By miraclequeen45

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Guang xuming, a nine tail demon who was destined/forced by her kind to rule the world. But things change in t... More



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By miraclequeen45

Min sips on her cup of tea and sighed in satisfaction.

"Thanks, uncle sandy. Tuliza taste way much better in tea form".

Sandy held a tray with a tea pot on it and smiled at the girl.

"That's the power of tea, min. And I'll be sure to be giving it to you until we find a cure for your scar".

Min smiled. she was glad to have such caring friends. No, Family. Sandy then frowned, noticing something.

"By the way, min, when do you think you're gonna change your sweater".

"Huh?". Min blinked, before looking down at her oversized green sweater that had rips on the it from the fight against LBD. "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. To bad I didn't pack before we went on this journey. But, oh well, I'll find something on the way. I'm gonna meet the others back in the dock if that's okay".

"Sure". Sandy said.

Min nodded before getting off her sit inside the control panel and got back to her friends just in time to hear tang finish translating what he was writing in his book.

"Now, any chance of hope lays in the hands of a monkey, a half-demon and a kid who wishes he was a monkey".

"Mr tang? Would you quit it?!". Mk glared.

Pigsy grabs the book from tang, making him to gasp dramatically as he dropped his pen.

"You've been reading your diary out loud literally all day! You're bumming everybody out!". Pigsy exclaimed.

"Hay! It's not a diary! I'm writing the next chapter". Tang said, before showing the book that was now magically back in his hands. "And very well too, if I might add".

"Huh?". Pigsy looked at his bookless hand in shock.

"Hay, as long as he wrote down that while bit with me fighting Nezha and getting this bad boy, then we're good". Monkey king laughed as he held the map in his hand before mei tightened the bandage around his head, making him to yelp in pain for moving around too much.

"I mean, the bit with the omelette thing was pretty cool". Mk commented.

"Yeah, right? That was totally cool". Wukong chuckled. "Okay. Gather around everyone, it's monkey king story time!".

He spreads the map on the floor as everyone gathered around to look at it. Wukong winched in pain as everyone looked at him in concern but he shrugged them off.

"So, I know what happened back there kinda sucked".

"Mega sucked". Mei deapeaned, as wukong did finger guns at her.

"Mega sucked. But the old great sage had a trick or two up his sleeve".

Pigsy scoffed and rolled his eyes as wukong gave him a long. He was about to speak when the ship went through rough winds as everyone falls to the ground. They noticed the map was flying away but mk quickly caught it and spread it back on the ground then Wukong placed a metal bar on it to keep it from flying away.

"Right. So you were saying something about looking for a weapon?". Min asked.

"Yep". Wukong smirked cacually, making pigsy to glare at him.

"And did you find it?". He asked.

"No!". Monkey king simply replied, to which min gave him a disbelief look. "But this map is going to help us track it down. It's called the samadhi fi-".

Tang cut him off, entering fanboy mode. "The Samadhi fire!!".

Wukong deepened and pointed to the grinning tang. "Yeah, that. The most powerful force I've ever seen".

"Powerful enough to destroy the lady bone demon". Mk asked, to which the sage nodded.


"But, what is it?".

Wukong smiled and was about to explain when he noticed tang's eagered expression and sighed. "Go on then".

"Okay!". Tang clears his throat and adjusted his glasses. "Legend speaks of a flame just as powerful as the ancient fox fire that nothing could put it out, not even the great sage himself".

"That's right. The Samadhi fire burned out of control and the only way to contain it was by splitting it into pieces and scattering them so that the flame could never be reforged". Monkey king explained.

"So you just tossed around a bunch of fires instead of one?". Mk asked, a little clueless, making wukong to groan.

"And, we put the pieces into three rings so they cause no further harm. C'mon, do i gotta spell everything out?".

Everyone looked at mk, who wished he could disappear right now, to which wukong twitched his eye before signing.

"If we're takilng about weapons, maybe we could also look for the scepter of light". Min spoke, as everyone looked at her.

