You've Got That One Thing [On...

By Mental_Directioner

15.5K 546 222

"Some people have secrets that remain unknown while some have secrets kept in their open book. Everyone has a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The Grand Competition
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note

Chapter 1

6.5K 73 52
By Mental_Directioner

The exciting thing about meeting and getting to know someone for the first time, is that you never know, they could end up being 'the one.' ~Unknown


Ellie's P.O.V

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Why can't I just find one that gives me a good salary? This is not good. Dad told me if I can't get a good job with a good salary, I can't live on my own. Oh, come on? I'm 18. I am legally an adult and old enough to get my own house. Maybe more of an apartment because, you know, its cheaper. I want to live on my own because I want to be independent. Oh! By the way, I'm Eliana. Mostly known as Ellie. I'm now in high school. Last year. I need to find a job by next week! Just then I got a call. I checked the caller ID. Annabelle. I stared at the screen. To pick up or let it play? The ring tone was one of my favourite song, Crazy Kids by Ke$ha. Plus, the ringtone suited Annabelle. I mean, she is crazy... Oh what the Chris Brown! I'll just answer it!

Annabelle: Hey Ellie...

Me: What? 

Annabelle: Well...I know you are kinda angry so I got you a sorry gift.

Me: Shoot.

Annabelle: I got you a job and it pays well.

I paused. Was I hearing right? Annabelle got me a job? 

Annabelle: Hello? Did you hear me? 

Me: No... could you repeat that?

Annabelle: *Sigh* I. Said. I. Got. You. A. Job. That. Pays. Well. 

She used the tone an impatient mother use on her 2 year-old. Well woman? Excuse me for asking you to repeat! Wait... she DID say I got a job!

Me: What? Really? You are not joking right? Because you cannot play with my heart like that!

Annabelle: Woah woman! Chill out! Don't damage my hearing! *chuckles* Anyway, wear a casual outfit and meet me at Nando's. The usual one.

Nando's? Why? Maybe she's treating me to the oh-so delicious peri peri chicken!  

Me: Ok! See ya. 

I removed the phone from my ear was about the end the call when I heard a loud "Wait!"

Me: What?

Annabelle: Do.. erm.. Do you er.. maybe forgive me? 

I gave a dramatic and loud sigh. Me: Of course Annabelle. Yes, I do forgive you.

Annabelle: Yay! I'm leaving now. Get your but off the sofa and come now.

Hold your fire trucks... How the mangos did she know I was on my 'L' shaped sofa? 

Me: How did you know I was on the sofa?

Annabelle: Look out your window. 

That little stalker! 

Me: You.. You stalker! How did you get here so fast anyway? 

Annabelle: I live in the house opposite yours... DUH. 

Me: Pffftt! I knew that!

Annabelle: Sure you did. Now c'mon!

Me: Coming. See ya. 

I quickly changed from my rainbow coloured pyjama shorts and dressed in a casual outside outfit.  I wore a pair of black shorts with a Red hoodie saying, "Finally 18". I hurriedly straightened my hair with some loose curls and ran out of the house. Oopsie Daisy! I forgot to write a note for Mom. I mad a mental note to send her a message. 

Now, some history on Annabelle's and I'm relationship. We were the bestest friends ever. I was born in London but had moved to Australia when I was a wee toddler. We were next door neighbours in Australia. Last year, my father had a promotion in his job so we moved back here, London. I had to leave Annabelle, some other close friends and of course most importantly I had to leave my childhoor behind. Why is Annabelle here? You see, Anna's grandmother who lives here, is very ill. Anna's family decided to stay with her for the year. By doing so, Annabelle and I would complete our senior year. However, we only had a few months left. After that, she would have to go back to Australia.

As I stood at the pavement outside my house, I was awestruck. Anna had fallen asleep sitting down on the pavement. Wow. That girl could sleep through a storm and she would never know. I kneeled down next to her and stared at her. Then, a devious plan hit me. I ran back into the  house and grabbed a bottle of water. I drenched her face with it. 

"What the hell?!" She yelled.

I pulled on a innocet face and said, "You were asleep." 

"Cause you took ... 25 minutes." She retorted checking her watch.

"I was straightened my hair! I had tox find the straightener, plug it in, then slowly, with my delicate hands, I had t-"

She stared at me giving the Why-Am-I-With-This-Lunatic look.


