With Child - - **EDITED Aug 2...

By Jimjams79

3K 36 18

Newly weds Luke and Claire move into No. 6 Beech Close, the house has been empty for many year, the garden is... More

With Child
part two "The wardrobe"
Part 3 The Hospital
Part 4 The Relative's room
Good News / Bad News

First day at work

296 7 2
By Jimjams79

*******************NEW PART ADDED 29/08/2017******************** 

Luke's POV

I woke to a beeping and buzzing noise, it took me a moment to realise that it was the alarm on my phone. It was on the coffee table flashing and vibrating. I leaned forward and switched it off, and glanced at the time 7:30, I had finished cleaning the hall around 3:30am and tried to get some sleep. I must have fallen a sleep around 4:15, as that was the last time I looked at my watch.

I sat up and leaned forward rubbing my neck, yesterday didn't seem real. I heard the floorboards creak upstairs. Mary and Terry must be up. I thought I would put the kettle on for them, I stood up and picked up my phone, I need to phone Tom and tell him I wont be able to make it in today, not a call I was looking forward to. Phoning in on my first day of my dream job. It wasn't supposed to be like this, it was supposed to be prefect, happy, exciting. Instead it was horrid, painful and unbelievable.

Walking into the kitchen I heard someone walking downstairs, I paused to greet them, it was Mary, she put on a weak smile and said "Good morning" I smiled back just as weak "Good morning Mary. Tea?" her smile grow. "That would be lovely thank you Luke." I walked in to the kitchen and Mary followed. "Can I help?" Mary's voice was so calm and caring. "That would be very kind of you Mary, I am afraid I cant offer you much for breakfast, we never got round to shopping, but I can do some toast." Shopping such a simple word but a word that was so painful. I was useless at shopping, Claire also knew what we needed and had all the meals planned in her head. I never forget that time last year when Claire had flu and couldn't get out of bed, I thought I would surprise her and do the shopping, and what a disaster that was! I forgot half the stuff and what I did buy was wrong. I bought stuff we didn't use or eat, I got in to such a flap, Claire laughed and laughed when I told her, she still mocks me to this day. Thinking back at that memory of Claire being happy and laughing made me smile and let out a little chuckle. Mary noticed. "That's lovely to see you smile, what you think about." I looked into Mary's eyes "Your beautiful, wonderful daughter and how I messed up when I went food shopping with out her." Mary placed her hand on my shoulder. "It will be ok. Claire will get better and things will get back to normal." Her gentle touch was warming and reassuring. Just has the kettle had boiled I felt my phone buzz and then beep in my pocket, I had a text message. I took the phone out of my pocket unlocked it and looked at the screen, damn it was from Luke.

"Mornin Tom hope ur looking forward to today, can u go in 30 mins early plz want to ave a quick meet with u b4 we start, we have loads to do and I need to bring u quickly, as I need u to sort out the overseas problem b4 we lose it...... no pressure lol , c u later L"

A deep sigh left me and Mary must have noticed the concerned look on my face. "Whats wrong Luke?" Mary too now looked worried. "Oh its nothing Mary, just Luke, my boss wants me to go in early and I was going to ring him and ask him if I could have the day off." I let out another sigh. "But its not looking good." I looked at Mary with pleading eyes. "What do I do! I cant go to work like this, I cant leave Claire."

Terry walked into the kitchen while I was speaking. "Whats going on? Whats wrong?" Mary filled Terry in on my situation. "Look son this jobs important, I know its hard, but maybe you should just in, me and Mary will be with Claire and I promise, I promise if there is any changes I will call you straight away." I looked at Terry in total shock was he for real. Go to work and take my mind of things! What the hell! Is this guy for really, my Claire is laid in a hospital bed and could be dying and its all my fault, but hey yeah I'll just go to work and forget it all, I needed some air. "Ermm look there's milk in the fridge and there's the bread and butter if you want some toast, am erm am going to get some air." I left them looking at each other and headed out of the front door. I didn't know where I was going, just that I needed to clear my head. I walked along our street and towards a little footpath that leads to a park and grass land area.

Once there I wasn't sure what I was doing or going to do, I took my phone out of my pocket and stared at it, I need to call Luke, but what do I say? Hey Luke can't come into work today as last night I throw me pregnant wife down the stairs. Yeah! and watch him sack me before I start, but I needed to call him. I found his name and dialled the number.

