Lost Minds

By anonymousteengirlxo

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"Naomi, you've been missing for days! Hear me out." He grabs my arm, pulling me close into his chest. I try t... More



43 2 1
By anonymousteengirlxo

Today's the day.

"Get in the truck everyone, we don't have time! Matteo, Rick, Cole make sure you get the guns." Daxon bellows from the front yard. I sit on the steps of the porch, watching him through the car window.

Yesterday, we didn't talk again. It's fine, I didn't want to talk to him anyway.

"Are you not going to help?" Scar rubs the top of my head as I look up to see her standing beside me. I smile.

It's nice to be needed.

"What could I even do? You guys are the ones who know everything about this place. I just got here." I sigh, looking back at Daxon. Scar removes her hand and walks in front of me.

"Just ask me next time, ok? It's better than sitting here, looking like a puppy abandoned by her owner." Scar smirks, walking towards the apartment building again.

"Hey! It's not like that and you know it!" I get up, following her back inside. She runs up the steps. As I chase her, I catch a glance of a slight smile on her face.

She's... so annoying. I didn't even feel that bad.

"Scar, why are you running? Is something going on?!" I hear Maddy's voice as I screech to a halt.

I'm sure she has her gun out, ready to shoot whoever's behind Scar.

"Put your gun down. I'm just playing with Naomi." She says, as I breathe a sigh of relief and go up the last few steps.

"Naomi! Daxon would've killed me if I shot you." Maddy exclaims as my eyebrows furrow. I scoff.

"Why would he even care?"

Maddy and Scar exchange looks as Maddy shrugs in response. I sigh again.

Everyone acts stranger about me and Daxon than him and I act about ourselves. It's just weird to me. Super weird.

I know they're hiding something.

Cole, Matteo, and Rick hurry past us with guns strapped all over themselves. A sense of comfort spreads within me.

Reminds me of the old gun I spent nights with.

I don't think I'm as unstable as I thought I was. Maybe being around people just like me, makes me feel... I don't know, normal?

"C'mon girls, we have to leave." Scar frowns as Maddy hops past the boys, a wide grin on her face.

Well, I guess it's time to do my job as Daxon bodyguard. Raid a company, fight security, and make it home for training. Sounds great.

We all fit into Cole's van as the weapons are packed in the trunk. Rick sits in the driver's seat and the sun goes down in the distance, staining the sky red.

"We've waited a long time for this, especially you Daxon." Cole says, as Daxon shoots him a glare. Cole rolls his eyes.

"Let's go complete the final step to our preparation. No mistakes guys." Cole finishes and a series of small noises of agreement murmur throughout the car.

My part is as simple as protecting Daxon. I can do that, right?


Maddy kicks the final guard in the head, after drawing them away from the security cameras and he lands with a thud. She looks back at us, hiding behind the bushes and urges us to come.

"Damn, she's good." Matteo says, as he lead the way. We all wear black ski masks, gloves, and hold a machine gun and hand gun each.

"Good job, Maddy." Scar says, as Maddy opens the door with the keys she stole from the security guards.

"Don't thank me yet, we're just getting started." She whispers, as the doors open wide. The building is quiet as all the staff are on holiday today. We waste no time separating into our respective teams.

Daxon and I have the task of stealing certain documents from the CEO's office. Scar and Rick and going to hack the system, collecting all emails and records. Maddy, Cole and Matteo are going to check if the coast is clear, standing in the hallways to warn us of anything unwanted visitors.

"C'mon Naomi. This way." Daxon and I walk cautiously as Scar and Rick go the opposite way. Maddy, Cole, and Matteo wait in the main hallway, hiding behind plants and walls.

This is crazy. I love it.

But, somehow the goosebumps I feel on my skin don't feel as pleasant as they should. My gut is twisted and in knots.

Is this fear?

I shake my head, looking at the back of Daxon's head as we hurry through the gray and white corridors.

Focus. I have to focus.

We slip through the building, running of stairs and ducking away from security cameras, in silence.

Talking would be both awkward and unnecessary.

We finally stop in the 5th level, in front of a door with the words, "Brian Strerrn".

"This is it?" I ask, panting slightly from trying to keep up with him.

"Yeah." He fiddles with the doorknob, somehow it clicks open.

Wow. Impressive.

"Let's go, but stay very low and follow my exact footsteps." Daxon says, his eyes trained on the inside of the room.

"Okay." My hearts beats hard as Daxon looks back at me.

"Just... try to keep up, ok?" His tone is familiar, like back at the room before...

I nod.

There is no use thinking about dumb things.

Daxon takes a step into the room and immediately ducks down. I follow suit as a red laser appears where we once stood.

"Hey, you didn't tell me there were lasers?" I say, trying not to sound as shaken as I am.

"Well, there's more where that came from. Also, we have 3 minutes before the alarm goes off, because the door open and there was no facial recognition done at the door. That's what the laser's for." He says, taking baby steps. I scoff.

Again, I had no idea. How is that even efficient?

"What happens if we don't make it in time?" I ask, following his steps.

"The door locks and we are forced to sit and wait for the same people that burned down your house." Daxon states.

Oh so we die?

Cool. Glad he just told me.


How do you guys like it so far? 

I am picking this story up so just expect me to post a bunch! 


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