Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius...

By wingardium_leviOsaR

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Lily Potter dreamed of going to Hogwarts and being in Gryffindor. But the time comes for her to go to Hogwart... More

Part 1: A Potter? In Slytherin? No way!
Part 2: Everything's changing
Part 3: Gryffindor's versions of Slytherin's
Part 4: Playing Dirty
Part 5: Family advice
Part 6: The Quidditch cup tension
Part 7: The end of the beginning
Part 8: Malfoy Manor
Part 9: A Slytherin Dinner
Part 10: A New year
Part 11: A Snake in the Lions' den
Part 12: Win, or Die trying
Part 13: Tension Rising
Part 14: The good, bad or shocking news
Part 15: Guilty cheaters can't handle the truth
Part 16: A Slytherin in Gryffindor's colors
Part 17: Boys are gross! Right?
Part 18: Who said summer school wasn't fun?
Part 19: People changing with time
Part 20: Don't mess with Slytherin's girl
Part 21: When September ends
When September ends. Pt.2
Part 23: Curiosity never killed the snake
Part 24: How unfair life can be
Part 25: Taking a stand
Part 26: The close to perfect first date
Part 27: The omen of a bad day
Part 28: And down goes Potter, broom and all
Part 29: Too much drama for one break
Part 30: Punk rock princess
Part 31: Friends, Boyfriends and Crushes
Part 32: Time's almost up
Part 33: New member to the Weasley clan
Part 34: A circle of magic
Part 35: Crossing the line
Part 36: The clean Potter name
Part 37: Guess who's coming over
Part 38: Enough is Enough
Part 39:Making new windows
Part 40: Bad, bad girlfriend
Part 41: High Society Girl
Part 42: A Selfish-Princess
Part 43: Lily Luna and nothing more
Part 44: A life changing party
Part 45: Match made in heaven
Part 46: Be proud of your father
Part 47:Best Birthday ever
Part 48: Which family is mine?
Part 49: The good in the bad
Part 50:Don't Fade away
Part 51: A light of you own
Part 52: How to look like a Slytherin
Part 53: Front page material
Part 54: Full of guilt and full of love
Part 55: Blacking out the guilt
Part 56: Glad you're well, Lily Luna
Part 57: Cracks in family foundation
Part 58: Understanding Yourself
Part 59: Christmas break the Malfoy way
Part 60: No man better
Part 61: From troublemaker to peace maker
Part 62: Our cousins, Our saviours
Part 63: One down, hundred to go
Part 64: The trials of undying love
Part 65: The damages of rivalry
Part 66: Undetectable changes
Part 67: Changes Raising Tensions
Part 68: Perfect Ideas
Part 69: Daddy's perfect little girl
Part 71: Like a game of chess
Part 72: An outside victory
Part 73: A job for a Weasley
Part 74: Out with the old, in with the new
Part 75: Taking advantage of time
Part 76: Change in the air
Part 77: The father and the boyfriend
Part 78: Checkmate
Part 79: Good changes and Bad changes
Part 80: The lines of maturity and self awareness
Part 81: Dealing with emotions and questions
Part 82: Live with what you do
Part 83: Union and Reunions
Part 84: Too mature for 16
Part 85: A dream to nightmare
Part 87: Giving and taking advice
Part 88: When something isn't right
Part 89: When something isn't right
Part 91: The invisible targets
Part 92: A generations mistake
Part 93:Stopping a repeat in time
Part 94: The impossible
Part 95: The changes of growing up
Part 96: Ready or not we are moving forward
Part 97: Life in future together
Part 98: A promise kept
Part 99 : Decisions always ride on shoulders
Part 100: Now begins the end
Part 101: Smile
Part 102: Lessons of life
Part 103: A two year wait
Part 104: The way of game
Part 105: When tables are turned
Part 106: The responsibility of a sister
Part 107: People change as life continues
Part 108: The reasons why we do
Part 108: Counting down time
Part 109:Beginning of something new and familiar
Part 110:The different forms of bravery
Part 111: The Potter siblings' secrets
Part 112: Reasons to worry
Part 113:Shadows Looming Over
Part 114:Dealings with pregnancies
Part 115:The unpredictability of life
Part 116: When you're no longer hurting
Part 117:Old life and new life
Part 118: And life goes on
The Outtakes

Part 70: Heart to heart

395 6 1
By wingardium_leviOsaR

"Lily, are you listening to me?" Lola's voice was sharp and slightly annoyed.

