Sycamore Tree {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

314K 10.9K 551

The Queen is dead and her best friend is angry. Elowen Redfort, Queen Aemma's Lady-in-waiting and close... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Part Two
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Part Three
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Four
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Sixteen

9.1K 263 13
By rainbowkiller0

Sun light filled the chambers, painting everything in a soft golden light. Two figures laid intertwined on the bed, covered only by the sheets. Hazel eyes fluttered open as Elowen stretched out searching for her husband's form. Heat radiated off of Viserys, a byproduct of the blood of Old Valyria coursing through his veins. The brunette rolled over, quietly grunting from the effort it took. She bit her lip, trying to keep quiet and not wake the sleeping man beside her.

Viserys's white hair was blinding in the morning sun. Long lashes dusted his cheeks and the ever present furrow between his brows was nowhere to be found this morning, making the King look years younger. Elowen thanked the Seven everyday that she had found happiness in such comforting arms.

"I can feel your eyes on me." Viserys rumbled, opening one lavender eye to squint at his wife.

"I cannot help it, my love." Elowen scooted as close as possible, resting her head on his bare chest as the King wrapped a large arm around her. "It feels as if I am still dreaming."

"I feel the same," Viserys whispered, pressing a kiss to the head of brunette locks resting on his chest. "I have not been this happy in some time. And it is all thanks to you and our family." Viserys' hand trailed from his chest to his wife's swollen belly.

Elowen's hand rested over his, moving his hand lower to press against a different section. A strong push was felt, causing Viserys to chuckle. He lifted his hand from her belly up to her chin, tilting her head back so he could look into the hazel eyes he absolutely adored.

"I love you," the King whispered, pressing his lips to his wife's.

Elowen melted into Viserys's touch, how she adored waking in his arms while their family and love grew. She wished for nothing more than to stay in bed together all day. Breaking the kiss, the Queen looked to the window, seeing the sun rising further in the sky. It was a surprise no servants had called upon the couple yet.

Her thumb stroked across his chin, brushing against his lower lip. "As much as I would love to stay in bed forever with you, we must get ready for the day.Our guests will be arriving soon."

The King groaned at his wife's words, burying his face in Elowen's chest. "Must we?" The king's voice was muffled from his place between his wife's breasts.

"Yes," Elowen giggled, running her fingers through her husband's long locks. His hair had begun to thin more over the past year, Elowen did not know if it was from the stress of being a father and ruling over a kingdom or if it was the mysterious illness that the maesters tried to treat. She worried for her love's health more than anything. She feared for her children, would they know their father? The Queen worried for Rhaenyra, the Princess was still so young and heartbroken over her mother's death.

Thinking of her stepdaughter, Elowen wondered if Rhaenyra would be joining them for the celebration. The Princess had distanced herself after Elowen had fallen pregnant soon after her wedding night. She tried to soothe whatever doubts plagued the Princess, but no matter how hard she tried Rhaenyra met her attempts with anger. No amount of words seemed to be enough to bridge the distance between the two.

"I can feel you thinking, my love." Viserys said, raising his head to look at his wife's face. "What worries you?"

"I just wish for a better relationship with Rhaenyra. I don't need to be her mother, but I want to still be the aunt she adored. "

"She will come around, my love. Just give her time."

"It's been two years, Viserys. I fear she hates me." Elowen wanted to cry. She didn't know if it was from her pregnancy or not, which just made her feel more emotional.

"She is seven and ten, she hates everyone." Viserys soothed, lifting Elowen's hand in his and pressing a kiss to her fingertips.

Elowen felt herself calm at the deep timbre of Viserys's voice , nodding her head as she pulled him closer to press her lips to his. Viserys merely hummed, sinking further into the kiss.


Elowen stood surrounded by members of the Noble families, The Queen wore a beautiful and simple long sleeved black dress, red beading created the image of small dragons flying across the dark fabric. Her hair had been twisted and braided up into a tight bun at the back of her head, covered by a golden net beaded with rubies. Safely out of reach for small hands.

Her first born sat against her hip, smiling to all those around him. His tiny hand wrapped around two of Elowen's fingers while the tail of a toy dragon was held tightly in the other. Elowen had been ecstatic when the maester had told her she was with child, she had never thought it possible.

Though Aegon was proof that miracles could happen, he was her gist from the gods.

"He has your hair, Your Grace." One of the noblemen pointed out as Elowen shifted on her feet, smile tightening slightly as she became uncomfortable.

"He does have my hair," Viserys responded as he gently coaxed Aegon from his mother's hold. He held his son with one arm while his other wrapped around Elowen, rubbing soothing circles into her lower back.

Elowen smiled at her husband, grateful that he was so kind and caring. Even in her first pregnancy, it was as if he knew exactly what she needed without her having to say a word. New cushions and pillows had been placed on every seat in the Red Keep and benches had appeared in every hall. She rested a hand on his shoulder, hoping he knew how thankful she was for him.

