The Hurt Reality (Fire Emblem...

Per AgentMiaBaby

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A love to conquer all things. Maelys had woken up in a field, with no knowledge of who she once was. Her eyes... Més

This Is Where It Begins
This Is Observations.
This is the Unexpected Difficulty Setting
This Is A Hostage Situation.
This Is The Case of Cannibals And An Unplanned Son.
This Is Confusion And Doubt
This Is A Heavy Load.
This Is Back On Track
This Is Insanity's Game
This Is A Promise.
This Is The Betrayal
This Is Judgement or Lack Thereof.
This is A Trap.
This Is The Lunatic Choice
This Is Family
This Is The Lost
This Is Oh... So Close!
These Are Irreplaceable Bonds
This Is The Beginning of The End

This Is A Mother's Love

364 14 5
Per AgentMiaBaby

Maelys's POV.

The camp was shockingly bustling and wide awake as I exited the tent. It was a cloudy morning, the sun fought through the thick blanket in the sky, but it was losing.

I couldn't take laying there anymore, plus the noise was enough to probably wake the Risen from their dead ashes, so I rolled up my sleeping mat and made my way out into the world.

There were so many people up and about, gathered in the little courtyard that we retreated to. We had been spread out more before the attack but since that area had been destroyed everyone learned to be cozy.

"My friends, may I have your attention?"

Oh, that explains why so many were in this small space.

Chrom stands on top of some broken pieces of wood, gathered from the destruction of last night. He uses it to have a vantage point and so that everyone can see him, instead of just hearing from afar.

I frown slightly, what was he going to speak about? Especially when he hadn't met with me yet.. Of course he was the commander, he could do as he pleased but it didn't sit well. I had to remind myself to trust him.

"The night has been long, some of you haven't slept and the injured are still being treated. We will no doubt be camped out here for another day, so with that knowledge I urge those of you who haven't rested, to do so now and those of you who have please stay here so I can give you duties that need accomplished today." his voice rings out strong and resilient.

The crowd moves around and I notice more than half of them heading for sleeping quarters and tents. I realize that along with the damaged entrance to our camp, some convoys and carriages had been burned too, which meant that some people had lost tents and their sleeping mats.

That's when I catch a glimpse of a bone weary, feet dragging Panne and I flag her down. Being a tanguel she had insisted "I don't tire as easily as you humans. I shall be offering aid until my feet give out." that had been last night while I sat at a table eating the evening meal with her and a couple of others.

"Panne! Take my tent, you didn't sleep a wink last night did you?" I call to the rabbit like woman. She waves slowly, "I'd rather my son take a break first. For the coward he is, there's a helpful willing heart to replace."

I shake my head, "Then go find him and share the tent. You may not be human, but you still exhaust."

She gives a smirk, "You should be glad that I respect you, or else I'd take that as an insult." I playfully roll my eyes, and she speaks again. "Thank you, we will gladly take your quarters." and then dark haired woman bounds off, in search of the masses of people for her son.

Her husband, Gregor had been on the battlefield yesterday, and as one of the strongest, I saw him helping Vaike as I walked past so I figured he got to be one of the few to sleep last night. Either way, if I saw him, I'd ask and send him to be with his family if my assumptions were incorrect.

As it settled down, Chrom addressed the rest of us standing there. Which was less than half, but still plenty to get things done.

"First off, I would selfishly like to request all of your aid in keeping an eye out for my son, Morgan. I would appreciate if someone would head up a search party to depart soon and continue on as long as we have daylight." A hand goes in the air, and I strain from my position in the back ranks to see who's it was.

"Allow me," the voice moves to the side, "I request four to join me."

The light blue hair that usually was styled to perfection was pulled back in a ponytail. He was almost unrecognizable, but it was definitely Virion. I was surprised to even see him awake, of anyone in the camp who'd try to avoid hard work, Virion would be the one.

Sully must have whipped him into shape over these past weeks.

"Thank you, Virion," Chrom says to the flamboyant sniper who just raises a hand in mock humility to accept the praise. One troop from our Ylissean guard walks over to assist and I see Severa, Stahl and Henry all join as well.

I find myself longing to be in the group, but as soon as Chrom found that I was awake he'd need me for something else. "There are stations for the rest of you to offer yourselves at. Most importantly would be the continuation of rebuilding our convoy. We also need to swap out guards in an hour, so keep that in mind. If there are any further questions, you know who to ask." and with that, dismissal was called, groups formed and scattered to their responsibilities.