Lily blinked a few times and looked over at her best friend. She was staring at Lily with a raised brow and annoyed frown. Lily sighed. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Lola rolled her eyes. "You and I have only been talking for no longer than ten minutes, and you've spaced off at least fifteen times!"

Lily ran a hand through her hair. The two girls were sitting in the common room during their morning break. Books were opened, giving the illusion to studying, but really they'd simply been talking about anything but academics.

"I'm sorry, but I've still got that whole meeting between the governors in my mind," Lily admitted.

"Lily, that was days ago. What could still be bothering you? We've taken the correct and thorough precautions to keep from being shut down," Lola replied.

Lily bit her lip, debating on admitting what was bothering her. "You might think it sounds ridiculous," she retorted.

"Try me," Lola countered.

Lily looked at her friend, who looked firmly concerned. The firm look was in her expression, the concern in her eyes. Lily hesitated, but she knew that Lola was always willing to listen until all was said and done. "Well, it's the whole thing about Albus giving them information about me," she told Lola.

"What about it?" Lola asked.

Lily sighed. "Well, considering everything, it shouldn't surprise me . . . but it does! And it bothers me! I mean . . . something that personal . . . something that was between only our family? I mean with how bad things are, I wouldn't go off telling the governors about his tryst in the closet! It just . . . I oddly can't believe that he would give information like that to those people," she ranted quietly.

Lola leaned back into her seat. "That's not ridiculous. I can understand why you feel like this."

"Then can you explain it to me?" Lily requested.

"You and Albus . . . when you two fight, Albus rarely fights himself. The things you've told me, it sounds like he's always telling your dad or James, wanting them to pick his fights. He's rarely approached you on his own. But you two have never flat out told a teacher or someone similar what the other has done. You've kept personal things in your family so far. But the idea that he would release something so personal, when you never would have thought to, is what shocks you," Lola explained. Then she grinned. "Sorry, if that made little sense."

Lily shook her head. "No, I understood. And I guess you're right." Lily paused, then sighed. "So, what do I do about it though? How do I get it out of my mind?"

"Confront him about it," Lola suggested.

"It'll just end up in a big argument," Lily dismissed.

"Then maybe that's what you need. The closure. Either way, you need to understand his reasons if you want to get past this. And whether they're good or bad, you can let it go," Lola replied. "So talk to him."

But that was easier said than done. No matter how she approached it, she would never be able to speak with Albus alone. He would never accept a note asking to speak one-on-one, and he was always flocked by somebody, whether it was Rose, or Tyler Creevey, or both. Lily knew that she was just going to have to give up and talk to him in front of a hostile group. So, that was what she decided to do . . . but she was bringing a small group of her own, just to stay even.

So when the fifth years in Slytherin, and Hugo, were walking to the Great Hall for lunch, Lily caught sight of Albus, Rose, and Tyler talking in a small cluster up ahead. So she grabbed Shannon and Jace, pulling them aside.

"What's up?" Jace asked.

Lily kept her eyes on the group of three. "Will you two go with me to speak with Albus?" she asked.

They both seemed slightly surprised. "Wow. I would have thought you'd want Hugo with you," Shannon commented.

Lily shook her head. "No. Having Lola or Hugo would spark a fight in Rose. And having Scorpius with me would cause just as much trouble. I just want to speak with him, and I need two people less likely to cause problems with any of them."

"Thanks for thinking of us," Jace joked.

Shannon rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Of course we will. Lead the way."

So Lily led her way to the small group, hesitant by how many people were still walking around the Entrance Hall. But Lily couldn't wait anymore. Lola was right. She needed to get over it and get it out of her head. Even if a hundred students did see it happen.

So it was with her head up high that Lily approached the three seventh years, whose eyes all narrowed with suspicion once they caught sight of her.

But Rose seemed to be the more mature one. "Do you need something?" she asked, her voice tense but cordial.

Lily kept her eyes on Albus. "I need to talk to you," she said to him.

