Stone Cold K*ller

De minxyjee

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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chaper 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
prologue-epilogue part 1

chapter 31

149 6 7
De minxyjee

Sienna Galeon

I would pinch myself right now if it didn't make me look crazy as I stand across from Nicolai. Gryo standing by us as he starts the ceremonial speech, saying blah blah blah. Until he finally gets to the important part. The moment I've been dreaming of since ever.

"I wed blood sworn heir Sienna Lionessa Galeon to blood sworn heir Nicolai Jessoi Stone." Gryo announces holding a dagger to his hand.

"Give me your hand, Sienna." He says.

I wish I was informed beforehand  that blood would have been spilled in my wedding day. I give him my hand and open my palm as he holds my wrist and tilts the tip of the dagger to nick the end of my pinkie. "You are now blood sworn into the Bratva, and to Pahkan Nicolai Stone. Do you swear to up hold your vow and keep loyal to his side, for better or for worse--for sickness until Death do you part."

Weird way of putting that I want to spend the rest of my life with Nico, dead or alive.

"I do." I say.

Gryo puts away the dagger and turns to Nico, "Nicolai Stone, do you swear to protect, to provide, and to cherish Sienna Galeon. For better or for worse, for sickness until Death do you part."

Why does he get a shorter version?

Nico reaches into his pocket and gets out a small soft red velvet square box. Wait? He got me a ring? Last time we tried we ended up not getting rings because of the shoot out. Never did we talk about rings after that. I don't have one for him.

He flips open the red box and there placed in a black small cushion inside, a ring.

I gasp in awe seeing the silver ring, decorated with small diamonds on the edges and a decent sized blood ruby stone.

He takes the ring out of the box and slips the box back into his pocket before taking my hand and placing the ring down my ring finger. It fits just perfectly while the sun light shimmers on the ruby.  My eyes snap up to meet his brilliant stunning blue eyes.

"I do." His deep voice rumbles out.

For the first time ever, and I mean ever from this whole time I've been with Nico...

This is the first genuine smile I witness on him.

Heart be still, heart be cool, my heart needs to stop pounding so fiercely.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss." Gryo states closing his book on the podium.

Large hands grab the both sides of my face and pulls me in. Our lips collide into a soft sensual dance, tasting him, feeling the way his soft lips capture mine in a compelling spell.

Until we break apart, our foreheads lean against each other, "I didnt get you a ring." I breath out.

"I don't need a ring to know you are mine, ангел."

Dimitri and Donovon comes over to us, "this calls for a celebration, don't you think?" Dimitri asks Don then looks over to me and Nico, "Let's go out tonight." He suggests with a devious smirk.

Nico seems tormented of the idea, "what exactly did you have in mind?" His voice sounding unsure and suspicious.

"The Electric Bar."

"Fuck no." My husband shuts that idea down.

But it only spikes my interests more, "The Electric Bar? What's that place?" I ask.

"I was just joking," Dimitri chuckles then shakes his head, "it's a club down town. But I forgot that you are underage."

I turn to face Nico, pouting my bottom lip, "why not go? I'm twenty years old, not a child."

Nicolai shakes his head, still refusing to let up. But I already am determined so I give him my best doe eyes and pouty lips. Bringing my hand up and place it on his chest. I notice his grip tighten on his cane as I lean up close to his ear, "come on, Papi. Let's have some fun. I promise to be a good girl." I whisper.

He turns his head ever-so-slightly to face me, his eyes boring into mine as he looks down to me, "alright we can go. But no drinking and no getting any crazy ideas." He whispers back, grazing the tip of his nose to the tip of my nose.

"I promise to do my best."

My husband groans before leaving a peck on my lips, "as promises go that was not assuring," he hooks his free arm around my waist and pulls me into him, "wife."

Dimitri and Donovon are still there when I look over to them, "Let's get ready!" I clap in excitement.

I hear Nico grumble, "I'm going to get grey hairs by the end of the night."

"Oh come on boss. She will be just fine." Dimitri says patting his shoulder.

It's nine o'clock at night. Nico had some business after the wedding to attend to. He had me sign his contract which I didn't read but I seen the fine print. If he dies I share half of whats his. I wished he didnt have to do some business because who works on their wedding day? Of course, my husband. He told me before he left was to talk to Gryo the minister about some 'traditions to change' but didn't pry or ask him what they may be.

He said he'd be here in the lobby whenever I'm ready.

I'm standing in the lobby wearing a cute sundress--yes I'm wearing a sundress to a club. It's deep red with a sweetheart neckline. I'm still wearing my heels I wore from the wedding which matches the sundress. My hair flowing down my back with natural waves. Touching up my makeup here and there.

The twins are with me right now, waiting for the Pahkan.  They are wearing casual clothes, jeans and button up deep grey silk shirts with long sleeves that are rolled up.

