For Our Love Series Fanfictio...

By StarsAndMoon1447

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A fanfiction book for For Our Love and Love So Far combined. I am open to requests, for anyone who likes to s... More

Jasmina turned into 'Jas-Mean-A'?
A Mere Crush
Journey Of My Love
Candles and Fairy Lights
Meri Mohabbat
The Fawad Family
FawMina Moments
An Arzia Tale
Family Moments
Ramadan & Chand Raat
Eid Mubarak
Eid Gifts From Readers
Action Reaction! 🥊 (Part 1)
Fawad Ali (Part One)
Fawad Ali (Part Two)
Birthday Gift!
That Honeymoon Feeling
The Ali Family
♡ Two Years of FOL ♡

Once Bad

795 56 81
By StarsAndMoon1447

© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad





Ahad Sheikh

"What are you doing?"

"Apni jaan ki khidmat." I replied.

*"Taking care of/serving my beloved."

I stood up, wiping my hands on a rag as I glanced down at my beloved bike. 

Arhaan Bhai, who had just walked into the garage, shook his head at me. "Kadhi sadi gadi te vi tars kha liya kar."

*"Sometimes have some pity on my car as well." 

I grinned. "You are so bad with cars that I can't believe that we are related." Wearing sports trousers and a black vest, I was enjoying my first day off in a while. Much to Zoya's chagrin, I had made my way to the garage early in the morning after breakfast.

"It's been making these weird noises lately, like it has a chesty cough or something." Bhai looked at his car, frowning.

"Have you tried a cough syrup?"

"Shut up, Ahad." He lightly smacked the back of my head.

"Why don't you take my car? I will have a look." I told him.

"Later." He put a hand on my shoulder. "But first consider taking Zoya and the kids out. You haven't had a day out for a while, so give them some time."

"I will." I nodded.

"Learn from my mistakes, mere bhai. I would never give you wrong or harmful advice." 

"I don't care why you are giving me advice. If you are telling me something, believe me, I will definitely listen to you. I have also learnt from my own mistakes."

The sounds of heeled footsteps made me turn, and I saw Zoya entering the garage, holding my two-years-old Noor in her arms. My wife looked irritated, but composed herself when she saw that Arhaan Bhai was also here.

"I'm going to work. I'll take Papa's car, don't worry." Arhaan told me. "Allah Hafiz." 

"Allah Hafiz, Bhai." Zoya and I both replied in unison as my big brother walked out. 

As soon as he was out of earshot, my wife turned to me. "Bilal has created chaos with Ibrahim and Armaan. The least you can do is help me out with Noor. Nazia Bhabi is already having migraines because she and Arhaan Bhai have been up all night with baby Amara." 

"I'm sorry, jaaneman. Give her to me." I held my arms out.

"Please clean your hands...and yourself...first." Zoya frowned. Wearing high-waisted black trousers and a silk light blue blouse, she looked as chic as ever, with her curled hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Noor meanwhile, had chocolate smeared on her face and on her white t-shirt. 

"I mean, she isn't exactly the cleanest baby in the world right now." I winked at Noor, who giggled, placing a tiny hand over her mouth. "But relax, jaaneman, I will take her in a few minutes." I walked over and kissed Zoya's cheek then Noor's forehead.


Noor screamed as Bilal pulled her hair.

"Billu, stop it!" I said, firmly.

"Mama!" Noor shrieked, running away.

Bilal chased her and I realised that his hand was covered with chocolate sauce. He tackled her, and she fell over and he laughed while Noor screamed again.

I walked over and lifted my toofan son off his twin sister. "Bilal Ahad Sheikh, don't ever do that to your sister again!"

Papa walked into the living room, smiling. "Never thought that you'd be repeating my words, Ahad." 

I looked at him in exasperation. "I don't know how you and Ammi managed. But you both just had me as a cheeky brat. I have two, Ma Sha Allah." 

Bilal had already sneaked away and had smeared the chocolate sauce on Noor's face. 

"Bilal!" I shouted.

"Ahad, don't..." Papa looked at me, warningly. "Bilal, you're a good boy aren't you?" 

"Yes, Dada Jaan." Bilal nodded, acting innocently.

"You shouldn't do that to your sister, bachay." My father said. "Good boys don't treat their sisters that way."

"Sisters are silly!" Bilal shrugged.