Albus straightened up, as if trying to seem intimidating. "About what?" he demanded.

Lily took a deep breath. She had to keep calm, no matter what he did. Fights would get them in trouble, and it was against her whole "problem fixing" agenda. "About what you've been telling Brunt."

Surprise shone in Albus's eyes, followed by a look that obviously showed that he didn't want to discuss it. "What stuff?" he muttered, now avoiding her eyes.

"About me. Things that were between our family only. About me moving out for example," Lily stated, hating how her throat was tightening with light anger.

Albus scowled. "She asked me how things were over break, so I told her."

"You knew she hated me," Lily said firmly.

"You're being arrogant and paranoid. Everything is always about you," Albus mocked.

Lily stayed firm but calm. "Don't play that with me. Everyone knew that Brunt and I were on opposite ends. Yet you still told her things that she had no business knowing, just like when you started telling Dad things about me and Scorpius," she argued.

"You know, I've told her a lot of things. I tell her the truth. I don't have to contradict and be rude to all authority figures who I disagree with! When she asked me what I thought of a teacher or staff member, I was honest! When she asked me about classes, I was honest! And when she asked about other students, including you, I was honest!" Albus insisted, his voice getting noticeably angrier. And his voice was drawing the eyes of others, making a crowd and causing a scene.

Lily kept her voice steady. "So not only did you betray me, but the whole school. You helped to get Professor Brown fired, and you're still helping Brunt. Even though things are bad, and just about every student here is practically miserable, you're still providing her with anything she wants to know."

Murmurs went around at Lily's words, and people were looking at Albus with either muted surprise, or slight distrust. Albus now looked at Lily, avoiding the crowd's eyes. She could see his embarrassment in his eyes. "What did you want me to do? Lie? I had to tell the truth! I'm Head Boy! I don't lie to the staff or the governors."

Finally, Lily couldn't stop the loss of her calm exterior. It was replaced by disappointment and mockery. And she rolled her eyes and scoffed. "How dramatic. You had to? You know, Grandpa James was Head Boy too, but I bet he kept secrets for his friends. And I'd bet my soul that James lied to teachers occasionally as Head Boy. So do not tell me you had to." She shook her head, already wanting to get away from him. So she turned, and Shannon and Jace turned to leave with her. But as people started to move and let her through, Lily turned to look at Albus once more. And she said once last thing.

"You know, you try to make Slytherins out to be bad guys. But guess what. Peter Pettigrew was a Gryffindor."

Lily hadn't expected the reactions her words to Albus would spark from others. She hadn't expected anyone to care. She hadn't meant for others to assume that Professor Brown was fired because of him. She didn't want people to look at Albus with mistrust. And she never expected people to start calling Albus "Pettigrew" behind his back, and in a few cases, to his face.

"He deserves the name," Scorpius had replied when Lily mentioned it to him. "People get what they deserve. And after what he's done, he's earned that name."

"It's not just his fault that Professor Brown might get replaced," Lily retorted.

"But even after all Brunt has done, even though us students obviously hate how she's running things, Albus is still supplying her with information to help her keep control. He has, in the eyes of some, betrayed Hogwarts," Scorpius argued softly.

But his words didn't help her feel any better. Lily hated that her calm had slipped. She felt as if she'd just put herself ten steps back in her attempts to fix things. So when others called him Pettigrew around her, she simply called him Albus. When he was accused of being a traitor, she stayed quiet. It was obvious to Lily that people expected her to agree when they said those things and practically start a smear campaign against him. According to Hugo, who wasn't scared to tell her, people were finding her silence toward their opinions of Albus "odd." And Lily knew that everyone could tell how moody she was. But they said nothing, and Scorpius simply let her be, explaining that sometimes a person just needed to brood. But Hugo seemed willing to cheer her up.

"Hey, Lily!" Hugo called as Lily began to leave after a JB History of Magic lesson. It was getting close to curfew, so most of the fifth years were hurrying to get to their common rooms.

Lily raised a brow as her cousin approached her. He'd done wonderful explaining about wand legislation. The fact that he was even interested in some of the topics in History of Magic still amazed her.

Hugo was currently grinning like mad. "Once the room checks are done, meet me just outside the castle. The door will be unlocked, trust me," he instructed.