Tang immediately gasp, recognising the weapon in fanboy mode. "The legendary scepter that has the power to control the powers of light, both seem and unseen. And it was once wielded by the fox spirit, guang xuming".

"Yep". Min grinned. "But the really owner of the scepter was the legendary princess Elena of avalor. She and guang xuming were know to be pretty good friends during their time. But during a battle with a evil sorceress to fight for her kingdom, princess Elena sacrificed herself and handed her sceptical to xuming, knowing she would be more capable of controlling it. Not to mention it takes a huge amount of energy to use it".

"How do you know about that?". Mei asked.

"Well, when I flew away yesterday, I encountered guang xuming's spirit animal, trixx. And I found out about the scepter of light. It turns out it's made up of four elemental colours and they're found right in the exact same place the samadhi rings are. I already found the first element when I accepted being who I am". Min exclaimed, looking down at her necklace that a space in it was now blue. "Each element that is found glows a specific colour on my nine tail necklace. This one is blue, representing true self".



Mk and mei commented in awe at the necklace.

"Yeah. But now that the lady bone demon has the staff and your powers, she's too much for us to handle". Wukong exclaimed, bedore looking at min. "Especially if she gets a hold on you and the secpter of light turns into the scepter of night".

"I'm aware of that". Min said.

"If we can't stop her, she's going to destroy, well, everything".

Sandy suddenly appeared, surprising everyone. "So, we find the rings and the elements of the scepter, combine them, and then what? You said the fire of someoness couldn't be controlled".

"Samadhi, uncle sandy". Min corrected.

"Yes, yes, he did say that". Tang said.

"Yep. I heard him, I heard him too". Pigsy agreed.

"Hay, if monkey king and min thinks this could work, then it'll work! We can do this". Mk exclaimed, as the gang smiled at each other.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, mk". Min commented.

Monkey king wrapped his arm around mk's shoulder and gave him a playful noggie. "Yes! That's more like it".

Min's hears suddenly appeared as they picked up on something and her eyes turned red and widened.

"Everyone! Get down!".

Everyone didn't get time to react when the ship was suddenly shot and caught on fire as they all screamed in panic and fell to the floor.

"The lady bone demon? How did she catch up to us already?". Pigsy asked.

"That's not the lady bone demon". Min exclaimed, glaring off at the distance.

"Oh no!". Wukong said.

Mk tried summoning his staff but remembered he didn't have it anymore. He saddens at this before getting a determined look and glared at what min and wukong were glaring at.

"Oh, wukong!!!". Macaque called from his flying machine he was using to drive after the gang.

He began cackling as his vehicle fires at the ship and everyone trys to avoid it but it sent them flying when it hit a part of the ship.

"Macaque?!". Mk cried in shock

"You". Min glared, before they all fell to the ground.

Wukong landed safely and glared at the dark monkey. "Oh, that's a relief, I thought it was someone important".

He stood up and side-glanced at the map behind him. Macaque chuckled.

"Always the comedian". He the glances at mk and min. "Hay kiddo, princess. You both miss me?".


"Not even a little bit!".

MK turns to the others. "Guys, get us outta here!'.

"RIGHT!". Tang and mdu said in unsion, before running away and yanking pigsy with them to meet up with sandy in the control panel.

Macaque laughed a bit before growling and continued to fire at them as they continued to avoid getting blasted.

"Monkey king, you gotta do something!". Mk exclaimed.

"So, yeah, I'd love too, but I kinda sorts of used the last bit of my power getting this". Monkey king held up the map.

"You've got to be kidding me". Min said.

Mk spoted macaque vehicle that continued to fire as the trio tried their best to avoid them. Macaque laughed and pulled a lever before his vehicle disappeared onto the stormi clouds. His voice began to echo.

"Oohooh, looking a little banged up there monkey king. The kid too. Even the hybrid. Looks like our old friend the lady bone demon really did a number on you guys". Macaque laughed.

"So what? You're her puppet now? I mean, makes sense. You did always have a sidekick kind of vibe". Monkey king smirked, earning him a mad look from min, knowing this was no time to joke around.

