Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius...

By wingardium_leviOsaR

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Lily Potter dreamed of going to Hogwarts and being in Gryffindor. But the time comes for her to go to Hogwart... More

Part 1: A Potter? In Slytherin? No way!
Part 2: Everything's changing
Part 3: Gryffindor's versions of Slytherin's
Part 4: Playing Dirty
Part 5: Family advice
Part 6: The Quidditch cup tension
Part 7: The end of the beginning
Part 8: Malfoy Manor
Part 9: A Slytherin Dinner
Part 10: A New year
Part 11: A Snake in the Lions' den
Part 12: Win, or Die trying
Part 13: Tension Rising
Part 14: The good, bad or shocking news
Part 15: Guilty cheaters can't handle the truth
Part 16: A Slytherin in Gryffindor's colors
Part 17: Boys are gross! Right?
Part 18: Who said summer school wasn't fun?
Part 19: People changing with time
Part 20: Don't mess with Slytherin's girl
Part 21: When September ends
When September ends. Pt.2
Part 23: Curiosity never killed the snake
Part 24: How unfair life can be
Part 25: Taking a stand
Part 26: The close to perfect first date
Part 27: The omen of a bad day
Part 28: And down goes Potter, broom and all
Part 29: Too much drama for one break
Part 30: Punk rock princess
Part 31: Friends, Boyfriends and Crushes
Part 32: Time's almost up
Part 33: New member to the Weasley clan
Part 34: A circle of magic
Part 35: Crossing the line
Part 36: The clean Potter name
Part 37: Guess who's coming over
Part 38: Enough is Enough
Part 39:Making new windows
Part 40: Bad, bad girlfriend
Part 41: High Society Girl
Part 42: A Selfish-Princess
Part 43: Lily Luna and nothing more
Part 44: A life changing party
Part 45: Match made in heaven
Part 46: Be proud of your father
Part 47:Best Birthday ever
Part 48: Which family is mine?
Part 50:Don't Fade away
Part 51: A light of you own
Part 52: How to look like a Slytherin
Part 53: Front page material
Part 54: Full of guilt and full of love
Part 55: Blacking out the guilt
Part 56: Glad you're well, Lily Luna
Part 57: Cracks in family foundation
Part 58: Understanding Yourself
Part 59: Christmas break the Malfoy way
Part 60: No man better
Part 61: From troublemaker to peace maker
Part 62: Our cousins, Our saviours
Part 63: One down, hundred to go
Part 64: The trials of undying love
Part 65: The damages of rivalry
Part 66: Undetectable changes
Part 67: Changes Raising Tensions
Part 68: Perfect Ideas
Part 69: Daddy's perfect little girl
Part 70: Heart to heart
Part 71: Like a game of chess
Part 72: An outside victory
Part 73: A job for a Weasley
Part 74: Out with the old, in with the new
Part 75: Taking advantage of time
Part 76: Change in the air
Part 77: The father and the boyfriend
Part 78: Checkmate
Part 79: Good changes and Bad changes
Part 80: The lines of maturity and self awareness
Part 81: Dealing with emotions and questions
Part 82: Live with what you do
Part 83: Union and Reunions
Part 84: Too mature for 16
Part 85: A dream to nightmare
Part 87: Giving and taking advice
Part 88: When something isn't right
Part 89: When something isn't right
Part 91: The invisible targets
Part 92: A generations mistake
Part 93:Stopping a repeat in time
Part 94: The impossible
Part 95: The changes of growing up
Part 96: Ready or not we are moving forward
Part 97: Life in future together
Part 98: A promise kept
Part 99 : Decisions always ride on shoulders
Part 100: Now begins the end
Part 101: Smile
Part 102: Lessons of life
Part 103: A two year wait
Part 104: The way of game
Part 105: When tables are turned
Part 106: The responsibility of a sister
Part 107: People change as life continues
Part 108: The reasons why we do
Part 108: Counting down time
Part 109:Beginning of something new and familiar
Part 110:The different forms of bravery
Part 111: The Potter siblings' secrets
Part 112: Reasons to worry
Part 113:Shadows Looming Over
Part 114:Dealings with pregnancies
Part 115:The unpredictability of life
Part 116: When you're no longer hurting
Part 117:Old life and new life
Part 118: And life goes on
The Outtakes

Part 49: The good in the bad

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By wingardium_leviOsaR

"So, are you going to ride the train with us?" Lily asked as she and Hugo walked through the barrier at King's Cross. Their families had decided to go to the station together, instead of just meeting up like usual. Lily was sure it had to do with her and Hugo's regrowing relationship.

Hugo shrugged. "Maybe. I might pop in for an hour or so. But I know my friends are going to want to see me, and Paige will be insistent for me to sit with her."

Lily tried not to roll her eyes at the name. "Well, are you going to come in after the prefect meeting, or no?"

