to create a purple crystal force as he aimed his hands at Milly and Zander and shot out his magic.


Zander used his wind spell to blast him and Milly into the sky as Sean's magic dodged them. Hailey was still staring at the fight, not knowing what she should do until she heard Luke calling her name.


She turned around and saw a bat was coming for her. Apparently, she forgot her sword with Jake who was with Daisy, so she had no way to protect herself. Just before the bat flew to her, Luke fired an arrow at the bat and it was soon lying next to Hailey. She realized what happened and she looked at Luke, standing still with his crossbow in the shooting position.

"Thank you Luke.."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine...wait, I have an idea!"

"What's that?"

"If we can combine your arrows with Zander's magic
Daisy's magic, it might help create a strong amount of magic that could help Sean transform back to normal..!"

"Yeah, but how are we gonna do that if he's targeting Zander?"

"That's why I'm gonna distract him."

"Are you sure? You saw what he did to Milly.."

"I'll be okay, just let Zander and Daisy know, I'll do what I can."

"Got it!"

Right now, Sean forces Zander and Milly both onto the ground as he stomps on their backs, seeing them struggle out of his way, but everytime they do, he stomps on their harder, making it difficult to move.

"Hahaha, god...you guys are so weak..." He admired the duo

"Sean! You want another fight? Then I'll give you a fight!" Hailey said as she put up her fists

"Oh...you're willing to join, Hailey..? Let the games begin..."

Sean pulled his metal talons again as he ran towards Hailey while she dodged him, punching and kicking them behind. Luke and Daisy went to Zander and Milly, telling them Hailey's plan of defeating their friend.

Zander motioned his hands to create a magic of transforming people who were monsters or under someone command back to their regular self and made it onto Luke's positioned arrow on his crossbow.

Daisy did the same thing but instead, she had a handful of glowing herbs that can help soften his hormones. She tied each herb onto Luke's arrow as he took some time, waiting for a perfect target which was near until he found the time.

"Hailey! Duck!" Luke quickly shouted her name before he drew back with 'magic arrow' and shot it on Sean's back.

Sean felt the arrow on him and stopped moving for a second as he grabbed his head in pain. All he heard was long and intense ear ringing that brought him back memories of his father abusing him, getting into his head.


"What did you guys do?" Milly asked

"Ahh! Get out...of my...head!!"

"Sean-!" Milly tried to run to him, but Daisy grabbed her arm to stop her.


Sean kept hearing those ear ringing and he can feel some of the corrupted magic leaving out of his DNA. He was feeling a little lightheaded that caused him to collapse into the ground while he was turning back to his original self. Milly gasped at him and that's when she got worried.

"SEAN!" She dashed towards him as she hold his head, seeing his eyes slightly closed

"Seany, are you okay?!" Milly was anxious as he stood silent for a bit, thinking about what he should say, until he finally spoke up.

"I'm..." He muttered loud enough for Milly to hear him

"What's wrong?!"

"I'm...so sorry..."

"Don't say that, it was not!"

"No...you don't understand...you are the very last person I ever want to hurt...and I had the urge to kill you...I couldn't control it..."

"Sean Stop! You know you can't blame yourself for this..."

Sean began to shed a few tears "If I didn't get hypnotized...and you would be...sigh...I've already lost mother...Milly, I-I can't lose you t-too!"

Then he started to cry a lot, feeling ashamed and guilty for his behavior. Although Milly didn't care about that,, she cared about the old Sean who loves her dearly. The others soon walked to them as they saw Sean.

He was just laying there, covered with blood, wounds, rips, and tears. His face was slightly pale and had black marks on it while his tears covered it. To Milly, he felt he was an whumpee and she was the caretaker. He managed to look at his other friends and said.

"I'm sorry everyone...I didn't mean to do those things...I understand if you have decided to kick me off the council...It's all my fault and I deserved a punishment..."

Milly ignored his words but instead, she scooted a little closer at him, grabbing him with both of her hands, giving him a comfort hug as Sean continued to cry on her shoulders while she was rubbing his back to calm him down.

"You're okay Sean...we won't kick you out...don't worry about that or me...I'll always be here for you..." She gave him a little kiss

"Poor thing..." Daisy said

"Yea...we better get him back to the boat so he can recover..." Hailey advised

"Agreed...he doesn't look very well..." Luke added on

"Come on guys.."

"We're coming, Hailey. Hun, Can you stand up?" Milly asked her boyfriend as he nodded shakily, trying to pull himself up to their feet.

Just as soon as he managed to get upright, his knees buckled. He started to feel sore all over his body and his vision went blurry as he tried to grab hold of a nearby tree, or anything to stop him from collapsing. Milly catches him before he hits the ground, helping him sit back down.

