Norman's Last Days

By twinkyscollection

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The world as man knows it is not exactly what it seems and two best friends in the city of Ukwa are caught in... More

Introduction (RECISED)
chapter 1: Peets' Confusion
Chapter 2: Tragedy Unfolds
Chapter 3: Beets' Condition
Chapter 4: Norman
Chapter 5: My friend, My brother
Chapter 6: Her Silent Voice
Chapter 7: The Non-believers in love
Chapter 8: Runaway
PART 1; Chapter 1: How We Got Here
Chapter 2: Able Hands
Chapter 3: Who am I
Chapter 4: Crushed Hopes
Chapter 5: Norman is dead
Chapter 6: Before she left
Chapter 7: Emma
Chapter 8: GLOBAPOL
Chapter 9: Don Antonio
Chapter 10: Zakarpat
Part 2 : prologue
Chapter 11: Zakar's first move
Chapter 12: Minerva
Chapter 13: Dack
Chapter 14: The Root's Server
Chapter 16: Norman is Alive
Chapter 17: Zakar's Experiments
Chapter 18: Traitors Among Us
Chapter 19: The Archive
Chapter 20: Norman's Last Days
Part 3: Chapter 21: The Duchess

Chapter 15: Assault on the Lost Bunker

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By twinkyscollection

"Why was my dad such a genius" Peets said frustrated. "Does it say where it is located?" Amara asked Emma. "Not exactly, all it had was a weird riddle" Emma answered. "Even when we fall in pits, hope remains as long as the heart still beats. Right?" Amara recited. "Yeah, I've already solved it tho" Emma replied. "Yeah me also" Peets said. "How?" Dack asked. "In pits means underground" Emma started explaining. "Our library is in the heart of our home" Peets continued. "And heartbeat are the letters engraved into the side of a gnome in the library" Emma concluded. "Meaning, there is a lair underneath our library and the gnome is somewhat the key" Peets speculated. "Maybe pull on its nose and a secret door will open through the shelves" Emma said jokingly. "It could also mean there are explosives beneath every major city on the planet" Peets said with a dark tone. "You two are incredible, you are right. There is a lab under your library and if your father left anything it would definitely be in there. Also that's was the riddle your parents sent out to us to warn us about the bombs that caused the Sound Quakes years back"

At this moment the sirens went off all over the island. "Amara, I think you need to step out and see this" Philly said through the intercom. Amara and the group took the elevator to the rooftop. "Oh my God" they all said in synchronicity as they looked above their heads. A large mass was floating above the whole island. "So that's the lost bunker" Dack said. "I have to say though, its magnificent" Emma said in admiration. "There's no point hiding it anymore if we already know it's there" Maxim stated. "Yeah, its safe to assume at this point that he knows all that we know" Peets said. Amara just stood there all the while thinking until she said, "Put the island on Red Ghost alert." The others were taken aback by this a little. "I'm also invoking the Abolition Protocol, put out an order to all agents in the field to return to the island" she added. "You can't make a decision like that on your own, you need the approval of the joint board of directors to abolish all other sectors in GLOBAPOL" Maxim warned Amara. "Apart from Dack, I don't see any of them around. This is the problem, we've been focusing on too many things and now there's an Hover ship above our head" Amara lashed out. "Look at the sky, that's the boldest move Zakar has made since the bombs. He's letting us know that the next phase of his plan is big and if we don't put our absolute all into stopping it then it's another guaranteed win for him" Amara explained. "Hasn't it occurred to you that's what he want us to do?"Maxim asked. "We really don't have a choice, I'm with Amara, whatever she decides" Peets said. "Alright, what do you have in mind?" Maxim asked. "We're taking the battle to him. Up there, we're going to stage an attack on the lost bunker" Amara said pointing to the bunker with a sinister smirk.