He shrugged again. "I don't know. Maybe, unless one of them catches me and drags me off. Kinda depends on who the girl prefect is in my house."

Lily sighed. "No offense, but I might be pissed if it's your girlfriend." The thought of Paige Wilde being a prefect was sickening.

Hugo chuckled. "No offense taken. I understand. She . . . she takes time to get used to. She can be a bit . . . tough."

Lily held her tongue at her next thought. Wilde wasn't tough. She was bitchy, and she couldn't handle fights she got into. But Lily didn't say it, and just looked around for her friends.

"So, Hugo," Rose spoke, "why don't you just come with me and Al to the prefect compartment?"

Lily noticed that Hugo seemed a little tense when his sister spoke. "No. I'm waiting with Lily to meet up with some of our friends. I'll head there when they do."

"Just come with us," Rose insisted. "It'll be fun, and we can stop and see your friends."

Lily felt a bit of anger in her stomach, but Hugo spoke before she could. "No. I'd rather be around relaxed and cool people, instead of your pompous and uptight friends!"

"Kids!" Hermione chided quickly.

Lily looked at Hugo. It was normal for Rose and Hugo to argue. All the adults in the family laughed about it, commenting on how they really were just like their parents. But to Lily, these recent arguments seemed different. More . . . full of hate than just annoyance.


Lily turned around just in time to be jumped on, Lola's arms wrapping around her in a tight hug. Lily smiled and giggled with her friend, hugging her back. When Lola pulled back, Lily noticed her eyes go to Hugo.

"Hugo! You're here too?" Lola said with excitement.

Hugo grinned and nodded, holding out his arms. "Hug?"

Lola giggled, and hugged him too. "Of course!"

"Where are the others?" Lily asked, looking back at the crowd of people.

Lola pulled from Hugo's hug. "The girls are getting a compartment. We made the assumption that you got prefect since none of us did."

Lily nodded. "Yeah, me and Hugo. Who got the boy's position?"

"Christian, according to Izzy," Lola told her. "So, Hugo, are you coming to our compartment with us?"

"Yeah, for a little while at least. But I'm sure my friends will like an audience," Hugo joked.

"Shall we go?" Lola asked.

Lily kept looking at the crowd. "Well, I need to talk to someone first."

Lola seemed to already know. "I haven't seen Scorpius and his family yet. But maybe he's already on the train."

Lily tried not to scowl at the idea. She was wanting to talk to Draco and Astoria before she left. She wouldn't see them until Christmas, and the last time she'd seen them was at the Slytherin formal dinner a couple days ago. She assumed that she'd see them here.

"Well, I think I see him," Hugo told them.

Lily glanced at her cousin. "Where?"

Hugo pointed over to the left. "Isn't that big hulking guy over there him?" he asked.

Lily looked to where he pointed, and felt her heart flutter at the sight of her boyfriend in the small distance. She turned to the others. "Excuse me, then."

"Hold on," Ginny stopped. Lily turned to look at her mother, trying not to look annoyed.

"What?" Lily demanded, trying to sound nice about it.

"Can you at least say goodbye to your family? I know you're going to get caught up and forget," Ginny told her.

Lily felt a weird feeling at the undertone of her mother's voice. Something was off about it. It wasn't the usual teasing or joking tone she used when Lily wanted to go off with her friends. It was . . . harder, and almost angry and irritated.

Lily wet her lip, her mouth feeling dry. And for the first time in a long time, Lily hugged her father first. "Bye, Dad," she whispered.

She felt her dad hugged her back. "Be good this year, princess. And have fun," Harry said.

Lily nodded as she pulled from the hug. "I'll try, but I'm not making promises," she joked lightly. Then she hesitantly hugged her mother. "Bye, Mum."

"Bye, sweetie. You make sure to write to us. You're almost as bad as your brothers are about it, but try to make it at least twice a month," Ginny requested.

Lily couldn't stop her shoulders tensing when she was compared to James and Albus. Did her mother have to make a comparison between them? But she bit back any retort. "Of course, Mum," she mumbled. She pulled from the hug, and grabbed her trunk. "Bye, Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron."

"Have fun, Lily," Hermione told her, while Ron gave her a simple nod.

Lily looked at Hugo and Lola. "You coming?"

Lola grinned. "I'm going to head to the compartment. Hugo?"

Hugo sighed. "Well, I'm going to stay here a couple more minutes. Deal with the parents," he muttered the last part, "and then I might catch up with my friends before I get on the train. That way I can go to your compartment after the meeting."

"Ok. I'll see you then," Lily told them.

"Here, we'll get your things onto the train," Harry assured, taking her trunk from her. He picked up her empty owl cage. "Where is Regal?"

"On his way to Hogwarts. He flies every year," Lily replied. "Thanks. I'll see you at Christmas." She turned and began to quickly walk over to where Scorpius had been seen. The broad back of her boyfriend was turned toward her, oblivious to her approach. So Lily wrapped her arms around his middle. "Hi there," she said with a smile.