The elevator dings and here comes Nico rolling out in his wheel chair. Wearing not so casual attire for tonight. A fancy three piece suit with nothing but a black palette.

Yet he still is a sight to see and I can't believe he is mine. A shudder runs down my body when his eyes land on my bare legs with heated intent.

We all go down the ramp and make it into the car. Don drivea and Nicolai sits in the  passenger side while I sit beside Dimitri in the back. The smell of leather, spice, and expensive cologne assaults my senses from all of them in the small confinement.

Looking out the window, the city lights welcome me while the car moves in motion.  My eyes looking out in wonder as I have never been to this side of the city. The streets are small, there are less homeless people walking about which hopefully means they found comfort in shelters. The car slows down and thats when I see a glowing blue neon sign atop a tall building on the corner of the street saying, 'Electric Bar.'

Excited and nervous at the same time because this will be my very first Bar experience.  I don't know why Dimitri would pick this place to celebrate but I'm not complaining. 

Donovon gets out first and gives a man in a full on bodyguard suit a card and whispers something to him. The bodyguard guy nods once and points to a direction. Don gets back in and drives us into a secluded parking space.

Parking the car we all get out. Nico quickly grips my wrist and tugs me close to him as he wheels off with me walking beside him towards a back entrance. When Dimitri opens the door for us all to enter, my eyes widen in amazement.

The upbeat atmosphere reels me in and catching me in utter fascination. People lining up by the bar to get drinks and food. The dance floor covered in a crowd of women dancing in the middle. The music hitting hard with a man who is on a small stage turning each beat.

I can see that this is not my husbands scene, by the way he sulks and wheels over to an empty round booth table, it faces everything going on in the entire place. I sit next to Nico while the twins sit on the other side of the booth facing us. "Are you hungry? You haven't eaten much today." My husband asks me, eyes intent on staring at the ring on my finger.

I nod, "I'll go to the bar and order me something." As I say this he reaches for me and stops me from getting up.

"I already don't like this..." he mutters.

What? "What do you mean?"

He doesn't say anything, just seems uncomfortable by the environment.  His eyes darting around in calculating assessment. I catch the way his jawline clenches and one of his hands tightening around the armrest of his wheelchair. His whole body tense and shoulders tight.

This is when I realize my husband does not like crowded places.

Leaning forward until my face is mere inches from his, "I can't wait to consummate our marriage." I tell him, trying to get him to relax and focus on me.

That gets his attention. His eyes snap to mine and his mouth parts slightly. He reaches out and lands his large palm atop my bare knee beneath the table--giving it a squeeze. I keep on by running my hand down the side of his arm closest to me, "I want you so bad." I whisper hotly to him.

Nicolai seems mystified with his eyes following my hand thats caressing his arm seductively.

From the corner of my eye I can feel the twins gazes on us and hanging on every word slipping out my mouth.  "One of the twins will take me to the bar. What would you like to drink, caro?" I ask, voice sugary.

My plans on distracting him and loosening him up actually works when he seems less tense as he finally answers, "vodka."

Russians and their vodka.

Don is the one who escorts me to the open bar. I never thought of it but now seeing it, he does look intimidating with his broad shoulders and muscular frame as he moves a crowd with his presence when we finally get up there. I lean half my body on the counter and even in heels I had to tip toe up because I'm short as fuck when the counter is up to my chest.

Donovan stands behind me, his crotch practically  touching my backside as he traps me in place. I try to get the bartenders attention but he seems busy. Until he finally looks this way his eyes land on Don behind me and stammers before quickly coming our way. "What would yall like?"

"May I have the menu?" I ask nicely.

The bartender reaches down the counter and give me the menu. I look at the options, "mmm, that's sounds good. Okay I'll have three vodkas for my boys. I want a double deck cheeseburger with your famous cheese fries with a sprite." I order placing the menu down the counter and smile at the man, "I got married toda--"

The bartender walks off before I could finish my sentence. 

Don slaps the counter top which causes me to jump and snaps at the man, "she was talking to you."

The bartender stops and stammers, "oh um sorry what was it?"

My smile falls, "it's fine. Go ahead."

He walks off to make our drinks when I whirl around and narrow my eyes up at Don, "it wasn't a big deal. He is busy."

He shrugs and leans towards me placing both his hands on the counter on each side of me, trapping me, "he will show you respect."

I pat his chest with my hand, "I can handle myself big guy. I'm used to rude men, I've lived with it my whole life. Always being called a spoiled princess and all."

Donovan frowns and opens his mouth but gets cut off from the bartender who comes back with our drinks and food--that was quick. Don and I make it back to the booth where Nico and Dimitri are waiting. I place my food in front of me and start digging in as they talk to one another againt the loud beat of music.

