Stone Cold K*ller

Galing kay minxyjee

9.7K 352 271


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chaper 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
prologue-epilogue part 1

chapter 33

162 8 11
Galing kay minxyjee

Sienna Stone

It's late morning when I awake from deep sleep, the best sleep I must say. Last night had me deeply exhausted especially when Nicolai kept his word on 'making it up to me'. He gave two more orgasms with his mouth while he sat on his chair in the shower and I leaning toward him with my hands on his shoulders, gasping and moaning. Well, that was right after we argued for a good minute about him complaining on how hot I like my water. So we had our first martial banter and then met half way when turned the temp down a little for him.

Now awake I reach for his side of the bed only to find out his side is empty and cold.

He probably had business to take care of this morning. Kind of bummed he didn't wake me though.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to freshen up for today. I have decided to go to town since it's Christmas Eve after all. So I fix my hair in a high ponytail with loose curls at the end of my hair. Must some makeup on and a nude lip shade. I've notice some thing different about my face in the reflection. Maybe it's a sex glow like they would say to pregnant women, that they look like their 'glowing'. Who knows.

I picked out my outfit for today. It's a one piece black silky crisscross backless, eyelash lace trimmed, satin, cami night dress.

It's short, almost too short if I bend down, but I won't be doing any of that today...I'm going shopping.

Matching lacy black heels to top off the look I make my way out of the bathroom and out the bedroom towards Nicolais' Den. He may be cooped up in there.

Maybe I should have knocked or have had someone call him because as soon as I open the door I freeze.

Well then.

Nico is leaning back on his chair behind his desk, a shot glass of I'm assuming vodka is hand tilted slightly in mid air as if he was about to down it but had stopped because of my unannounced presence standing at the door. About five men in suits are standing around with their eyes on me.

Nico proceeds downing his shot glass of clear liquid and places in on his desk, a eery silence follows after the tiny click of the empty glass.

Jutting my chin out in confidence I walk in still feeling eyes on me but don't let bother me, my eyes stay on my husband when I reach around and plop my ass on the edge of his desk beside him. His eyes check out my bare legs and follow all the way up to my low cut, "I'm in a meeting." He says, blue eyes finally meeting my face.

"I need a ride to go to town for last minute arons." I tell him placing my hand atop his knee and lean closer to him, "maybe Dimitri or Don can take me?"

"They are busy today. I'll assign some men to take you, but what arons are you talking about?" He grips my wrist to stop my hand from sliding further down his thigh, "behave, darling." He chastises me with my dirty intentions.

I pout my bottom lip not really wanting to tell what these arons truly are or it would be pointless so I tell him a little white lie, "I need my own shampoo and--" shit I wasn't good at making up stuff on the whim, "condoms, need lots of those." I lamely say. Hearing a couple of coughs behind me from the men.


No? He just said no...


He cuts me off, narrowing his eyes and pulling me towards him. So now I'm on my knees between his legs behind his desk as he looks down on me, grabbing ahold of my chin and forcing me to look up at him, "you can go do your little arons. But let me say this with clear intentions. We are not using condoms. I will personally make you regret suggesting us using them. That pussy is mine and you will not deprive me of feeling you bare." He mutters down at me.

My face heats up knowing his men heard every word he just said to me, "okay." I say. What else is there to say to that? Other than my body burning for him right now.

He helps me up and fixes my short dress before patting my butt from the side. I look around seeing as the men are now looking anywhere but over here, "don't be gone long and here..." he reaches in his desk and grabs a phone before he offers it to me, "it has mine and the twins numbers on it. I told you I'd make it up to you." He says.

I thought the orgasms in the shower was what he was talking about.

I smile feeling giddy, clapping my hands and jump up and down in excitement, "oh my god! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I shriek and grab his face to kiss him. He seemed startled at first by my outburst but then melts into my lips as he kisses me back, "mmm thank you, Papi." I whisper hotly into the kiss.

He groans lowly before pulling us apart and sighs heavily wiping his lips with the back of his hand. Leaning back on his chair, Nico checks me out one more time with his eyes on my legs to my eyes, "if I catch anybody gawking at my wife again you will be personally involved with my thumbs gouging your eyes out." He threatens his men in the room with a lethal baritoned voice.

I bite my lip to contain my smile before whirling around to leave but then it occurred to me that I forgot something!

Turning back I open my mouth but close it.

Nico is still leaned back in his chair but one of his arms are propped up with his elbow on the armrest, his hand up with a familiar gold Amex card thats between two fingers. His eyes are still on his men when I reach and pluck the card out of his grasp, "I'll try not to spend all your money, caro."

As I walk to the door with my back to him, "the card has no limit."

"I know." I call out before shutting the door behind me.

When I walk down the stairs I see that he is quick with his communications as there are already men waiting down the lobby. Two men who I have no idea who they are. At least they aren't the same men as last time and ecstatic for it only being two men.

I pocket the phone and Amex card in my purse which was hanging on the coat rack by the front door. The men didn't so much as speak when we make it to a car. Both of them sitting in the front and me alone in the back. Silence envelopes us and it is killing me, "I would like to go to three places in mind please."