She felt him relaxed quickly, and felt his hands grab hers. He turned and smiled down at her. "Hello there, beautiful." He leaned down and kissed her twice on the lips. "I was wondering when I would see you."

"I've been looking for you since I got here," Lily assured.

Scorpius smirked. "Mum and Dad are just over there. Want to see them?"

Lily nodded. "Of course."

Scorpius wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and led her away toward where she could now see his parents, talking with another couple. But Astoria seemed to sense their approach, because she turned her head to them, and a smile spread across her face.

"Lily! There you are!" Astoria exclaimed happily. She pulled Lily away from Scorpius and into a tight hug.

Lily laughed a little as she hugged her back. "I thought I would see you before I go on the train."

"Well, we're glad you did," Draco said. When Astoria let her go, Lily was a little surprised when Draco pulled her into a hug as well. But she didn't fight it. She loved it.

"Are you ready for your fifth year?" Astoria asked.

Lily nodded. "Yeah. I'm sure this is going to be a better year, even with O.W.L.s."

"So, this is the famous Lily Luna?" the other man asked.

"Oh! Right! Sorry. Lily, this is Marcus Flint, and his wife Michelle," Astoria introduced.

Lily recognized the last name quickly. Shannon's parents. "It's nice to meet you," Lily told them with a smile.

"A pleasure," Marcus Flint told her. "Shannon talks about you fondly, as does Adrian."

Scorpius grinned. "Not surprising. Adrian loved having a better Seeker on our team," he joked. Lily laughed as well, but looked over Marcus. Lily remembered stories when Marcus Flint's name briefly entered, but it wasn't much and never good. Marcus didn't seem terrible now, but Lily didn't know him much to really know. But Shannon and Adrian never talked badly about their father. But, they rarely talked about their parents at all really.

A whistle blew out, signaling the coming departure of the train. "Well, we better let you kids get on the train," Draco told them.

Astoria hugged Scorpius tightly, her head hardly reaching his chin. Lily watched as she began whispering things to her son. Draco rested his hand on Lily's shoulder. Lily smiled at him. "See you at Christmas?" she asked.

Draco nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't let you get by without coming to visit," he joked.

Lily laughed. "I wouldn't dream of not coming to see you."

Draco smirked. "Good. And try to behave this year, ok?"

Lily sighed. "I'll try. I may fail, but I'll try," she teased.

Draco gave a nod. "That's all we can ask of you is to try. If you fail, that's just fine."

Lily felt her body lighten at his words. But then Astoria let go of Scorpius, and before Lily could blink, she'd been pulled into a hug.

"Have a good year, Lily," Astoria told her.

Lily smiled. "I will," she assured.

"And if that boy gives you any problems, you just write and let me know," Astoria laughed.

Lily laughed as well. "Ok."

Astoria pulled away from the hug, but she kept her hands on Lily's shoulder. "Now, same things I told Scorpius. Behave, do good in your classes, and try not to start fights."

Lily nodded. "I only finish them."

Astoria rolled her eyes, but let Lily go. "Go on. You don't want to miss the train. Go, go."

Scorpius sighed as he looked at Lily. "Shall we?" he asked.

"Yes, we shall," she told him. With a final wave, the two walked away from the adults, and to the train.

"My things are already on the train," Scorpius told her. "So we can just head straight for the prefect compartment."

"Good, let's get this talk with Albus over with. And get ready, because according to Hugo, and Rose's incessant babbling, Rose is Head Girl," Lily warned.

"I would bet that she's not bad as Molly Weasley was. That girl was insufferable," Scorpius muttered as they stepped onto the train.

"No doubt. She's insufferable in normal company," Lily replied.

"I can imagine," Scorpius said as he opened the door to the prefect compartment. Lily was a bit dismayed to see that Rose and Albus were already in there. Although Lily had the feeling that Albus was only in there early because of Rose. A few other prefects were in there: Lucy and Tanner Creevey, two Hufflepuffs, Louis, and to Lily's dismay, Lysander.

"Looks like Lana and my cousin are still outside," Scorpius muttered as he pulled Lily to a seat. He seemed to be ignoring Lysander, but Lily felt a weight under his heated and angry eyes. But Lily noticed that it was only directed at Scorpius, and not her.

"Hey, Lily, Scorpius," Louis greeted with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Louis," Lily said with her own smile. She hadn't been able to see much of Louis this summer. Only when she saw him with friends when she was working, or at the Burrow. She'd been so busy lately.

"How are you, Louis?" Scorpius asked.

"Not too bad," Louis told him. "Not too bad."

The door slid open, and a couple of more people walked in. Lily noticed Stacy Finnigan, and Lily was happy to see that she was the new fifth year prefect of Gryffindor, and not McLaggen or Wilde. And Tanner came in as well.