"He has your eyes, Your Grace," Another noble called out, interrupting whatever moment had been happening between the King and Queen.

"Yes, he does," Viserys tightened his grip around Elowen's waist, pulling her closer to him. "I only hope our next child resembles their mother in some way, she is such a beauty."

"Quite beautiful, Your Grace." One of the ladies near Elowen answered.

"Yes, you positively glow," Another lady added on, stepping closer to Elowen. "Being with child suits you, Your Grace."

"Thank you." Elowen smiled at the women, taking a step closer to her husband.

"Your grace," Tyland Lannister pushed through the crowd to the King's side. "I bring urgent news from the stepstones. The Crabfeeded has dug in for siege on Bloodstone while his men sabotage our fleet under the cover of dark."

"Not today, Tyland." Viserys didn't even turn to look at the man as he dismissed him. He turned his head so only Elowen could really see his face and rolled his eyes.

Elowen lifted a hand to her lips, trying to stifle a laugh as the Master of Ships continued. "The matter of the stepstones is regrettably urgent."

"It's been three years, it can wait another three days." Viserys turned to glare at the man, before looking back to his wife with a soft smile. Taking her soft hand in his he placed a kiss to her knuckles, as he stepped away he pressed a kiss to Aegon's shining locks and passed him to his nursemaid. "Come, eat. Fortify yourselves for the journey."

As the King started the feast Elowen looked around for her stepdaughter. Upon not seeing her anywhere, Elowen set out to the Godswood hoping to find Rhaenyra there.

Just as she had predicted, Rhaenyra and Alicent sat under the tree with a minstrel nearby singing. The two were sharing a book, deep in thought. Though at the Queen's arrival, the minstrel stood up causing Alicent to look up as well.

"Your Grace," The two greeted Elowen, bowing as she walked up the path leading to the tree.

"Did I say to stop?" Rhaenyra asked, ignoring the Queen's presence. "From the beginning."

"Rhaenyra!" Alicent chided, looking aghast at the Princess's lack of respect.

"It is quite alright, Alicent." Elowen smiled at the Hightower girl before addressing her stepdaughter. "Your presence has been missed in the Great Hall."

"I doubt anyone has noticed my absence."

"Leave us, Samwell." Elowen ordered the minstrel, who seemed happy to get awy from the two royals.

"You are to stay by order of the Princess." Rhaenyra still refused to look up.

"The Queen commands you to leave the Godswood at once." Elowen sighed as the man practically ran from the Godswood. "Your father wishes for you to join us."

Rhaenyra stilled for a moment before flipping to the next page. "And he sent you to search for me?"

"I came of my own volition. We were hoping you would join us in the outer courtyard, the royal hunt readies to depart and as heir you are expected to greet the nobles."

"So you can choose my suitor and send me away?"

"Nonsense, Rhaenyra. Your father and I have no intention of sending you away."

Rhaenyra let out a cruel laugh at this, finally turning to face her step mother. "You think I believe anything you say."

Elowen took a step back as Rhaenyra approached, pressing a hand to her stomach in an effort to soothe herself. "Rhaenyra, I-"

"You were supposed to be loyal to my mother," Rhaenyra hissed. "Instead you betrayed my mother! You could barely wait until she was ash to seduce her husband!"

Elowen's eyes water, as she held back tears. "If that is how you feel I will leave you to your book, but your father wishes for you to join us in the Royal Carriage."

With that Elowen turned and walked away from her niece. She quickly wiped away the tear rolling down her cheek as she walked back into the Great hall.

"Are you alright, Your Grace?" a voice sounded from behind Elowen, startling her.

Turning, Elowen was greeted with the Hand of the King. "You frightened me, Lord Hand."

"I apologize, Your Grace." Otto Hightower bowed his head in apology.

"It is alright, Ser Otto, and I am fine." Elowen spoke, turning to search for her husband.

"The Princess seems to have inherited her Uncle's temper, do you not think? Quick to attack without a thought."

"I believe children take after all those who offer them love and nurture them." Elowen's eyes narrowed in question. The Hand and the Queen had hardly spoke in the past three years, curious how now Otto approaches her to discuss the Princess. "What do you want, Ser Otto?"

"I'm merely making conversation, Your Grace. It is merely curious how the King has not named the young Prince heir, don't you think?"

"Do not concern yourself with such matters, Otto. The King and I have discussed the line of succession in great detail."

With that Elowen left the ambitious man and moved to her husband's side. Viserys lifted Elowen's hand, pressing a kiss to it in way of a greeting as he listened to some lord's tale of a successful hunt. Elowen relaxed into Viserys's warmth, slightly leaning into him.

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