When I tell them we head into town.

It was at a 30 minute drive so I bring my new phone out and see what's on it.

Nothing really, but that will change. I start adding apps like Tiktok, Instagram, kindle and most importantly crunchyroll.

Then upon doing so I decide to text my hubs even though I just seen him moments ago.

'Would you like anything from town?'

I thought he may have ignored me or left me on read until he finally responds back.

'No.' -Nicolai

He needs to learn to say anything other than no.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm busy at the moment.' -Nicolai

'Fine. Old man.'

'Old man? Say that to my face baby and see what that mouth gets.' -Nicolai

I smile before texting a couple of emojis back to him.

He texted back less than a second, 'what are those?'

'Figure it out, old man.'

'It looks like fruit and a vegetable, does that mean you are hungry?' -Nicolai

I laugh, 'almost in town. I won't be long.'

I guess being a Mafia Boss you kind of still live in the dark ages. Which I assume is because he is busy building an army and Empire. I imagine it'll be easy for enemies to come and find him and kill him if he made a tiktok video. I talk to him about young generation stuff, he is clueless sometimes.

When we reach a familiar street I point out to the driver, "that bakery over there." He turns and pulls in just a block away from it. We all get out and the two men follow me from behind, my heel clicking against the side walk with my purse clutched by my side. The chilly air assaults my bare skin but I push through and make my way to the bakery.

It's familiar to me because Greta always comes here to get Christmas pastries before Christmas.

I walk in hearing the door bells ring upon my entrance. A couple people walking about looking at fresh baked bread and pies, but my eyes keep looking and looking. Until I realize I need to be careful with these men with me.

"You both stay while I look around."

To my utter astonishment they complied, maybe because it is after all just a bakery and what could possibly go wrong?

As I look around more walking in small ilses I come close to knocking over some stuff when I wasn't paying any attention. When my eyes land on an elderly woman who is staring at a package of bagels, I realize it is Greta.

Something vulnerable tugs at my heart strings when she looks over and sees me standing here. Her eyes flash and face pales as if she'd seen a ghost.

I get closer to her, "Greta." I whisper her name with a smile.

I'm so happy to see her to a point of almost breaking into tears but muster the feeling away.

She looks around anxiously before meeting my eyes, "you shouldn't have came here."


"You should leave." She spits out, eyes narrowing and lips sneering, "you are a disappointment to the Galeon name. You leave us to marry our enemies? You should be ashamed."

What? What the hell?

I've never seen this side of Greta, never, "how do you know I'm married?" I ask, voice low.

She scoffs, "you'd think the Nicolai Stone we know would scare you into his trap, but no. You are just naive and a brat and wanted the first man you see."

Her words hit like a bullet, "wait. What are you talking about--"

"You marrying him to spite your father. Word gets around fast with a video of you and Nicolai in a ring shop. Have you no idea what you make the Galeons look like?" Greta demands.

I open my mouth to refute but she wouldn't let me speak, "and marrying a crippled bastard who is almost as old enough to be your father is by rumors possibly into sharing his women because he can't even get it up, disgusting!"

Okay, that is enough!

I take a threatening step close to her and point a finger in her brittle face, "you listen here you rancid old hag. First, I am no Galeon, never was. Oh but you knew that huh? Second, my husband treats me better than any of you ever did. All yall did was manipulated me since I was a child, which reminds me, send my regards to the family therapist." I give her a wicked evil smile, "believe me when I tell you Nicolais' age doesn't stop me from wanting him. And for the record, my husband's cock is none of your concern but since you brought it up..."

Greta's face is all red and angry when I continue, "...he can fuck just fine. Now nice to catch up," I turn around and leave the last remaining thread I had for any part of the Galeons.

I had believed Greta was my second mother all these years, how she helped raised me as her own. But now, everything seems to be out of focus and rewritten into something that I feel will be an ugly truth.

I walk out of the store fuming as the two men follow me which makes me angrier because they are literally up my ass. So I stop spin around and stomp my heel, "my god! If you are going to follow me at least give me space!"

Both men stare at me with wide eyes and shocking expressions to my tantrum, "sorry, Mrs Stone." They both simultaneously say at once.

Now I feel bad, "ugh, just...look I'm sorry. I-I think it's almost that time of the month." I explain. It's true it should be coming at the end of this month.

They both nod hesitatently before I turn around and continue down the street feeling my face flush with heat. When we make it to the car I tell them the next stop and then the next.

Finally after shopping and getting all that I planned to get we go back home.

Still angry from earlier from what Greta had dared say to me about my husband I get out of the car, tell the two men to put the shopping bags in a room two doors down our room for me to mess with later. I march up the ramp to the front door and make my way through it.

*Play music now called 'the best I ever had,' by Limi

That's when I see Donovon walking down the stairs, "where is he?" I ask in haste.

Don frowns, "um, still in his Den with his meeting. Why?"