"Yo, Scorpius! Lily Lu! Feels like forever!" Tanner said loudly as he plopped down next to his cousin.

"It's been like four days," Lily countered.

"That's forever for someone who spends all his damn time with a bunch of little girls," Tanner retorted with a crooked smile.

"How old are the girls now?" Scorpius asked.

"Seven and five. Ryan will be turning three next month," Tanner replied.

"You have a brother?" Lily questioned, never remembering it being mentioned.

"Yup. Spoiled little brat that follows me everywhere," Tanner sighed.

"He looks up to you," Scorpius told him. But Lily felt her stomach tighten. Memories of how James and Albus were, and still are, flowed through her mind. Albus's admiration of James had blown up. But at least Tanner wouldn't take advantage of it. Not like James had.

Soon others began to come in and sit down. Hugo came in, and took a seat next to Lily, just before the train began to move.

"Ok, so it looks like we're all here and accounted for," Rose said with a smile. Lily rolled her eyes, and got ready for the longest round of crap to spew from the Head Boy and Girl's mouths.

"So, Rose Weasley and I are your new Head Boy and Head Girl," Albus told them.

"Not shit," Lily whispered. Tanner bit his lip, and Scorpius smirked.

Albus didn't seem to hear her. "Now, we plan on holding things the same as we did last year, but with a change."

"It was the headmaster's request that we have more inter-House pairs for patrols," Rose told them. "So, after we all kind of get used to things, we will be dividing you into pairs with people of a different House, and perhaps sometimes of a different year."

"So, who is patrolling the train?" Lana asked, her boredom obvious in her voice.

"Well, we've decided that your first patrols of the year will be with someone from a different House, since the train won't need a lot of time to get used to," Rose told her.

"That was not the answer to what I asked," Lana retorted, rolling her eyes.

"How about a little respect, Goyle?" Albus demanded.

"How about you bite me, Potter?" Lana snapped.

"Don't be a bitch, Goyle," Randy Davies defended.

"Don't call my sister that!" Scorpius hissed.

"Everyone, be calm!" Rose demanded. A tense silence settled over them. "Now, to answer your question fully, Albus and I decided that would we choose those prefects today."

"How about . . . Lily, you and . . . Lysander go first. Then, we can have Kimberly and Stacy." Albus began to list off groups, but Lily ignored him, her stomach turning. Lysander? Was Albus that much of a jerk, or was he that stupid?

A knock sounded on the door just before it slid open. Professor Slughorn's head popped in. "Sorry to barge in," he apologized.

Albus grinned. "Not at all, sir. Another gathering of students in a compartment?" he asked.

"Alas, no. I'm hoping to borrow Lily from you all. I need to talk about something important with her, and it might take awhile," Slughorn told them.

"Oh," Rose murmured. "That's no problem at all, professor. Gary, you can take her spot patrolling with Lysander. Lily, go ahead. One of our housemates can fill you in about the rest of the meeting later."

Lily nodded once. She squeezed Scorpius's hand as she stood up, and then let it go. She followed Professor Slughorn out, closing the door behind her. He led her to a compartment not far away. They stepped inside the empty compartment. While Slughorn closed the door and screen, Lily looked at the things in the overhead compartment. She saw Slughorn's name on one of them. And after a bit of searching, she saw the name Neville Longbottom. She looked and saw a few other things, but she couldn't see names on them. But then Zabini caught her eye. Scorpius's aunt was riding the train?

"Now, sit, sit," Slughorn told her. Lily did as he said, sitting on one side, while he sat across from her.

When he did say anything, Lily decided to take the first step. "So, what did you need to talk to me about, sir?"

Slughorn smiled, and Lily could feel the pride radiating from him. "Well, I wanted to talk to you about two things before we arrived at school. I was thinking that I might not get to see you much this year, not with our lessons coming to an end. But I thought of a very good way to remedy that," he told her.

"How, sir?" Lily asked, curious. She had been sad to know that he would no longer teach her the workings of potions. He had taught her things that he never would have taught in class, and now he was claiming that he could teach her no more. She was on par with him.

"Well, I need some help with the workings of my Slug Club. We have quite a few members, and I would love some help planning a few events for them. I would love for you to lead and help me," Slughorn explained.

Lily raised a brow. "You want me to take control of the Slug Club?"

He chuckled. "Basically. Would that be ok?"

Lily shrugged. "Sure. That sounds just fine."

"Great! Once you've gotten settled into your schedule, come and see me in my office, and we'll discuss it further," Slughorn said happily. Then he sighed. "But, onto a more important subject. I want to discuss your future of potions classes."

"Well, I was curious about that too, sir," Lily admitted. "I mean, I've done my O.W.L. and my N.E.W.T., so what now? Do I need to take those classes at all even?" Lily asked.

"Well, technically, you wouldn't need to. It would be up to you. But, this was also where I had a bit of an idea of what we could do so that you aren't going through a class that you already know and surpass," Slughorn replied.