The trio quickly fell to the ground when macaque flew over them and took off to the sky. He quickly gets off his ride and charged at wukong, as mk screeched. The monkeys began to fight as macaque pinned a grunting wukong to the ground.

Macaque laughed. "You know me, there's a new player in town. I'm just feeling out which one is on the winning side".

A piece of debris was suddenly thrown at macaque from behind but he quickly catches it and kicked wukong away before turning around to face min in her kitsune form glaring at him.

"Nice try, princess".

"That was only a warning shot". Min took a fighting stance.

"Min, no! You have no idea what he's capable of". Wukong said, about to get up to help her but macaque snapped his fingers and his shadow clones appeared and pinned wukong to the ground.

"Aw, relax wukong. Besides, I'm actually looking forward to see what she's made of". Macaque smirked, as min narrowed her eyes at him.

"Trixx, now!".

A glowing light appears out of min's necklace, revealing itself to be trixx, who flew into the air and clapped.

Macaque chuckled amusingly at the place they were now in. "The arena, huh? Someone's been busy".

Trixx flew back into the necklace just in time as min charged at macaque and began throwing punches at him as he cacually avoid them before he threw a punch of his own but min quickly fell backwards and uses her legs to kick him away. He quickly caught himself and glared at min, who pushed herself back up to her feet.

She came at macaque, who used his arms to block her punch as he was slightly being pushed back. He yelled as he pushed her away before he continued to block her punch and kicks. He then kicked her away, but she quickly catches herself from falling off the edge of the arena. She quickly leaped up when macaque charged at her before he followed her. She landed on one of the floating crystals but quickly leaped into the next one when macaque punched it, leaving cracks and a crater, and followed her.

They did this for a few more floating crystals. Min backflips unto the side of one of them then pushed herself towards macaque and the two throw various punches and kicks at each other. Macaque kicked the girl across the arena and flew after her as they continued to throw more hits. Min throws a punch but macaque douge it and tried punching her, only for him to fly away but she quickly caught up to him and got in his front. She throws a punch but macaque blocked it with his wrist. He grunted a bit at how strong the punch was.

He used his wrist to push her fist away but she quickly kneed him in the jaw and hit his head with hers. She then throws a punch at his face but he blocked it with a punch of his own, as he gritted his teeth in anger.

Macaque throws a punch with his free hand but min copy's his trick and blocks it with her wrist. She presses her tails together and throw them to give one big and powerful punch but macaque, who blocks the tails with both hands. Min separated her tails and tried aiming them to stab the dark monkey, who was doing his best to avoid them at a time. He quickly flew into the air to avoid the tails and clasp his hands together then brings it down to smack min, who immediately blocked the attack using her collided wrist. But the force put into it sent her flying back towards the arena at high speed.

She would've crashed and properly destroy most of the arena and ened back on sandy's ship if she didn't caught herself a inch closer to the arena and flew back at the dark monkey, aiming a fist he was prepared for. But what came as a shock was when she suddenly disappeared in flames and reappeared behind a shocked macaque that didn't have time to turn around before he was punched in the face and sent flying back. Min flew after him, but macaque reacted fast and connected their fingers together as they both tried to push the other with all their strength will gritting their teeth and growling.

They both powered up energy in their hands and blasted each other. But they quickly caught themselves in midair, glaring at each other.

"Why are you doing this, macaque?".

"What? Jealous your own mother thinks I'm more better than you?".

"She is not my mother and never will be!". Min snapped. "Ever since the day I met you, you've hated me for some reason and I don't understand why?! . . . But now I do. And it's because of guang xuming, isn't it?".

Macaque rolled his eyes. "Congratulations, princess. What gave it away?". He asked sarcastically.

Min growled at him in annoyances before sighing and looked down. "You and monkey king used to be friends, but ever since she came into the picture you felt left out. Not only because sun wukong was stronger than you, but you felt replaced as his number one partner in crime by xuming. She knew that if this went on any longer, it could cause trouble and she didn't want that. So she wanted to get to know you better and know that you're not being replace because she didn't want any trouble and wanted to be your friend. She had many regrets in her life before she died, macaque. But what she regretted the most . . . Was not getting to be your friend".