My duties were piling up the longer I stood here so I went ahead and walked past everyone else and headed straight to the familiar safety of the strategy tent, eager to check out the reports that surely came in over the hours I was away.

As I entered, my hopes were not dismissed, there on the simple table with the map of our quest nailed down against it's wood lay a modest sized stack of wrote on papers. It didn't take me long to eagerly jump into the information, I hadn't realized how much I didn't know about our losses and of our surprising gains.

It was nice too, the handwriting.

I could actually read it.

You'd think with how proper Frederick was, his handwriting would be better..

But he wrote so tiny that it strained the eyes to read. It wasn't that the letters were badly penned, just that they were nearly invisible to the naked eye. Probably so that we didn't use up the precious paper, but still!

I let my eyes scan over the different reports. I decided to with the bad first, which was marked with red ink in the corner to distinguish between the gains and damages.

Causalities were normal for this type of a battle, but were still a blow to our already dwindling forces, it listed all the names and their titles. I was surprised to see that most the fallen were actually the quickest of the Ylissean men behind the trackers.

Underneath that the paper listed the injured with the cause of injury, estimated bed-rest time and status.

Frederick was the only one still required to lay and heal, two others were only allowed to walk for 15 minutes at a time every five hours just to see how their stitches held up, and the rest had been released.

Next came the inventory we had lost in fires or that got trampled on. This would tell me a rough estimate of what we could salvage, what needed to be abandoned, and what we would need to buy from our merchant friends.

After the analyzing, I sighed, that's where we would be lacking. As I had already expected most of the items that were carried in the burned carriages were necessities anyway, such as the sleeping mats, personal cleaning items, cloths, food.. We took a severe setback in that area. Luckily, we could rebuild the trailers, and the horses had been found and brought back already so that wouldn't be an issue.

I scanned through the rest, noting little things that piqued my interest such as the overall kill total. An entire army of Risen, rough estimate to be nearly eighty bodies, and we had lost six, bringing our total platoon count to sixty-two.

It was hard to believe that we started out with over one hundred soldiers. One hundred and twenty to be exact.

But I wouldn't let my mind wander to those dark places. I wouldn't blame myself anymore, that only made me weaker.

Now I move on to the blue marked paper, curious to see why we even had one. What good had come from this tragedy? I hover my eyes over the handwriting and take in a deep breath..

"Morale significantly improved among ranks, eager to aid each other.

Troops adjusted easily and spurred on teammates. Overall this battle proved to tighten bonds and created an unbroken chain of success compared to other battles."

I couldn't stop the smile from forming, whoever wrote this was wise. Frederick would have never included this in even an overall thorough report. It was a nice change and I could feel it even lifting my spirits. Indeed the fight had been gruesome and terribly difficult but we had come out with minimal lives lost. We helped each other. That's what kept us going.

My heart aflutter with newfound hope, I didn't even realize that someone had entered.

Morgan's POV.

The sound of my own groaning in response to a light poking at my face brings me back to the world of the living.

"Morgan! What happened to you, buddy?" a high pitched female voice asks. I'm sure there was concern mixed in there as well but I truly couldn't pick it out from the bubbly...



"Cynthia?!" I exclaim, forgetting that I was pierced to the ground and cry out as the spear tears through my hand more.

So that wasn't a dream...

"Yeah, in the flesh! I finally made it after you jerks all left me. Why'd you do that huh? Didn't we make some sort of a pack as the last two? Stick together? Well you sure didn't do that buddy. You know how hard it was to find that portal?" she jumps back away from me, dropping the stick she had been using to poke my cheek.

"I left clear instructions," I grind through my teeth, going blind with pain yet again.

"They were too hard to read!"

"Cynthia, please. I am in a painful situation, could you help me out here a little?"

Her dark pigtails flip as she looks at my two wounded limbs, "You expect me to pull those out?"

"Yes, and then get me quickly to the camp where our families are."

"Mother's here?!" she screeches in joy, "Yes! Okay, what do you want me to do?"

I huff in the air and try to calm the shaking in my muscles, "Just pull them, don't worry if I scream. I know you're strong enough."

She frowns and her entire face falls with the expression into sadness, "Well okay.. You sure you won't bleed to death?"

"Just do it, Cynthia!"

My tone gets her to finally comply, as she grips the one in the calve of my leg I dig my free hand into the dirt and grit my teeth. I force myself to think about other things, to keep my mind away from what was about to happen.

I wasn't strong enough.

She jerks with all her might and I can feel the sharp object tear at already broken skin. I have nothing to shove into my mouth, so I settle for biting my tongue to keep from letting anymore but a deep grunt coming out.