"Yea sure.Lets go." With that she got up and skipped out to the roadside. I laughed and skipped along side her. What? I heard skipping burns calories!

"SO....Why do you all of sudden want to go to Nandos? It's 4pm" I asked.

"I was hungry." She said fakely. Whenever she lies, she will start to look somewhere else.

"You are lying."

"Fine...I heard it has nice food?" She tried covering up. I just let it go as we finally reached Nandos. We walked in.

"Table for 2?" The waiter asked.

"No. Can you tell the manager that Annabelle is here with her friend?" Annabelle said politely. First she brought me here saying she was hungry and now she is not eating? She has gone mad. Oh, wait. She already is. I am so funny. This is getting lame.

"Sure mam." The waiter walked into the kitchen with perfect posture. APPLAUSE. I slouched my shoulders. I can't do it.

"Why does the waiter need to know we're here?" I asked Annybellie.

"Well, I feel that everyone should know of our presence." She said winking at me.

"Seriously, why?" I asked again hoping for a less crazy answer.

"Well, cause I'm sexy and I know it." She quoted the song.

"I did not know that because I know all your little things." So did I. Their songs were stuck in my head all the time because of annabelle who sings if all the time. LIKE ALL THE TIME.

"Really? I never heard you tell me what makes me beautiful?" LOL.

"Oh I'll tell you one way or another." I replied looking down at my fists.

"Whoa..WHoa...WHoa....Chill and let me live while I'm young."

"Ok, then and let me tell you that you're from another world."

"Lol. Maybe that's why I'm forever young.Uh ha." I said in a ghetto voice. 

We stared intently as each other for a second before bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter. We saw an official looking lady - the manager - walking towards us and immediate sobered up.

"Hi. I'm Jenna. I'm the manager of this outlet. I'm so glad to meet you. Annabelle here has told me everything about you. She told me to keep this as a surprise. You've got the job here at Nando's. You're gonna learn everything that is cooked here by one of the chefs here. So, you'll be cooking for all these people. Annabelle told me that you are a very good cook so I think this would be very easy for you. So, are you up for the job?" OMG. Annabelle got me a job at nandos. She's forgiven.

"Yes! Yes! When can I start?" I asked excitedly.

"Tomorrow. Chef Mustachio will be teaching you all that you need to learn." She replied smiling.

"Ok. Thank you so much" I thanked her.

"My pleasure. I'm sorry, I have to rush. It's rush hour soon and we have to get ready. So, I'll see you tomorrow!" She said.

"You sure will!" I exclaimed as she made her way back to the kitchen.

"OMG! YOU GOT ME A JOB HERE! AT NANDOS!" I shouted hugging Annabelle tightly.

"Yes, yes I did. Am I forgiven?"

I put on a hard thinking face. "Nope!"

"Thanks you're the best for forgiving me.... wait what!? U don't forgive me?" she asked, with a confused expression.

"Of course not silly!!" I said, laughing inwardly.

"WHY?" she asked totally puzzled.

"Because you haven't treated me to ice-cream." I replied.

"That's all I had to do to get your apology?" She asked.

"Yup." I popped the 'p'

"What a waste of hardwork!" She said flustered.

"Awww. Don't worry Anniebear. I like the job." I chuckled.

"Ugh." She whispered.

"Awww, c'mon let's make that mood of yours better. How about ice-cream?"

"Ok, anything for you, love!" She exclaimed. We both then left gossiping and talking all the nonsense in the world.

We walked into the ice-cream shop where we saw a ton of girls screaming. Like what's wrong with them? Who in the WHOLE wide world screams for ice-cream? Wait...I do! We tried to squeeze our way through the huge crowd. Did the shop have a new flavour or something? Because I'm so going to buy that!! As we made our way to the front, we saw that the crowd was not for the store but for five boys. Five boys that were famous for their looks.(AN: I'm sorry. )

On the other hand, Annabelle does not agree with me. She loves them to the end of the world. She tells me loads of stories about them and how awesome looking they are. I just plug my earphones whenever she talks about them and I keep nodding my head and saying a few "uh huh's" and "Oh's". She doesn't realise I have them plugged in because I cover them with my hair. Stupid girl. I does not simply drool over good looking boys with talent! I sometimes laugh at her when she does weird gestures when she is talking and it looks so funny because I don't even know what is even happening.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S ONE DIRECTION!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Ow." I shouted, covering my ears. Suddenly, the whole shop went quiet and everyone was staring at me. Well, this is awkward.