"No, they are not." I told him off. "Bilal, behave or I will take away all your games for a long time."

Papa crossed his arms over his chest, smirking at me, as he sat back on his armchair. 


I stood in the terrace of our home a while later, thinking that karma was really a first-class b***h.

I remembered a memory from a long time ago when I was seven, and Jazzy was barely four. I remembered making her stand on top of the stairs, grabbing her shoulders, and acting like I was going to throw her down the stairs. I remembered her terrified wide eyes and her screams.

I knew now that if Bilal did that to his sister, I would be furious.

"Are you okay?" 

I turned and smiled as Zoya walked towards me. "I'm just thinking how life tends to come a full circle, Zo."

She leaned back against the railing facing me, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"I'm so, so protective of Noor. When Bilal teases her or scares her, it makes me mad."

She gave me a small smile. "Now that you have a daughter, you can understand the feelings of your sister?" 

"No, Zo. Maybe, having a daughter made me softer towards the females in my life, but I have always understood Jasmina better than anyone ever thought. I just felt that it would ruin my tough image to admit that..."



It was my turn to pick my sister up from school, and as usual, I arrived five minutes late. I got out of the car and glanced around for her.

It was funny, but despite having moved on, I was still well known at the school. I was the former bad boy Ahad Sheikh, who girls adored and guys wanted to be best friends with.  But not only that, but I also knew that nobody messed with Jasmina normally because they knew that she was the sister of Ahad Sheikh.

So when I saw her walking towards me, head bowed, clearly crying, I was fuming. "Jazzy, who the hell said what the hell to you?"

She looked up, sniffling, shaking her head as a tear ran down her cheek. Her nose was red, and her lower lip trembled as she met my gaze. "Let's go home, Bhai."

"Give me names."

"It was my fault. I was stupid." She got into the passenger seat of my car- well, technically Arhaan Bhai's car.

I got in beside her and looked at her. "What happened?" 

She shook her head again.

"Jazzy, tell me." I said, firmly.

"I helped this boy with his English assignment, and now everyone is saying that we are dating! It's horrible! If Ammi hears it, she'll think it's true!" 

"Oh, Jazzy, tell me that you didn't get caught in the web of teenage drama." 

"I don't even like him, Bhai! I was just being nice!" She took her water bottle out of her bag, the purple one with the butterflies, and took a swig from it. "It's my fault for being nice! I should have avoided him like the plague!"

"Didn't that idiot open his mouth and deny it?" 

"No! That's the infuriating part! He's acting all proud, claiming that he is dating Jasmina Sheikh!"

I sat back in my seat. "Who is he?" 



He looked at me, his eyes widened and then he began to turn to run away. 

"Why are you afraid, man?" I called out, following him.

"Leave me alone!" He called out over his shoulder. 

But I was faster and I caught him by the back of his shirt. Turning him around, I shoved him against the bordering wall at the back of the school. "So, you are fuelling the rumours that you are dating Jasmina Sheikh, huh?" 

"It was just a joke, man. People made stuff up and..."

"And you didn't deny it, and instead lowered her standards by claiming that she'd date a piece of garbage like you." I finished for him. "But, tomorrow, you will be admitting the truth to everyone, okay?" 

 "Or what?" He looked at me. "You can't do anything! You don't go to this school anymore."

"I said what I had to. It's your decision now." I moved back.

"Or what?!" He shouted again as I turned to walk away. "Hey!"

Zafar was waiting by my car, shaking his head in disapproval. "You shouldn't have threatened a kid." 

"I didn't." I said. "I just gave him instructions regarding what to do." 

"Or else...?" He raised both eyebrows.

"Nothing. I just gave him instructions, that's all." I got behind the driving seat.

"And you think he'll listen to those instructions?" Zafar asked, getting in beside me.

"Oh, I know he will." I put my sunglasses on, and reversed the car, looking out of the window at the boy who was still looking in my direction, visibly shaken.


"He admitted the truth!" Jasmina told me happily, the next day. "He said that people shouldn't talk about a girl like that, and he accepted that he let the rumours spread."

"Did he?" I was too busy playing a video game.

She came and sat down beside me, whispering. "What did you do?" 

"Jazzy, we are siblings. That means that I'm the only one who gets to p**s you off, or to make you cry, considering that Arhaan Bhai won't ever do either of these things." 