I ignore him passing by him on the stairs then strut down the hallway. As soon as I get to the door of his Den. I barge in and blurt out the first thing that came to mind, "everyone out!" I shout.

I needed to clear the room some how. But, they just looked at me like an odd anomaly that they couldn't understand.

Nicolai slowly places some papers down on his desk, raising an eyebrow my way. All the men in this room stopped what they were doing and freezes in place. The room falls so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

He moves his cane from his side and gets up off his chair, "Sienna, is there a reason you are ordering my men--"

"If any one of you want to stay and watch me fuck my husband on his desk then by all means." I announce with seriousness to everyone in the room.

Nico's grip tightens on his cane, eyes simmering when he stares at me. I walk towards him with a sultry smile.

The Pahkan shouts, "everyone out."

He sure knew how to clear a room because as soon as he said that, it was like a vanishing act before the door clicks shut behind the men. Ouch, kind of hurt my ego there.

I get close to him as he towers over me, just how I needed him when I start my act.

I never done this obviously but I used to have sick fantasies--blame it on books I've read. But I always wanted to do role play--actually I think it's foreplay now that I think about it but anyway.

I place an open palm on his chest, looking up beneath my lashes looking all innocent, "my daddy thinks I should be ashamed for hanging out with such a mean man like you."

My husband looks at me for a second in confusion until a split second later it looks like it finally dawns on him. So he takes his cane and brings the top of the curved edge close to my chin where the red stone is. He uses the cane to nudge my chin up higher to meet his face. "Maybe you should listen to your daddy, little girl." His Russian accent deepens when he says the last words.

My body hums in delight and my stomach flutters. He is playing back with me.

I take a step back timidly acting shy, "daddy treats me like a child." Then giggle, twirling the end of my ponytail with my finger, "do I look like a child to you?"

Nico walks around me came in his hand, I stay still letting him stand behind me. My chest heaves in and out deeply while my breath hitches feeling his hot breath caresses the side of my neck, "no. But it sounds like you need a new 'daddy' who can treat you good. Don't you think?"

My pussy clenches to his words, "like giving me money and all the Starbucks I want." I tease and realize I came out of character.

But that didn't seem to stop him, he nips at my shoulder and his cane falls to the ground beside us, "anything you want." He groans and grabs ahold of my ponytail while his other hand pushes me forward forcibly.

I gasp in surprise when he bends me down on the desk and lifts up my short dress which wasn't much to lift, "even a puppy?" I ask sweetly.

He pulls back on my ponytail having my neck arch back, while he presses his hard cock thats beneath his pants against my ass. "Anything but that. Don't ruin this moment."

He lets go of my hair before I hear a belt buckle dropping to the floor, "daddy was right, you are a mean man." I fake my sniffling.

A loud slap fills the room when I squeal and squirm on the desk. He had slapped my asscheek, hard, "such a mean mean man!" I cry out dramatically.

His large open palm runs down my backless dress, "I'm your daddy now."

My eyes widen and mouth parts, "oh my god..." I turn my head to look over my shoulder to Nico as he licks his bottom lip while staring down my ass, "that was so hot." I tell him, praising his role playing skills.

I didn't get any warning as he quickly slides over my thong and enters me, his cock plunging in with a hard thrust. I scream out his name when he grabs my hips and fucks me against his desk. Papers, a clip note, and pens all fall to the ground as he pounds me--moving his desk with each powerful thrust he gives me.

He leans down with his chest against my back and whispers to me, "you look absolutely beautiful in this dress. I couldn't stop thinking about your sweet ass all day."

"Then fuck it." I quip, then realize I wasn't actually ready for that, "no, wait I'm not ready--"

"I know, baby." He kisses down my back before returning to him thrusting into me. My pussy clenches around him which causes him to groan and reach under me and play with my clit.

"Ah! Nico, yes, right there. Oh my gah, please give it to me, please." I beg and whimper.

I don't know what I'm exactly begging him to give to me.

I guess he just knows exactly what I needed though. Because he brings one of his hands around the front of my neck and grips it with a tight hold, then lifts half my body back into him. My back arching and chest in the air as he captures both my wrists in his other hand and traps my hands at the small of my back. He fucks me just like that.

My vision starts to blur and my mouth is hung open as he takes some of my air supply by squeezing my neck. My stomach tightens and legs start to shake. My heels barely being able to keep me standing while Nico fucks me like this, but I push back to meet his thrust anyway because I needed that friction when he hits that certain spot.

When I feel my orgasm coming to its final peak, he whispers down my ear, "cum like a good girl for Papi."

I cum hard and all over his cock. My pussy milks him as he thrusts one last time and moans my name as he cums too. Filling me up with with every last drop before he slips out of me.

I stay bent over his desk trying to catch my breath while he shocks me with his dirty antics.

He spreads my ass cheeks and watches his cum drip down all over my thighs, "are you hungry?" He asks me.

"Weird timing to ask but yes, caro. I'm hunrgy."

He helps me place my dress back down. I straighten myself before picking up his cane and giving it to him. He zips up his pants, "go get cleaned up and we will eat down stairs." He says.

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