"Hi, people. I think you all are here to look at this so you may carry on. Thank you." I said gesturing to the five boys.

"Oh, she did not just say that." Someone stated.

"I'm so killing her." Another stated.

"She called them this?" Another stated.

"Who does that? Is she out of her mind??" someone cried.

"What a retard." Someone else called

"Get out of here!" someone yelled.

They all started pacing towards me. Oh shit. I think I offended them. I closed my eyes tight as they came for me. It was as if I was being attacked by vampires.

"Stay away!" Someone yelled. I opened my eyes and saw that I was blocked by some guy. I guessed he was from their band. He saved me after I was rude to them? I have made a grave mistake in judging them without even knowing them. I looked at the guy closely. He had blonde hair that was in a slight quiff. He was wearing a polo t-shirt and chinos. I couldn't see his face though. Everyone backed away. He was like their god. I saw Annabelle with her jaw touching the floor. He turned to me.

I looked into his bright blue eyes that were as if reading my sole. They were hypnotising.

"Thanks." I murmered.

"You're welcome." He replied in the sweetest voice. I turned around to the cashier told her my order. It was still weird because everyone was still staring daggers at me. As she was preparing my order, I realised the guy standing behind me, rubbing his neck. I decided not to make eye contact.

I hurriedly took my ice-cream. I looked at him in the eye, which took some courage, and apologized. I wiped the tears that had formed due to the hate given from the people in the shop. I ran out of there. I could still hear the call of all the girls saying that I should mind my tongue and how retarded I was. I stopped at a nearby tree and sat down. My breathing pace was fast. It took some time for me to regain my normal pace but I did not want my ice-cream to melt. Yet, I slowly started eating my ice-cream bite by bite. The tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry." I murmured again and again just to myself as I started to become nothing but a waterfall..

"It's ok." A voice said. I looked at the person. He came and sat down next to me. It was the same blonde guy. He looked at me for a while before taking his thumb and wiped the tears off my face. Why was he being so nice to me when I had insulted him?

"C'mon! Don't cry." He whispered to me. I just stared down at my feet. I wiped my tears. He took his hand and gently lifted up my chin so that I would look into his eyes. I can't resist his mesmerizing eyes.

"Why are you here comforting me when I insulted you?" I asked him.

"Because... I know you may not be a fan of us. And maybe you don't even like us. But I do know that you did not mean it. It just simply slipped out of your mouth. I don't know..." He said, giving me the cutest smile I have ever seen.

"It's like you can read my soul." I chuckled. "It is kind of true. I don't know you guys really well and I may have kind of misjudged you."

"It's fine. By the way, are you going to eat the ice-cream?" He asked me eyeing it.

"Yes. No one can steal my food." I chuckled.

"That's more like it." He said wiping the remaining tears that were on my face.

"I think we should go. The lads are waiting for me." He said, getting up and stretching a hand out to me. He was a nice lad.

"Ok." I said taking his hand. We then walked slowly back to the shop. I slowly ate every bite of my ice-cream. I enjoyed it's amazing taste till the very last bite. As I finished my ice-cream, he burst out laughing.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"You have ice-cream on your face." He replied handing me tissues that he surprisingly found in his pocket.

"Thanks and stop laughing." I said looking sternly at him. I quickly wiped my face. Soon, we finally reached the ice-cream shop.

"You're a nice girl." He said to me.

"You're not too bad yourself." I said winking at him.

"By the way, I'm Niall." He said to me, bringing his hand forward for me to shake.

"I'm Elliana, but everyone calls me Ellie." I said shaking his hand. We then made our way into the shop.


So, this is the first chapter and I am excited!! This sounds cliche but it will get better since we have planned many twists and turns that you will enjoy! Our writing way may change a bit, mostly improvement though! do remember to vote and comment about how you feel. of u like it, carry on reading!! vote to make it popular and so that it would be shared with pthers! spreaf the word! Hope you like it. by the way, that is ellie by the side. :) (Basically, this is copyrighted so don't copy it. It's rude!)




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