"What would that be?" Lily asked.

"I would like to give you the option of helping to teach my fifth years," Slughorn answered.

Lily stared at him in open surprise. "You . . . you want me to teach them?"

He nodded. "Yes. You can help me explain how a potion works, and help them with questions and with the process. And after this year, once you have more free periods, you can even help me with other classes. What do you say?"

Lily was silent, not sure what to say. Teach the other kids of her year? Really? Did he really think she could do that?

"And if there are times that you aren't up to teaching them," Slughorn said quickly, "you can always just take the time as a free period. Relax. So?"

Lily smiled, feeling a bit of nervous elation enter her. "Um, ok. Sure! I'd love to help."

Slughorn clapped his hands. "Fantastic! I will have a note sent to you on what the first lesson for the fifth years will be by tomorrow morning," he assured.

Lily nodded and began to stand up. "Is that all? I'm wanted somewhere," Lily told him, thinking of how the others were waiting for her in a compartment.

"Yes, yes, of course! But one quick thing. I was asked to give you this." Slughorn dug into his pocket, and then pulled out a piece of paper. He held it out to her.

Lily took the paper and unfolded it. It was a small message.

"Lily, I wonder if you wouldn't mind coming with me to my office after you have led the first years to the common rooms tonight? I have a matter to discuss with you, something of importance to the both of us. The password is pixie. - Jacob Brown"

Lily placed the note into her own pocket. "Thank you, sir. I'll be around to see you once it's all settled."

"Good. Now, go and join your friends. Have fun," Slughorn insisted.

Lily said her goodbyes, and then walked out of the compartment. She walked down the aisle of the train, until she found the one she was looking for. Lola, Jace, Shannon, Scorpius, Lana, and surprisingly Hugo, were sitting inside. But not surprising at all, Lola had Hugo situated next to her.

Lily opened it and stepped inside. "Well, looks like you decided to have fun without me," she teased.

"Not at all," Scorpius replied. He leaned over and grabbed her wrist, then pulled her down into his lap. Lily giggled lightly, accepting his seat with a smile. "We've been waiting for you."

Lily glanced over at her cousin. "I thought you were going to see your friends," Lily mentioned.

Hugo shrugged. "Well, I was walking with Scorpius and Lana, and Lola insisted I come in, since I was already here."

"Besides, he can see all of his friends at the feast. We can at least have him for now," Lola added.

Lily gave her friend a knowing look. "I guess you have a point."

"So, what did Slughorn want?" Scorpius asked.

"You were so lucky to get the hell out of there," Lana sighed.

Lily explained to them what Slughorn had wanted, and she wasn't the only one excited about the news.

"That is beast!" Jace cheered. "That class is so much easier when you explain it all to me!"

"Yeah, but now we won't have Lily at our table to help us. She'll have to help others too," Lola pointed out.

"Don't ruin my moment," Jace retorted quickly.

"Do all of your moment have to be stupid?" Lola replied.

"Better than being dull," Jace shot.

"Children," Lily sighed.

Hugo laughed. "And I thought my parents were bad!"

Lily laughed too, not surprised that Hugo came to the same conclusion that she had years ago. Then she felt Scorpius's lips brushing along the skin of her neck. Her skin tingled, and a heat rushed along her veins. She leaned her back against his chest, loving how that heat seemed to wrap around her like a blanket.

"We are going to have to put up with this the whole way," she heard Jace mutter. She could only hope he was right.

Lily sighed as she got off the train. She was happy to be off the train and get fresh air. Scorpius hopped off after her, and quickly placed his arm around her again. The others began to file off as well. Hugo had ended up staying in their compartment the entire ride. Lily found it almost comical how flirty Lola had become with him, and how acceptant of it Hugo was. Either he was dense like his dad could be, or he was just ignoring it.

"Let's get a carriage," Scorpius told them.

"Go ahead. I've got to find Justin," Lana told them as she walked away.

"And I told Megan that I would meet up with her and Izzy," Shannon said with a bit of a smile. It left Lily with Scorpius, Hugo, Lola, and Jace. Sadly, it didn't stay like that.

"Hugo!" an irritated and shrill voice yelled.

Everyone but Hugo tensed at the voice of Paige Wilde as she ran toward them. Hugo sighed, and looked a bit apprehensive, but not afraid. Hugo gave a half grin when Paige approached them. "Hey, babe," he greeted.

Paige raised a brow. "What did you call me?" she demanded.

"Sorry, sorry. Hey, Paige," Hugo corrected. Lily glanced at Paige with odd confusion. Was she that controlling that she picked what he called her?

"You couldn't have said that hours ago?" Paige hissed. "We waited for you! But Stacy said that you disappeared after the prefect meeting! Have you been with them the entire time?"

Hugo straightened up to his full height, which was almost as tall as Scorpius. "Yeah. I was hanging out with my cousin and her friends. I didn't think that was a problem."

