Zombies 7

By Meloetta246

6.6K 138 135

Adulthood brings many joys: promising careers, marriage, children...... the list goes on. And now our favorit... More

Welcome Back
Happy Birthday Ezmae
Football Practice
No Rest for the Weary
Adults Only
Trip to Z-Tech
Visiting Hours
The Park
Stranger Danger


325 9 8
By Meloetta246

Zinnia's heartbeat quickened with every step as she hurried towards the cheer pavillion, carrying the two three year olds in her arms. This was supposed to be a night of celebration, The scene before her was anything but.

"Ma'am you have to stand back." An officer told her, trying to keep the onlookers at bay.

"My daughter and son-in-law were at that party." Zinnia told him. "I want to know what's going on."

The officer held his ground, focusing on the crowd in front of him. "Then you best head to the hospital. That's where they've all been taken."

"All of them?" Zinnia questioned, trying to process how they could have all been sent to the hospital when Brayden started to squirm in her arms.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Zinnia followed his gaze and saw Bree and Winnie talking to an officer near the doors of the pavillion. It seemed not all of them had been taken to the hospital after all. She turned back to the officer only to find he was busy trying to stop someone from taking photos. Taking her opportunity, Zinnia slipped past him and made her way over to where Bree was standing.

"Bree! Winnie!"

"Zinnia!" Both girls gasped as she walked.

"Mommy!" Brayden cheered.

"My little man." Bree sighed in relief, taking him from Zinnia's arms. "I'm so happy to see you."

Brayden gently ran his fingers across her cheek, feeling how damp it was. "Why are you crying Mommy?"

Bree put on a brave face, not wanting to scare her son. "Mommy is okay. Things were a little scary but it's alright now."

Zinnia knew she was lying. She could see the fresh tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Things were far from okay.

"Bree." Zinnia spoke softly. "Would it be okay if I left Ezmae with you so Winnie can fill me in on what's going on? We don't want to scare the little ones."

Bree nodded. "Of course. Come on Ezmae, let's go sit on that bench for a moment."

Zinnia sat Ezmae down and Bree took her hand, guiding her away towards the nearby bench still carrying Brayden in her arms. Zinnia took a breath to collect herself before turning to Winnie.

"What happened here?"

Winnie shook her head. "I'm not sure even I understand it. One moment we were all toasting to another happy year for Bonzo and his family. The next, everyone was on the floor convulsing except Bree and I. The officers think it was a mass poisoning. The only reason Bree and I weren't affected was because we were both drinking water because we knew the punch was mixed with alcohol. But I guess now we know that's not the only thing it was mixed with."

Zinnia shook her head, trying to comprehend it all. "And how are they doing? Is anyone......"

"They're all alive as far as I know." Winnie replied. "At least they were when they left here. Bree and I have been questioned so much we haven't had time to find out more."

Zinnia nodded as she absorbed the information. The she placed a hand on Winnie's shoulder. "What about you dear? Are you okay? I know it must have brought up many emotions for you and Bree to see this happen."

"I don't know." Winnie admitted, placing a hand on her swollen belly. "I'm scared to find out what's going on. If something happened to any of them....to Will....I don't know if I could...."

Winnie dissolved into tears and Zinnia pulled her close. "There, there. Just let it out. We'll all get through this together. They're strong. Have faith."

After a few minutes Winnie pulled herself together and the two of them made their way over to Bree.

"Brayden said Kenzie had to go to the doctor?" Bree questioned. "In the whirlwind of things I didn't even realize she wasn't here."

Zinnia nodded. "Yes, Zevon took her. She's ....ah.... starting to show her Zombie side."

Bree glanced at Brayden and Ezmae in concern. "Will she be alright?

"I think so." Zinnia reassured her. "Though Zevon said he would call when he had news. I promised to do the same. I'll call him to let him know what's happened and check on Kenzie."

Zinnia pulled out her phone and dialed Zevon. They went back and forth for several minutes before she finally hung up.