Cynthia has switched to serious mode, "Just hold on, Morgan, just a little bit more," she encourages and she stumbles backwards, flinging the rod to the ground and shouting in victory. I would to, but I can see dark sparkles twinkling in a circle among the treetops that I stare up into.

The warm flow of blood also makes me realize I don't have much time to get to camp if I don't want to bleed out, so I take as much of a deep breathe as I can and call the girl over to remove the one through my palm. This one, I believe, would be harder.

"Are you sure? I could just cut it off here and then have it removed bac-"

"No, it's lodged in the ground as well. You might as well pull it all the way out." I respond raspily. I see her gulp down her fear and grab onto this stick, like the other one. I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself...

I told myself I wouldn't scream. I was a man. I just wouldn't!

But the body does tend to take over when going through excruciating trials. It's all my might to keep my other arm down, it wants to stop the tearing, but I can't let it interfere.

And then, just like that, Cynthia throws that stick away too with a huff and I lay there dazed, confused, and terribly out of it due to the pain receptors inside my brain.

I can barely make out the words she's saying, all I know is there's alot of them and a continuous stream. It's a pretty jumbled mess, like I was underwater and someone was speaking to me.

I pray to the Gods that I wasn't putting my life in the hands of such an airhead.

Miraculously, she catches on, and starts lifting me up off the ground. I feel bad cause she's quite smaller than me. My eyesight is blurry too, and I feel numb, but thanks okay cause I knew she was half dragging me so at least I didn't have to live through that.

Soothing sounds come from her, and I try to focus on them as she stumbles through the forest area. Then I realize something crucial, she has no idea where our camp is! And neither do I!

Oh fate, why are you so cruel?

I was destined to die out here. Why hadn't I thought about that before I was induced into this state of comatose?

Deep down, I actually feel like crying. I never asked for this, all I wanted to do was help mother and father with those undead creatures but now look where I am.

And like a child, all I wanted was to be held by my mother. Gods, that's all I wanted for years now. I kinda grew up too much for that though.

Just as I get to a low point, where I decide to accept the cards dealt to me, I hear multiple voices, some of them are shouting, all concerned, male and female voices. I can vaguely make out colors of clothing, and hair... White, light blue, green... There's a laugh, and I can place at least one identity.

There's only one person who would be laughing when someone was clearly near death. Henry.

And I give out a sigh of relief, maybe not outwardly, but inside. We found help. I think I could give into the swirling darkness again, it's so inviting.

I decide to take the offered hand, ignoring the calls "Stay with us!" and choosing the comfortable embrace rather than the bright light and noise.

Chrom's POV.

I wondered how long she would stand there, moving the report papers around, writing things down on the unused sides, and then circling places on the map. She was incredibly taken and focused with this work.

It was striking to see her back to her normal ways. This was how she was all the time, focused, unnerved. I missed this side.

But I didn't exactly mind if she was sensitive sometimes.

After minutes of watching her from just feet away, I clear my throat. She drops the quill.

"Shouldn't our tactician know if someone was watching them?" I lightly tease.

Maelys blows her surprise out and picks up the writing utensil again, "I can never tell when you're around. You're like an assassin or something meant to be undetectable."

"Maybe I should give up my profession as prince and join some unruly mercenaries then, eh?"

She laughs out loud at the idea, "Preposterous, I can only imagine you as a sell sword, 'Oh, sir, would you like some help with these raiders? What? You'll pay me.. Well sir, I wouldn't feel right.' besides look at Gregor, he's the epitome of not being stealthy."

I cross my arms and give a pained mock expression, "Then as you said, I'll be a highly trained assassin, or possibly a thief. Which suits me best?"

She turns all the way around, leaning against the table as she examines me thoroughly with her eyes. "You'd fail both, somehow you'd overthink the assassination mission and you'd feel too bad for robbing someone, even if they were rich. Honestly, you're stuck with what you are now. It's the only right fit." she replies with a smile, then reaches behind her and brandishes a paper.

"Do you know who did the report?" she asks.

"Yes, after getting over the initial shock that Kellam was with us, he asked permission to do it. That man notices everything, I swear, he should quit the knighthood and take on apprentice-ship with you." I suggest.

She furrows her brow and frowns, "Gods, I didn't even realize he came along. Maybe he should have my job."

"I have to agree, Frederick does a great job, but he forgets to add the good happenings."

"That's exactly what I liked about it. Regardless, I think I know our next move."

I walk over to join her at the table, looking at the notes she was previously working on. "We aren't sticking with the original plan?"