"Hey hows my number guy looking forward to starting."

"Yeah ermm, hi Tom its about today."

"Let my guess you're a little nervous about meeting the team, well don't worry they are all looking forward to meeting you."

I cringed. "Its not that Tom, its well last night, Claire had an accident and well she's in hospital in a coma."

There was silence at the other end of the phone, I checked to make sure we hadn't been disconnected. "Tom, you there?"

"Oh Luke I don't know what to say matey I really don't if there anything I can do just ask"

And that's what I wanted to hear, yes am going to get the day off, but then he carried on.

"But the only thing I cant do mate is give you today off. I really need you, am sorry but I need this fixing and like now or we will lose our deal and we will be all out of a job, am sorry Luke, I wish I could give to the day off but its just not possible"

Tom trailed of a little like he was thinking. "Look I will make you a deal I know its not much, but as soon as you have fixed it you can go, okay am sorry I can't do more, but I need you Luke."

So that was it if I didn't go to work I would lose my job as there would be no job to go to, I had to go, feeling depleted, I let at a sigh, something I been doing a lot.

"Okay Tom see you later yeah" and I rung up the phone, well I bets get home and take a shower and get ready for work. I made my way back to the house.

When I walked in Mary and Terry came into the hall to greet me. "Are you feeling better now love." I nodded. "Am going to take a shower and get ready for work." Terry had his arm around Mary and they both looked at me and smiled as I made my why upstairs. "Oh Luke." Mary called, I paused half way up the stairs, Leave your shirt out and I will iron it ready for you." I smiled "Thanks very kind thank you Mary." I was never any good at ironing, infact coming to think about it when it came to household stuff I wasn't very good at most things, my mum did spoilt me.

I walked in to the bedroom and took out a shirt and tie and unzipped my suit from its bag, I left the shirt on the bed and went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. The warm spray from the shower invigorated me, I need something to energise me. I had 3 hours sleep at the most, I was exhausted. I let the water run over my head and down my body. I heard someone come upstairs it must have been Mary. I finished my shower and got out of the bath, it was an over the shower bath, but like the rest of the house it needed updating as it ran of the taps and the knob to switch between the taps and shower was lose, and it didnt always stay on the shower setting, always it did it at the most awkward moment while I was washing my hair.

I dried off wrapped the towel around me and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair a little. I needed to gel it to style it properly. I went into to the bedroom and my Shirt freshly ironed was waiting for me. Mary didn't hang around in fact I never heard her come back upstairs. I grabbed my deodorant and put some on and started to get dressed, I rummaged through the bags and found my electric razor, I had a shave, fixed my hair and put on my suite. I didn't really like wearing my suite and today my tie felt like it was choking me. I finished off with some aftershave.  

I walked downstairs to found Mary and Terry sitting in the lounge. "You scrub up well." Terry exclaimed with a sideways smile. "Yeah thanks Terry, well look I better get going, but please call me with any news. I don't care what the rules say I am leaving my phone on."

"We will love, I primrose, we are going to head off ourselves now, so hopefully by able to update you before you start." Mary always had a soft reassuring tone to her voice when she spoke. "Good luck son! " Terry stood up and shook my hand like I was heading of to war of something. "Yes love, good luck and we'll call I promise" Mary kissed me on my cheek. " Oh before I forget here's the spare key." I handed the key to Mary who smiled at me before I left to go to work.

The drive felt strange, I drove in silence, normally I would have the radio on, but I just didn't feel like it. The drive seemed to take forever, but yet I was at work in no time at all. I  turned the corner and up to the barrier. I wind down my window took out my ID card and explained to the guard it was my first day, he checked he's clip board, nodded to my and handed me a car park pass. He instructed me to put it in the top left-hand side of my windscreen, so the camera could pick up on it, he pointed to a security camera. I took the pass and smiled at him, and gave him a quick wave of thanks when he lifted the barrier, it was a very secure place and as I drove to a car park space I checked I had my id pass in my pocket. I pulled up in to the car park, there weren't many cars in, as I was there earlier than normal and there were only skeleton staff on over night. I sat in the car for a moment composing myself. I just didn't want to be here, how was I going to concentrate? As I sat there I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I hurried to answer it, I looked down at the screen, its was Mary's mobile number, I answered quickly.