"Good news." Zinnia smiled. "Kenzie is going to be fine. Zevon said he would meet us at the hospital."

"Great." Winnie replied. "But how are we going to get there? I can't drive and from what Eliza's told me neither do you."

"I can drive." Bree offered, gesturing across the parking lot. "Bonzo's truck is right over there."

"Are you sure?" Winnie asked, gesturing to Bree's swollen belly that matched her own. "I don't think I could even reach a wheel right now. Can you?"

Bree chuckled. "Fair point. But Bonzo's truck has lots of adjustments. I should be able to set things up so I can drive."

"If you're sure." Zinnia replied.

Bree nodded. "I am. Let's go."

The group made their way over to the truck and Bree fastened Brayden into his carseat before the realization hit her.

"Oh shoot. We need a carseat for Ezmae."

Bree went to the back of the truck and began pulling out a large box.

"Here, let me help." Zinnia told her, taking the box. She placed it on the ground then pulled a second carseat out from inside.

"We got it for when the baby arrives." Bree smiled. "It adjusts so we can continue to use it as she grows."

Bree took the carseat and made the necessary adjustments before placing it in the truck. They got Wzmae buckled in then the rest of them climbed inside. Winnie sat in the back with the kids while Zinnia took the front with Bree. Once everyone was buckled in and Bree had adjusted everything to her liking they set off for the hospital.

Time skip brought to you by A-lan's new love of competition

The five of them made them made there way to the front desk after arriving at the hospital. Down the hall, Bree could see doctors and nurses quickly running from room to room. Clearly overwhelmed with the mass casualty situation at hand.

"Hello." Zinnia smiled at the receptionist. "My daughter and son-in-law along with these young ladys' husbands were brought in from the cheer pavillion. We wanted to find out how they're doing."

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to wait." The receptionist replied. "Our staff is currently working to get everyone stabilized. Once things have calmed down we'll be able to give you information on their conditions."

Zinnia sighed. "We understand. Thank you for your time. We'll just sit and wait if that's alright?"

"Of course." The receptionist nodded.

The five of them went and took a seat.

"I wish they would tell us something." Winnie sighed. "That way we'd at least have an idea of what's happening."

"I know." Bree agreed. "I just want to know of they're okay."

Time seemed to tick by slowly as they waited for news. Gradually the waiting room began to fill with worried families as news of what had occurred spread. Even Alpha Wylda had made the trip from the wolf den to stand watch over the sick members of her pack.

Bonzo's grandmother, Inza, and Zevon were the last to arrive. Zevon took a seat beside Winnie, holding Kenzie in his lap. Inza took an empty seat beside Zinnia and Brayden crawled into her lap.

"Groz nez zet? (Any news yet?)" Inza asked.

Zinnia shook her head. "Zon. (No)"

Inza sighed and began to rock Brayden in her arms, softly singing a lullaby in Zombie tongue. Ezmae rested her head against Zinnia's shoulder as she listened to the song, giving a small yawn.

Zinnia smiled softly at her granddaughter. "Perhaps I should take the children home."

"No, please stay." Bree pleaded. "Brayden and Ezmae will be fine."

Zevon nodded. "She's right Zinnia. You should be here for Eliza."

"You're right." Zinnia sighed. "Its just getting late is all."

Zevon nodded. "I know. But they're doing good so far. We'll see how things go and if they start getting fussy we'll decide what to do."

"Alright." Zinnia agreed. "I suppo--"


The waiting room went silent as the howl echoed through the halls. The color drained from Winnie's face as she turned to Wylda who wore a grim expression.

"What is it?" Bree asked, noticing the change in Winnie's face. "What did that howl mean?"

"That was Wynter." Winnie admitted. "And the howl, it....it...."

"It was a howl of grief." Alpha Wylda finished, solemnly. "It seems Wynter is mourning."

Author's Note

Doing my best to get back in the swing. Also, congrats to Car0linej0nes for noticing the hidden message in the last chapter. Well done! Keep your eyes peeled for more.


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