Little Bit Of Hope (Zouis)

By KylesPage

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"Stay with me please." Louis said, Zayn looked down, "Always." More

Blank Page- Prolouge
School Blues- Chapter One
Realationship Drama- Chaper Two
Mixed Feelings- Chapter Three
A bit of what-cha-ma-call-it :P- Chapter four
Love at a Hateful sight- chapter five
Little bit of Everything- Chapter Six
Da Fauk- Chapter Seven
Love- Chapter Eight
Sadly- Chapter Nine
I know I'm Gunna Run Away- Chapter ten
Cool Kids Don't Dance- Chapter Eleven
Beat Them Day- Chapter Twelve
Rotten Love- Chapter Thirteen
Secrets Revealed- Chapter Fourteen
Prince Charming- Chapter Fifteen
Pretending- Chapter Sixteen
Fighting Begins- Chapter Seventeen
Playing With Feelings- Chapter Eighteen
Whoa- Chapter Nineteen
Sweet Dreams- Chapter Twenty
Silent Night- Chapter Twenty One
Unidentified Feelings- Chapter Twenty Two
Freaking Out- Chapter Twenty Four
So Happily- Chapter Twenty Five
Come Sail Away- Chapter Twenty Six
Half A Heart- Chapter Twenty Seven
Who Doesn't Love Drama- Chapter Twenty Eight
Crazy Thing Called Love- Chapter Twenty- Eight
Hall of Fame- Chapter Thirty
Why Don't We Go There- Chapter Thirty One
Run- Chapter Thirty two
Family Meeting- Chapter Thirty Three

Just Memories- Chapter Twenty- Three

301 16 9
By KylesPage


"I love you Zaynie." Louis told his boyfriend who was all bloody from a fight, getting money for his family, but was also crying, finding out his little brother has even less time, him and his mum cannot get the money, there still a couple thousand pounds short.

Louis opened his window to let Zayn in, once Zayn was in Louis sneaked into Liam's room, getting some clothes, and changing Zayn, which amounted to Zayn in underwear, while Louis was tending to cuts, every so often, standing up and kissing Zayn, sometimes kissing the cuts, giving Zayn a towel to bite on when the had to put the alcohol on. Zayn's clothes were on Louis' bed, waiting to be washed.


Louis obediently followed James to the doors that leads to the stairs, they walked up a flight of stairs to the elevator, then James pushed the highest button, "Start talking." James demanded, Louis started to think of something to say, "Why?" Was all he could come up with, "Why what? I hate that word." James said, just waiting for the time where he can have Louis, not having to share, next take out friends, which all he has to do is take out siblings, Calum's parents, he hate them, but has too big of heart to let either of them be hurt, and of course Ashton's secret, a secret that only a few know, meaning James and Ashton.

"Why do you want me to talk?" Louis asked, James sighed, "I enjoy hearing you talk." He answered the poor boy's question truthfully, he also knows that Liam and Zayn, along with some other people, are outside the door, trying to break it down, but they won't be able to do it fast enough to handle what James is about to do.

"C'mon Louis, you'll be fine, I promise." James tried to convince Louis to walk up the last flight of stairs to the roof, "But, we'll be on the roof, on a high building. I'm scared." Louis started to get tears in his eyes, "I don't like being up high." Louis started to cry, Liam felt his heart hurt, knowing the one thing he loved more than anything, his brother, was in pain.

"Ssh, Louis, c'mon, you'll be fine, from being up that high you'll be able to see Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Greg." James finally got sick of trying, and failing, to convince Louis, and he just picked up the small boy, carrying him out to the stairs, then up them.

"Flashing back to a time, playing games in the street, kick balls at my feet. There's a knot in my toes, standing close to the edge, there's a pile my clothes at the end of your at the end of my bed, as I feel myself fall, making joke of it all."

Everything happened in slow motion, Louis was being walked to the edge of the roof, standing up on the ledge, "Just let yourself fall." James kept saying, Liam, Zayn, and everyone else, besides Niall, rushed on the roof, Harry and Greg grabbed James, Liam and Zayn grabbed on to Louis, who was falling forward, Zayn took off his jacket and covered Louis, both boys giving him hugs.

Harry and Greg were beating James senseless, less then he already is, and Niall was calling the police.

Harry was beating James because he hurt Louis, and Louis meant a lot to Zayn and Niall. Greg was doing this because he grew up with Louis, no one, and Greg means no one, messes with Louis without getting hurt in the end.

"Who sang?" Louis asked, Zayn, who was rocking Louis back and forth on his lap while Liam was playing doctor, bent down and kissed Louis, "Me, I figured that part was perfect for this situation." He said, then started the hum the rest of the song.

In a matter of minutes the police came, and put handcuffs on two people, Harry and Greg, soon Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis started yelling, explaining everything that happened, "I'm sorry boys." The police officer said, also handcuffing James, "What about them?" Louis asked, standing up, with Zayn's help, then pointing to Harry and Greg, "Why is he only in boxers, public nudity is a crime?" One the officers asked.

"James." Zayn growled, pointing to the badly beaten up teen, "Had him strip, then made him stand on the ledge, Liam here," Zayn patted Liam's shoulders, who just shook him off, "figured out where they would be. We got here and found Louis only in boxers, about to be pushed off of the building, by James." Zayn finished, gesturing to James.

