Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth

By metalgreymon2

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Sonic entered the Cyberspace of EDEN for the first time. However, he ends up draged into the core of EDEN, Ko... More

Deep into EDEN! The Digital Monster program!
The Black Monster of EDEN!
Cyber body? The Kuremy Detective Agency!
Welcome to Hudie!
EDEN Syndrome!
Compassion and Bravery!
A Determinated Battle!
Chasing Mephisto!
Armor Digivolution!
The Black Winged One!
Roar! MetalGreymon!
Dark Reflection!
Sayo, the Night Claw of the Digital World!
Light of Hope!
Avalon Server!
K's Invitation!
Disapearing people!
Storm of flames, Vritramon!
Gold Miracles! Perfect Bonds Awaken!
The Noble of Darkness!
Raidiant Moon, Crescemon!
Team Dreamin!
Burning Courage, Fladramon!
Roaring Passion, Dynasmon!
The Sistermon Sister's Gym!
Security Hack
Hybrid Digimon!
Jogress! Shakkoumon!
Violet Moon, Dianamon!
Matrix Evolution!
CEO Kishibe? The Eater's evolution!
Deep into the Digital Sea!
Light of Life, Ofanimon!
Flame Dragons! KaiserGreymon!
Speed of Light, MagnaGarurumon!
Seven Hells, BlackSeraphimon!
Take Dive, MetalSeadramon!
Idol or not? Fly, AncientIrismon!
Protect the future, KaiserKnightmon!
Break into the Secret Room!
Warp Ultimate! Nokia's Decision!
Account Server!
The Tenth DigiDestinated!
The Final Presage
Akari's Decision! Awaken Rosemon!
VS Zaxon! The Holy Knight, Omegamon!
Beyond Ultimate! Burst Mode!
The Digital Wave Trap!
Kishibe's Secret! VS LordKnightmon!
The Paradise Lost Plan!
Rescue Yuuko! The Dimensional Door!
Chaos, War, and Arkadimon!
Lost Digimon!
Trap Ryuji!
Memory Bug! Burst Mode of Honor!
The Truth of The Eaters!
Hackmon's Ordeal!
Arata's Betrayal!
Yuuko's Decision! Rise, Siriusmon!
Knight of Avalon! Craniummon!
The True K!
The Eater Network!
Gluttonous Case!
Parallel World! VS Barbamon!
Dragon's Island! VS Examon!
Gulus Realm Burst!
Tower of Digital Waves!
Chasing Ryuji!
Cut the Heavens, SlashAngemon!
Awaken! The Imperial Dragon!
Hudie to the Rescue!
Hudiemon, awaken the dreams!
Long Lost Memories!
LordKnightmon's Final Stand!
Infiltrate the Metropolitan Building!
Digital Hazard! Dukemon!
Defeat Duftmon! DigiDestinated United!
The Will of Yggdrasil!
Into the Digital World!
The Mother Eater!
The Ture Enemy! Ragnamon!
The Final Miracle! Lunardramon!
From the New World!

Demons, Judes, and Evolutions!

62 1 0
By metalgreymon2

Opening - Mikakunin Hikousen

Oh yeah! Tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Oozora kidou wo koero

Osaekirenai maenomeri na speed
Miraneta machi ga diorama ni naru

Futoumei na sora tsukinukerunda

Nayami toka fuman toka futtobashite

Manual doori no tabi nanka irane
Mayottemo furuetemo koudo agete

Oh yeah! Igigatte shikujitte tatchiagatte
Kimi to mitsumeru michi naru chiheisen

Saa tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Asu wo terasu taiyou mejirushi ni shitesa

Tonde ike jiyuu na GLORIOUS WORLD!

Episode 20 - Demons, Judes, and Evolutions!

Sonic, Sonia, Knuckles, Arata and Hanon ventured in the Digital-Shift, and found Wisemon, with Nishino besides it. With its Eternal Nirvana, MetalGreymon, Rapidmon and Tailmon couldn't do anything. However, Knuckles' determination gave birth to Vritramon.