"Ok, now I know you're crazy" Maxim said shocked. "How do you suggest we do that?" Emma asked. "Peets" Amara called out his name without looking in his direction. "Any theories so far?" she asked. "I've got one" he replied. "Let's hear it" she demanded. "So what I think is, first he's planing on using that program to take over the global network, then use the EMP generator to fry out every device on the planet so that there cannot be an attempt to override his program" Peets theorized. "Emma, you're the engineer. Look up and tell me what you see" Amara said. "First off, that hover tech is out of this world, its exterior looks like its made of Metallic glass. Has anyone noticed that even though there's a giant aircraft over our heads, we are still receiving uninterrupted sunlight from the sun, there's no sign of a shadow anywhere" Emma pointed out. "That probably because of that subtle bright light underneath it, I'm guessing it changes according to the time of day, imitating the sun and moon." Emma concluded. "How long will it take you to prep the Jewels for battle?" Amara asked. "Thirty six hours, ma'am" Emma answered. "What about Pendant?" She Amara asked. "About forty hours" Emma answered. "We might not have that long" Amara said concerned. "We do" Peets assured her. "There was a timer attached to the program that was sent, we have roughly fifty one hours before the program is ready. Hopefully" Peets stated. "That's a relief" Amara said. "He's probably going to go get the processor" Emma said concerned. "I doubt he's going to take such a big risk" Maxim stated. "Why?" Peets asked. "Your mom is the one protecting your home, he wouldn't dare go there" Amara answered. "But Ronnie Anne is in a wheelchair" Dack stated. "Yes she is but she has no conditions that mandates her to stay in it" Amara stated. "But she injured herself" Peets said. "Few years ago, Zakar started targeting our old agents. Those that could potentially be a threat to him and he almost succeeded, only six of them remained and your mother is one of them. We faked her injuries so he would think she was no longer a threat." Maxim narrated. "Covis was amongst the ones he for to" Amara added. "We were told by mom that he just upped and left, i guess thats not true" Peers stated sadly. "If he has a way to assemble the EMP generators, we should consider the probability that he can also make the processor" Emma suggested. "Yes, we should consider that" Dack agreed. "We all have work to do, hop to it" Amara said. They all left the rooftop leaving only Amara behind, she stood there looking up at the gigantic figure above her. "It's time to end this" She said.

Two days later on an aircraft carrier several miles away from GLOBAPOL HQ, maxim was about to debrief GLOBAPOL staff and operatives on the mission they will all soon embark on. "This mission has four groups. The first group led agent Charles will depart to every known Zakar affiliated location. The second team led by agent Dele will go over to the Wood's resident to guard agent Wood
The third group led by Emma will head to the lost bunker. Finally the last group will be stationed at strategic locations to provide support to any if the other groups if the need arises." "Be warned, there is a high possibility we're walking into a trap but we have no other choice, we are not having this meeting on the island because it has been compromised. Every information ever uttered there has been uttered directly into Zakar's ears. They know we're coming and they are prepared. Know this, this mission is a fail if any of the teams fail. So give it your absolute one hundred because you might never get another chance to do that after today. We are exactly four hours twelve minutes away from absolute doom, your mission is to make sure that timer doesn't hit zero before the end of the mission. Today, thousands of lives will be lost, that goes without a saying. But if we succeed, billions will have been saved. Stand tall and stand proud warriors, the fate of the world as we know it rest on your shoulders." Amara said addressing and motivating the group. "Amara and I will coordinate the teams from here, Good luck soldiers" Maxim said rounding up.

"Before Emma's group left Amara came over to talk to Peets and Emma, "Bring back them back, that's your number one priority" she said. While on the Lost bunker, Till and his team were getting ready to welcome their guests, in a dark chamber with multiple cells a conversation was taking place. "You were right to put your trust in Peets" one of the inmates said. "Yes, I was. I know he would never disappoint me, buckle up guys..." Norman paused for a while, and then with a smile on his face he said, "we're going home."

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Bye for now and catch y'all in the next chapter.

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