
By xoxo-LR

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Do not read if you have not read Meeting the Millers: Cannot be read as a stand aloneโš ๏ธ Adriana's POV Book 2/2 More

Authors notes
Tell me a story
|01| Words from Grace
|02| Element of speech
|03| June's choice
|04| One man down
|05| POV
|06| Selfish
|07| She walks in beauty pt.1
|07.5| She walks in beauty pt.2
|08| Eliza who?
|09| Seizure
|10| Remember Valentina and Juan?
|11| Mrs Scrooge
|12| Christmas special
|13| Change
|14| Her temple
|15| 'Id drink and drive a plane if it means I get to see you'
|17| Travis
|18| New attraction
|19| Football date
|20| Rory
|21| Words from Carmen
|22| Intimate
|23| Love

|16| Trade your heels for my sliders

450 17 11
By xoxo-LR

Here I thought that the first person to skip out on us would be Enzo but I guess I stand corrected. Isabella is gone and you know what had this been a few months ago I'd feel a little bit more upset maybe? When she announced the divorce with dad I just.... I couldn't be sad. How shes been treating Lola ever since she came out was just not it so maybe moving to Spain is the best thing for her to do right now. But other than that life has been going on pretty fast, I mean I can't believe my twin brother is actually sticking with one girl.

Layla I think her name was? Oh shit no it was Maya, my bad. I mean usually he goes for black girls (so does Daniel) but she's pretty cute too. Currently I have no sex life, recently I've just not been wanting to have it and I don't know maybe I want to try something different.

"Come on Dri it'll be fun, plus you and Santi have always wondered what Carters house looks like" My sister points out

"No thanks", I stuff a few chips into my mouth as I flick through the tv and Carmen blocks my view as she stands in front of me with folded arms

"But I want my sister there", She complains

"Well I'm not really in the party mood so I'll stay home with Matty and Lola-

Matty frowns, "You don't even like us"

I scoff, "That's not true"

"See? They don't need you"

"Well neither do you guys, you both have other people now"

Realisation hits my sister, "Aww you miss hanging out with Santi"

"No I don't-

"Santi, what do I always tell you" Carmen says as he comes down the stairs

"Shut up?"

Her face drops, "No. Like when you date girls"

"Don't forget about you guys?"

"Yes. Adri doesn't want to come to the party, she's grumpy because her twin isn't hanging out with her"

Kind of true

He collapses back onto the couch besides me, "What? Of course I hang out with you"

"No you don't"

"I invited you to come McDonald's with me and Maya and you said no", He points out

"Yeah because that would be awkward", I defend

"Oh please, it's not like you of all people are shy" Carmen snorts

Santi puts his arm around me, "We'll go to the party together"

"And bring a friend", Our sister adds

I roll my eyes, "Fine"

So that's what I did, I invited Hayley. And as promised Santi came with me to the party, we were meeting Hayley and Maya there. But annoyingly so there were a few seniors outside and they were questioning people before allowing them to walk in, as if they were being paid to do that.

One of the guys frown as we walk up the porch steps, "You two don't look like twelfth graders"

"Sorry where does it say seniors only", I say annoyed

"Ah I get it. Sophomores"

"Juniors you dipshit"

"And stop embarrassing yourself because you know damn well that Carter isn't paying you to camp out here", Santi snorts

One of the guys who was smoking weed laughs to himself. Eventually the door opened and Carmen stepped outside, "Hey"

The weed guy frowns, "You know them?"

She looks at him as if he were stupid, "My siblings. Duh"

"I see it now. You guys have the same nose", The third guy notices

"Bodyguard over here was trying to send us home" I tell her

She rolls her eyes "Seriously Rico, go home"

She then drags Santi and I inside

"As you can see it's a little packed!" Carmen calls out over the music

I look around with a frown, I am immensely creeped out by the fact that this house was in my dream and I've never stepped foot inside until now.

What snapped me back to reality was Hayley waving at me from the kitchen, I smile before returning it. But what I am starting to regret is wearing these tight heels, it's just that I need the height.

"Hey are those mine?" Carmen frowns as she looks down

She opted for these tiny heels which do absolutely nothing because she's still tiny, shorter than me may I add. Now that I think about it I think she's only taller than Lola and Matty.

"I won't keep them if that's what you're worried about"

"You look suffocated"

"Well you have tiny feet, but these go with my fit and beauty is pain" I defend

"Shots?", Santi asks

"Ugh, I'm not drinking tonight"

We both frown at her, "You're not?"