Lily opened her mouth to protest. She wanted to spend the evening with Scorpius like she usually did as of late. But Hugo turned to leave, obviously not taking "no" for an answer.

Scorpius didn't look any happier when she told him, but he didn't try to stop her or argue. "Should I go with?" he asked with concern.

Lily shook her head. "No. Hugo would have told me to bring you. I think he just wants me," she replied.

So Scorpius nodded. Then he smiled softly. "Well, maybe he can get you to feel better." He kissed her forehead. "Don't get caught."

So once the nightly checks were done, and Professors Slughorn and Zabini had left the common room completely, Lily dressed quietly in a pair of dark jeans and a thin green sweater. Just incase it was a little chilly after dark. Then after making sure she had her wand, she left the common room. She was quiet as she walked, and checked every corner before turning down one. She knew that at least one professor and two prefects were assigned to patrol the dungeons. And they were never Slytherin prefects, and it was never Professors Slughorn or Zabini. So she was careful to stay hidden in shadows, and away from open sight. Once she had finally reached the Entrance Hall, she saw that the door was open just a tiny bit. So quickly, she opened it enough to let her slide out, and with a whispered spell, brought it back to a near close.

"'Bout time you got out here," Hugo whispered jokingly. A soft light came over Lily, and she turned to that Hugo's wand was lit at the tip.

Lily lit up her wand as well. "What are we doing out here Hugo?" she asked quietly.

Hugo grinned. "We're taking a walk," he stated. Then he took her wrist and began to pull her down the path.

Lily looked at him with confusion. "A walk? That's what we snuck out here for?"

"Yup," Hugo said simply. But then he elaborated. "When we were little, and one of us got angry, the other always took us up to the tree house, that way we could get away from everything and everyone. Remember?"

Lily nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

Hugo let go of her wrist, and turned to look at her. His hair was shorter, thanks to Lana, and now simply curled around his head, but far enough away from his eyes, which were a shocking blue in the wand light. "So, since we don't really have a tree house out here, I'm taking you to the forest."

Lily raised a brow. "So, to get an escape, we're going out to a forest that could kill us?" she mocked, a grin finally starting to show on her face.

Hugo chuckled. "Not exactly. Remember that place Hagrid took us earlier this year when he showed us the unicorns?"

Lily nodded. "Yeah. It was in the Forbidden Forest."

"Exactly, and he said that thanks to Professor Brown, magic keeps all creatures with dangerous intents and instincts out of that area. That's why he keeps the unicorns there. And I remember where that place is," Hugo told her.

Lily sighed. "Ok, but if something attacks us, I'm blaming you."

"Feel free," Hugo retorted. But they continued down the path, and then turned off toward the forest. It was even darker and eery at night. Lily remembered the stories her father had told her and her brothers about this forest. He'd fought giant spiders, caught sight of Voldemort in his first year, met Hagrid's half-brother, confronted Voldemort, and even sort of died in there. So, what would happen to her in there? Maybe bad luck in the forest would run in the family? But then again, she remembered hearing stories from James about how he'd ventured in there and had come out fine. That had been before she'd gone to Hogwarts.

"Come, it's through here," Hugo said, waving her over. With muted steps, the two took their first steps into the forest, and slowly began to move in deeper.

"You'd better know where you're going," Lily muttered.

"Don't be moody," Hugo quipped casually. "It's not fun."

"I'm not moody," Lily argued.

"Then you would be enjoying this," he countered. "Ah! Here we are!"

He pulled her into an open circle in the trees, and in the soft glow of their wands, Lily could see a unicorn nearby. She smiled at the sight of the beautiful creatures.

Hugo dropped to the ground, and it was then that Lily finally noticed he had his bag with them. He pulled something out from it, and then gave a whispered spell. Lily blinked as a small blue fire appeared before them, blinding her momentarily. It lit up the circle much better than their wands had. Lily watched as Hugo put the flames into a jar, which he closed. They stayed aflame and full of life.

"My mum showed me how to do this years ago," Hugo commented when Lily came to sit by him. "Apparently, she used to do it during the winters at Hogwarts."

"It's pretty cool," Lily told him.

They sat in the silence of the night for a while. They could hear the occasional rustle from the nearby unicorn, and the sounds of other creatures in the night. A wolf howled.