"A full on assault isn't likely anymore, if he has more of these monsters when we get there it'll be basically a suicide mission, even with knowing how to cast them out. We have to be more careful here on out, maybe even request a few more troops.." She mutters, taking the paper from me and writing that down.

"He's determined to stop us,"

"He's prepared to kill everyone to get at me, really." she replies, "Is it wrong for me to want to repay all the sorrows he's given me back at him? I feel like I shouldn't wish such things on one who gave me life. My father." she spits it out like venom.

"Is he really your father?" I ask, when she gives me a curious look, I continue on, "He may have helped in your creation, but he hasn't exactly raised you."

"That I know of, who knows how close we could have been before I lost my memory. Who really knows anything? Only he does, and I don't think I can even trust what he has to say."

"Then don't, just know who you are now, like I've been telling you. You are who are you in this very moment, not the person you think you were, or the person you fear you might become." I encourage, placing a hand on her arm to sooth her. She smiles back in thanks.

"Have you breakfasted yet?" I ask, I figured she hadn't been awake too long. She must have came straight here.

Maelys shakes her head, "No, I listened to your announcement then came straight here for the report. You did a good job getting everyone moving though, I expected to have more to do."

I shrug it off and readjust the sword at my side, "There's not anything to figure out at the moment, we really just need man power to continue the march. That's why I request you join me for a quick meal so we can go join our friends."

She flips her braid behind her and takes my offered arm, I expected more resistance, I expected her to avoid me because of what happened last night but.. This was the opposite of what I assumed.

I was more than okay with it.

"Did you get any sleep?" she pipes up from beside me, I feel he hand lightly touching my forearm as we walk along the camp.

Her closeness was intoxicating. "Very little, but by the Gods, when I got up I had new energy. Maybe I've become accustomed to little rest."

Maelys scoffs, "Maybe the Gods are giving you the power to press on. Wish that'd happen to me."

"You seem adjusted and awake?"

"My mind may be fine but my body sure feels lacking. It's truly fine though, I know what you're going to say. I refuse to rest further. If my friends can do it, I will work as well." she says determinedly.

That woman knew me too well. We walk up to the tied back entrance to the mess tent and she releases my arm hastily.

I respond to her sudden change just as quickly, turning to the side to address the problem, but she's got her back to me and stares towards the open woods to the right of our base.

"Maelys?" I ask, she was zoned out.

She starts walking away from me, just as Lucina rushes out of a nearby tent, "Morgan?" she asks, looking in the same direction as the tactician.

Orange hair turns around, her and Lucina meet up halfway between where they both were located. Concern on both of their faces, I move away from my position to listen to their conversation.

"I heard him last night.. He called my name. He sounded like he was strained." Lucina tells the other woman.

"What was that just then? Why did we both sense it?"

"What's going on?" I ask, looking between them.

"I just felt my brother's presence nearby, as did Maelys." Lucina replies, they share another look before Maelys rubs an eyebrow in concetration. "It's probably nothing.. Let's just go eat." she fights looking at me, probably because of the emotions she's trying to conceal from my daughter.

Who sends me a glare as the woman walks inside, "You're eating with her?" her voice is accusatory.

"Lucina, you know Morgan is Maelys' and my son, I can't just.."

She shakes her head, "In my future, he's not any relation. I think he just got a concussion when passing through, but that woman is not his mother. Sumia is. You're making a mistake, father."

I narrow my eyes at her harsh speak, "I'll make my own decisions about this. You can't explain why his eyes are the same shade of green as Maelys's."

She opens her mouth to retort but clamps it shut in realization, "But... That's impossible!"

"Please try and be more sociable to her, she is our tactician and has guided us without folly this entire time."

"Father, she's going to destro-"

"Lucina, I do not wish to speak about this further. Put it to rest." I command, not even bothering to wait for her response before following the object of my daughter's untrust inside for a bowl of oatmeal, grits or something of the like.

Maelys's POV.

I am almost glad that the grainy mush had no taste. I think my stomach would rebel if it was took sweet or savory this morning, especially after that exchange.

Truly, if that girl could put a knife through my back while I was asleep with no fear of consequences, she would. I had to remind myself that she was just worried about my mental state and the prophecy that she hoped wouldn't come true.

At least, I think that's why it was. Hopefully she wasn't so petty to believe I destroyed her father's marriage and was seeking revenge over that.

I don't look up as Chrom sets his bowl in the place in front of me and sits down, we were the only two eating a late breakfast, the only other person was Cherche, who made sure that the food wasn't burning the pot or the fire wasn't getting out of hand.