"Long story"

I snort, "Alright well I see a bottle of Smirnoff with my name on it and I'm going"

"Keep your phone on", Santi tells me

"Yeah yeah", I pass through the sweaty crowd full of sweaty and high people before making my way to the kitchen

Hayley looks up from her phone, "About time"

I take a solo cup, "Relax I'm here now"

"So", She does a little dance as she pours us some vodka and coke

Definitely tipsy

"Who's the eye candy of the night-... I've already made out with Kevin from the football team oh and also-

She hiccups

"I almost had sex with Rico the senior but he said that I was too tipsy and he wanted to fuck me when I'm sober. He basically told me to call him tomorrow right?-

I look at her amused "Woah, Hales slow down. When did you get here? And wait a minute what happened between you and Nathan? And Rico, the guy from outside? He's a real jerk"

A little bit of vodka spills down the side of her mouth but she wipes it away quickly.... And then she starts blabbering, "I broke up with Nathan ages ago because all he wanted was sex. But then I really really wanted to make him jealous because he moved on so quickly and usually I go to Santiago whenever I wanna do that but then I found out he got with some girl called Maya and that shouldn't bother me right because we're friends. It shouldn't right? So then I wanted to drink and hookup with Rico so I could forget everything and also I think I might really like your brother"

I raise my eyebrows and Hayley pauses as she realises what she just said, "Oh my God"

"Oh my God", I repeat

She looks at me with panic, "You're mad and you hate me-

"No no no, I don't hate you Hales. I'm just surprised"

"Ok but like good surprise? Or bad surprise"

"Well I mean it would be good surprise if you told me when he was single. But now it's bad surprise because you know...he's not single"

All this time I've just had a lot going on with trying to figure out why I feel so empty, focusing on my sister, my mother leaving and just other shit... I never realised what was going on with my best friend.

She groans into her hands, "I'm so stupid"

I hug her, "Babe you're not stupid. You just like my other half, and I'll take that as a compliment because he's a boy version of me"

"This doesn't make me feel better", She murmurs into my shoulder

"You're right, sorry. Hey look, for all we know him and Maya won't work out"

Now I'm stuck. I mean do I tell Santi or do I just keep it to myself? Maya looks like a nice girl but she's dating my best friends crush who also happens to be my brother so I don't know whether I should be annoyed for Hayley or happy for Santi, being annoyed is the wrong option but I can't help it.

We pull away from our hug and I tuck a hair behind her ear, "Beer pong?"

She sighs, "Sure"

I put my arm around her, "Come on hailstorm"

"He made that nickname for me-

I roll my eyes, "It was me. Santi just stole it"

This is a sign to not take things from my sister ever again, my feet are literally killing me and I'm so tempted to just walk around bare foot. After beer pong I danced and drank a little more but I've still got a sober mindset, just feeling tired now.

Carter pushes through a bunch of people before noticing me, "Hey have you seen your sister?"

I shrug before walking back over to Hayley, I need to keep an eye on her because of how tired and drunk she is. "Here, drink" I give her a bottle of water as I sit next to her on the couch

She swallows desperately before exhaling with relief and wiping her mouth, "Thanks"

"You're welcome"

A moment of silence passed between us, well not really because the music was still deafening but they did turn it down a little.

"Did it hurt?"

Hayley frowns

"When you saw them making out by the stairs", I say softly

She looks down, "Oh.... Um. A little bit"

I only asked because I don't really know what it's like to actually like someone, I've only ever had sexual attraction and I guess I just don't know what Hayley feels. Never had the opportunity and starting to think I never will because of my track record. Nobody wants a slut right?

I plaster on a smile, "Don't worry. Nathan will realise what he's missing"


She's slowly sobering up

"Wow, very shocking to see you two sitting down" My brother snorts as he slumps down into the space between us

Great. Just what Hayley needs.

"Go away" I tell him

"What so this afternoon you complain when I don't hang with you and now you want me to go"

He then looks at Hayley, "Sometimes I wonder why you're friends with her"

She's looking anywhere but at him, "Yeah..."