"We are not telling Ammi and Papa, right? I didn't do anything wrong, but it's embarrassing."

"Just as long as we're not telling them that I potentially did something that could be considered wrong." 

She giggled. "Deal."



"You are so s*xy when you are protective of your loved ones." Zoya whispered, leaning her head on my arm after sliding her arm through mine.

"Nobody should mess with Ahad Sheikh's loved ones." I kissed her forehead.

We heard Noor shriek again, and the next thing we knew, she was running out onto the terrace. "Papa!" 

"Bilal!" Instinctively, I shouted out, while scooping up my zindagi ki noor into my arms.

Noor was pouting. "Boys are mean!"

"What happened, Noor?" Zoya lovingly brushed our daughter's curls away from her adorable face. Ma Sha Allah.

Instead of replying, Noor rubbed her eyes.

"Are you sleepy, my sweetheart?" Zoya took her in her arms. "Come on. Let's take you to bed."

"Amara." Noor said, softly.

"Amara is asleep now, my love." My wife spoke softly to her as she took her inside. 

I glanced down at the dark garden of the Sheikh family home once again, before turning and following my two girls inside.


"Let's go out for a drive." I suggested to Zoya an hour later.

"Now?" She looked at me, surprised, as if I had suggested an impulsive trip to Mars.

"Why not? The kids are asleep, and Ammi said that she'll keep an eye on them."

"Oh? So planning pehle se hi kar rakhi hai khair se." She was hanging up her work outfits in our wardrobe.

*"So, you've already planned everything?"

She opened her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders. "I don't know, Dr Sheikh. I have a pretty busy schedule. You need to make an appointment." 

"Is that right?" I walked over to her. "Let me arrange that..." Placing my hands on her hips, I nuzzled my nose against the side of her face.

She tilted her head back, closing her eyes, sighing deeply. "I'm knackered."

"Come on, a relaxing drive would be good for you." I moved my hands up to her shoulders, gently massaging them. 

"Stop. I'll fall asleep right here." She opened her pretty almond-shaped eyes. "Fine. Let's go for a nice, relaxing drive." 

"Or...we can go on a motorcycle ride?" I suggested, mischievously.

After a terrible accident a few years ago, I had basically given up my bike riding for the sakes of Zo and my parents. I just occasionally rode it locally whenever I missed the old days.


"Come on, Zo. Admit it, you used to love it as well secretly." 

She looked thoughtful. "Okay, fine, but not too far and don't speed." 

I was surprised at how easily she had agreed, but I was certainly not going to complain. In fact, I quickly put on my old trustworthy leather jacket, grabbed my wallet, bike keys and phone, and headed out, grabbing her hand...before she changed her mind.


Having Zo's arms around me, I felt thrilled as I sped through the quietest areas of Defence, feeling like my former self once again. 

Nowadays, my relationships defined me, and I loved that. But the bike riding reminded me of who I used to be: the once bad, rebellious Sheikh sibling who always made his parents and family anxious every moment of the day.



"This is a bad idea." Ammi pursed her lips together.

"A very bad idea." Arhaan Bhai agreed.

"Asad, you have spoilt our kids way too much." Ammi looked at Papa, accusingly. "But this is the limit. Giving Ahad a bike?"

"I trust him." Papa said, simply. 

"I don't." Ammi said, openly. "It's Ahad. Rule breaking is in his nature." She eyed the motorcycle with displeasure. "Har maa ki nightmare."

*"Every mother's nightmare."

"Ammi, literally even kids right motorcycles in the city." Arhaan Bhai looked at my disappointed face. He knew that I was worried that Ammi would have the bike sent away. She certainly had that authority. "Ahad will be fine. But, Ahad, you need to promise Ammi that you will be careful, okay?" 

"I promise." I grabbed my mother's hands. "Just give me a chance to prove myself. Trust me."

Ammi had agreed, although she had muttered about her word having no value in that household, which cracked me up. As I mentioned, she had the authority to overrule everyone in the family.

"One more thing." Papa said, firmly. "No matter what Jasmina says, you are not taking her on the bike."

Arhaan Bhai and I laughed. We all knew the feisty youngest Sheikh very well.



I stopped the bike outside a café, which was all lit up and bustling with people, despite the fact that it was so late at night.