"I'm your girlfriend!" Paige argued.

"She's my family. Besides, once we got to school, we'd have to separate in the Great Hall. I get to see you all the time," Hugo replied.

A blush, of what Lily guessed to be embarrassment, rushed to Paige's face. "You could have at least told me!"

Hugo looked ready to roll his eyes. "Well, I'm sorry. But if you would like, you can ride in the carriage with us. We'll have room."

Lily tried not to groan at how polite and nice her cousin was trying to be. She would have rather him ride with her than her ride with them. But she didn't say anything, but let her cousin take his girlfriend's hand, and bring her along.

"Here's one," Scorpius told them, opening the door. He held out his hand to Lily, offering to help her into the carriage. Lily smiled at him, taking his offer. He climbed in after her, sitting next to her, his arm going around her. Jace came in next, followed by Lola. After a brief moment, Hugo and Paige were last. Paige wasn't glaring, but she was sending intense looks at Hugo that weren't friendly.

Lily sighed as she rested her head against Scorpius's shoulder. His hand was warm against her skin. She had chosen against wearing the vest of her uniform, deciding to wear only the skirt and the white blouse. Scorpius had offered to hold her robe, since she didn't want to wear it until she got to the Great Hall. It was now draped across his other shoulder.

"So, Hugo," Lola spoke, "what are you doing the first Hogsmeade trip?"

Hugo shrugged, and seemed to ignore how Paige looked at him sharply. "No clue. I never really think that far ahead," he joked with a laugh.

"You should come with us," Lola told him. "We always have a blast!"

Hugo grinned. "Yeah, maybe. I'll definitely think about it."

Lily had to bury her face into Scorpius's chest to keep from laughing. Paige's face of silent fury was too much for her, as was Hugo's apparent ignorance of how pissed his girlfriend was. Life was just too good now.

Lily waited patiently as Professor Brown said that last of his ending speech. The Sorting was done and over with. There were three names Lily knew well that joined Slytherin. Lola's sister Marsha, Mitch's brother Scott, and Christian's brother Riley, were all starting their first year. The feast went without incident, at least on the Slytherin side. Paige wasn't at all happy when the group separated from her and Hugo.

"First years, your prefects will lead to your common rooms. Now, let's all get a good night's sleep to start off the new school year," Professor Brown dismissed.

Lily stood up with Christian as older kids began to file out. Scorpius kissed her cheek as he walked past her.

"First years, this way!" Lily called, waving over the tiny kids. The group rushed up, Marsha leading them. She hugged Lily when she got there, apparently surprising the other kids.

"Lily! You're prefect!" Marsha cheered.

Lily and Christian laughed. "Yup," Lily replied. "Now, let's got to the common room."

The group began to walk, Marsha and Scott in the lead, while Riley was surprisingly staying in the back. "Now, our common room is in the dungeons," Christian told them.

"Our Head of House is Professor Slughorn, the potions teacher," Lily told them. "Now, Slytherin House has been the holder of House Cup since Christian and I were your age, and we plan to keep it that way. To do that, we need you to keep your behavior in check, or to not get caught."

"Curfew for first years is at six o'clock. You are to be in the common room at that time," Christian warned. "Our other prefects are Lindsey Bletchley, Tanner Zabini, Lana Goyle, and Scorpius Malfoy. If you have any questions, you can ask us or them."

When they reached the blank wall at the end of the hall in the dungeons, Lily and Christian turned to face them. "This is the doorway to our common room," Lily explained to them. "It requires a password. You are to keep the password a secret."

"Now, the password may change every month or so, but you will be notified," Christian assured. "For now, this password is 'Quidditch.'"

The wall slid open, which seemed to amaze the first years. Lily and Christian grinned as they led them inside. The other kids were already inside, catching up with others, laughing, and playing games.

"This is the common room," Lily told them. "And beyond those stairs are the dorm rooms. Girls to the left, and boys to the right. Boys won't be allowed up the stairs to the girls' stairs, just as a warning."

"And really, that's about it," Christian said with a shrug. "Any questions?"

"When's the first Quidditch match?" one boy, Alan Bram Lily thought, asked.

"November," a deep voice answered. Lily smiled when Scorpius came up to them. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead. Giggles erupted from the group of kids, and Lily laughed a little too. Scorpius smirked. "Excuse me, but I'm going to steal her away for a moment." Scorpius took her hands and began to pull Lily away from the group.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked with another laugh.

"I'm getting ready to kiss you," he answered, and then did just that.

"I have to go," she mumbled against his lips, which never stopped kissing hers.

"Go later," he muttered, kissing her harder.

"I'll be back soon," Lily assured, trying to pull her lips away from his. But he wouldn't let her. "Scorpius," she protested with a slight giggle against his lips.

Scorpius groaned against her lips, and finally pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. "When is soon?" he asked lowly.