Vritramon: FLAME STORM!!!

Vritramon managed to defeat Wisemon. However, the Eater showed up. Even thought Chrysalimon defeated it, Nishino got EDEN Syndrome. So far there's no cure for the ilness. However, Sonic's not gonna give up, much to Sayo's shock.

«MAY 20, 2018, 11:13AM»

Sayo: He to has the Syndrome?

Lunamon: And yet, he fights for both earthlings, and Digimon!

Sayo: Why... why does he put his life on the line for so little? These people are not worth it!

Lunamon: Sayo... you really don't believe there are humans here that are different from... "him"?

Sayo: Ngh... I...


Akari: Airdramon, we'll take you with us, so that you can be safe. I promiss we'll find the source of what's happening to the Digital World!


Sayo: That girl... Am I mistaken about the Earthlings?

Sayo's stomach suddenly started to growl. She had to get something to eat. She went inside Nakano to get some food. However, since she lived in Cyberspace, she didn't have any money. However, someone bumped into her.

Sayo: Hey, watch it!

??: Sorry! I was just so hungry! Uh? Hey, this one's my favourite restaurant here! Is it yours to?

Sayo: Oh, uh... I... I actualy never been here.

??: Really? Oh well, if you want, we can go together!

Sayo: Huh? W-Wait-

??: Oh sorry, where are my maners. My name's Nokia! What's yours?

Sayo: ... Sayo.

Nokia: That's a cute name! Nice to meet you!

Without any warning, Sayo was dragged inside the restaurant. Sonic, who was also there to get something to eat noticed her. However, since he got there two minutes ago, he'd leave soon.

Sonic: Well, look what the cat dragged in.

Sonic smilled and continued to eat.We now change senario. We move to Cyberspace, more specificly to a special forum in EDEN, the Demons' Den. 

«MAY 20, 2018, 9:05AM»

??: Uh, testing, testing... La la la la la la la la la....

Jimiken: EeeeeYEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Y'all havin' a blast?! Y'all havin' a blast with us here?! Y'all gettin' down with the Demons?!

Demons' Hackers: YEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Jimiken: I say HEEEYYYY!!! Y'all must be asking... Who's the star on this stage today?!

Demons' Hackers: YEAAAHHHH!!!! The name's JIMIKEN baby!!!

Jimiken: YES! I am Jimiken! YAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!

As Jimiken was singing, Akari was there, wearing the Demon's mask, and an outift that Erika customized for her, in order for them not to suspect that there was an intruder there. 

Akari(thoughts): Is he always like that? (a hacker aproches her)

Hacker: Hey, you're not rockin' out! Are you one of the rookies?

Akari: Huh? Oh, Yeah. Sorry, I got a bit lost in thought. Uh, I heard today was the Demon Birthday, so I decided to use this as the first meeting I'd attend.

Hacker: Oh, that's a nice way to memorize the ocasion! Oh, you saw Jimiken on the stage, didn't you?

Akari: I-I did! I-I can't believe it's him!

Jimiken: Ok, ok! Now listen to my demonic voice... Today is a demonic day... A demonic festival of the DEMONS, for the DEMONS, and by the DEMONS... Thank you all for coming... To the DEMOOOOOON BIRTHDAAAAAAY!!!!

Demons' Hackers: DEMON BIRTHDAY!!!

Jimiken: It's my job to rock the house up and down witn my audiance, sooooooo... READY. TO. ROOOOOOOOOOCK?!

Everyone started to chear. Akari went in as well, not to blow her cover. Time skip, we enter the Hudie Shop meeting room. The Hudie Team just got an urgent report. That's why Knuckles was called back, after helping Sonic with the Digital-Shift in Akihabara.

«MAY 20, 2018, 12:00AM»

Ryuji: A team conspiring to take down the Zaxon?!

