Interviews With The Authors

By Aimeelouise

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This is Interviews With The Authors, A place where we do just that...Interview the Authors More

Interviews With The Authors
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Interviews With The Authors 1 - xoexoxo

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By Aimeelouise

The very first author I will be welcoming to                                                                                                      'Interviews With The Authors' is....Drum Roll Please


yay, she is the author of She's the boy, Love is Evol....spell it backwards,evil it is.But i still love you, There's always something worth...Living for & Secret Mission: Steal My Heart.

And here is her Interview.


1. Ok first question, what’s the story behind your username?How did youcome up with it?Was it sudden or thought about?  

Okay actually my name is zoe...and i like giving people "x"s and "o"s so i figured maybe i could mix it together so boom! Here it is, " xoexoxo" lol

2. How old were you when you first started writing?

Well i guess in primary school? We were all asked to write something as homework...i dont remember exactly when but...when i was like 5 or 6? The topic was " what do i want to be when i grow up" 

3. What was the first book you can remember writing?  

Well i used to write only "love is evol" is actually the first story i wrote :p

4. Where did the idea’s for Love is evol come from?

well actually i was reading the other wattpadder's stories and i figured i might have a try on writing my own i'd say the ideas were come from wattpad!!( but im not a copy cat:p)

5. How did you choose your characters names? Was it random or do they mean something?

Some are random,,,but some mean something to me for example the main girl "alexis" comes from "alex russo" and alexis's bestfriend is called "selena" so you can see how much i like selena

6. What inspired you to start writing?

Definitely wattpaders and their amazing stories! In fact i decided to write a story after reading "sooner or later you wont resist me" and "survivng the mclane boys"

7. How does writing make you feel? Is it just something you do for fun or

is it something else?  

I think writing makes me feel...comfortable. Of course i have fun when im writing, seeing a story or a passage come out from the originally brand new plain white makes me feel successful and fulfilled... But i think the most important thing about writing is to um...bring people happiness. If people like my writing, it's better than giving me 1000bucks.

8. How did you discover Wattpad, Do you remember?

Actually i havent joined it for long...i remember i was searching "books" in my itunes shopper and then it just came out and i downloaded it.

9. What do you enjoy the most about writing?

The fulfilled feeling...i like to express myself and i like creating people's images and actions in my own ways...they are all alive to me, like my friends( i'm NOT a psych though:p)

10. Do your Family/Friends know about Wattpad, about your stories?

My friends know, and they really gave heap of support! But i didnt tell my parents since they may only think i'm wasting my time on something not worthy at all.

11. What are you working on at the moment?

Four stories...i don't really want to end them in a short time though :p there's this story about a girl who had to become one of the death in order to save her parents from a car crash...and she met people with different stories...i got feedback saying that the storyline is good and new and i felt really happy about that so even though i once tried to give that story up but eventually i decided to continue writing.

12. How long have you been a member of wattpad?

Like...nearly two months? I started from 1st of march

13. Do you base your stories on things that happen in real life?

Some of them are real...i mean there's no way you can experience paranormal stuff right? But in the teenie stories some of them are real life experiences which made them more convincing.

14.Who is your favourite character?

Hm you mean from my own stories? I honestly like alexis the most cause she's the first character i created lol.

15. Are they based on someone real?

Nope not really. I just created her out of nowhere but i guess she is pretty much the same as the other teenage girls :)

16. Do you have a favourite story of yours?

Yup, i guess it's "love is evol" but actually i also really like " secret mission: steal my heart" lol

17. Do you have a favourite story on wattpad?

Yup! So far i like "the misfit sevens" i just finished reading it recently and the memory is still fresh lol

18. Do you listen to music when you write?

Yes sometimes...i can get quite a lot of ideas from the the name of my story " love is evol" came from eminem's spacebound 1

9. Who is your favourite Wattpad author?

Cheesehead :)

20. What is your favourite genre to read , write about?

Romance, humour and teen fictions

21. Do you ever get Writers Block? If so how do you get past it?

Mostly i dont, cause when i first start a story, i usually will write a storyline and the plots for it first, so when i write a chapter all i need to do is to expand my ideas:)

22. Who is your favourite published author?

Meg cabot

23. What is your favourite published book?

The last song

24. Would you ever want your work to be published?

Of course!! It's like, my dream!!

25. When faced with a negative comment how do you deal with it?

I try to reveal my mistakes and improve my writing...

26. When your not reading or writing what can you be found doing?

Figure skating, listening to music, studying and.. Shopping, wandering around lol

27. Do you have a message for people who are just starting out writing? Or just a message in general?

 At first you might find it hard to express yourself clearly, but then things will get better trust me i've been through that lol... And i believe that if you try your best, the others will appreciate your efforts sooner or later and that feeling, is the best thing ever!

28. Do you consider yourself a good writer

Nope. I think i still have many improvable spaces.

29. Do you look up to anyone on wattpad?

I look up to many wattpad writers that can write popular stories...i can learn so many things from them, like the way they describe the characters and how to manage the plots better.

30. Do you have any pet peeves about writing styles? Does something really turn you off from a book?

 I dont really like reading a story without the 'i' point of kinda confuses me lol

31. Do you have any shout outs anything you want to say before we finish

the interview?

Just...please keep supporting my stories and gimme honest feedback and critics! And to those who want to try writing a story, have faith in yourself and you can do it! :)

Thanks for that interview xoexoxo Don't forget to Vote, Comment, Like !!!

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