"Soon," Lily assured. "It shouldn't be too long. I promise." She ran her hands up and down his arms, her fingers tracing little patterns in the thick cords of muscle.

Scorpius turned his head, burying his face in her hair, his lips touching the top of her ear. "I'll wait for you," he told her, his breath fanning across her ear, his lips brushing across the hoops in her ear.

Lily felt her heart beating fast, but she did her best to keep it from showing. "So, am I allowed to go now?"

Slowly, Scorpius pulled away from his hold on her, his hands loosening their grip on her hips. "One more kiss. Then . . . I guess you can go," he teased.

Lily laughed, then reached up to the full of her height to kiss him. Scorpius leaned down a little, making it easier for her. The kiss was longer than Lily had thought it would be, but Scorpius didn't push it too long. He let her go, and with a small wave to him, and to the still watching and giggling first years, Lily left the common room.

It was a quiet walk up to the headmaster's office. No kids ever tried to sneak around the first night, but Lily still ran into a few staff members patrolling the halls. They gave a simple nod when they saw Lily walk by.

After getting off the moving stairs that led to the headmaster's office, Lily gave a firm knock on the door.

"Come in, Lily," Professor Brown called from inside, his voice muffled by the door.

Lily opened the large door and stepped inside. As was usual, her eyes were pulled toward the "sleeping" portraits of former headmasters. Mainly toward the one portrait who didn't pretend to sleep. Albus Dumbledore. He stared at her with those sparkling and knowing blue eyes. And he didn't look away.

Lily did look away, and toward the current headmaster. "Hello, Jake," Lily greeted with a smile as she moved to sit in the chair in front of his desk. She loved the casualness between them.

"Hello, Lily. How was your summer?" Professor Brown asked with a smile of his own.

"The best," Lily said with an even bigger smile.

"Yes, I head about you and Scorpius's new relationship," Professor Brown chuckled.

Lily raised a brow. "Really? From who?"

"Mrs. Zabini. We got to talking after a staff meeting, and she mentioned it when I asked about her children and nephew," Professor Brown explained.

Lily gave a nod at that. She didn't really know Scorpius's aunt. She'd met her of course, but she never really talked to her. "So, what did you want to talk to me about, Jake?" she asked.

"Well, it has to do with Duncan," Professor Brown replied. "I went to see him the other day, and he told the most fantastical story of how he met Scorpius and Hugo."

"Yeah. He wanted to meet Scorpius, and I ended up bringing Hugo with," Lily told him.

"I'm glad to hear that you and Hugo are getting along better," Professor Brown mentioned. But then he sighed. "But, anyways. I have a bit of bad news for you. Duncan claims that he is feeling the imminent disappearance of the area of his right hip."

Lily felt her throat tighten. "What would that mean for him?"

"Well, his Healers were able to measure out the area, and have found that it is just over his kidney. Now, if it does disappear, thus ruining the organ, Duncan will still be fine. He has full functional use of his other kidney," Professor Brown assured her.

"But . . . ?" Lily urged him to continue.

Professor Brown tapped his fingers repeatedly on his desk, a somber look on his face and in his eyes. He pursed his lips, looking as if he didn't know what to say. He sighed after a couple of minutes, and finally, an agonized look tore across his face. "He's fading, Lily. It's terrible, but it's happening. Even his Healers are losing hope of stopping it."

Lily eyes dropped to her lap as they began to sting. In her heart, she knew that already. Every time she saw him, another part of him seemed to disappear, if not bodily, then emotionally. But it was hard to admit, and she was surprise of the strength of the headmaster. How hard was it for him to admit it? Lily pulled in a deep and shaky breath. "So . . . how long do you think he has?" she whispered.

Lily brought her eyes back to the headmaster, and felt her own heart clench at the sight. He looked as if he could hardly swallow a breath, his eyes were full of sadness, and were even a bit glassy. "I'm not sure, Lily," he murmured. "I'm really not. They say that it could be quick . . . or it could draw out longer than expected."

"There has to be something we can do," Lily said through a thick lump in her throat.

Professor Brown sighed heavily and ran a hand through his thick black hair. The look of sadness was now subdued, and a look of resignation crossed over his eyes. "Right now, all we can do is to be there for him. I sense that he's come to the same realization that we all have, and he needs people to be there for him."

Lily nodded. "I'll head over to the hospital as soon as break starts," she replied.

"Well, I had a better idea," Professor Brown told her. "I was thinking that at least once a week, I could take you from school to go and visit him. Perhaps after dinner?"

Lily looked at Professor Brown with hope and gratitude. "Really? We can do that?"

"I approve it wholeheartedly," he replied. "Are you ok with that?"

Lily nodded eagerly. "Of course! I think that's a great idea!"

Professor Brown smiled. "Perfect. This week, we shall go on the fifth. After that, you can choose which days will work best for you based on your schedule with classes, O.W.L.s, prefect duties, and Quidditch."