Akari: Yes! After Erika showed me the Data she found on Mephisto, I went to Kowloon, to the spot Mephisto was defeated. They left the mask behind, and the link to Demons' Den!

Chitose: Hey, isn't it a bit strange that they left it behind?

Akari: I thought so to! That's why I asked for something to trap down a hacker that could have tried to trap us in there!

Ryuji: Ok, we can deal with some hacker teams that want to prank people, but this is to much! Akari, Tails and Wave, go to Kowloon, ASAP, find Yuugo and report everything to him!

Akari: Wait, can't we just meet him in person?!

Ryuji: That's kind of impossible. No one has ever seen Yuugo in the real world. And Fei, Zaxon's second in command is out of reach to. 

Tails: So Kowloon's our only option.

Erika: Yuugo takes a turn to patrol on Kowloon Lv. 3 at this time of the day. Head for there fast!

The three of them noded. They met in Kowloon Lv. 3. The three of them went ahead to find Yuugo. However, as they were on the way, Akari realised they had an issue.

Akari: Uh, guys.

Wave: Yeah?

Akari: How exactly does the person we look for looks like?

Tails: Yoy mean Yuugo? Oh don't worry! Wave and I know who he is!

Akari: Whew! I thought we were screwed. (spots something) Huh? What in the world?

Akari tried to aproche the thing. Suddenly, someone nearly bumped into her. She looked over to see a hooded hacker a step away from her, after nearly bumping into her.

Akari: Whoa!

Hooded Hacker: Whoa! That was a close one. Pay attention, why don't ya!

Tails: You ok, Akari?

Akari: Y-Yeah, I...

Hooded hacker: What's that face? You look like you've seen a ghost!

Akari: Oh, d-don't speak foolishness!

Hooded hacker: Just kidding! Boy, am I sick to hear that all the time these day. Hmm? Those clothes... you're part of Ryuji's team, aren't you?

Akari: Huh? You know Ryuji-san?

Hooded hacker: Uh... I guess you'd call us... uh, aquaitances? I only know their names. Those guys are famous after all. They used to be in Judes...

Akari: Judes?

Hooded hackers: Come on, you're teammates and you don't know about Judes? I guess they don't talk about the past.

Strabimon: A legendary hacker team?

Tinkermon: I think a lot of people talk about them!

Palmon: Back at the Digimarket, a lot of people mentioned the Judes, and you saw how the manager reacted when a selller mentioned Ryuji's name?

Hooded hacker: Yeah, those guys are pretty famous!

Akari: Wow... I never thought Ryuji-san had a past like that... Uh, do you know more?

Hooded hacker: Huh? I know a few things. 

The Hooded hacker was about to tell the story. Suddenly, something landed in front of them. It looked like a giant black dinosaur with giant arms and claws.

Strabimon: Oh drats! It's DarkTyrannomon!

Tails: DarkTyrannomon? (activates his improved analyzer)

Alliance: «DarkTyrannomon, a Dinosaur Digimon. Adult Level. A species of Tyrannomon that was corrupted by a computer virus. With its Fire Blast, it breathes super-powerful flames, changing its surroundings into a sea of fire.»

Tails: We gotta take this guy out fast! Straimon!

Strabimon: I got it!


Wolfmon: LICHT SIEGER!!!

Wolfmon brought out one of his sabers. DarkTyrannomon unleashed his Fire Blast at the humanoid Digimon, but with no efect. Wolfmon slashed the attack, and slashed DarkTyrannomon.

Tails: You got him!

DarkTyrannomon's data started to disapear. However, something happened. A black lightning beam apeared from the skies and got the dinosaur Digimon. When the lightning vanished, DarkTyrannomon had Digivolved into MetalTyrannomon.

Tails: Nandato?! (activates the analyzer)

Hooded Hacker: Drats! A Perfect Level!

Alliance: «MetalTyrannomon, a Cyborg Digimon. Perfect Level.  Its reinforced body deflects all attacks, and it possesses the terrifying offensive power to smash through armor with its sturdy chin, no matter how hard it may be. Its special move is the Nuclear Laser.»