Min looked at macaque that had a speechless look on his face. He knew that guang xuming always wanted to befriend him but he would always refuse because of envy and anger and . . . Fear. He was actually afraid to be her friend.

"But I'm hear now". Min spoke, snapping macaque out of his thoughts. "And just like her, I would love to be your friend and make peace with you, macaque. There's good in you, I know there is. You just need a friend to help you find it".

She smiled as she slowly floated over to the surprised monkey demon and held out a hand to him. Macaque looked at her held our hand in shock and slowly felt his hand raising. Min waited patiently in delight, thinking that things were finally going to change for the better.

Macaque smirked. "You poor fool".

Min gasp before she was hit across the cheek where her scar was and she crashed with a loud thud on the arena, making the whole place to shatter and she was now back on sandy's ship. She layed on the ground and touched her cheek but it hurt so much that she let out a loud scream in pain.

"Min!". Sun wukong cried, wanting to get up her help her but the shadow clones were just too strong.

Macaque then landed in front of her, the smirk still on his lips. "Silly hybrid. You seriously thought a little sub story was gonna get me to join hands and became friends with you? You're more pathetic than I thought".

"Get away from her!". Mk yelled, jumping into the air with the metal bar, aiming it to strike macaque where he stands.

The black monkey just continued to smirk. He turned around and grabbed mk by the throat. "Not smart, bud".


"The three of you are such a mess. Can't imagine why the bone demon wants me to bring you back". Macaque glared at mk. "Look at you, you're all used up".

MK sneaked a pick at the ship's engine on the wing before macaque raised him up to smack him. But before he could, he quickly let's go of mk and jumps back when a blast of green fire zoom by and destroyed the shadow clones off a startled wukong that almost got it. Macaque turned to see mei glaring at him and with her dragon sword.

He smirked. "Interesting".

He quickly douge some more blast aiming at him as wukong quickly grabbed mk and min over to mei's side to avoid getting them hurt while macaque lands on the ship's railing.

"You wanna get to my monkey and fox, you gotta get through me first!". Mei yelled, pointing her thumb at herself.

"Ah, you must be the dragon girl I've heard so little about". Macaque walked on the railing before jumping back on board. "Little girl, you can shoot me all you want. It won't do you any good".

He slowly walks towards them as mei got defensive with her sword. Mk got in front of his friends, shrugging.

"Maybe not, but, hay, if you wanna make an omelette, sometimes you gotta break a few engines".

Everyone looked at the monkey boy in confusion and sweetdrop.

"Uh, what?".

"What does that even mean?".

MK got embarrassed. "I-i don't know! I thought it's be cool! Just . . . Whatever!".

He throws the bar at macaque, who just casually douged it.

"Woah! Didn't see that one coming". He smirked.

His smirked dropped when he heard a crash and turned to see the metal bar had crashed into the ship's engine as it starts sparking before an explosion was made, and the ship turns and macaque screams as he falls off the ship.

Min yells as she sildes from the tilted ship until she felt a hand grabbing her ankle just in time, making her to look up and see mei holding until her ankle and her sword stabbed against the ship. She then spotted mk yelling and sliding down but she quickly swingged her body towards him.

"Hang on, mk!". Min yelled, before grabbing the panicked teenage boy by the hands and he hangs on tightly.

Monkey king catches himself on the railing and looks at mk. "Kid, why did you-".

"Uh, well, yeah. I was trying to do you in the omelette story. Do the weird, impulsive monkey king thing, and escape the bad guy". Mk exclaimed.

"But I mean, nezha ain't really a bad guy but". Wukong shmighed. "Did you forget about the part where I got really hurt?".

Another explosion was made and mk yelled before hugging min in fear, making a huge amount of red to appear on her face. The ship caught on fire and began falling down from the sky until they saw the blue ocean below them.

"Brace yourself!!!". Min yelled, before the ship made contact with the water.

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