"Werewolf or normal wolf?" Hugo asked calmly.

"Normal wolf. It's not a full moon," Lily pointed out.

Hugo rolled his eyes. "No shit. I mean, how do you tell?"

"I didn't know you brought me out here to quiz me," Lily mocked.

"Answer the damn question."

"Well, if we were to see it, we could tell by its snout, tail, and its pupils," Lily answered with a sigh. They fell silent again, but Lily didn't let it linger. "Hugo, this isn't helping."

"Lil, you can't blame yourself for everything," Hugo retorted. "Yeah, you may have sparked people to start blaming him or calling him Pettigrew, but everyone has their own opinion and mind. They call him that because they believe it. And some don't. Roddy Bella doesn't believe that about Albus. He doesn't call Albus those things. People have their own thoughts, so don't try and control them."

"But he's going to blame me. And it's not going to help me and him fix our problems down the line," Lily replied.

"He'll forget about it by the time that comes. You've even admitted that you probably won't patch things up for years ahead," Hugo said.

Lily rolled the sleeves of her sweater up. There was a cool breeze, but it didn't make her shiver. "I know. But . . . I don't know," she mumbled.

Hugo clapped her on the shoulder. "You worry too much. You can't fix everything, Lily. You need to focus on one at a time. And right now, us students need you to focus on running JB and helping to get Professor Brown back," he told her. "So no pressure!"

Lily cracked a smile as he laughed lightly. "I guess," she whispered.

Hugo looked at her with a sympathetic and comforting gaze. "Cuz, it took years to make some of these problems. It might take years to fix them. So don't rush it, because you'll just fuck it up."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Thanks," she muttered.

"Any time," Hugo teased.

Lily bit her lip for a moment, her mind trying to stop swirling, and trying to focus on one thing. "You know, the reason I wanted to go to Hogwarts so much when I was little wasn't because Albus and James got to go first."

"I always wanted to go because Teddy got to," Hugo joked. But he was looking at Lily with a serious look, urging her to continue.

Lily wet her lips. "For years, my dad had always told me the greatest stories about Hogwarts. And our parents always brought up fun and adventurous times. Dad would tell me about how Hogwarts was like a home to him. That it was the greatest place he'd known. That defending it in the Final Battle, was like defending his home, and he had no regrets coming back to save everyone here," she explained. "After those stories, I always knew that this was going to be a special and fantastic place for me. That it would be like a home to me too. That I would do what I could to protect it." Lily scoffed and chuckled. "Sure, not like my dad had to. But from smaller things, like what we're doing now. And even though I may not be a Gryffindor, I'd like to think I'm as loyal as my dad."

"I think you're even with your dad on the loyalty scale," Hugo assured.

"Even after what's happened between me and James and Albus?" Lily retorted.

"Our parents have had fights. Like when our dads apparently avoided my mum that one year at Hogwarts," Hugo pointed out. "But in the end, they came together. Even loyalty has its faults, and sometimes we fall into them."

Lily sighed. "Yeah, I guess."

A more tranquil silence fell between them. Lily's thoughts still whirled around their conversation. It was true. It had been her father's stories about Hogwarts that had really made Lily fall in love with the magical castle. It had been his love that had made Lily so eager to go and see it for herself.


"James?" young six-year-old Lily called down from her tree house. She was laying on the wooden floor, her head resting on her arms, looking down at her brothers below, who were playing in the yard.

Nine-year-old James was attempting to polish his broom, which was old and beat up. He'd had it since he was six, and it was too small for him. But he refused to give it away to Albus. "What is it?" James called back.

"Do you think that when we go to Hogwarts, we'll have as many adventures as Daddy did?" Lily asked.

Eight-year-old Albus scoffed as he played with his Chocolate Frog cards. "That's a dumb question," he mocked. "Of course we won't. Dad's time at Hogwarts was during the war. His whole life was full of adventures."

"It's not stupid!" Lily argued. "And he wasn't in the middle of a war until his fifth year. That's over half of his time at Hogwarts!"

But James looked up at Lily. "I think we will, Lily," he told her.

Lily smiled at her brother's agreeing with her. But also at the possibility that he was right. "Really?"