I can feel my husbands eyes on me when I bite into my burger. I honestly think he has a fetish of watching me eat.

When I finish my food I see that he hasn't touched his drink, "can I have a sip?" I ask.

At first I was thinking he was going to say no because of my age and whatnot, but then I watch him bring his thumb up and dips it into his shot glass of vodka.

He brings his thumb up and offers it to me. I grab a hold of his wrist and slowly open my mouth and close it around the tip of his thumb and suck. His eyes darken when I suck the last bit of his thumb and hum at the taste of the harsh liquor in approval

Releasing his thumb from my mouth with a wet poping sound, "want to dance with me?" I ask him.

Nicolai shakes his head, "I don't dance."

Well damn.

Looking over to the twins, "you both, dance with me." I basically order them.

They didn't oppose because as soon as I said those words they get up off their seats. I follow them until we hit the middle of the dance floor. The music is fast and upbeat the light strobe around the room. I start feeling the beat, feeling myself with my hands around my body swaying my hips and letting loose. My head sways with my hair flowing with each motion.

That's when I feel two presence join me as I sway my hips. Dimitri in front of me placing his hands on my hips as he sways with me. Don behind me grabbing by long hair into his fist and other hand placed above the small of my back.

I look over to Nico and see his eyes on me and only on me when I move my hips and ground my ass into Don's front. Dimitri basically presses his body into me and leans down to place a chaste kiss on my neck.

Doing all this as I stare at my husband who watches me and his men.

I lick my lips, "I'm ready to leave."

Both the twins nod and break us apart, "are you tired?" Dimitri asks me.

My eyes still on Nicolai, "no. I just really want my husband right now." I say, breathless.

Especially when Nico's blue eyes narrow on me with a look of dirty promises and the way his thumb swipes his bottom lip.

Nervous but ready for tonight when I finally get to lose my virginity and give it to my husband. 

But our line of sight was broken when someone pushes me from the side, it was a drunk man swaying and had ran into me, "look where you're going, little bitch!" He shouts into my face inebriated.

I blame my natural reflexes for what happens next.

Because as soon as his face was in mine I reared back and punch the dude in the nose, "figlio di puttana che fa male come una madre!" I cry out holding my hand as it throbs from the contact I made, "oh mio dio penso di aver rotto qualcosa!"

The drunk man I'd hit had stumbled back but righted himself before coming at me again, fixing to grab me.

The twins push me behind them but that's not what stops the drunk man from coming this way. What stops him is a cane hitting him in the back of his head, knocking him down completely.

Nico had his cane hooked behind his wheelchair. I guess it's convenient because he just whacked the bitch in one blow.

Nico stands there leaning against his cane. He spits on the drunk man who lays unconscious on the dirty floor, "be lucky you got the cane instead of a bullet you worthless piece of shit." He grumbles.

The twins then whirl around and stare at me in awestruck, "you sure packed some heat with that punch, sweets." Dimitri chuckles.

"I thought so too but now my hand hurts." I whine showing them the damage of red knuckles.

Nicolai shoves the twins away and grabs my hand to inspect, "we should go. We caused a scene--"

"Well if it isn't Nicolai Stone, Pahkan of the Bratva. Never thought I'd see you be in a place like this." A deep callous voice says from afar.

Nicos entire body tenses to the voice. The twins place themselves in front of me and Nico for our protection if anything goes wrong the twins would be the first to take it.

Nicolais' eyes stay on me when he replies back to the voice, "Caspian Maritto, I'd say the same to you but we know what places suit you."

Caspian Maritto?

A relative of mine.

My eyes search for the voice until it lands on a dark figure across the room in the shadows. Everyone is quiet and the music is off letting the silence echo.

Nicolai turns around and keeps me behind him but I couldn't help myself, I had to peek out and see.

The dark figure steps out of the shadows and into the light. He has dark hair with little grey strands peppering his sides. The man is as tall as Nico and dresses the same. The man, Caspian, doesn't look a day older than 45 with how he looks. From here I couldn't make out the color of his eyes but I know they had to be dark brown.

Caspian looks down to me but Nico snaps at him, "don't look at her."

He laughed, "I should be allowed to look at my daughter, am I not?"


Taking a step to the side from Nico, "y-you are my father?"

He smiles a smile that would convince you to watch your back with this one, "you are blood of my blood, Sienna."

The room seems to spin, "where were you all this time?"


Well that explains a little but, "how--"

Nico places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes, "we must be going. We will catch up some time Casp."

Casp...he says his name so casually as if once friends?

Caspian nods once, "looking forward to meeting again."

The twins follow me and Nicolai once he gets in his wheelchair, we exit out of the bar. The cool air whips against my bare skin. Once we get into the car and drive back home, I couldn't stop thinking about how it sounded like Nico and my birth father have been acquainted in the past.

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