"Hello Mary, how is she and change?" My voice was panicked and rushed.

"Hello Luke, Claire is fine, they say she is settled and comfortable, but there's no real change, they are just keeping her under observation, there's no talk about bring her out of her coma yet." Mary's voice calm and soft as always.

"Thank you Mary, please if there's anything call me, am just about to walk in, but I will leave my phone on."

 " Of course I will dear now you go and show them how to do it" I could hear the smile behind her voice

"Okay thanks again Mary bye for now".

I hung up the phone. At least I know Claire was okay, right come on Luke get it together. I took a deep sigh, unbuckled the seatbelt and get out for the car, the cold breeze hit my face. I stood up and looked at the large building in front of me.

It stood 7 stores high and was about the size of one and a half football stadiums and it was where I worked now. I looked at my reflection in the car window, I straightened my red tie, I was wearing that with my white shirt and grey suit, I wanted to make a good impression. I walked up to the building. I had only been there 3 times before. The first time was at my first interview, I never forget how overwhelming it was. I sat there in the reception feeling like my tie was choking me, rubbing my sweaty palms on my trousers. The interview was held in a room just off the reception area, it was a large room, with a big oval desk in it. There was four people interviewing me, once I got through the first interview I had to go back for a second interview it was the same room but this time there was a PC linked to an interactive whiteboard, they set me tasks and watched my work, my every move projected on to the whiteboard. One of the men interviewing me continently took notes. It was one of the most never racking times of my live.

Finally when they offered my the job, they asked me to go back and this time they gave me a tour of the offices, but not before I signed my life away, stating I wouldn't share the details of the company with anyone, am sure it would have been easier getting a job with the secret services. I don't blame them. We hold some very sensitive information and cutting edge technology.

I walked up to the double glass doors, they opened as I approached them. The two security guides was stood either side of the metal detector. As we worked of such secure and confidence information, staff aren't allowed any electrical items in the building, all mobile phones had to be put in lockers and no other electrical items where allowed, of course am not just a regular staff member I am a manager and I work from home, so I am allowed to have my phone with me and my company laptop, which I haven't collected yet. I also am allowed to access low security files at home, as no one will get through my firewalls and virus protection. I have designed the some of the best selling worldwide pc protections to date.

I took my phone out of my pocket a long with my wallet and car keys. I placed them in the tray and walked through, and I set the alarm off. I stood there as one of the guides walked up to me. He smiled and said. "It will probably be your belt buckle." He waved the metal detector wand over me and sure enough it went of over my belt buckle and he handed me my stuff. "Told ya just your belt Mr ermm sorry sir your new here aren't you"

"I am and please call me Luke" I smiled at him and walked over to the reception desk. Placed my ID on the scanner. "Good morning Mr Harris." the receptionist said in a voice far to happy for a Friday morning. I smiled and went to the lift, the doors opened straight way and I walked in and pressed the eighth floor button. The lift moved swiftly up, thankfully it was empty. I made my way to my new office. The last time I was here I was full of excitment, looking forward to my new job. Now all I wanted to was get the job done and get the hell out of here. It wasnt supposed to be like this. On my first day I wanted to bring cakes and doughnuts in. Well that would have to wait for another day. Walking into my office seemed very strange. I was striped bare of any character, waiting for me to put my mark on it. I sat at my desk and started working.

The day was crazy, how was I supposed the consentrate. I had people in and out of my office all morning welcoming me to the company and I was constantly looking at my phone. I needed to get this job done, so I could go and see Claire. Right thats it. No more distractions. I closed my door and put my phone away.

By mid-afternoon I had fixed the issue and put measures inplace, which should hold out and just in case. I had downloaded all I needed on to my laptop, to be able to access it remotely from home if needed. As promised I was able to leave early. I was heading out of the door when my moblie  phone rang.

"Hello? Yeah this is Harris."


"You want to speak to me about what? Last night... Oh that was just a misunderstanding."


"What am talking about? What are you talking about?"


"Incident? What incident?"


"Are you kidding me! Realy....... You think! ......Okay.....Okay..... I'll come straight there."

"Whats your name again? I'll be there shortly."

I dont believe this. They think I would hurt Claire! Whats Mary and Terry  going to think! I throw my bag in the boot of the car and set the satnav for the Police station.

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