"S-sorry...I—" Sean stutters before Milly cuts him off

"It's okay, I'll help you.." Milly slips a hand under his legs and another behind his back and picks him up easily as he stares down in slight pain and whimpering.

"Don't worry..I got you..keep breathing for me, okay?"


Milly began to walk to catch up with the others while carrying Sean in her arms just like the time he did the same to her back to the boat.

As soon as they arrived at the boat, Milly let Sean lay down on a couch while covering him with a blanket to make him feel comfortable. Before he lay down, he had a few problems of his own.

She asked Hailey and Zander to help him patch up his wounds all over him. She would have asked Jake but Zander was involved with Sean the most of the fight and plus, he's not the best with healing. As the siblings were working on his wounds, Milly was doing everything she could to keep him calm from rubbing his back to caressing his wolf ears as he groaned and whimpered in pain.

"Shh, I know, Sean, I know...I'm so sorry about this..."

"Milly...I think there's something I need to tell you..."

"What's up..?"

"Hailey..? Could you bring everyone else here..?"

"Oh..sure. Wait.." Hailey leaned to his ear

"Is this about your sickness?" She whispered

"Yeah...I'm going to tell them.."

"Okay..." Hailey finished whispering in his ear, backing off and said "You want me to bring my dad as well?"

"N-No...just you guys..."

"Alright...I'll be right back.." Hailey said as she left to gather Jake, Luke, and Daisy who were on the upper deck.

"What are you trying to tell us?" Zander looked him with a confused and concerned look

"Yeah, you're kinda scaring me.." Milly agreed with Zander

"You'll see.."

Hailey comes back with the others right behind her as Milly helps Sean sit up, making him feel relaxed and ready to tell his friends about the news that he told Hailey before he fell off the boat a few days ago.

"Guys...there's something you should probably know...I've been hiding this from you for a while..." He soon stated

"Well? Tell us!" Zander slightly yelled that kinda triggered Sean

"Zander! He won't tell us if you make him nervous!" Hailey told her brother

"Fine! Just tell us!"

"Okay...after Milly was captured when I got stabbed in the back, trying to save her and the time I almost drowned in the ocean from a storm...I have been infected with...Corrupted Magic...and I think it's still in my system..."

After Sean told them about his sickness, Milly, Luke, Zander, and Daisy were immediately shocked. Obviously, Hailey and Jake knew about this so they pretended like they didn't know.

"WHAT?! YOU HAVE CORRUPTED MAGIC?!" Milly said he nodded, avoiding her eyesight

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BEFORE?!" Zander chimes in, upset

"I didn't want you guys to worry...I only told Hailey about this..."

"Actually...I told Jake as well..."


"Zander, he wasn't comfortable enough.." Jake answered his question


"Zander! Calm down!" Luke told his boyfriend

"Yeah! You're making him feel scared. You know his problem with his dad!" Milly cling to his arm as she saw Sean was shaking in fear

"Ugh, fine...I'm sorry for yelling..."

"How long have you had this?" Luke questioned

"Almost a week.." Sean responded

"Daisy, You told me about Corrupted Magic. Is there a cure?" Milly asked the fairy

"Sadly, there isn't, but since after that fight, there is a chance that the corrupted magic may have decreased because of his hypnotized self having all of that magic in his DNA. I can check how much magic he has if he gives me a sample of his DNA." She stated

"Like what kind?"

"He could give me a piece of his hair?"

"Sean, can I?"

"Sure..?" Milly slightly tore a piece of his black hair as his sample, giving it to Daisy as she began working on the test.

"You know Sean, I think you should rest for a little bit...you have been through a lot.." Hailey assured

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yeah, you can't keep pushing yourself or else..you know.." Luke told

"I guess...you're right, but Milly..?"


"Could you...stay with me..? I just...feel safe around you..."

"Of course Seany!" Milly jumped onto the couch, laying right next to him, grabbing the blanket and wrapping it on both of them

"God, I kinda regret them for being a couple.." Zander rolled his eyes

"Look who's talking Wickham.!" Milly mocked

"Awww, the Lander couple!m~!" Jake joined

"Shut up! Both of you!!"

"Y'all chill out! Let's just leave them alone for a few hours!" Hailey shuts down their argument

"Yeah, sleep well Sean.." Luke looked at him

"*Cough* Thanks...Luke.."

A/N: Don't worry you guys! I'm alive and taking breaks! Just have school and the fact I'm now a judge for the Lilac Awards 2023. I'm still working on this book, just the chapters will take longer than my average publish date. Hope you guys understand! ❤️

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