"How do you all know Louis?" One officer asked, "I'm his brother. The one who called the police is my best friend. Curly right there is my best friend's boyfriend. Other buzz cut is my best friends brother. And blackhead is Louis boyfriend ."Liam spat boyfriend as if it left a horrible taste in his mouth, "And that's my boyfriend." Liam finished at Josh rushed on to the roof.

"Okay, so who do we arrest?" The one officer said to another one, "Uh, I know for sure him, for kidnapping, so take him to the car, don't forget the Miranda Rights." The obvious older one said to the other, "You have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an lawyer, if you can't afford one, one will be provided to you." The older cop looked down, "That's America you idiot, I was joking." He said, the younger cop looked at James, "Forget everything I said." He said, taking James down the stairs, probably down the stairs so neither of them will be confined.

"Here's the thing, he's a minor, you are an adult, which is illegal for assault." The police officer, Christensen, said "Wait," Louis interjected, trying to think of everything he learned from the internet law, "if he was feeling threatened, couldn't he plead threatened?" Louis finished, trying to thing if this was true, "That only works for a minor beating an adult." Christensen said, Louis huffed, "Greg it's time to take your medicine." Louis said, Greg looked at him weird, "What?" Greg asked, Louis whispered into Zayn's ear, Zayn nodded.

"Sorry about him, he doesn't know about his special medicine, he forgot to take it yesterday, so that may be why he hurt James." Louis said, quiet, but loud enough for Greg to hear, an insanity plea.

"He has special medicine?" Christensen asked, Louis nodded, walking over to Niall, who always has mints, "Gimme his medicine." Louis said, "Duo mint." He whispered, Niall reached into his coat pocket, getting a Watermelon Duo mint and gave it to Louis, who walked over to Greg, "Don't worry Greg, its just a mint." Louis said in a childish voice, Greg did an upset face, then took the mint from Louis and put it in his mouth.

"Insanity, didn't see this happening. What about Curly, as you called him, is he a minor?" Christensen asked, Louis shook his head, "No, he's seventeen." Louis answered, "That is a minor." Liam said, "Oh." Was all Louis had to say after that.

"Okay, we'll I guess you all are free to go, just get some clothes for him, and tend to the rest of the wounds." Christensen said, motioning to Louis.

Everyone nodded, and Louis sat- more like fell- down. "Lou, you okay?" Liam asks, "My leg hurts to walk." Louis said, Zayn bent down and carried Louis like a baby.

The took the elevator, and took turns, between Zayn and Liam, over who held Louis, Greg and Harry were rubbing their fists that were red, cracked, bleeding, or just in pain.

Niall and Josh talked, Niall was trying to act tough in from of his best friend's boyfriend, but we all know that that doesn't end well.

The drove to the hospital, Zayn, Louis and Liam in Harry's truck, much to Harry's dismay, I might add, while everyone else rode in Josh's family van.

Zayn, Liam, and Louis were actually going back to the Payne house to get Louis some clothes, and proper care to some of his cuts, Zayn didn't care that one of his favorite jackets had Louis' blood all over it, what made him made that someone hurt Louis.

When they got to the house Zayn ran to Louis' room, got a loose tee shirt and sweats, knowing Louis won't want anything to touch his cuts.

In Louis' room, he saw a picture, Louis' face was all puffy, him and Liam were smiling, Zayn and Sam were in the background eating their ice cream. Can you guess when it was taken? Louis' first day of school, when Zayn beat him up, that brought tears to Zayn's eyes, he doesn't even know why he did that.

"Zayn, Louis keeps his sweats in the second drawer down." Liam shouted up, pulling Zayn out of his thoughts, Zayn tightened his grip on the clothes, then ran down the stairs.

"Okay, Lou, let's get you changed." Liam said, slipping the sweat pants on, the Zayn slightly lifted up Louis' head, and Liam slipped the shirt on, "I still hate you, just so you know." Liam said, Zayn didn't answer, he just picked up Louis and carried him to the truck, Liam following, "I know you do, I make your brother happy though, so..." Zayn trailed off, buckling Louis in, making it look like he was asleep, then climbing in himself, Liam followed suit, getting in the drivers side, "I know you do, but if you touch Louis, in anyway that he has to think if he likes it or not, I will murder you, slowly, and painfully." Liam said slowly, his protective side showing through, "I know you will, and I won't, I care for him." Zayn said, Liam grumbling something about how he wasn't done with Zayn.

"Oh my baby." Karen cried out, walking over to Louis, who was walking with help from Zayn and Liam. "Zayn, why did you help." Karen asked, Louis awoke at that exact time.

"I need to say that Zayn and I are dating." Was what he said, and Liam finally couldn't handle the reality anymore.

He pinned Zayn to the wall, and let punch after punch fly, Zayn, ever though he could take on Liam, just covered his face as he was taught to do in fighting. Soon Geoff pulled Liam off of Zayn, and a nurse gave the okay them to go home, Zayn came along because Geoff and Karen said they needed to talk to him.

"I don't know how I feel about this..." Karen started once they were in Geoff's office with Liam destroying his room, Louis freaking out, and Zayn tending a gash over his eye.


How is this, I don't know how I feel about this chapter, I think it is starting to finish up, can you tell me if there are any lose ends I need to tie up.



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