"Ugh, you read my mind. I need a vanilla latte." Zoya got off the bike and pulled her helmet off.

"None of our dates are complete without coffee." 

"Date?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not that lucky, Dr Sheikh, to have a date with me. This is all platonic."

"Call it whatever you want, Zo. You are in my Nikah, stuck with me. Nothing can change that." I cradled my own helmet under my arm, while taking her hand with my free hand.

With Zo, it still felt like new marriage, even with our twin toddlers constantly screaming and shouting around us. Ma Sha Allah.

We took a seat at a table by the window, and ordered our hot drinks.

"Bilal is a handful, Ma Sha Allah." She sighed. "Anyone who knows you would automatically know that he is your son, by the way he behaves." 

"Yeah, Ammi says the same. I personally think that my parents are enjoying themselves witnessing me as a parent to those two toofan."

"They've earned that enjoyment." Zoya smiled. "After all, I am sure it must be the hardest thing in the world, being a parent to Ahad Sheikh. They deserve all the awards and praises in the world." 

"I have to agree." I nodded, glancing out of the window. "I've put them through a lot...all of my family."

She placed a hand on mine. "Ahad, a person who genuinely repents must also learn to forgive themselves. You've earned your family's forgiveness, have faith in Allah's forgiveness, and start to forgive yourself now. We all make mistakes, but not all of us can learn from it and not revert back to our old ways." 

"What did I ever do to deserve you? Maybe having you in my life means that Allah has accepted my repentance." 

"You found me when you were returning to the right path. And I found you during, without any doubt, the most difficult time in my life. Indeed, Allah has blessed us both." 

And to think that I would not be here with Zoya right now, had Jazzy not been into Pakistani dramas. 


In the gentle glow of the bedroom lamp, Zoya sat in front of me, wearing a cream night dress. Ending just above her knees, and with thin straps, the dress vastly exposed her flawless skin. 

I ran a finger down the side of her neck, to the hollow at the base of her throat, and then around over her shoulders. Zoya was my dream woman, there was no doubt about that.

Confident, bold, beautiful in every way, s*xy as hell...she was perfection in my opinion. Ma Sha Allah.

I couldn't believe I had chosen Aliya. She was externally beautiful, no doubt about it. But now that I thought about it, why did I fall for her? There had been no compatibility, and no chemistry, now that I compared my relation with her to my relationship with Zoya.

Plus she was monster-hearted and had been a threat to the bliss and peace of my family.

Because of that b***h and her sister, we could have lost my little Mr Smile. And, unknown to us then, potentially Hania as well.

I looked at Zoya and I thought about how comfortable my Mr Smile and Hani Jaani were around her. There was no doubt that those two had a very special bond with Zo, and she adored them unconditionally. Ma Sha Allah.

I sat up and grabbed her hands. "Thank you for accepting my family as your own." 

"Ahad, your parents have been nothing less than parental figures for me. They are amazing, kind and loving people, Ma Sha Allah. And I especially appreciate them because I have nobody in this world outside this family. Arhaan Bhai has been like a big brother for me, and Jazzy is such a sisterly friend. Ma Sha Allah." Her gaze was on our clasped hands. "They all made efforts. And relationships work their best when everyone involved makes efforts."

I pulled her closer, and held her against myself, our legs stretched out. Kissing the top of my head, I once again silently thanked Allah for bringing her into my life.


A few nights later, Zaf had invited us to his home for dinner. We all had been invited, but Ammi and Papa had to attend a charity event for the hospital which they had committed to months ago, and as Arhaan Bhai was working, he and Bhabi asked me and Zo to go with our kids. We took Mr Smile, Ibbi and Armaan along, so that Nazia Bhabi did not have to worry about them while dealing with baby Amara.

Currently, twelve-years-old Omar was kicking a football around with five-years-old Ismael, with three-years-old Zaid Zafar and Ibrahim attempting to join in. Naturally, little Armaan and Bilal didn't want to be left behind and were running around with them, occasionally whining about getting a turn. Ten-years-old Saad was to busy playing a game on Fariha Bhabi's tablet, with his mother repeatedly telling him to stop. Noor sat on a sofa, playing with a doll that Zafar and Fariha Bhabi had just gifted her. That was the thing with the couple- they always had to gift the kids something each time we visited.

"Nazia Bhabi and Amara should have come." Fariha Bhabi said, setting the hot platter of pilao on the coffee table. 