Lily smiled. "Thank you very much, Jake."

Professor Brown sighed again, but this time, it wasn't as heavy. "It was no problem to decide. I knew that you would like the idea. And I think that Duncan deserves a little company."

Lily nodded, her heart still a little heavy. "I just wish there was something more we could do," she whispered.

"Life is full of things that we wish we could fix or change." Lily jumped slightly at the resounding voice of Albus Dumbledore. She turned in her chair to look at him. "Good things happen and bad things happen to everyone, young Duncan included."

"What do you mean, Albus?" Professor Brown asked.

"I mean that while life can be cruel, it can find ways to balance out for people. In the midst of a bad thing, a good event can blossom, and consume the thoughts completely," Dumbledore told them.

"What good event has come to Duncan?" Lily muttered. What good was coming to a dying boy who was getting no better?

"You," Dumbledore stated simply.

"Me?" Lily asked.

"Yes, you, Lily," Dumbledore said with assurance. "In the midst of this serious illness, one that could possibly lead to death, he has gained a friend. Another person to care about him and to be there for him. From what I have heard, you have been a steadfast friend, a great ear for listening, and someone that gives support. You are the great event in a bad time."

Lily pulled herself into her thoughts. She knew that she was a great friend to Duncan, and that she tried to listen to him when he needed to vent. But . . . a good event? "I think you overestimate me."

"I think you underestimate yourself," Dumbledore counted. "That's common among people, though. They never truly understand themselves. But, you are a shining light in the darkness of Duncan's illness."

"I'm not that great a person," Lily retorted.

"Anyone can be the good part of a person's life. It is possible that even Lord Voldemort could have been a good part for someone. It may sound odd, but it's a possibility. You don't have to be an angel to be a great impact for someone else," Dumbledore explained.

Lily grinned. The idea of Voldemort being a great part of anyone's life was laughable, but Lily would admit that it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities. Perhaps he was to certain Death Eaters, or supporters.

Suddenly, thoughts of James and Albus pervaded her mind. What was her great event in the midst of their torment and hatred? Scorpius's face was the first thing to come to mind, followed by thoughts of all her friends. And it occurred to her that even James and Albus were good events in a way. If it wasn't for their lack of acceptance towards her, she never would have found a way to really be herself. To break away from the shadow the Potter name cast about the three of them. Perhaps . . .

"I guess you're right about that, sir," Lily agreed. "It is possible, and anyone can be a good impact. Even if what they do isn't good."

It was late when Lily entered the common room. The fire was burning low, and the windows that were open to under the lake cast a darker and greener glow than normal around the room, which was practically empty, except for a few remaining students. She hadn't realized how late it was.

"I was beginning to think that you weren't ever coming back tonight," a voice whispered into her ear from behind.

Lily suppressed her surprise. How had Scorpius gotten behind her? But she still smiled as she turned to look at him. "I wasn't gone for that long," she argued softly.

"Longer than you think," he murmured, his hands pulling her to him. Her body was flush against his, his chin resting on the top of her head. Lily wrapped her arms around him, glad for the comfort and warmth his being provided. After the taxing subject of Duncan's future, her emotions had taken quite a toll.

Scorpius's hand began to stroke her hair gently. "Tired?" he asked quietly.

Lily nodded, nuzzling against his chest as she did. "Very. I don't know how long that meet was, but it was tiring," she sighed.

"Well, would you like to sleep in your room, or is it ok if I kidnap you for the night?" Scorpius inquired.

Lily smiled against his shirt. "I am very susceptible to Stockholm Syndrom," she joked lightly.

She could practically feel the smirk on his face. She didn't have to see it. "Would you like to get something to sleep in, or do you just want one of my shirts?" he asked.

"I'll just steal a shirt from you," she said with another sigh. "I'm not up for digging through my trunk to find my clothes."

"Want me to carry you?" he teased, although Lily had a feeling that if she said "yes" that he would do it.

"No need," Lily assured as she pulled away a little from his embrace, finally looking up at him.

Scorpius let his embrace go, but quickly had his arm around her, and was leading her to the stairs. Lily soon found herself clad in only her underwear and one of Scorpius's giant shirts, and climbing into Scorpius's bed silently. The other four beds' curtains were pulled shut, but Lily didn't want to risk waking one of the other boys in the room. Scorpius climbed onto the bed as well, and pulled the curtains shut. Then he followed Lily's lead, and got under the covers.

Lily was ready to nuzzle into the crook of his neck or his chest, but instead she found Scorpius's lips covering hers. She brought her hands to his cheeks as she responded to the kiss. Scorpius pulled away slowly, and then began to pull her even closer as he laid next to her. Lily nuzzled against his cheek as one of Scorpius's hands began to bury itself into her hair. The other wrapped around her waist, hugging her to him.

Lily closed her eyes, finally feeling relaxed and comfortable. This was her bright light in the midst of a bad situation.

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