James put down his broom and stood up. He began climbing up to the tree house while Albus pouted in the grass. "Well, yeah." James pulled himself into the tree house. He sat, letting his feet hang over the edge. "Dad said that Hogwarts was full of excitement, magic, and adventure. So, that means every day will be an adventure for us there. Just because it's not war, doesn't mean it won't be an adventure to us."

Lily smiled brighter. "You're my favorite brother, Jamie," she told him.

James grinned. "Well you're my favorite sibling, Lil."

End of Flashback

James had been right. Every day was an adventure at Hogwarts, in a different way. From drama, to school governors, to family issues, to relationships . . . Hogwarts was full of adventures. And even if it was hard, Lily knew she wouldn't want Hogwarts to change anymore, and wanted it the way it was supposed to be.

"You know, before you and I started hanging out again, I always felt a lot of pressure. I was always a little afraid," Hugo said quietly.

Lily looked over at him. "What was there to be afraid of?"

"Well, after you were Sorted, and after the fight . . . I started thinking about how on the train, the others all said that you and I were the two most Gryffindor of anyone. And I always used to think that you were more like a Gryffindor than I was. After you were Sorted . . . I began to think 'That could have been me' and then I would be an outcast like they had done to you," Hugo admitted. "I was afraid that if I were to ever do something wrong or something they didn't like, then they'd hate me."

"So, you feared being where you are now?" Lily teased.

Hugo chuckled. "Basically. I was terrified of it. It's mainly why I always used to fight with you. If I fought with you, then they would think I belonged in Gryffindor. But . . . as I grew up, I noticed that you never seemed to care. You were happy the way you lived. It looked so . . . cool," he joked weakly.

"And?" Lily urged him to continue.

"I wanted it too. I was tired of just being a . . . a lackey. I wanted to do some of the cool things that you were doing. Dyeing your hair, getting piercings, wearing awesome clothes, going to parties, and just having fun. No one's age seemed to matter with you guys. You treated first years like you treated seventh years. First years weren't afraid to look small next to a sixth year, and seventh years had no problem helping out a younger student. You guys were just . . . cool," Hugo finished. He chuckled with a blush. "Maybe that sounds kinda lame."

Lily smiled. "No, it doesn't. It is kind of funny how perfect you make us Slytherins seem."

"Everything looks perfect when what you're in sucks," Hugo muttered.

Lily nodded in understanding. "I can agree with that. I think that's why I connected with Draco and Astoria so easily. Other people's parents are always cooler," she teased. "But, I think that's why I connected with others in the House so easily as well. It substituted for you guys not being with me. And now . . . we're just like a family."

"You guys take care of each other," Hugo agreed. "You take care of me."

"James never did that?" Lily asked.

"He did. But it was different. I never felt like it was really for my benefit. He always had some group of guys, or a bunch of girls swooning around him. It was like he was showing off. Playing a caring older cousin role for his fans. That's why I tried my best to take care of myself," Hugo replied. "Or I'd get help from Louis. I mean, Rose would just give some lecture, Dom scared me back then, and Molly would be a hassle."

"Well, you've got us now. And we've got you," Lily assured.

Hugo chuckled and ran a hand over his face. "Damn, I'm sorry, Lil. I brought you out here to help you feel better, not dump my past troubles on ya."

Lily smiled. "I do feel better, Hugo."

Hugo raised a brow. "Really?"

She nodded. "Talking with my best friend always makes me feel better." Lily looked over at him. "Maybe that's why we were able to click back together so well."

Hugo grinned. "Like, fate saw how badly we were doing without each other? So it pushed us back?"

"I think we're meant to help each other out in life," Lily said. "And I like it this way."

"So do I, Cuz. So do I."

"So, what's the subject about tonight?" Shannon asked vaguely, incase someone was listening.

It was breakfast in the Great Hall, and most kids were waiting for the arrival of mail. But Lily was too hungry to worry about it.

"Divination," Lily answered. "We're getting to electives this week."

"Mail's here," Jace commented as an owl screeched. As soon as his words were said, dozens of owls flew into the Great Hall, all carrying different varieties of mail and deliveries. But one particular owl caught Lily's eyes. She dropped her fork onto her plate, and her heart began to beat with adrenaline.