"Amara is a little too irritated these days due to colic, so she cries a lot. Bhabi thought it was best if they stayed home." Zoya explained, bringing the koftay in a bowl, and also placing it on the table.

"Omar." Fariha Bhabi called out. "Beta, wash your hands and help me bring the rest of the things, please." 

Zafar brought in the kebabs. "Ahad, don't eat all of them. Spare some for the rest."

I chuckled and Zo grinned.

"Zafar!" Fariha Bhabi shook her head at him.

"Thanks for saying that, Zafar Bhai." Zoya said. "It was much needed."

"What, you think I'm going to listen?" I scoffed. "I'm gonna eat double now, and take the rest home."

Everyone laughed good-naturedly.

"Don't worry, Ahad. I will be packing food for the rest of the family." Fariha Bhabi told me. "Including the kebab."

It was nice how despite how much I'd effed up, she and I could talk to each other so calmly and friendlily. I mean, it helped that her brother and my sister were married, and we were practically forced to be civilised, but considering how happy she was with Zaf (Ma Sha Allah), I think it had helped her to forgive me more easily.

As we sat down to eat, Zafar and Bhabi displayed the typical Lahori hospitality by practically forcing food onto our plates. We protested, and they didn't listen.

"Bilal!" Zo groaned as our son accidentally spilled rice on the floor while eating from his little bowl. She reached down to clean up the mess.

"It's okay, Aunty. I will do it." Omar immediately rushed forward. 

"Bilal, eat carefully!" Zoya told our son off, before giving Omar a grateful smile. "Ma Sha Allah, you are such a sweet boy, Omar. May Allah bless you in all parts of your life. Ameen." 

Omar almost blushed at the compliment as he picked the rice up from the floor and headed out of the room

"Did you see Iman's photo?" Fariha Bhabi asked me, a small smile on her face. "Ammi got emotional, saying that she's exactly like Fawad Bhai. But with that cheeky expression on her face, Bhabi said that Afreen Aunty was saying 'like Ahad Mamu, like bhanji." 

"The one with chocolate all over her face?" I laughed. "Our Mani seems like a handful, Ma Sha Allah." 

"Here Ibbi is the same." Zoya said. "Iman and Ibrahim definitely inherited their cheekiness from their Mamu/Chachu." 

"Their fathers were no angels." I commented. "I'm just the one who ended up with the bad reputation, somehow, but remember who the original rebels were."

"I will not disagree with that." Fariha smiled. "The nightmare they put us all through."

"I mean, Ahad sort of asked for it." Zaf grinned.

"What did I do? I was just an innocent little boy..." The way Zafar, Fariha Bhabi and even Zoya burst out laughing made me feel offended.

"Fariha was literally the only one innocent." Zafar said, smiling at his wife.

"Was she?" I raised my eyebrows.



"Shh." I pressed a finger over my lips as I glanced at Fariha.

She giggled, pressing a hand over her mouth. "We are not going to get away with this."

"Yes we are. I'm so sick and tired of our brothers pranking us! We need revenge!" I frowned in determination.

Fariha and I were both nine, and we were taking a huge risk by messing with our thirteen-years-old brothers, but they deserved it one thousand percent! 

"What are you two doing?" A loud whisper made me look over my shoulder. Jazzy stood there in her lilac dress with white flowers on it, a doll clutched in her arm.

"Go away, Jazzy! This is big kid business!" I glared at her. "Shoo!" I waved a hand like she was a kitten.

"We are getting revenge on our Bhais." Fariha's eyes gleamed in excitement.

"I want to get remenge too!" The six-years-old sister of mine crouched down besides us.

"It's revenge, not remenge." I shook my head. "Sit here silently and do not make a noise, Jazzy."

We were hiding at the side of the Sheikh family home, waiting for Arhaan Bhai and Fawad Bhai to return from their cricket practice. 

"What is revenge?" Wide-eyed, Jasmina looked at Fariha.

"Revenge is when we punish our brothers for always pranking and scaring us." Fariha put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't make Arhaan Bhai cry." Jazzy looked worried.

"Oh, if that happens, I wouldn't need another revenge for decades to come." I said. "Ready, Fari??" 

"READY!" Fariha raised a fist up in the air, as if going for a battle.