Wave: Uh, is it safe to say we're screwed?

Tinkermon: Pretty much! We better call Knuckles!

Hooded Hacker: Knuckles? The red guy with the knuckle spike thingies on his punches?!

Wave: Yeah! He's got a Digimon that can Digivolve to Perfect Level!

Hooded Hacker: Tsk! So what if we send in three Adult Level?

The Hooded Hacker called out his Chrysalimon. Chrysalimon charged in with his Data Crusher. Tails to didn't want to stay out. Wolfmon understood it, and charged with his Licht Sieger. Both attacks delt damage to MetalTyrannomon. However, it wasn't enough.

Wolfmon: Nrgh! We won't deal that much damage like this!

Chrysalimon: How 'bout a diversion?

Hooded Hacker: Ok, this might not be enough.

Tails: Still, we gotta find a way to take care of this frick! That black lightning... Must be somehting related to Devimon!

Wave: You think?

Wolfmon: Yeah, I agree with Tails! We gotta take care of this guy ASAP!

Tinkermon: Wow... Those two are so brave!

Wave: I wish I was like them. Tails was never like this before. 

Hooded Hacker: He wasn't?

Wave: He was always glued on Sonic. Since they came back from the Starfall Islands. I never saw him as more than a sidekick. But now... standing besides him... He finally became a hero like Sonic.

Tinkermon: I kind of guet what you mean. Back at the Digital World, Strabimon was like Tails. And now, look at him!

Wave: They're risking their lifes... And I shouldn't stand out! Tinkermon!(brings out her Digivice)


Fairymon: BREZZO PETALO!!!

Fairymon attacked MetalTyrannomon with all of her strength. Wolfmon charged in with the fairy Digimon. Tails and Wave's Digivices were glowing stronger than before.

Tails and Wave: We won't lose! Devimon, we won't let you get away with this!

Wolfmon: GRRRRAAAAAAA!!!!!!


«Them song - X-Treme Fight»


Wolfmon's body changed from lavander and violet to white and blue. He changed into a cyborg that moved on all four, and grew two blades on the back.


Tails: Oh... Garummon!


The visor on Fairmon's face came out, revealing her blue eyes. Her lavander hair became short and blue, and she gained new wings on her back. Her hands gained claws, as she had a bit of a beast look.


Wave: Shutumon!

Hooded hacker: The two Digivolve! (activated the Analyzer)

Alliance: «Garummon, a Cyborg Digimon. Perfect Level. Although it will never obey those whose hearts are even slightly evil, once it has sworn its allegiance to someone it will never betray them. His special move is the Solar Laser.»

Alliance: «Shutumon, a Bird-Man Digimon. Perfect Level. At a glance, it looks like a composed adult woman, but although it perplexes its opponents with its languid behavior, it actually has an impish personality that loves to capriciously embarrass people. Her Special Move is the Wind of Pain.»

Chrysalimon: Ok, it became a 2v1!

Tails: Wave!

Wave: I got it! It's time to turn around! Shutumon!

Tails: Garummon!

Garummon and Shutumon charged in. MetalTyranomon unleashed his Giga Destroyer II. However, the attack missed. Shutumon raised above MetalTyrannomon's head.


Shutumon charged in with the claws on her hands and feer, both surrouned by a red plasma aura She shasled through the atmosphear, and MetalTyrannomon. The cyborg Digimon was still in the fight, but his data started to digenerate.

Garummon: SPEED STAR!!!

Charging at ultra-high speed, Garummon tears the opponent into pieces with the wing blades on its back. MetalTyranomon was finally destroyed.

Tails: Alright!

Wave: We got him!

«Them song ends»

Hooded Hacker: Wow, those Perfect Ddigimon look cool! Now I'm wondering what you look like when you're in your Perfect Level, Chrysalimon.