"Hades!" she murmured with surprise. And she watched as Professor Brown's owl circled the Great Hall, before turning and swiftly gliding down towards her. He landed neatly on the Slytherin table, a letter in his beak. Lily took it from him, and then handed him a small piece of her toast. He took it quickly and then took off again. Lily felt her shoulders slump. Did he not want a response? She quickly opened the envelope and tore out the letter.

"Dear Lily Luna,

I hope that you are doing well. I've been receiving copies of Hogwarts's newspaper, and I read about the JB Study Group. I was sure that it was due to you. I can't tell you how honored and flattered I am. Thank you.

I've been traveling with my brother Gabriel around the continent. It's actually quite fun, although I really miss the stability of simply staying at Hogwarts. But I hope that things are going well. I'm sorry that I don't have much to write to you, but I thought that I would write something. You deserve it.

Stay out of trouble,

Jacob Dwayne Brown"

Lily smiled as she read the letter. Sure, it wasn't much. But the fact that he wrote to her was enough. What was sad was that he didn't show much hope of coming back. Otherwise, why would he be going all over the continent? But then again, maybe he didn't want to worry over it? Maybe he was trying to distract himself? Lily wasn't sure what to think.

"Lily Potter?"

Lily turned and then cringed and tensed to see Rita Skeeter standing behind her, a photographer standing with her. Lily swallowed her bite of toast, her throat feeling tight and dry. "Um, Ms. Skeeter. What a surprise."

Skeeter chuckled. "I know, I know. But with all that changes here at Hogwarts, parents are concerned, and they want to know what's happening. So I came to get the story. And Marigold Brunt told me you would be just the one to talk to!"

Lily took a quick and discreet glance at the staff table, and instantly noticed five pairs of eyes looking at her. She looked back at Rita Skeeter. "Um, well when would you like have a talk?"

"Right now, if you don't mind?" Rita said with an almost cruel and eager grin.

Lily sighed. Getting her words twisted was the last thing she felt like going through so early. Brunt most likely told Rita Skeeter to talk to her just so that she could be slandered. Brunt probably hoped that Rita would make her look better . . . the idea hit her like lightening!

Lily grinned as she stood up and grabbed her things. "Of course, of course. Um, where should we go?"

"I know just the place, follow me," Rita told her. So Lily did. She stuffed Jacob's letter into her bag and followed behind Rita Skeeter and her photographer. Lily followed her all the way to the gargoyle that protected the headmaster's office.

"Success," Rita Skeeter stated, and the gargoyle moved to show the stairs. Lily hesitated as the two adults got on the stairs. Did she really want to see how Heyes had changed the office? How he had ruined the room that held her last memory of Jacob. But she still stepped onto the stairs, and waited as they brought the three of them up.

When Rita Skeeter threw open the doors, Lily immediately looked around her. It was empty except for the figures in the portraits. Two chairs sat in the middle of the room, and Rita dragged her over to them. Lily looked around. The room was so . . . blah. It was boring. All the interesting and fun things Jacob had placed around the room were gone. And Heyes hadn't attempted to brighten up the empty room. Lily sighed as she sat down. Perhaps that was a good sign. Heyes wasn't risking getting everything settled at the chance of Jacob getting his job back.

"So, Lily," Rita Skeeter smiled slyly as she looked at Lily. She pulled her signature quill and pad out, which levitated and was poised to write on its own. "Shall we start?"

"What would you like to know?" Lily asked.

"I hear that a large study group has been created for the fifth years who will be taking their O.W.L.s this year. Can you tell me anything?" Rita Skeeter asked.

Lily sighed. She should have expected that. Of course Brunt would hint that to Skeeter. She would want to see if Lily really was the start of it. "Well, it's just a way for us to help each other study and prepare for our exams this year. With how often the governors have kept the library and our resources closed off from us, we worry," she answered.

"And who was the creator of this group?" Skeeter asked.

"Professor Jacob Brown," Lily stated firmly.

"But, what students did he enlist to help set it up after he was gone?" Skeeter elaborated.

"Well, we don't know. Us fifth years all received notes of how it would work, and then we just started. No one has come forth and said that they were the ones to send the notes," Lily lied. Then she leaned forward, pretending to be coy with a secret. "Actually, some of us think that it was even Professor Brown that sent them, just before he left."