The gate opened and Arhaan Bhai and Fawad Bhai walked in wearing their cricket kits and discussing the game. 

"ATTACK!" I whispered yelled, and Fariha and I ran out, carrying our water pistols filled with paint. Without wasting even a second, we sprayed our brothers from behind with pink and purple paint, causing them to yell out, startled. 

As Farhaan rubbed the paint off their faces, using their hands, I snatched the pistol from Fariha and told her to run. She ran towards the other side, and I shoved the pistols in the hands of a startled Jazzy, as her doll dropped to the ground.

I just knew that she was the one who was going to get in the least amount of trouble.


"It was Jasmina." I told my angry mother. "See the pink and purple paint? It's hers."

"Yes, Ammi." Fariha nodded at her own mother. "Ahad and I saw her too late." 

"Ammi, I didn't." Innocently, with tears in her eyes, Jazzy shook her head. 

"Jasmina, beta, Arhaan saw you holding the pistols right behind them." 

"It was Ahad Bhai and Fariha Appi! They wanted remenge!" Jazzy protested. "Papa, believe me."

"Jazzy, no it wasn't." Fariha told her. "Please don't make us look bad." 

"We won't mess with them two because we know that they would get brutal if we do." I added, trying to look innocent.

Arhaan Bhai frowned. "It's okay. Because it was Jazzy, I forgive her."

I looked at him, sharply. He was looking at me, suspiciously. He believed Jazzy one hundred thousand percent.

"Right, Fawad?" My brother turned to his best friend. 

"She messed our cricket kits up." Fawad Bhai looked annoyed. 

Arhaan Bhai leaned forward and whispered something in his ear. Fawad Bhai glanced at where Fariha and I stood, his jaw clenching.

"Fine." Fariha's brother muttered. "Jasmina is forgiven." 

Fariha and I glanced at each other.

Rip Ahad Sheikh and Fariha Ali.



I still shudder when I think about how Farhaan had avenged us. Planning together, they had managed to scare us when we were asleep. As Fariha and I slept in our respective rooms in our respective homes, our brothers had played the exact same prank on us. They'd snuck in our rooms and hiding in the shadows, knocked on the window until we had woken up.

Both Fariha and I had opened our eyes to see them standing right by our beds wearing terrifying monster masks, holding a torch pointed upwards underneath their chins. 

Let's just say that we thought twice about ever pranking Arhaan Sheikh and Fawad Ali again. They were the champion pranksters. Anything we did to them, we were returned back with twice as much force.

"Our lives have changed so much." Fariha Bhabi sighed. "We've all come so far." 

I looked at Zaf, the guy who had always played the role of Jiminy Cricket in my life, the personification of my conscience. The fact that he had married Fariha Ali, the girl I had known my whole life, my co-victim of Farhaan's pranks, was almost unbelievable.

I looked at Zoya. Jasmina's love for Pakistani dramas was how we'd met, otherwise she was a British born girl, who had ended up in Pakistan to work in dramas, and was Karachi based. There was no other way we could have met. I looked at Bilal, who was now being fed by his mother out of fear of more food being wasted, and then at Noor, who was picking up the cut of pieces of kebab, slowly chewing on them. My beautiful family, Ma Sha Allah.

I was definitely defined by my relationships now, and I loved it.


I walked into the kitchen that night, wanting some midnight snacks, when I saw Arhaan Bhai already there, cradling Amara, trying to get her to sleep.

I smiled. He looked exhausted after a long shift, but he didn't seem to be minding being up for his only daughter. I knew that after three sons, Ma Sha Allah, he had been over the moon when Amara was born, and he was willing to do any and everything for her. "Can I try?" I offered. I seemed to have a natural talent at dealing with my nephews and nieces.

"Please." He stood up and handing his daughter over to me.

I cradled her against my chest. Her wide eyes stared up at me, as if she was in shock and awe, and she was sucking on her dummy. "Kya hua, Chachu ki chanda? Papa ki company bore kar rahi hai? Koi nahin, main aagaya hoon na. Aapko sambhaloon ga."

*"What happened, Uncle's beloved? Is your father's company boring to you? Don't worry, I'm here now. I'll take care of you."

"Tu na sudhrin." Arhaan Bhai yawned, shaking his head at me.

*"You'll never change/improve."

"How was the dinner party at Zafar's?" 