Santi nudges her, "Hales-

She suddenly gets up as if him touching her is painful, "I'm um. I'm gonna call my mom"

My brother frowns as he sits back, "What's up with her"

I groan, "You idiot"

"Are you two on your period or some shit?-

I roll my eyes before getting up and going after her, she's by the stairs. "Hayley-

"I'm ok, I'm just exhausted so I'm gonna head home", She looks at me with assurance and my face softens

"Hales I'm so sorry"

"Adri it's not your fault, and I'm not mad at anyone either because I have no right to be. It just hurts you know?"

I nod

"My moms in the area so I'm gonna go wait outside for her"

"Alright. Tell aunt Sophie I said hi"

She kisses my cheek before picking up her heels and jacket, "I will"

Now she's gone and I'm alone


I turn around, "Adriana"

Maya nods slowly, "Right, Adriana. Um so is your friend gone?"

"What's it to you?"

"I was just making conversation"

Now I feel bad

I mentally roll my eyes, "Yes. She's gone"

"Do you wanna get a drink?"
"Where's my brother"

"Wow ok. You seem like you're in a bad mood so I'm not gonna take this personal, I'll see you"

I am in a bad mood because of my feet, I'm absolutely exhausted. And I swear I just saw my sister pass me a couple of minutes ago in an oversized shirt, her thighs on display.

I run a hand through my hair before turning to walk to the front room, as I do that I bump into something hard.... A chest. "What the fuck" I scoff as I look up

Some guy that I've never seen before is standing in front of me and he has a bottle of whiskey in his hand, "I think the words you're looking for are I'm sorry" I say annoyed

"Woah, you're the one that bumped into me spice"

Spice? Be fucking for real

"No I was not, and don't call me that"

He leans on the wall as he assesses me, "Well I think the name fits your description. Spice"

Mr jeans and a white tee is one of those. You know the guys that think they're the shit. It sucks because you want to tell them that they're not but they also happen to be beautiful so you can't. They basically are the shit.

I roll my eyes before walking away and annoyingly so he follows me all the way to the other front room, there's less people in here so I can finally have some quiet. I sit down and so does he, "Go away" I say with irritation

"You know, you are actually very pretty"

I don't reply for a moment, "Thank you"

But I know what he's here for, sex. And tonight I'm not in the mood however any other day I probably would've given this black haired guy a chance.

"Travis", He reaches his hand out and I just look at it

"Adriana" I eventually mutter

He picks up my hand and shakes it, "I know"

I frown, "What?"

Travis snorts, "What you thought I'd come over here without knowing your name?"

"Look if you're looking to hookup then you've got the wrong girl"

"Well actually you don't but that's not the point", I mutter this to myself

"You ever had just a conversation spice?"

"Of course I have"

"Doesn't seem like it"

"I'm Carter's cousin and I asked him what your name was", He then tells me

I frown as I asses him for like the hundredth time, "You two look-

"Nothing alike, I know. I'm adopted"

That's interesting actually

I snort, "What for real?"


I narrow my eyes, "You're being serious"

"Of course I am"

I turn a little so that I'm facing him, "So what do you want?"

"To know you"

"Yeah right"

He runs his fingers through some of my hair, "And I have an offer"

"What could you possibly have to offer me"

Travis lifts up his left leg and that's when I notice his Nike slides. Thank God he's wearing socks too because when guys don't I find it weird, he also has big feet. "Sliders?" I snort

"No offence Spice but you look like you're in pain"

I gape, "But you still walk fine" He adds

I look back at his sliders, "It does sound enticing"

He lifts up his leg again in a persuasive manner, "You know you want to"

"But what would you wear?"

Travis shrugs, "My socks. I know aunt Melissa's floor is clean so I'm good"

What guy just offers his sliders to a girl at a party, this is a funny but strange experience.

I look back at my sisters heels whilst debating with myself. Honestly they look really good with my outfit but I need a break, "Fine"


I groan, "Why is there a but"

"You gotta spend the day with me tomorrow if you want to wear them"

I snort, "Immediately no"

He shifts his sitting position as if we're about to chill in here for hours, "It's ok. We can do hard to get if that's what you want"

"Oh so you assume I'm playing hard to get" I say amused

"Uh duh. You for sure are"

Am not

"Thanks but I think I'm good"

Travis shrugs, "Suit yourself"

As he's about to get up I put my hand out, "Wait"

I really really need my feet to breathe

I eventually sigh, "Fine"

"Sorry say that again-

"I said fine. Give them to me now"

He grins, "That's more like it"

We have ourselves a cocky one

Here's a double update as a way to say sorry for the slow updates 🥲
But yayyy Travis has finally been added to the equation

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