She was actually in the process of killing the fire so she could go help with repairs. I apoligized for taking more of her time, but she just smiled sweetly and filled a bowl up, asking me how I slept and the like.

Apparently, Chrom isn't in the mood for further talk either and we eat in silence until a light green haired girl bursts through, she looks around until her eyes land on me. "There you are! We found him!"

The spoon clanks onto the table as I stare at Severa, she gets an annoyed look and motions for us to follow, "Come on, dad has him. They sent me ahead."

I rise from the table, and I feel Chrom next to me, and I'm thankful for his steady posture to remind me that I needed to stay composed. I follow the girl outside and look over to where she points, in the same direction that both Lucina and I had been staring at minutes before.

"Thank you, Severa, will you find Lucina?" Chrom asks, and the girl shrugs, "I guess so, but be careful with him. He's pretty beat up, I didn't wanna say anything, but I think it'd be best to worn you."

I feel my stomach drop, "Wait!" I exclaim, and she pauses, "How bad is he hurt?"

She grimaces "He needs medicial attention or he may bleed out. So please don't..." her words fall on deaf ears because I caught a glimpse of movement in the trees.

I start walking away from her and Chrom, towards the rustling, until I see the small search party. Virion leads the way with Henry and a young brown haired girl who've I've never seen before.

"Heeeeyy there Maelys! We found Morgan!" Henry exclaims giddily.

"Good job, thank you Virion." Chrom says from behind me, he follows just a few steps behind.

Virion bows slightly as he walks towards us, I stop walking and peer over their heads to see Stahl's tall body close behind, he walks slowly, deliberately and carefully. A grim expression.

I look further down away from his face and feel the blood drain from my face. "Morgan.." I whisper, taking a step forward.

"Brother!" Lucina flies past and I watch as Stahl lowers Morgan to the ground where Lucina wipes at her younger brothers forehead, "My Gods, what happened," I can hear her say.

Virion calls for a healer, and CHrom lays a hand on my shoulder, comforting the turmoil he knows is boiling up inside. I have to be patient, I could sit with him at the medical tent, I could wait.. He needs his sister.

But just as I get that through my head, I hear a raspy, shaky voice emerge from him. "Mother, where's mother?" he asks, and Lucina glances over me. I know I shouldn't intrude but..

I walk over anyway.

Gods, he's my son.

"Mother?" he asks for me again.

It's making my heart break. I get near, and I can see the dried blood soaking through his shirt sleeve, I see newly flowing blood at his leg, I try and keep looking for the damage done but sickness at the thought of him with that pain is rising up so I focus on his face.

His tortured face.

"Oh, Morgan!" I exclaim, falling to my knees. My motherly instincts taking over.

He weakly reaches his hand over and I grasp it, rubbing it gently and ignoring the girl next to me. Stahl rises and walks behind us, I hear the clasp of hands and a hug, knowing that was him and Chrom.

"Mother, it's really you?"

"Of course, yes." I say, using my free hand and lightly touching his nose with a teary smile.

His eyes widen and start to water, "Y-you," he coughs and I shush him, but he continues to speak, "You used to do that when I was younger too. Whenever I got hurt, you always pressed my nose!"

Dear Naga, my heart couldn't take this.

Where was a damn healer?!

"Mother why are you crying?" he asks, but I could ask him the same thing as tears leak from the corners of his eyes and fall on the ground below.

I shake my head and wipe at the tears with the back of my free hand. "Because you're hurting and I was so scared that I lost you."

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, "Will you hold me?"

Chrom crouches down next to me, relief spread all over his face and I realize that he must have been just as worried as I was. "Aren't you a little big for that?" he asks teasingly.

"No, no he's not." I answer, moving so that I sit crosslegged and gently pull the boy who was technically bigger than I was, but I gather him halfway into my lap and wrap an arm around his chest so that his head leans against my stomach.

I smooth his hair back and coo gently, encouraging him and saying things I didn't even know I knew. I look up to meet Chrom's soft gaze and against all the odds and all the steps I try to take to make sure fate doesn't follow the same path, it seems determined to put me in a hard position.

This was my little family and I was far too enamored with it.

This boy in my arms was my son, no doubts, no reservations. I cried tears of joy of having him back. This felt so right, this was what I was meant to be.

And that man, who now gently rubs my back and speaks to Morgan all fatherly-like. He was my husband, or would be.. One day.

I would make it all happen. I would make sure this was never disturbed. Validar was going down, that dragon was going down. I wanted this more than anything else, and nothing could stop me.

Continua llegint

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