"Good. It would have been nice if you and Bhabi were there as well." I rocked Amara in my arms, and gradually her eyes began to drift shut. 

"Do you have some sort of an inner dealing with the kids?" He frowned as he watched his daughter easily fall asleep in my arms.

"That's a secret." I kissed Amara's forehead.

"What are you boys doing up?" A sleepy voice from the doorway made us turn. Ammi stood in the doorway, a shawl wrapped around her shoulders, squinting at us from behind her glasses in the bright kitchen light.

"Amara wouldn't go to sleep. But now she has." Arhaan Bhai replied.

"All thanks to me." I grinned. "Obviously, Bhai forgot to give me the credit as usual."

"Once, when Hania fell asleep in my arms, you said that I'd bored her to sleep. I think that's what happened here as well." 

Ammi walked over, kissing the top of Amara's head. "My sweet little princess." She glanced at Bhai. "Why don't I take care of her, and you and Nazia can both get some proper sleep?" 

"No, it's okay, Ammi. You help out in the day, but the night is for you to rest properly." Bhai said. "You've done your parenting, and now it's our turn." 

"Yeah, let him do some work for a change. Poor Nazia Bhabi is the one doing all the work otherwise." 

Bhai smacked the back of my head.

Ammi smiled. "Arhaan, it's okay. I adore my grandchildren, and I don't mind..."

"I know you don't mind, Ammi. But I don't want your night's sleep to be disturbed. It's not right."

"Let me know if you need anything, okay?" She placed a hand on his cheek, then turned to me. "My heart warms every time I see you behave so affectionately with the twins and your nephews and nieces. I still can't believe that it's our same Ahad." She reached up and pinched my cheek.

"Ammi..." I groaned as Bhai laughed.

"You'll always be a kid to me, so don't you dare say a word." With a smile on her face, she left the kitchen.


"Where's Noor?" The next morning, I had walked into the twins' nursery, but had only found Bilal fast asleep. Feeling panicked, I had returned to our room to see Zoya calmly applying make-up.

"She's with Ammi." She replied, straightening up and looking at her reflection in the mirror. Wearing cream high-waisted trousers, a soft pink blouse and a long white blazer, Zo was ready for work. Her hair was pinned up in an up-do, and she looked stunning as always. Ma Sha Allah.

"With Ammi?"

I then realised where she could be and I made my way down the hallway. As I placed my hand on the door handle, I smiled.



"What do you want?" Jasmina glared at me in irritation as she opened her room door.

"Ammi said to call you for dinner." I shrugged.

"Okay." She began to close the door, but I pressed my hand against it, stopping her. "Bhai, what do you want?" 

"Look, I..." I stuffed my hands in my jeans pocket, sheepishly. "I shouldn't have read your diary and I'm sorry..." 

"Fine. Apology accepted."

"...that I didn't read it earlier!" I burst out laughing, pushing past her and entering her room. I walked over straight to her desk to take her headphones, since mine had stopped working.

"Get out of here and stop taking my things!" She snapped.

"You're younger. Learn to be more giving towards your elders." I grabbed the headphones.

"Give that back!"

"Take it, if you dare." Smirking, I walked past her, feeling triumphant. 

"Papa!" Shouting, she began to race towards the door, but I was faster. I rushed out and slammed the door shut, holding onto the handle, chuckling. "AHAD BHAI!" She pounded on the door from the other side. "PAPA!!!"

"AHAD!" A loud angry yell made me jump back, and I always fell onto my backside.

Jasmina's door opened and she came out, her cheeks red, just as Papa strode down the hall. Pouting, she threw her arms around our father's waist, sobbing against his chest. "Papa, he is horrible! He took my headphones without asking. He read my diary!" 

My father didn't even have to say a word, and I silently handed her the headphones.

"You have no right to take her things without her permission, Ahad. And respect her privacy, like everyone's privacy must be respected." Papa told me off. He kissed the top of Jazzy's head. "It's okay, meri jaan. If he ever does this again, come straight to me."  Then he glared at me. "Do not say a word to her, okay?" 

After he walked off, Jazzy smirked at me, triumphantly and headed into her room, closing the door behind her.



I entered Jasmina's former room and saw Ammi sitting on the bed, as she often did, reading a story to Noor, who was curled up beside her. Amara lay on the bed close by, gurgling and kicking out her little legs.