Rita Skeeter winked. "Really?"

Lily nodded. Then she put her plan into motion. "So, you're here to find out what we think of the governors and the new headmaster and such?"

"That's my goal," Rita said with a smile.

"Well, I could possibly get you a line of interviews from fellow fifth years and even older and younger students from all Houses," Lily offered. "If you're willing to come back tomorrow?"

Rita Skeeter's eyes lit up and anticipation. "Could you really?"

Lily nodded. "Of course. How many would you like me to get?"

Rita tapped her chin. "Well, could you get me two from each year and House?" she requested.

Lily smiled cordially. "Of course I can."

"Ok, ok everyone settle down and come sit back around the middle," Randy called as the Divination lesson ended. The students that had been studying while the lesson went on came back over to the middle. Once everyone was seated, a silence settled over them all, full of curiosity.

"Ok, Lily's got some awesome news," Hugo said with a grin.

Lily smiled. She had already told the other three about her news. "Well, I was approached by Rita Skeeter today. And I have every reason to believe that Brunt sent her to me with the intention of finding out more on our group."

"She can't shut us down, can she?" Sydney Quirke said with worry.

"Now, don't worry," Lily assured them. "I sort of lied." She explained to them on what she'd told Skeeter about their group. "So, we need to keep up that lie, ok?" She got a large round of agreement, so she continued. "Now, there's something else. I've convinced Skeeter to come back tomorrow to interview two students from each year, from each House, on what we think about the changes."

"So, we can basically bash Brunt?" Peter Chambers said with a laugh.

Lily smiled. "Basically. She wants honesty, and she's going to twist our words anyways. So let's give her what she wants," she told them.

"But, who will do the interviews?" Hannah Bella asked.

"Well, that's what we want to discuss with you guys. Now, Rita Skeeter has told me that she can't guarantee that she might not be able to talk about or quote everyone that she interviews, but that she will make sure that her readers get the gist of how we all feel. So, it comes down to how we choose who she will interview."

"We thought about having another vote," Jaclyn told them

"You four should be the ones," Craige Preece replied.

"No. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. And we've thought that if we don't interview, it will seem less likely that we're helping to lead this group," Hugo retorted.

"Well, then your four should pick," Matt Cornfoot told them. "I mean, you guys know us well."

"We know each other well," Lily countered. "That's why we're all going to vote, even the four of us." With a simple thought, paper, quills, and ink appeared by everyone.

"So write down someone's name, and then bring it up to us," Hugo instructed.

Lily sighed as she waited for everyone to vote for their choices after she had put hers in. This vote took longer than the voting for the four leaders. Hugo looked just as bored as she felt while waiting.

Once everyone had finally brought their votes forward, the four leaders began to sort them and count them all.

"Ok, so those speaking for Ravenclaw fifth years are Peter Chambers and Tara Epcot," Randy announced.

"Gryffindors will be Clay Angel and Connie Wood," Hugo told them.

Jaclyn cleared her throat. "Jake Cauldwell and Summer Vane will speak for Hufflepuff."

Lily smiled. "And for Slytherin, it will be Xavier Avery and Izzy Bones." She looked around at them all. "Ok, so the interviews are going to be spread throughout the day by years. First years will go first, and so on. Now, fifth years will be speaking with Rita Skeeter during our fourth class, so I recommend getting notes copied for our speakers. You guys will be given notes to excuse you guys from those classes. Professors Longbottom and Slughorn will be giving them to your teachers tomorrow morning, as soon as we give them your names."

"So, what about the kids in the other years? How will they be decided?" Crystal Shakes asked.

"Well, since we can't exactly vote or have them vote, the four of us will be choosing candidates," Randy explained.

"So, is that all?" Stacy Finnigan asked. "Are we done for the night?"

Lily grinned humorlessly. "Well, you guys are, yeah."

As usual, the four waited until all the others in the room had left before relaxing. The room changed to accommodate the four of them. A small table and four comfy chairs appeared. They all sat down and looked at each other.

"Anyone else get the feeling that this is going to be a long night?" Hugo joked.

Lily nodded. "Yeah, but at least at the end of this night, we'll be closer to a victory."

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