Chrysalimon: Honestly, I don't know! It's been so long since I've Digivolved into Perfect Level!

Akari: Uh, Mister Hooded Hacker, care to tell us a bit more about Judes?

Hooded Hacker: Oh, sorry. Before I start, you guys just became hackers, right?

Akari: Oh, yeah! We did.

Hooded Hacker: So did I. You sure look green enough, but it's most about your Digimon. Does everyone in Hudie use them as well?

Akari: Uh, yeah. Pretty much everyone on the team uses a Digimon.

Hooded Hacker: No kidding? And here I though those guys liked to keep things old school.

Akari: Uh, can we keep talk as we move on, we gotta find a hacker named Yuugo.

Hooded Hacker: Sure.

A little later, the eight of them were deeper in Kowloon Lv. 3. So far there wasn't any sing of Yuugo. A bit latter, they reached the end og Kowloon Lv. 3.

Hooded Hacker: Back in the day, Judes was active everyday. Digital Monsters hadn't been yet discovered back then. Hackers would use tools they'd made themselves to do their hacking.

Akari: How long was that?

Hooded hacker: Over an year ago. Anyway, in the middle of all that was Judes, the best hacker team! I think you might know their leader, Sanada Arata.

Tails: Oh, I heard about him! I think I heard Ryuji-san talk with him the other day. It seems like Ryuji-san resents Arata.

Hooded Hacker: Seems like... Anyway, Judes was the team with the most expertise as well. And their second in command was your leader, Mishima Ryuji.

Akari: Ryuji-san was the second in command?!

Hooded Hacker: Yeah. That Sanada had the skills! However... He was just a bit reckless. Ryuji was his deputy of sorts, and always followed him anywhere! Like he was some sort of... big brother.

Akari: Ryuji-san... used to see Arata-san as a brother...

Hooded Hacker: And then there's the third in command, Imai Chitose. I guess you know who I'm talking about.

Wave: Pretty much. He's good with people, and able to keep the friction down on such a big team. Judging by everything you told us, they were even better than the Zaxon back then.

Hooded Hacker: Pretty much. But what made them a legend wasn't their size. It was their conviction. It wasn't a hard-and-fast rule, mind you. It's just that, not one of them used hacking for evil.

Tails: What for then?

Hooded hacker: They only acted to raise their skill. Or just out of curiosity. And it got the best of them, when they desided to attack a place called "Under Zero".

Akari: GASP! The Under Zero?! That's, like, the top security server location in all of EDEN!

Hooded Hacker: Still, they broke in. And it wasn't out of luck. Taking that fortress made Judes the strongest team, both in name and deed. That is... if that guy hadn't show up...

Akari: That guy?

Hooded hacker: A weird securty system at the time for them. It looked like a knight with blue eyes, holding out a giant silver and gold sword.

Garummon: Oh, I bet you that they were attaacked by a Knightmon. He's a Perfect Level Digimon.

Hooded Hacker: Oh, So it was a Digimon! Anyway, Judes failed to take over Under Zero, and splited just like that.

As everyone kept listening to the conversation, Chrysalimon noticed something was coming in. He got a beter view of it as the monster got in sight.

Chrysalimon: Look out! MISSCONNECTION!!!

Chrysalimon's sudden attack surprised them. That's when they looked at the Eater that Chrysalimon attacked. It got vaporized, since the attack got the red core.

Hooded Hacker: Oh, look at that! Those Eaters get more problematic by the second!

Akari: You to saw those?

Hooded Hacker: A few times. Their weak spot is the red core. All of the absorbed data converges there.

Palmon: Wow! At least we got the weak spot of those things!

Akari: That's a step foward. Anyway, Judes failled to take over Under Zero, and broke apart just like that?

??: You missed a few details on the story there, Hacker-san.

Hooded Hacker: Ngh.

Akari: Ryuji-san.

Ryuji: You're as slopy as ever.

Hooded Hacker: Tsk. ... Sorry.