"Ammi, you're here again?" I asked, softly.

Ammi smiled sadly at me. "Being in this room with Noor and Amara make me feel closer to Jasmina. Noor is the first girl born in this family after my Jasmina. Both these girls make me feel like I'm living out Jasmina's childhood and infancy again."

I smiled back at her, before I saw my daughter. Noor was wearing Jasmina's slim hairband from her teenage years, as well as some of her old bracelets. "Noor, you shouldn't be going through Phupho's things, meri jaan."

"It's okay. We have special permission from Phupho, don't we?" Ammi kissed Noor's cheek.

"And yet, whenever I entered here, she threw a tantrum once upon a time."

"Look at the difference." My mother said. "You used to come here either to irritate her or to tease her. But Noor comes here because she adores her Jazzy Phupho so much, and she loves playing with her things."

Amara made soft cooing sounds and I looked down to see her sucking her thumb, her eyes wide as she looked at Noor.

"I can see another difference. Jazzy was annoying, these two aren't." I smiled adoringly at my daughter and niece.

"Ahad!" Ammi shook her head.

But no matter what I said, I loved my sister- both my siblings, actually- unconditionally. I fought with Jasmina, got irritated at Arhaan Bhai, and wanted to ship them both of to a far distant island in the Pacific Ocean at times, but they were still my siblings.

Actually, they should consider themselves lucky to be siblings of the Great Ahad Sheikh. I grinned at my own narcissism. 



As the day came to an end, I got into bed beside Zoya. "How was your day?" 

"Tiring, but good." She smiled at me. "How was yours?" 

"Well, I had the day off, and I spent it mostly playing with my nephews and kids." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

She looked up at me. "Has anyone ever told you that you're awesome in maintaining all your relationships?"

"Not yet, but I don't mind being told that by you." I leaned down and softly pecked her lips.

"Well, you are. You are amazing. Ma Sha Allah." She kissed me back.

"Well, if I am, then the amazing people in my life have made me who I am." I pulled her onto my lap. "And you are one of the people who have the biggest role in it, Zoya."

She ran her hand up the side of my face and through my hair. "My bad boy has gone soft." 

"Oh, really?" I tangled my hand through her hair and pulled it lightly to tilt her head back, just the way she liked it. "I can show you what this bad boy is still capable of making you feel." I brushed my lips across the skin of her neck, her scent driving me insane.

"Go ahead." She lifted up her shirt, pulling it off, before pushing down the straps of her bra onto her upper arms. "I'm right here. Show me exactly how much of a bad boy remains inside you." 

Growling, I rolled over, pinning her down underneath myself. She laughed and reached out, pulling at my shirt. I allowed her to let her take my shirt off, before leaning over to start kissing her neck and shoulders. 

And believe me, she really was truly reminded of my bad boy side that night...


I smiled as I sat behind Zoya on the motorcycle, letting her ride. She was damn good at it. 

And when she finally stopped and we both took our helmets off, a contented sigh escaped my mouth. I had not known how or when, but I had found the love of my life, my perfect girl.

She turned her head, grinning up to me. I placed my hand over her stomach, loving the fact that she was wearing my leather jacket. 

"I love you." I told her. 

"More than this bike?" She asked, teasingly. 

"More than life itself." I spoke seriously, my lips brushing against her cheek. "Welcome to the Sheikh family. I promise you, from now, you'll never, ever feel alone. I won't let you, and trust me, my family won't let you either." 

"Careful, Ahad. You don't sound like a bad boy right now." Her voice broke as she spoke, clearly very emotional.

I got off the bike, and pressed both my hands against her cheeks. The gentle breeze brushed through her curly ponytail and her eyes were full of awe. "Only for you, Zo. But, as my wife, you have to help me maintain my bad boy image in front of everyone, okay? I don't want Arhaan Bhai thinking that I've turned into a softie. Or even Zaf." 

She laughed, and the sound warmed my heart. "Just keep maintaining your bad boy image in the bedroom." She winked at me, biting her lower lip, temptingly.

I grinned. See what I meant?

Zoya Ahad Sheikh is the perfect soulmate for me.


There are a lot of Ahad Sheikh fans out there, so I wrote this for them. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

This shows a more family-man side of the former bad-boy: as a son, a brother, a father, a husband, an uncle and a best friend.

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote! 

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