Akari: I'm sorry, Ryuji-san. We still haven't find Yuugo-san.

Ryuji: It's no big deal. Chitose and I managed to finish our buisness so we came to help. Chitose called Yuugo, and told him to meet here.

The gang then decided to sit down and wait. However, as they were about to rest up, Two More Eaters showed up. But they didn't get a chance to attack. Two giant beams came in and destroyed them. And finally, a wasp Digimon slashed them, deleating them. The wasp Digimon landed besides their Tamers.

Yuugo: That was close. You're not hurt, are you?

Hooded Hacker: ... Yuugo?

Akari: N-No. We're fine.

Fei: And here I was thinking who it was. Hey Ryuji, you've been meeting that Sanada Arata quite a lot, haven't you?

Akari: Huh?

Arata: Urgh, don't give it up like that, Fei. (takes of the hoodie) Well, jig's up I guess. I'm Sanada Arata. Nice to meet ya, guys.

Tails: Wait, you're Sanada Arata?!

Akari: W-Wow! 

Yuugo: Hm? (aproches Akari) Are you the newby that joined Hudie?

Akari: Oh, Y-Yeah. I am.

Yuugo: Hmm... I see. You have good eyes. Did you bring her just for a meeting.

Akari: N-Not exactly. Yuugo-san, I have a report for you. Mephisto's account was linked to a team of hackers called the Demons. Jimiken's their leader, and he's planing a conspiration!

Yuugo: Hmm... I should have seen it coming. Eversince he got that Devimon on his line up, he's been another person. I don't think it's even safe to say he's the same as before.

Akari: What do we do about this?

Fei: Well, I gotta ask. How did you know the name of Jimiken's team in the first place?

Ryuji: She got access to their server, and went inside to spy on them. Jimiken instricted her to spy on you guys.

Yuugo: I see...


The sudden roar surprised everyone. The gang looked over, and saw a giant red crocodile Digimon, with two tails, and super sharp fangs. It's one of the Seven Demon Lords, Leviamon.

Fei: W-What the?!

Arata: W-What kind of Digimon is this?!

Garummon: I don't like this at all! (Wave activates the Analyzer)

Alliance: «Leviamon, a Demon Lord Digimon. Ultimate Level. One of the Seven Great Demon Lords.The strongest monster existing in the , it is called the "Devil Beast" out of terror of the exceedingly mighty power that this monster possesses. His special move is the Rostum.»

Tails: An Ultimate Digimon?!

Leviamon roared and unleashed one of his attacks on Mugendramon and Tigervespamon. Leviamon unleashed the Anima, in which he uses its breath to create a dark tornado. This knocked the two Ultimate Digimon uncoucious.

Yuugo: I've never seen such powerfull Digimon before!

Fei: How come a single Ultimate have all this power?

Leviamon attemped to unleash another Anima. However, a golden light apeared, blinding Leviamon. Everyone looked over to see a gold armored Digimon flying not to far from them.

Akari: W...Whoa...

Yuugo: What in the name of EDEN...?

Leviamon growled in pain. The gold light was to much for him to take in. The Gold Digimon descended and was now in front of the Demon Lord.

Gold Digimon: Leviamon, your dark ambissions won't be fullfield!


Sora wo koete, umi wo koete
Chiisana fuan kibou ni kaete

Arukidashita kono sekai de
Dona deai wo sagashi ni ikou

Omoi kuzuresou demo zawameku kokoro osaeru
Kimi no koe ga tsutsumu saki shinjite

Bokura no tabi wa mada hajimatta bakari
Doredake no yume wo kizuna wo tsunaide ikou

Atsumaru kokoro wa tatakau tsuyosa ni naru yo
Yami wo koeta asu no sono saki e

Next Time...

A golden armored Digimon apeared to fight Leviamon. Meanwhile, Silver and Jet take on an assigment from Shibuya's shop. One with terrible music.

Next time, on Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth: Gold Miracles! Perfect Bonds Awaken!

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